Jamie Raskin writes about possible disqualification of two justices in a New York Tmes op-ed. No paywall, Kind of surprising they printed it.

Jamie Raskin writes about possible disqualification of two justices in a New York Tmes op-ed. No paywall, Kind of surprising they printed it.
Yesterday, Wonkette referred me to this clip from The Daily Show. I;ve set it to start where he starts on Alito. It is a hoot. Also, I reached my plumber, who will becoming today (and will likelty have come by the time anyone reads this.) Sorry to be so late!
This is noteworthy, particularly in Mississippi. I wish the Supreme Court would take notice.
I knew about this – you may also have read about it – but then I don’t pay attention to what Ursula calls the “Legacy media.”
Yesterday, I wasn’t able to get in touch with my plumber, so I’ll be trying again today.
On Sunday, Heather Cox Richardson wrote about Africa – its past, its present, and hopes for its future. Of course, when Trump** comes in the door hope flies out of a window. All of those hopes are dependent on heeping Joe and Kamala in the White House another four years. And frankly, I have fears for what may happen after that.
I realize this is late for Memorial day – but it’s also Robert Reich. And he also looks ahead with it so it’s more than just Memorial Day.
Yesterday, Trinette came by. I didn’t have a lot for her to do, but I had muffins to give her – gluten free with duck eggs and coconut milk (and raspberries.) Later, while looking for an image, I found this. Hanky alert.
Joyce Vance originally wrote this for café, but the Brennan Center picked it up (with permission). Sometimes the newest news is less important than much older precedents – in other words, history.
In addition to the Memorial Day Thoughts of his title, Robert Hubbell has some information on the Supreme Court, including how to file a complaint. Correct me if I am wrong, but wan’t it the right that was ao adamant that all people had to do was “Just Say No” to drugs? They need to learn to “Just Say No” to bribes – and sedition.
Yesterday, Robert Reich announced he is starting a series he is calling “Debunk” in which he will debunk the ten biggest political-economic myths. It’ll run for ten weeks. Any episode i don’t share i will at least link to so you can follow it.
The headline here says it all, really. And the artice connects the dota, with each new dot adding something more appalling.
This should bring a smile to your face. (I wonder whether they invited Bernie to the ceremony.)
Yesterday, I observed that Donald Trump** is now claiming that Biden ordered him assassinated, specifically on the day of the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Magats are, frankly, to evil to eben be able to imagine a person who just wouldn’t do that, so perhaps we should counter with something like “Democrats get things done. If Joe wanted him assassinated, he’d have been assassinated. He wasn’t. End of story.” Also, among the petitions I signed was one for Thomas and Alito to recude from the Trump** immnity case. Actually, I’d rather leave those to on and have the three he nominated recuse.Knocking out those two still leaves it 4-3, and the best hope we have is for Roberts to do the right thing. But if we knock out Gorsuch, Javanaugh and Barrett, it’s now 3-3. Unless Roberts does the right thing, there’s an unbreakable tie.
I’m going to word my hanky alert differently on this by quoting Shakespeare’s Mark Antony: “If youhave tears, prepare to shed them now.” Yes, I’m preaching to the choir. But sharing it couldn’t hurt.
Just as I’m highly in favor of the National Interstate Popular Vote Compact, because I don’t see any possibility to amend the Constitution without the nation being able to see that the popular vote works, I also don’t see equirable tax reform happening unless people can see it works. That’s why I;m posting this,and enci=ourage sharing it as widely as possible.
And here is yet another article which desperately needs to be widely shared. I’ll try to help on this one with the”Food for Thought” cartoon below.
Yesterday, after seeing Virgil, I slept in, as pretty much always. It isn’t the visit that is tiring, nor the driving, but the missed sleep before it. Yeah, I know, you’d think I’d take something for that, but my reactions to all substances, on and off the schedule are so paradoxical, I haven’t found anythong I can trust to always work. For instance, caffeine tends to help(as I said – paradoxical) but isn’t reliable. I’ve been playing a bit with chocolate, which works better than caffeine alone, but again, not reliable. I’m really not comfortable any more playing with anything on the schedule. Oh, and I’ve also tried deliberately shorting my sleep for a few days before the night I need to get up early, and that also doesn’t work. I ticed when posting that I ssem to have picked a good deal of snark for today. All of it is appropriate for the material, so I hope y’all don’t mind. Even Beau is unusually snarky. Also, my package from Katie Porter’s merch arrived, as did an email that what she still has is all 20% off, in case anyone is interested.
Of course Wonkette is going to be snarky even with good news, and this is indeed good news. It’s well sourced – even includes a gift link to the Washington Post – so if you want it more serious it’s available.
(Gift link – you stll need to click but it looks different) Jeff Tiedrich puts more substance between his profanities in his blog but doesn’t dispense with them entirely, and of course he is always snarky. You may already have read about this new demand for Joe to take a drug test before he’ll debate him. I think I’d say “Sure, pal – after you.” But that’s just me.
Yesterday, Wonkette informed me about the male-genitals-shaped balloons Trump** supporters had released Thursday outside the courthouse where he is being tried. Most of us outgrow our toddler obsession with genitals at an age much younger than these people have (God knows how) achieved. Also, there was a kerfuffle in the House involving Representatives Jasmine Crockett and Marjorie Three Names. Many people have had something to say about this. My take is that I’m going to the Atlanta Black Star to get some Black folks’ take before I even begin to formulate my lily-white take. And then, there’s this. (And no, you aren’t losig it, Jamie is still from Maryland -that was in error.)
This story from Joyce Vance is years old – but she (and the nation) have only just learned about it now. And that fact alone may be the biggest part of the story.
Sigh. I suppose we should have known this was coming – somewhere. And it will probably be repeated. It is well sourced, but I chose this link rather than ne of the sources, partly because I thought there was value in the comments.