Jun 262024

Yesterday, having been up the previous night well into the morning, I slept late. I did manage to get up soon enough to call my doctor’s ofice about an appoinrment, but I still had to leave a message. But not that i can drive again, I need to get there and get labs so I can get a prescription straight. They’ll call back.  Also, Andy Borowitz came up with this idea.  What do you think?

Now that we know who is doing this, I suppose the next step is a cease and desist order, and then a big money lawsuuit. At least I hope so. This dude must be stopped (and not rreplaced.)

I always thought Crooks and Liars was progressive – but apparently someone thinks they are not progressive enough, so they are “curating” some articles now, such as this one. Both Elizabeth Warren and Robert Reich weigh in.

Jun 242024

Yesterday, Trinette came by. I didn’t have a lot for her to do, but we had a good talk. She says hi to everyone.

This sems like a pretty big deal to me. I hope we are successful in the end – and maybe Nepal can be next.

I haven’t seen all the decisions handed down Friday by SCOTUS, but I did see this report on this one. Despite having lived practically on the banks of the Rio Grande for almost 20 years (in Alamosa), I have no idea whether this is good decision or not. Certainly there are a whole lot of other states which get water from the Rio Grande, and I wouldn’t want those states to get screwed (one of them is mine.) If I knew who the 5 and the 4 were, I’d have a far better idea just from that.

Jun 212024

Yesterday, SCOTUS issued verdicts and opinions in 4 cases (none involving TFG) – Moore, Chaverini, Diaz and Gonzales. I, on the other hand, took in a grocery order and baked cookies. (Given this Court, my accomplishments were orobablly better for the country.) Today, we can expect more verdicts and opinions. My reference for these decisions and more is here.  P.Ss – Tonight is a full moon. And a “strawberry moon” is expected – low in the sky and so bright it is its own light pollution.

The latest Biden-Harris ad, on YouTube. I’m not as convinced as many seem to be of its effectiveness against brainwashed MAGAts. But then, it’s probably not aimed at them, but at independents and undecideds. With them, it should help.

The Daily Beast’s “Obsessed” section is all about entertainment. But this cought my eye as a piece of fiction I would love to be a part of in real life. The protagonist is known as “The girl with the Dragon Tattoo of journalism,” and she takes on evil corporations. I remember when the first Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novel came out – at least one reviewer compared her to “Pippi Longstocking” grown up.” I’m sure part of that was because both were Swedish – but there were other traits they had in common as well.

Jun 192024

Yesterday, Joyce Vance shared a link to the “Projct 2025” ducument which is the Republican Party’s plan for governing us (and it will be governing us – no representation here.) It’s 920 pages long, and they are joping we won’t read it (heck, I had to struggle with the URL. It resisted being cut. But maybe that’s a good thing. Every time this link is used, the Republicans will know it’s someone who was, directly or indirectly, referred to it by Joyce Vance. And the more of us do, the more they will know she has supporters.) Because they hope we won’t read it, I hope that all of us will at least open the link. If you go, start with the Table of Contents. Ignore the glittering generalities, such as “the general welfare.” All the chaters are aspects of government which they wasnt to take over and destroy. All they need is Trump**.  Try to enjoy your Juneteenth anyway (red beverages are apropos.  I have some res herbal iced tea, some raspberry iced tea, and some strawberry soda, so I’m ready.)

I applaud Colorado for leading the way here. Our law may not be perfect (in fact, it probably isn’t – it’s nearly impossible to achieve peerfection in the very first law on anything new. The Second Amendment certainly didn’t.)  But at least it’s a law. I hope other states will not just follow, but also alter details to make the law better.

If you disagree with me that Wonkette’s unique style adds to this story, you probably can find it elsewhere. I personally feel that people who say and do things such as the potential defendant in this potential litigation dod ans said deserve all the mockery that gets aimed at them, and likely more. There’s also a neat little twist of Virginia law in the story, and although I can see how it could be abused,I kind of like it.

Jun 182024

Yesterday, when I had the time and energy to finish reading my emails from Sunday, I came across Joe Biden’s Father’s Day Proclamation (courtesy of Steve Smith), read it, and am sharing the link. That’s the world that I want to live in. It’s not a perfect world – there is no perfect world – but it’s a world in which at least the Federal goverment is run with ethics, honesty, kindness, and consideration, in order to make life easier for the maximum number of people. I’m sure I don’t need to say this, but I’m going to anyway: we willl never get there by electing people at any levels who just want power – and who get elected by promising their voters power through them. Also, Robert Reich’s caption contest, which asked readers to submit suggestions for whar “MAGA” really stands for, ad too many good answers to list here. I can’t enter, being a free subscriber, but had I been ale and done so, I would have suggested “Malice And Greed Always.”

Moving to actual news (or at least actual analysis of actual news – there’s some of both), Robert Hubbell goes into detail about how and why the Washington Post is so worng in their election coverage, even though they still do well in other areas (some of this ofcourse also apples to the New York Times, and other formerly competent mainstream outlets.) If he is accurate on their strategy (and I suspect he is), it’s easy to see why he wonders whether the Post can survive. It’s a no-brainer.

In Sunday’s Open Thread, Beau spoke about Ukraine, including commenting that Ukraine might be operating in the skies a little more – which, with the loan he also spoke about – they have been doing. Now, the Daily Beast confirms that Ukraine is hitting hard, and it is working. We can but hope Putin is runninng out of things up his sleeve.

Jun 172024

Yesterday, I managed to remember it was Father’s Day in time to wish Virgil a happy one. The prison dog’s handler brought him out to say happy Father’s Day to all the visitors. And of course we played cribbage. Two weeks ago the cards were seriusly hot – we were seeing scores up as high as 24. Yesterday not so much. The highest score all afternoon was 16, and there were only 3 hands all afternoon which achieved that score. But who cares – we were having fun.

Before we get too giddy over the Supremes approving mifeprestone (for now), we need to look deeper. Robert Hubell does. There are several topics here, but each has its own large type headline, so it’s not hard to find. And some of the other topics are pretty interesting also.

Yes, it took me a while to get this up. But I try to minimize bad news over a weekend. At least there are influential people who see right through this and are doing their best to spread reality. Unfortunately, the media is not among them.

Jun 162024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Guillaume Tell” by Rossini. Everybody knows the story, and everybody knows the overture (though there’s a lot more to it than the Lone Ranger.) This was recorded in Vienna, at the Vienna State Opera. I do think it’s cool that anAustrian opera house would put on an opera in which Austria in general and an Austrian governor of Switzerland are the bad guys. Even though the story goes back to the 14th century, that would not have happened in Rossini’s lifetime and for most of the rest of the 19th century (possibly even through Thw Great War, as World War I was originally called.) I find this very hopeful. And now, I’m off to see Virgil.

I’d call this good news – while st the same time hoping it won’t be necessary for Hunter (The other felon is another matter.)

The Reich on the left is right – as usual – but how to get this message to the Biden campaign? Since our lives mey depend on it?

Jun 132024

Yesterday, I got the email that my ballot has been received. Also, the exterminator tech came and checked aroud (inside and out) and said it’s lookng even better than 2 months ago. So it will be another two months before the next ckheck. And I managed to watch a good amount of “An Enemy of the People.” (I came a little late.) I have always thought of “An Enemy of the People on terms of public health, like the pandemic. And it certainly does illuminate the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, But it has much wider application. It also helps to explain climate denial and even aspects of MAGA. As Dr. Vivian Pinn, Director Emeritus of NIH Women’s Health Resources tols PBS, the protagonist did everything right as a scientist ans everything wrong as a communicator.

It takes a district with a lot of crazy people to elect crazy candidates. I don’t say “full of” – because there are sane people everywhere who are already traumatized enough by just having to live in the same district with them and do not need to, and should not, be lumped in with them.

I’ve said that two things which have changed in my Congressional District have given me some hope.  This may reinforce those two things.
