Aug 242024

Apologies for posting late.

Yesterday, I read an email from Rick Steves. For anyone who doesn’t know, he is the dude who (for probably more years than I’ve been married) has been making travel shows which are broadcast on PBS. I’ve never been really into travel, but I am into inclusion and multiculturalism, and his shows are big on those. I don’t normally read his emails, but they are also so few and far between I haven’t bothered to unsubscribe – plus he’s a good human being who suports, among other, Bread for the World. Yesterday, for some reason, I did read it, and I’m glad I did. It tuens out he has prostate cancer. That, of course, is not necesarily a death sentence like pancreatic cancer, but it’s also no fun. It appears not to have spread and he expects to be scheduled for aurgery in late September, before which he plans (with his doctor’s permission) to film two new shows, both in France. Over the years he has become less and less a travel host and more and more a good will ambassador (and oh boy, do we need those right now.) If you’ve never seen one, there are 100 available at this link. I watched “Iceland” because it was at the top, being the featured one for August, but the farther down you scroll, the more options.

And now I need to rant for a bit. Not just here in the United States, but also all around the world. People think of politics as being defined by “Left” and “Right” – concepts which come from the first French post-revolution legislative body, in which the conservative members sat on the right side of the room while the more liberal sat on the left side of the room. It was convenient, so it stuck. But language has not caught up with the reality that “Left” and “Right” refer to economic theories, not to overall political opinions. Certainly still today people probably vote “Left” or “Right” and think about how each side’s policies will affect them financially. But there’s more to politics than economics. That’s why the “Political Compass” was invented – and this election displays why that matters. Because the distinction between “authoritarians” and “egalitarians” (the Political Compass site uses the term “libertarian” but, besides the fact that it has been stolen and no longer means what it used to, I doubt whether it would have been the best word even in its oldest sense.) – that distinction is what this election is all about. Not economics, even though that also matters. And this article IMO is an example of how one’s conclusions may not be reliable if one fails to recognize the dimensins of politics. (In fact, there may well be a third dimension based on whether one does or does not believe in accountability. But I’d have to think long and hard about how to describe it in two adjectives.) Bottom line, politics is not just one thing – and different people can have wildly different opinions even if they agree on economics – and can easily get sucked in supporting politicans who they would hate if they understood the implications of those politicians’ views – provided they and the politicians are equally “left” or equally “right.” OK, end of rant. For now.

Heather Cox Richardson writes about the history of conventions – which is connected to the history of parties – so she writes about that also

Aug 232024

Yesterday, Colorado Public Radio reported on a study from Colorado University (Boulder) which suggests that low blood levels of cortisol are related to long CoViD, and that, although if you google (or DuckduckGo) cortisol, you’ll find much more on how to get your levels down than how to get them up, nevertheless cortisol “is key for humans to generate energy, for everyday activities and also to exercise.” Let me emphasize that this study appears to be the first of its kind and therefore extremely preliminary. Don’t start chugging coffee or binging on sugar if you have long CoViD until and unless your doctor tells you to. But it’s interesting, and particularly so to anylne interested in the roles the body plays in learning and memory.

Although the FBI is trying to at least gain some headway against those who organize into groups (and I believe that falls under RICO laws so prosecution is at least possible.) In case you can’t access it, I printed it to a PDF which I can email if you are interested.

Wonkette is woman-owned, and this post was written by her husbamd (who goes by “Shypixel”). And there is some family history in the post, including how Shy discovered he was a Democrat. But if you aren’t interested in that, scroll down to the last 5 paragraphs (3 of which are only a short sentence each) beginning with “The infectious feelings of hope and love.” I found it an encouraging reminder of the best in us.

Aug 212024

Yesterday, I read an email from Colorado’s Attorney General which had me in tears – good tears for the accomplishment, mixed with sorrow for the lost time. I lived in the San Luis Valley from the time I got out of the Marine Corps (1976) until 1991 when the jpb situation thre pushed me and Virgil to move to Colorado Springs. That was the time of my life when I was a real cat lady. I don’t recall opiates being a problem there then. Alcohol, yes. But the big medical thing was diabetes and the fact that it hit Hispanics so much harder than non-Hispanics. Unfortunately I can’t link to the email, but I can link to the article in the Valley Courier – still in print thankfully – which tells the story also. He’s a Democrat, so I have always voted for him any time he was on my ballot. I hope he stays in office for a long, long time.

Steve Schmidt – a couple of days old – but unless his prediction has alread come to pass, not too old. And we should be ready for it, and then, even if it turns out to be wrong, we’ll be fine.

Personally I would

but I’m glad someone is saying it out loud. because there are people who do not realize how bad it actually is. And you cannot fight something if you don’t know it even exists. I think we can do this, but we cannot forget for a moment what we are up against.

This is the good news. The bad news. of course, it that it’s today’s courts it will have to go through, not, for example the Warren Court (I’m pretty sure no relation to Elizabeth.) Kroger and Albertson’s being the only two big conglomerates is already a monopoly (technically it’s a duopoly, but these two are like-minded like Charlie and David.)

Aug 202024

Yesterday, the Atlanta Black Star had a story which horrified me – not that that is unusual – but this one is a bit out of the ordinary. Stories of abusive cops assaulting people of color are, sadly, still a dime a dozen. But when the abusive cop is running for Congress – that puts it into a different category. The ABS doesn’t mention the District number, but it is the one currently served by Democrat Pat Ryan, so it’s the 18th, in the Hudson Valley. This is his official site. If you can spare anything for an election other than the Presidential one, this would be one to consider.

I have alluded to this before – and I don’t want anyone to forget it. As Joyce Vance says, “History is full of failed coups that were preludes to successful ones.” So we must take it seriously and use every means at our disposal.

Posted without comment. I’m sorry. But I just can’t.

Seems like absolutely no one except Mary Trump wants to talk about this. I saw somewhere that the statute of limitations had expired, since the incident occurred in 2015.I don’t know what the Federal statute of limitations is on taking a bribe. But I’m pretty sure that there’s no statute of limitations in a Federal RICO case.

Aug 182024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Rusalka” by Dvorak, which is the Czech version of the little mermaid. Like the Andersen original, it does not end well (Czech folk tales in general tend to be noticeably grimmer than Grimm). After the prince spurns the rusalka for the foreign princess, the former princess spurns him, devastatingly, telling him to follow his witch to hell. Which he pretty much does. Wonderful music. The “Song to the Moon” may be the best known, but the Polonaise also gets a lot of play. And short enough for me to go back to local radio and hear again almost the last almost-an- hour of “Don Carlo.”

As you watch the Democratic National Convention on TV (or whatever) from the comfort of your home, be glad you are not a Smithsonian curator. Seriously, it’s difficult to keep track of everything the Smithsonian does to preseerve American culture and history. Every once in a while I like to take a look at it, and also remind others.

I realize everyone and his dog (or her cat) is coming out with information on Project 2025. If the aggregate of these guides does not yet surpass the number of pages in the Poject itself, it likely will soon. This is Lakota Law’s version, based on comparing it to “settler violence,” otherwise known as “US policy throughout the 19th century.” The comparison is, IMO, apt, and I think examining it can benefit far more people than just Native Americans and people of color.

Aug 162024

Yesterday, I wondered whether anyone who comes here lives in Chicago. Because Wonkette is having a sort of party there on Sunday. I believe there will be snacks, and I’m certain there will be drinks. (If they were bringing their own bartender, there would be drinks you did not know existed. I’ve read some of his recipes and he is a perfectionist. But they’re not. So it will be mostly beer.) It will be between 5 and 7:30 PM in the bar of the Kaiser Tiger. Details here. Also, Tim Walz’s dog Scout is on the cover of Vogue’s September issue, Also, too my stuff got picked p – so my porch is cleared and ready for more.

Robert Reich on what Harris could do as President to make the economy better. Yes, it gets a bit technical. But it’s Robert Reich, so it’s clearly explained.

CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) has done an investigation of the Republican plan to infiltrate state election systems with themselves in order to refuse to certify elections they don’t like the results of. I’ve seen stories on this, and I’m sure you have too, but nothing beats an investigation report from a responsible citizens’ group. You do have to use the “download” button in order to read it. It downloads as a PDF and does so very rapidly, and it requires less than 7MB of disc space.

Aug 132024

Yesterday, Tina Peters was convicted on 7 (out of 10) charges, 4 of which were felonies. Ten out of ten would have been perfect – but this is pretty good. Since I didn’t follow the exact charges, it may be very good. Certainly it makes her a felon, and convicted felons can’t vote, until (and unless) they have completely satisfies all obligations imposed (such as parole successfully completed and no unpaid fines.) She will likely appeal, and want to vote while it’s pemding, and i don’t know what the rule is on that. Also, she can’t legally leave the country (most other countries would not have her anyway) until all obligations are satisfied. And she probably knows all that, but may still get a few surprises.

Nice for me to have someone whose job is to evaluate the media saying what I’ve been saying for years: “fair” and “balance” are not only not synonyms, they’re virtual antonyms when one “side” lies constantly and the other is a struthful as it possibly can be. That does a real disservice to viewers who just want to know what is happening.

Kevin Roberts’s (the architect of Project 2025) book has been postponed, and will now not be published in September but in November, after the election. But I hope and believe it’s too late for that. The full project, over 900 pages, has been made public on the internet, and just about everywhere you turn, you’ll see someone else (with credentials) offering to explain the worst parts of it. And now, even their secret training videos have been exposed by Pro Publica.

Aug 112024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “Don Carlo,” which takes place in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, and features mostly actual historical figures of very interesting people, not entirely accurately. This one came with lots of pictures, and it must have been beautiful to see. However I would have found it distracting that the tenor singing the title role resembles RFK Jr. (Thatmay be more historically accurate than the libretto, since the real Don Carlo was a real jerk.) But this opera is one of my favorites, and it’s not heard that often, so I was grateful. Also, Steve Schmidt has a new “The Schmidt Storm” up. And now I’m off to see Virgil.

We all know this in general terms. But the numbers are getting horrifying. I wonder whether we could convince any by arguing that is public schools stopped requiring students to be vaccinated, they would lose their excuse to send the kids to private and charter schools or to home school and would have to send them to public schools. Nah, probably not.

This is also a couple of days old. But it has some information about Project 2025 which will be good to know. (And he shares another astronomical photo. He is no relation to the Hubble telescope – it’s spelled differently. He’s just good at using what he does have.)
