Mar 022025

Yesterday, the radio opera was Bizet’s “Carmen.” I doubt I have to say anything about the plot, but this is a recording from 2010 wth Robertu Alagna and ElΔ«na Garanča, which may have been a Live in HD presentation, and if it was, I saw it on television, back in the day when it was easy to get multiple channels without cable. You may laugh at what I remember … but one of the features in the production was that as Don JosΓͺ got farther and farther from respectability, they want to show that his hair had grown. (Wigs are nothing new at the Met – many people with perfectly good hair use them, and sometimes a production will require one or more as in this production.) By the time they got to act four it was a wig at or a little below the shoulder. Between the stage business and the lighting, it made Alagna look like Alan Rickman playing Snape. (If you have read the last book and/or seen the last two movies, you know that killing the woman he loved is NOT something Snape would ever have done, no matter how jealous he was.) I know the opera well – have even played second violin in a college orchestra in the seventies (not well I’m afraid, but I worked hard.) If I hadn’t I would have been so distracted I’d have completely lost the plot. I even found an email address for the lighting designer and asked whether that was in tended (it wasn’t. And it’s impossible to predict what people will actually see in a production.) If I’m right, and that’s the same one, it was enough to make me forget Barbara Frittoli and Teddy Tahu Rhodes (there is an actual website called “Barihunks,” and he is one). On another subject, I want to mention “Americans of Conscience.” This is a good site to have in your playbook, especially if you are fit and wanting to do something but don’t know what. Even I, who have issues these days with activity, can find something in their site – in their gratitude section, I can send thank you notes to people who have displayed courage and doing the right thing. I would look at their cookies and opt out of the non-necessary ones, but then I mostly do that anyway. They use WordPress, as do we, so they may already have anything they would collect. In Friday’s email they listed five people to thank and I thanked four of them – I could not bring myself to thank Susan Collins for voting the right way on a Trump** nominee. Had her vote prevailed, I might have, but it didn’t. One other thing – After finding the Ukrainian government’s GoFundMe-like site Friday, I subscribed to it, and yesterday I got the first email from it. They are not letting any grass grow under their feet. They are making 100 Tshirts with this quote from Zelenskyy’s – whatever it’s called when someone is attacked by a mob – Friday: “I’ll wear the costume when this war is over.” And anyone who donates from the email (or possibly just at the website for a limited time) will be entered into a drawing for one.

Wonkette‘s story here is I think mixed rather than totally good. But it does have enough smiles in it that I wanted to share it.

This, also from Wonkette, I consider very good. It’s a little less new, but I hope worth waiting for. I’m not crazy about the point of law on which they based the decision, which is that in order to vacate a conviction the defendant’s constitutional rights must have been violated in some way. And this is almost certainly not the time nor the Congress to ask to pass a law that a conviction may be vacated if there is proof of actual innocence even if there wasa just a good faith mistake. But maybe that’s something to look at.

This is from USA Today, and I would not have seen it had not Faithful America referred me to it. But I’d say it’s good news as far as it goes. It would be better news if there were anyone in this Justice Department who would enforce it (or allow it to be enforced.)

Feb 282025

Today is the day we are all supposed to avoid buying anything, in person or on line. Robert Reich is one of those calling for this action. The more who participate the better, as there will always be some who didn’t get the words, and some who will over-buy just to spite us. Today is also the beginning of Ramadan. It can come at any time of the year, being based on a specific lunar calendar unique to Islam, but when it comes at this time of the year, it can be tempting to think “Oh, that’a the Islamic version of Lent.” It isn’t. Both involve fasting, sure, but with a different approach. With Lent the approach is penitential, and it’s nos supposed to be fun. In Islam, the fasting is approached with joy. And while both come to an end of triumph of some kind, that too is different from the Christian calendar. There’s a big gap between being gifted with the Holy Book and rising from the dead. I am not in any way about to say the one is better – rather I hope to call a little attention to the fact that loving our neighbors becomes easier if we are open to looking at our similarities and differences though others’ eyes and not just through our own.

Mary Trump is, quite reasonably, not happy that main stream media outlets are not taking the danger we are in seriously. And she is right. There are a few people on MSN we can still trust – but we have to wonder for how long. And being able to trust a few individuals does not mean being able to trust the station. I was aware of each point Mary made before reading this, and I expect all the readers here were also. But that’s because we care. So many people don’t – so many claim to “not do politics” and apparently have no idea that politics does them. Sigh.

Robert Reich sums it up. Not everyone on Substack allows unpaid subscribers to read comments – but Reich does. And his readers mange to have actual conversations (which you can see by clicking on the number of replies listed under each post shown.)

ProPublica exposes the collaboration of HUD. Although with all the Mango Monster’s nominees getting confirmed, I don’t expect them to be alone. What’s happening at Defense may be the most obviously scary, but there is plenty of other damage which is being done.

Feb 272025

Yesterday, I discovered that the reason my Win10 desktop will not run or even load any games is that, though it has a 64bit processor, it only has a 32bit OS. Yes, it took me long enough to figure that out. And upgrading the OS is going to be a time consuming and tedious process spanning multiple (not necessarily consecutive) days. At least my 8.1 will still run them, so I can take my time. Rushing something like this is a great way to lose data. (At least, if I scream a lot, y’all won’t have to hear me. πŸ™‚ Also, here’s a link to a petition which, in my not so humble opinion, should have way more signers than it has, or even than the sponsor is asking for. See what you think.

It’s all too easy, with so much chaos here, to forget that there’s a world out there – and that we are being watched and judged by it. But it’s the case. Heather Cox Richardson looks at it – and at the contrast in the way we were seen in the previous administration, as opposed to how we are seen now. Embarrassing as it is, I think this change is a good thing. If the rest of the world, particularly Europe, were to sound approving of us right now, I’d be far more worried than I am.

Well, it’s here. The 19th reports the first death of a child caused by measles from an outbreak in like 30 years (There was an isolated on in 2018 which may have involved international travel in some way, but there was not an outbreak. Now there is – about 129 kids in west Texas are measles patients.) I think the details are such that your reaction, like mine, will be “Well, we tried to warn you.” I still have all my extra masks from CoViD and intend to use them if necessary.

Yes, a third article, this one from Wonkette. I feel like a broken record saying “We tried to warn you.” But here we are.

Feb 242025

Yesterday, Virgil and I played cribbage – and did some reminiscing about Fred, which was bittersweet. His legacy – the station announced his passing on Thursday and started then playing comments from other announcers, former announcers, the manager, former managers, and listeners about their memories. They continued all day Friday – except for a two-hour special featuring more comments and his favorite music. Than they continued interspersing comments all day Saturday (except for the opera – it runs live so there’s no way for an individual station to carve out any time, and besides, Fred would have hated that – he loved opera at least as much as I do – probably more.) Then yesterday it continued. It may continue today. I’m certainly not tired of it.

There is a lot of good-to-know information in this The F* News article. The Governor of Maine is just the hors d’oeuvres, if you will. What convinced me to post it was its explanation, complete with links to evidence, of why having a Medicare Advantage plan is literally paying for the privilege of having your claims denied.

I don’t watch network TV, or any TV really – if you do, you’ve likely heard that Joy Reid (Th Reid Out) has been fired from MSN. I expect some of you have already given up on MSN – numerous people at site I read which allow comments certainly have. I still feel that Lawrence and Nicolle are valuable, and also Rachel is back daily, I believe for the first hundred days of the present administration only, but it’s something. I also note – at the link – that Meidas Touch offered her a position before the ink was dry on the pink slip (metaphor – I know no one uses ink on paper any more.) I personally find Meidas Touch difficult to listen to, but I know that’s just me, and I am extremely grateful for the work they are doing.

Feb 232025

Yesterday, The radio opera was Verdi’s last opera, “Falstaff,” written when he was about my age. (His second-to-last opera had been “Otello.” He really loved Shakespeare, and in his late 70s he was rich and famous enough to indulge that love.) Falstaff is based on “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” which is said to have been written because Queen Elizabeth I wanted to see “Sir John in Love,” an impossibility given his character – even “Sir John in heat” would be almost impossible so she had to settle for “Sir John attempting to seduce faithful wives in order to extort them foe money to pay his bills.” The opera follows the play as closely as possible, given that singing takes longer than speaking. The plot, the duplicate love letter which give away hos game, the laundry basket thrown into the Thames, the young couple disapproved of by the girl’s father, the suspicious husband hiring Falstaff to seduce his wife to find out how virtuous she is, the fairies in the forest – it’s all there. This presentation was selected by the Met’s principal conductor because it was conducted by Leonard Bernstein (so you know it’s older than a minute – in fact it was presented and recorded in 1964 and was Bernstein’s Met debut.) The music and the cast were stellar – many names I remember loving in the sixties and some beyond. The male half of the young couple was sung by Mariano Caruso – absolutely zero relation to Enrico – I looked that up, as I’ve been burned too many times thinking unrelated people were related (in my defense, so have announcers.) My email wasn’t bad, so I got through it all and even managed to post a letter the same day I received it. Now I’m off to see Virgil. I will of course check in.
This is not all that new, but given that all of our eyes have been on our Democracy, I though some might have missed it. Jimmy Carter – WOW. Everything he did, he did with excellence.
I’ve posted about horse therapy before – but this is a new twist, and one that I for one would never have expected. And one which is at least as important as any other method of self-defense.

Patrick Fitzgerald filling in for Belle – at least he’s amusing.

Feb 212025

Yesterday, sadly, I learned that a long time friend had died. I knew this was coming, but that never makes it easier. He was an announcer at my classical radio station, and was considered a personal friend by everyone he met, I believe, and even by hundreds of people who only “met” him over the radio. Fred was a member of the local Freethinkers group, a practicing atheist, and possibly the most generous person I’ve ever met – certainly that was true for many years, though now I’d need to put SoINeedAName right up there with him. The station is being very protective of his personal information (which is laudable) so I don’t know exactly when it happened, but it must have been very recent – there’s no obituary in the local paper yet (not that that’s conclusive, as he always considered it a Nazi rag.) I dreaded telling Virgil – which I however did when he called – because it’s part of my job – and he was indeed very upset. But he also admitted he’d rather know than not know.

Michael Waldman, writing for the Brennan Center for Justice, discusses the Unitary Executive Theory – what it is, why it’s “fringe” (IMO that means a tactful way to say BS), how its influence shows up in Project 2025, executive orders, and general Republican attitude, as well as coming court battles.

Harry Litman of Talking Feds references George Orwell on the subject of Memory Holes and discusses the implications of the destruction of (supposedly) permanent records. I’m sure this is also why people are suggesting that everyone who is receiving Social Security, and everyone who is currently or ever has been employed in s job where they paid into Social Security, go log in to The Social Security website right now and download all the informaion on you stored there. The same with the IRS, and any other government body which might have any stored information about you (I always keep a copy of my tax returns, and have them for a lot longer than the seven years normally recommended). Especially if you have already established an account with LogIn dot gov, it’s a lot easier than freezing your credit. At least it is now. Don’t wait too long.

Feb 202025

Yesterday, again acting on advice from a Democratic Underground member, I went to the Social Security website and downloaded or printed my essential information – lifetime record os earnings, verification of benefits letter, and my Social Decurity statement. They are not on my hard drive, but on my portable hard drive; I have two of those, so I’ll be copying the information to the other one. Paranoid, sure. Except that we have something to be paranoid about. If Dork Vader’s random comments and the antics of his crew don’t make you even a little bit nervous, maybe you should check your pulse. Also, Andy Borowitz was getting serious.

I don’t know what the answer is to something which bugs me about this otherwise excellent Pro Publica article, which is well researched and factual. It’s the tone. It sounds so surprised that a Mange Menace appointee appointed a deputy who is an obvious criminal. Because, of course he did. That’s what this administration does. I don’t want to normalize this behavior, but I also don’t want, for myself or anyone on my side, to sound like an idiot surprised that the sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west daily. There has to be some kind of middle way to address these predictable but horrible events.


I’ve added a “sarcasm” tag to this from the F* News, not because every word is sarcastic, but because the author is affecting naivete, requiring the reader to pay more than normal attention to determine what’s being said. But the fact remains, whoever or whatever is driving this administrations policies and actions, the fact remains that all the policies are gawdawful

Feb 182025

Yesterday, I scrambled around the internet looking for a replacement for a charging cord I had managed to break (don’t ask). I wouldn’t call that a complete waste of time, but it did certainly take a lot. Shopping on the internet, unless you know in advance exactly who you want to deal with, is very time consuming.Β  In any search engine, if you just type in what ou are looking for, you are hit with Amazon, Amazon, Walmart, Amazon, Walmart, Amazon. At least I was caught up on my email, and it being a holiday, I managed to stay caught up. I don’t expect that to be true every day.

Harry Litman is not one to get excited over nothing, nor to jump to conclusions about how certain events will lead to other events when they well may not. So when Harry does a rant like this I think it’s worth sharing. It’s fairly long despite his efforts to keep it as short as possible, but every word is carefully chosen. And it’s covering material he wrote about when it was brand new (and he includes the link to that) and is now revisiting because he has had time to collect his thoughts.

This story at The F* News is scary AF. But we certainly need to know. For one thing we all need to get with and behind all the Democrats who are seriously working on (as oppose to mouthing off) Citizens United. And we need to do it yesterday. George Soros isn’t going to live forever – and in any case, he’s just one against all the rest.
