Yesterday, I learned that Willie Mays had died the day before. He was 93. His death now is overshadowed by the conflict between democracy and fascism, so I learned this from The Conversation. Even Democratic Underground didn’t have it (they do now because I posted it) and they have a dedicated Sports forum. (Talking Points Memo did cover it.) Y’all know I’m not much into sports, but, as a native of San Francisco, I do feel this. After all he had to put up with, though, as a black baseball star during the Cold War and Civil Rights era, at least he’s free at last now.
Murfster makes a historical error or two (using movie history instead of real history) – it’s close enough to make his point, though, and the comments straighten him out. The work that people are doing now, preparing for the worst, is real, and thank heaven for it. Noy that we couldn’t also use some preparation directed at meeting direct violence, of course.
I’m not going to spoil the punchline by telling you too much – or anything, really – about this by Andy Borowitz, other than that I think it one of his best ever.