Feb 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Steven Van Zandt Interview, Part 2: The Fight for Racial Justice & Artists United Against Apartheid

American Bridge 21 – Pres. Biden announces bold response to Russia’s Ukraine invasion

Meidas Touch (barf bag alert) – Trump praises Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as ‘genius’ and ‘very savvy’

No Dem Left Behind – Invest in a bright future for working class & rural Americans (I’m ot asking for money, but I wanted to showcase these candidates for Senate)

VoteVets – Lt. Col. (Ret.) Vindman Discusses Russian Aggression Towards Ukraine

WellRED Comedy – Every Boomer Should Be Given the “Kids These Days” Translator

Beau – Let’s talk about a sign about the elections from Colorado….

Feb 172022

Yesterday, I scanned my vaccination card now that I have the booster, and filed it on my portable hard drive, replacing the previous upload. I also emailed a copy to the prison so that I don’t have to bring it along and possibly lose it when I am allowed to visit again. I’ve been having trouble lately keeping track of small objects and even a few larger ones, so I’m a bit extra careful just now. The webpage ws updated today, but it still says th moratorium is until March 1, and I frankly don’t think it’s likely to end sooner – it’s more likely to get extended again.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

HuffPost – Sandy Hook Families Win $73 Million In Lawsuit Against Remington Arms
Quote – Remington Arms has agreed to settle liability claims from nine families whose loved ones were killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The settlement agreement, announced Tuesday in a court filing, is the first time in the U.S. that a gun manufacturer has been held liable for a mass shooting.
Click through for this story. There is a lot more to it than money, as it also involves Remington giving up documents related to marketing.

Colorado Public Radio – The Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters’ election security controversy, explained
Quote – There’s a general consensus on the basic facts of what happened in May, although the Secretary of State and Tina Peters disagree about whether the actions violated any laws or Colorado’s election rules. On May 17 [2021], deputy clerk Belinda Knisley asked Mesa’s IT department to turn off security cameras in the Mesa County elections office, and leave them off until August 1. Peters says state law does not require nonstop video monitoring.
Click through for a clear and concise narrative. This article was followed by the bad news that Tina Peters will not seek reelection in Mesa County, but instead will run for Secretary of State. There is expected to be a crowded Republica primary – but, if she is allowed into it ans wins the nimination, the current Secretary of State, who is runing for reelection herself, will be between a rock and a hard place – Strike Peters from the ballot as she deserves, and face accusations of corruption? Or not? I personally think Jena Griswold can beat Peters – but she shouldn’t have to.

The 19th – Anti-‘woke’ bills could affect LGBTQ+ sensitivity training for eldercare, advocates worry
Quote – Last week, the Florida legislature advanced the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees, or Stop WOKE, Act. It’s one of two state-level bills — the other is in Tennessee — that would address diversity training for private companies and nonprofit employees. Most similar legislation, including some already passed in Florida, has a narrower focus, such as banning LGBTQ books from school libraries or restricting what teachers can talk about. Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the Stop WOKE legislation at a December rally.
Click through for details of the  issue. I saw a meme recently with the imaginary conversation: “R: What ever happened to civility? D: You called it political correctness and mocked it.” I think an addition is needed, to wit “R: What ever happened to democracy?” D: “You called it woke and destroyed it.”

Food For Thought:

Feb 022022

Today is Twos-day (although we have an even bigger one coming on the 22nd.) Yesterday, I got the emails in TC’s PP email inbox down below 6000, which took me back into mid-November. I can only delete 23 at a time max, and skipping isn’t possible, so it’s not as fast as it could be … but I do think I can do up to a thousand a day most days. Fortunately, out of that over-a-thousand I kept less than 20, and 6 of those are backups. So it isn’t requiring too much thought.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Mother Jones – School Boards Have Long Been a Tool of White Supremacy
Quote – This is the “local control” that Gov. Parson favors, where a “select” group is given legal authority to rebuke the evils they are convinced critical race theory will impart on white society. Throughout history, the “unpardonable sin” of educators moving toward racial progress without white consent has been atoned for in the same way: disgruntled white people band together on a school board or committee to erase unwanted Black people, texts, and consciousness.
Click through for history and background. Mother Jones also has an article on the Tennessee meeting at which “Maus” was banned.    And a recent Antiaues Roadshow featured a collector whp is cllecting the books which belonged to Prudence Crandall, just to keep her memory alive.  The segment starts at 35:22 and it’s only a few minutes.

NM Political Report – Bill would prosecute parents for allowing kids access to guns
Quote – The Bennie Hargrove Gun Safety Act, named after the student killed in the shooting at his downtown Albuquerque school, would make it illegal for a gun owner to allow a minor unauthorized access to their weapon. The proposed law doesn’t specify how a gun should be stored but says gun owners could be fined $1,000 for storing a weapon in such a way that would allow a minor to gain unauthorized access. If the child used the weapon to commit a crime, the owner could also be found guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.
Click through for story. It sounds more than reasonable to me. I hope it passes.

About Dr. Yadira Caraveo
Quote from Katie Porter – “I know that Dr. Yadira Caraveo is the best candidate to represent Colorado’s new 8th Congressional District. As a pediatrician, a former union representative, and a two-term state legislator, Dr. Caraveo is a trusted leader and a true reformer. In Congress, Dr. Caraveo will be a strong fighter for families and a critical voice to protect the future of our democracy.”
Click through to Caraveo’s personal info page. Unfortunately I do not live in the 8th District, which is in/around Adams County. But I wish her the best. Anyone supported by Katie Porter has my support too.

Food For Thought:
OMG just wait until they find out about Naked Mole-Rats!

Feb 012022

Yesterday, I managed to change ownership of the site at BlueHost into my name, using the password they had WWWendy assign. I haven’t changed it yet but I should manage that some time today. I have a lot of looking around to do there. All I looked at today besides ownership was email, and I finally found there how to get into the inbox for “tomcat@politicsplus.org.” There are more than 7000 emails in it. I deleted a little over 50, but there are still over 7000. Still, given time, that can now be dealt with.  And now we have time.

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Short Takes –

Rober Reich – Midterm Watch: Why Trump and Gingrich offer the best hope for Democrats
Quote – But if Trump keeps at it — and of course he will —he’ll help the Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections by reminding the public of the attempted coup he and his Republican co-conspirators tried to pull off between the 2020 election and January 6. That would make the midterm election less of a referendum on Biden than on the Republican Party. (Don’t get me wrong. I think Biden is doing a good job, given the hand he was dealt. But Republicans are doing an even better job battering him — as his sinking poll numbers show.)
Click through for full explanation. Counterintuitive though this is, I think he’s right. As a Democrat, I’m not motivated by fantasy fears, but I am definitely motivated by real ones. And this is real.

Crooks and Liars – Strikes Work! Colorado Kroger Workers Get New Contract
Quote – “It shows that where the real power is with the people,” added [Kim] Cordova [president of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 7, which organized the work stoppage], who was part of a panel convened by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) late Monday. “We’re hoping that we set the bar so that other workers in this country follow suit.”
Click through for story. This is good news for Colorado, but also for me personally. I was withing a couple of days of placing an order with King Soopers when I learned about the strike. So I ordered elsewhere (and didn’t get a bunch of stuff.) Now that it’s over, I can order stuff I didn’t get from Kings.

Wonkette – Parental ‘Concern’ Over Masks, CRT And Books Is Being Brought To You By Groups Who Hate Public Schools
Quote – For years, the goal of school privatization advocates has been to oppose funding for education and then criticize the public school system for failing, hoping that this will lead to parents taking their kids out of schools and becoming increasingly supportive of voucher programs and so-called “school choice,” with the ultimate goal being a for-profit education system usurping the public education system.
Click through for argument. It does make sense. (But it doesn’t make much sense that there is a town in Kentucky named “Science Hill.” That’s just wrong.”

Food For Thought:

Rinse and Repeat.  With minor adjustments, can be applied to any government function.

Oct 302021

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Beryl Howell Gives Voice to Our Frustration Regarding DOJ’s Handling of Insurrection Cases

Meidas Touch – Steve Schmidt issues DIRE warning: “The bad guys are winning”

Thom Hartmann – Jurors Have You Ever Listened To The Thom Hartmann Program? (Well, this is disturbing.)

RepresentUs – Gerrymandering Explained… With Pizza! (and this is just the beginning.)

Ring of Fire – Republicans Suddenly Worried That Embracing Conspiracy Theories Could Cost Them

Puppet Regime – Joe Biden’s Impossible Halloween Costume

Beau – Let’s talk about Levine, the first 4-star….

Oct 132021

Glenn Kirschner – Reason for Optimism: Biden Rejects Trump’s Executive Privilege Claim, Trump “Subverted” Constitution

The Lincoln Project – Not for Sale –

Ring of Fire – MyPillow CEO Says He’s Found People 850 Years Old Who Voted In 2020 Election

Robert Reich has emailed a free link to his documentary “Inequality for All.” It’s over an hour and a half, but apparently it’s normally PPV (and actually have times when I want to turn off hte rdio for an hour or more and want something else to listen to or watch.) Here it is if anyone wants to save it.

MSNBC – Republican Threat To Wisconsin Elections No Laughing Matter

Puppet Regime – COVID Family Reputation on the Brink

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s monumental move….

Oct 072021

Glenn Kirschner – If DOJ/Garland Fails To Prosecute Trump, Here’s The Dangerous Precedent That Will Be Set

The Lincoln Project – Glenn Trumpkin

RepresentUs – Senator Invested in Facebook Asks Whistleblower About Profits

Armageddon Update – RIP Facebook

MSNBC – TX Officials Give Timeline Of School Shooting, Confirm 4 Injured, Suspect Identified. Sigh.

This is THE AD Beau talks about….

Beau – Let’s talk about fact checking the Battle of Hayes Pond ad…..

Sep 162021

Glenn Kirschner – FBI/Chris Wray Failed to Investigate 4500 Tips about Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS nomination. INVESTIGATE NOW!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – Sept 14, 2021

Josh Remillard – A Ruck (running against Cawthorn)

Really American – GOP Science Deniers

MSNBC – Rachel – On Concerns Of Trump Instability, Gen. Milley Built Shadow Authority Claims Book

Corey Ryan Forrester – Acclaimed British actor Nigel Davies on why British actors are cast as southerners /S

Beau – Let’s talk about problems big and small…. (This really touched me)
