Yesterday, the weather forecasts that we are finally in “almost winter” (I should ixplain that Colorado’s four seasons are actually almost winter, winter, still winter, and construction.) Highs mostly in the thirties, single digit lows (one negative low), and maybe a little snow. I’ll be staying in until Sunday (assuing my visit planned for Sunday gets confirmed – I have no reason tho think it won’t; just being cautious.) Since we are still waiting for election results, I’ll continue to strive for one good news (or at least cute) story each day for a while yet. Not knowing is just as stressful now as it was before the election – at least for me – so I’m guessing it is for others too. Meanwhile, Andy does real news again. And CPR projects that we won’t know the Boebert-Frisch result until Wednesday. On the other hand, a late-breaking alert from Axios – Kari fake Lake is toast.
(And – I should probably mention – my satire went a little astray Sunday. There is no such organization as “Antifa” in the united States. “Antifa” is short for “anti-Fascisy.” The last time the United states had an organtization to oppose fascism was in World War II (and it was called the Army, Navy, and Marines.) Those elderly dudes are intended to be World War II Veterans And “their next attack” is just silly.
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Short Takes –
ProPublica – About the “Shadow Diplomats” Investigation
Quote – The investigation shines light on one of the least-examined roles in international diplomacy: the honorary consul. These volunteer diplomats work from their home countries to promote the interests of foreign governments, typically in places without an embassy or consulate. Many honorary consuls provide valuable services. But the system, intended to leverage the experience and connections of upstanding citizens, has empowered unscrupulous operators and imperiled vulnerable communities around the world.
Click through for full article. I had never heard of an “honorary consul” – if you have, I salute you. If you scroll down about half way you will find links to three other articles on this investigation; each addresses different details. Sigh. there’s no idea good enough but that someone will find a way to corrupt it.
People Magazine – Rep. Katie Porter’s Son Delivers Hilariously Cute Speech as Mom Awaits Results of Reelection Bid
Quote – In introducing his mom, Paul told a cheering crowd, “Right after Trump won in 2016, that was when my mom first told us that she was going to run for Congress. My brother Luke and I looked at each other and said, ‘This hobby isn’t going to last long.’ We gave it a couple of months, tops. Now, six years, three elections and two terms later — oof, we really got that one wrong.”
Click through for full speech. As I type she is holding at 53+% but only 72% of the vote is in. But, win or lose, this story is still sweet.
Food For Thought