It’s a steamy day here in the CatBox with 90° forecast and high humidity. Yesterday’s doctor visit never happened. The office called right when she was supposed to arrive and told me she could not come because she was ill. We rescheduled for Friday morning. I’m still doing very well on the Fentanyl. Have you flushed a Republican today?
Jig Zone Puzzle: Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:42). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
Cases: 2,389,785
Deaths: 122,659
Recovered: 1,003,320
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump on Monday called his successful drinking of a glass of water at his Tulsa rally his proudest achievement as President.
“I brought that glass of water up to my mouth and drank from it without spilling a drop on my tie,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “You can look at the tape. There was not a single drop of spillage.”
Trump added that, while drinking a glass of water was an impressive achievement in itself, executing it so well in front of such a large crowd made it even more extraordinary.
Dang, Andy! What large crowd? Do you think the idiot* added Clorox? RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): COVID-19 Crisis Has Arizona Reeling; Trump, Heedless, Plans Visit
Criminal Fuhrer Trump* does not care about how many people he murders by spreading his virus to Sheeple, stupid enough to attend his events and to all the people they infect with Trump* virus. Criminal Fuhrer Trump* cares only about hos greed and extending rule of the Fifth Reich. I bet that those pseudo-Christian pastors will soon be selling those bogus ionization units. Any takers? RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival (HQ – 5.1 Studio )
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!