It’s a crazy day here in the CatBox. I’ve been having trouble changing my Fentanyl patches. They are tiny, transparent and sticky. Because my previous surgery to knock out eye cancer damaged my eyes, everything I see is blurry, and I have double vision. Also, my hands shake when I try to do delicate work. So far, I have destroyed two patches trying to change them, and with a copay of $10 per patch, that has to change. To solve the problem WWWendy will come every three days, instead of twice per week, so she can change my patch, when she’s here. Therefore, my WWWendy days will change every week, and my schedule here will be variable. I may be a bit scarce for the next two days. Store to Door is closed for the Fourth, so I ordered my groceries from They will be delivering a huge order between 8:00 and 10:00 AM, and it will take me a long time to unbag them and put them away. Then WWWendy will be coming Thursday morning to destink the rancid TomCat, change my patch, goop, and help with chores. Don’t forget to remind everyone to flush the Republican Reich!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:33 (average 5:25). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Trump* Virus Update:

US Cases: 2,683,301
Deaths: 128,819
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: In an act of retaliation against the Russians for sponsoring Taliban attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Donald J. Trump is sending Jared Kushner to the Kremlin to offer advice on its coronavirus response, the White House confirmed on Monday.
“To all those who thought that this President was not taking the Russians’ actions seriously, this response should speak for itself,” the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said. “The President had an array of responses to choose from, and the one he selected is by far the most punishing.”
According to White House insiders, Trump and his advisers debated the response to the Russians for hours before finally settling on the Kushner option late Sunday night.
“Jared Kushner is the most brutal weapon in our arsenal, and deploying him is a decision that no one should ever take lightly,” one adviser said.
Awww, come on, Andy. Criminal Fuhrer Trump* would never do such a horrible thing to his favorite butt plug, Vladimir Putin [R-RU]. Furthermore, that would be a clear casus belli. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: At least one House Democrat has had enough with Republicans ignoring mask requirements during House committee hearings. Rep. Jim Clyburn, head of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, has written a letter to ranking Republican Steve Scalise warning him that if committee Republicans continue to show up at hearings without masks, those Republicans will not be recognized to speak during subcommittee meetings. At all.
Clyburn was not particularly polite about it, either. In his letter, Clyburn reminds Scalise that it was Scalise who “repeatedly” has wanted in-person hearings and “you assured me that this could be done safely.” But when “every single Republican Member of the Subcommittee refused to comply” with congressional mask rules, Clyburn was fed up.
Kudos to Jim Clyburn. I hope that the other Democratic heads of committees and subcommittees, both women and men, grow a pair too! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Doors – Break On Through HQ (1967)
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!