Feb 012021

It’s a tired/painful day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday, WWWendy and I got all our chores done.  I feel very tired.  Tomorrow, I expect to be be back in the saddle again.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:13 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump will act as his own defense attorney at his impeachment trial after receiving a law degree from Trump University.

Trump bestowed the degree upon himself in his capacity as the dean of the Trump University School of Law, where he graduated first in his class.

In his first official statement as the lead attorney of his defense team, Trump vowed not to quit the team “like those other losers.”

Andy, what a wonderful idea! Trump** will get the quality of representation he deserves!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From Crooks and Liars: Tucker Carlson rants about anyone in the media that has dared to call out Fox for it’s dangerous rhetoric egging on white supremacists, and attacks AOC as a “tool of corporate power” for saying there are white supremacist sympathizers in Congress.

Barf Bag Alert!!


AOC is a tool of corporate power. The Pope is Jewish. And bears never, ever shit in the woods!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From Daily Kos: A counterproposal by ten supposedly “moderate” Republican senators that would reduce COVID-19 pandemic emergency funding to a fraction of what’s being proposed by Democrats is landing with a wet thud today, despite the ten Republicans framing their effort around alleged “bipartisan” cooperation. That’s not a surprise; it’s difficult to believe the proposal, led by the perpetually concerned Sen. Susan Collins and including Sens. Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Bill Cassidy, Thom Tillis, and Rob Portman, was meant as genuine proposal. And Democrats, to their credit, seem appropriately skeptical about its earnestness.

The proposal sketched out by the ten Republicans in a letter to President Joe Biden on Sunday is most notable for its slashing of proposed pandemic funding. Biden and Democrats are moving towards a $1.9 trillion plan; the Republican senators are instead proposing just $600 billion, less than a third of that amount. It would reduce proposed survival checks from $1400 to $1000, and cut them off for Americans earning over $50,000 a year or families earning $100,000.

It also cuts school pandemic funding, with Bill Cassidy telling Fox News Sunday that the “real problem” is not ongoing pandemic dangers but “teachers’ unions telling their teachers not to go to work.”

The ten Republicans are attempting to sell the fractional measure as bipartisanship, and major news outlets are predictably gobbling those claims, with The Washington Post musing that “the GOP offer presents a challenge for Biden, who campaigned on promises to unify Congress and the country” and Reuters framing the measure and its supporters with the much-cherished “moderate” label. (It should go without saying that the nine of ten Republican senators who voted to nullify consequences for Trump attempting to extort a foreign leader for personal gain cannot be sensibly called “moderate.”) Of special note, the Republicans are framing their proposal as a way to dodge the partisanship of Democrats passing the Biden-backed proposal using reconciliation rules, rather than caving to Republican filibuster.

Well, you know what Republicans mean when they say “bipartisan”.

RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): New Kid in Town (2013 Remaster)


Ah… the memories.  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!

Jan 312021

It’s a VERY day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is doing chores.  I should be in the saddle tomorrow.  Enjoy your Sunday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:42 (average 5:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: QAnon leaders are increasingly concerned that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s obsession with Jewish space lasers is distracting her from her core mission of battling baby-eating cannibals.

In an emergency meeting of QAnon elders, the conspiracy theorists issued a communiqué warning Greene to “stay on point.”

“We sent you to Washington as an anti-cannibal candidate for a reason,” the communiqué read. “Your focus on Jewish space lasers, while totally valid, may impair your effectiveness in defeating the international baby-eating cabal.”

Dang Andy! How can sheeple be do dumb?!!? It’s BAAA-A-A-A-A-AAD!!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): What Still Works Cold Open


Isn’t it fine that, even with Trump** out of the White House, Republicans still provide abundant material for satire. I won’t be rooting for Tom Brady.  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival (HQ – 5.1 Studio )


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!

Jan 302021

Yesterday I told you I’d be in the saddle today barring unforeseen circumstances.  I did not foresee that Mark would be tied up at the hospital and could not make it until today.  Nevertheless, I was up waiting long enough to exacerbate my back pain.  He just left and the chair is fixed.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:50 (average 5:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a potential stumbling block for his Presidential ambitions, a new study indicates that the average American can stand only four seconds of exposure to Senator Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican.

The study, conducted by University of Minnesota researchers during Tuesday night’s Republican debate, required subjects to be connected to electrodes to measure their tolerance for the senator.

Within four seconds of watching Cruz, the majority of participants begged to be released from the experiment, researchers reported.

Dang, Andy! I guess that makes me way below average!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): In My Life (Remastered 2009)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!

Jan 122021

It’s a tired/busy day here in the CatBox.  First, although I feel queasy, I have not Republicated in over 24 hours.  Yesterday, Deborah confirmed what I had suspected is the reason for my Republicosis.  When the Oncologist increased my pain medication that made me more prone to Republicitis.  I found a stool softener that I can take with my stent.  That made me more prone to Republicosis.  I kept taking it and a laxative at max dose, so when the shit hit the fan, the shit really hit the fan.  It took four days of Imodium to finally have a better day.  Now it’s a matter of getting my condition stabilized on the right balance of medications.  It will stake some time.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, but she won’t come until the evening, so I should be in the saddle tomorrow.  Tuesday is a flush your Republicans day.  I sure hope I have no more to flush.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:22 (average 6:36).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Driven over the edge by his expulsion from Twitter, a deranged Donald J. Trump ordered his two adult sons to hand out flyers with his tweets on them.

The incident occurred at three o’clock Sunday morning, when Trump, wide awake and in a state of extreme agitation, had an idea for a tweet but no platform on which to broadcast it.

Wearing his bathrobe, he summoned his adult sons to the Oval Office and scrawled his tweet on a piece of paper with one of the Sharpies that had served him well in the past.

Reportedly, Trump then commanded Eric and Don, Jr., to go to the nearest copy shop and order ten thousand flyers containing his tweet to hand out on street corners.

According to Trump’s plan, supporters desiring to retweet his tweet would also go to copy shops and hand out flyers, a system he claimed was “better than Twitter.”

Dang Andy! I suspect that the twit* will get writers’ cramp so fast that he’ll stop abusing tweets and go back to abusing twats!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From Crooks and Liars: If only Rep. Devin Nunes had somewhere like a television station to run to so he could communicate with other conservatives. After the news that Amazon is booting the far right social media site Parler off of its web hosting service, Nunes ran to Fox “news” to gripe to host Maria Bartiromo about how terrible it is that they will no longer have the platform to spread their lies and hatred unabated.

Barf Bag Alert!!


Let’s call this what it is. Treason is not included as a right included in the First Amendment. Can you count Nunes’ lies?  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From OPB (Hat-Tip Daily Kos Elections Digest): U.S. Rep. Kurt Schrader, considered the most moderate Democrat in Oregon’s Congressional delegation, reportedly told House Democratic colleagues on Friday that he was against impeaching President Donald Trump for inciting the mob that broke into the U.S. Capitol.

Then Schrader likened the attempt to remove Trump to a “lynching,” according to reports from ABC News.

The comment on a caucus call drew immediate criticism from some of Schrader’s allies.

Mark Wiener, a powerful Portland political consultant who has worked for Schrader for years dating back to when the congressman served in the Oregon Legislature, quickly tweeted out that his company, Winning Mark, would be severing ties with the legislator.

“Comparing the impeachment of a treasonous President who encouraged white supremacists to violently storm the Capitol to a “lynching” is shameful and indefensible,” Wiener tweeted.

I supported Schrader, even though he’s a “moderate democrat”, but this goes way too far. He needs to be primary challenged in 2022.  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Without Accountability, the Next Coup Will Succeed


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, is guilty. All must be punished. As long as the Republican Reich exists, America will not be safe!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): JOAN BAEZ ~ Joe Hill ~


Ah… the memories! Wherever people are trying to defend human rights, Republicans will be trying to murder them!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

7 Days (1 Week) Until the Big FLUSH!!

Jan 062021

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  I am watching the bogus, treasonous attempt by Trump*, Hawley and the Republican Reich to overthrow the government of the US.  They are trying to discard valid electoral votes for Biden, chosen based on the popular vote in those states, and replace them with bogus electoral votes for Trump*, chosen based on their obedience to their Nazi Fuhrer.  I have also been watching the Georgia Senate runoffs.  Warnock has officially won, and although Ossoff has not, he has a comfortable enough situation that I am certain that he has.  At the beginning of Campaign 2020, I predicted that Democrats would hold the House of Representatives.  Thank God I was right.  I predicted that Democrats would win the White House.  Thank God I was right.  I predicted that Republicans would hold the Senate.  Thank God I was wrong!  Tomorrow I should be in the saddle, but busy.  It’s a grocery delivery day, and I’ll have a big order, as Store to Door was off two weeks.  It’s also a WWWendy day.  She will be coming late in the afternoon.  Happy Hump Day to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:52 (average 4:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Advancing a new conspiracy theory during a rally on Monday, Donald J. Trump claimed that the United States Constitution is invalid because it was signed by dead people.

“All we’re hearing is, the Constitution this and the Constitution that,” Trump said. “I’m telling you, as sure as you’re sitting there, that every person who signed that piece of paper is dead.”

Trump said that he had his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani investigate the signatories to the Constitution, “and he found a scandal bigger than Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

“Their signatures do not match the signatures of any living person,” he said. “Not only are these people dead, but they have been dead for a long, long time. This should never have been allowed to happen.”

Dang Andy! Is that satire? Trump’s* surprise that the founding fathers are dead is completely credible.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Byrds – Turn! Turn! Turn!


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

13 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Dec 222020

It’s a tired hectic day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday’s Safeway delivery was almost a disaster.  When the driver arrived, he had just a couple bags in his arms.  He said there had been a lot of cancelations.  We brought them upstairs.  He was in a hurry, but I insisted that we compare the cancellations with what he had.  It was soon obvious that the vast majority of my order was not accounted for.  We went back downstairs.  He went out to check his truck and came back with the rest of my order that “had been hiding”.  He needed a hand truck to carry it.  We brought upstairs.  It took me over an hour to put everything away.  There were a few legitimate cancellations that were out of stock in the store.  They included all my sweets.  Nevertheless, it could have been far worse and would have been a disaster had I not been such a hard ass about it.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update.  It’s a WWWendy day.  I’ll be back in the saddle on Christmas Eve.  Tuesday is Flush your Republicans Day.  Take extra care.  The closer it becomes to the end the harder they are trying to get away.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Russian hackers attempting to disrupt the U.S. government were disappointed to discover that it had already been thoroughly disabled, the hackers have confirmed.

Expecting to find a well-oiled machine that they could impair, the hackers instead came upon a barely operational mess that had already suffered what appeared to be four years of degradation.

Dmitri X (not his real name), was assigned to hack the Environmental Protection Agency’s computer systems and was “shocked” by the agency’s weakened condition.

“My job was to access the E.P.A.’s database and delete all of the environmental regulations,” he said. “There was nothing there left to delete.”

That’s straight news, Andy! With Republicans working so hard, Russians need no help to destroy America!  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: Everyone wants to show the happy videos of people getting vaccine shots.

The Governors in the 12 states that haven’t passed mask mandates especially want to get in on this hopeful news. They will crow about how Their President got them the vaccine. Not said, but implied, is that their refusal to pass a state-wide mask mandate was justified before and is not necessary now.

Image from: CNN


The experts say we will still need masks for months and we should NOT relax the mask protocols…

…Here are some ways to use the vaccination press conferences to pressure 12 Governors to pass mask mandates.

Method 1
Have the top medical experts tell the Governors behind the scenes, “You don’t get to be part of the vaccination press conference unless you pass a mask mandate.”

People in the public health medical community still want to believe that Governors will respond to facts and science. They won’t.

Withholding good PR at a press conference isn’t withholding their vaccine, just the reflected success of a vaccine.

But since most public health experts don’t want to be this direct, and the window for these first press conferences is closing, I suggest:

Method 2
PREPARE THE MEDIA for asking Governors why there is no mask mandate now and why they still won’t pass one.

This is especially important now that Trump botched the vaccine roll out!

First prep the experts to point out the EXCESS DEATHS that will happen because there is no MASK MANDATE. When the Governor still doesn’t respond with a mandate, post photos of DEAD NURSES to call out the GOVERNOR for NOT pushing a mandate before.

Click through for much more info. I fully support both methods.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Maddow: U.S. Mired In ‘3-Way Split Screen’ Of Trump Crises


I agree with Rachel. The one thing that should have been included is that, Republicans wanted mass deaths, because such a high proportion of the deaths are Blacks. I also worry about Trump inciting violence., and agree that he is desperate to escape prosecution that must follow to prevent a Republican Recurrance.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): Beta Radio – Angels We Have Heard on High (Official Audio)


A beautiful arrangement of a classic carol! HUGS!!

28 Days (4 Weeks) Until the Big FLUSH!!

Dec 192020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox, combined with a severe case of Republicitis.  I’m late, because I just spent an hour on the throne.  It’s a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and it will be tomorrow too.  My Broncos are playing the Bills, and it will be televised here, because it’s a Saturday game, so I shall be meditating this afternoon.  May the blessed Orb shine its holy light on your team, unless they dump Buffalo dung on the prairie.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy Day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Calling the prospect a “nightmare scenario,” Betsy DeVos warned that President-elect Joe Biden will pick an Education Secretary with a background in education.

The outgoing Education Secretary warned that putting someone with a “pro-education bias” in her job would be like “naming a fox to be Secretary of Hens.”

“For the past four years, I have worked tirelessly to keep our schools free from education,” she said. “It deeply saddens me to think that all of my hard work will go to waste.”

Even more alarming, she said, Biden may name a “knowledgeable person” to replace her, a decision she called “disastrous.”

“In order to be impartial toward education, an Education Secretary must be as ignorant as possible,” she said. “I don’t mean to boast, but I am going to be a tough act to follow in that respect.”

Dang Andy! Is it true that Betsy Blackwater took this to Trump* with the recommendation that he appoint Colonel Sanders as his Secretary of Hens!  RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: On Thursday, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel of outside experts voted to approve providing an emergency use authorization (EUA) for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. The agency is expected to complete the creation of the EUA on Friday, which would free up shipments of the vaccine to get on their way across the country this weekend. But they may have to get in line, because the first vaccine that was approved is already failing to reach states in the quantities expected. 

Despite months of listening to Donald Trump brag about the incredible military operation he had put together to distribute a vaccine that did not then exist, states are suddenly discovering that the shipments they were expecting have been drastically reduced without explanation. Meanwhile Pfizer seems just as confused—it says there are millions of doses sitting in its warehouse ready to go, but Trump’s team is allowing them to gather dust.

As Bloomberg reports, some states were informed on Wednesday that their supply of Pfizer’s vaccine would be cut drastically. For Oregon, that means a 40% drop in the 74,000 doses they had been expecting. Gov. Kate Brown tweeted that this was a federal decision made through “Operation Warp Speed.” Oregon is not alone. As The Washington Post reports, officials in multiple states were alerted that their shipments of the mRNA vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech would be “drastically cut” for next week.

Notices that they would not be getting what they were earlier told was on the way went out to at least six states. That list includes Illinois, Washington, and Maine, in addition to Oregon. Meanwhile, Florida officials seem to have lost their shipments of vaccine altogether, saying they disappeared from the online shipping system.

I trust that nobody is surprised that Oregon leads the shortage list, since the Republican Reich was unsuccessful attacking us with their Gestapo. I heard nurses in the hospital angrily speculating among themselves that it was intentional sabotage. As for Florida’s shipments, you will find the vaccine at Mar-A-Lago clinic. It may be obtained for $500,000 – $1,000,000 Bankster Bucks per dose.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): Low – Some Hearts (at Christmas Time)


I have never heard this tune before, but I consider it particularly appropriate, since this Christmas is such a lonely time for those who have lost loved ones and those separated from loved ones due to Trump* virus. May God grant them peace and relief, and may those of us who can comfort them do so. HUGS!!

31 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Dec 112020

It’s a painful day here in the CatBox.  I overdid it yesterday when pitting groceries away.  WWWendy is coming late this afternoon.  I will be in the saddle tomorrow.  To give you a heads up, next week will be gruesome.  Happy Hanukkah!  Thank God it’s Friday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 7:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: A furious Donald J. Trump attempted to fire the Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, sources report.

According to the sources, Trump was so irate about the Supreme Court’s dismissal of his election challenge on Tuesday that he phoned Barrett directly to inform her that she was “history.”

“I hired you to get a job done, and you didn’t get it done,” Trump angrily informed Barrett. “You’re out of here.”

Sources say that Barrett had the unenviable task of informing Trump that Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life and therefore cannot be fired, a revelation that left Trump “flabbergasted.”

Dang, Andy! I thought this was satire, until the part that Trump* didn’t know that it’s a lifetime appointment before Injustice Amy Coney Bullshit told him. Now I believe it.  RESIST!!

From Alternet: Rep. David Byrd (R-TN) made a post on Facebook [Fakebook delinked] this Thursday saying that he may be soon placed on a ventilator due to coronavirus, and asked people to pray for him.

“I really need a miracle today!!” Byrd wrote Thursday. “My doctor said if my oxygen level doesn’t improve then he has no choice but to put me on a ventilator. So please pray that God will breathe His healing spirit into my lungs!!”

Byrd was flown by helicopter from Wayne County Hospital to St. Thomas in Nashville, where he still remains. According to the Tennessean, he was among the nearly 70 House Republicans who attended a caucus meeting held in the House chamber on November 24. A week and a half later, he was hospitalized with the virus. Reports say he was seen on the House floor without a mask. Just days before, he hosted a dinner for dozens of his fellow caucus members at a restaurant.

I’ll tell you what infuriates me. Because he’s a Republican pseudo-Christian Nazi who helped his Fuhrer spread Trump* virus to dozens (if not hundreds) of innocents, he will get special drugs and special treatment not available to those who deserve it. That is so sick!  RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: After the Electoral College presumably votes Monday to affirm Joe Biden’s win, some Republican senators are reportedly preparing to acknowledge the de facto truth that never should have been in question: Donald Trump lost fair and square.

Many Senate Republicans have viewed the Dec. 14 vote both literally and figuratively speaking as the moment of truth, according to CNN. After electors in state capitals across the country finalize the certified results, those same Republicans are realizing they may have to actually part ways with their whiny, rage-y, delusional Dear Leader.

Now that’s a shit storm I can’t wait to see!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): Bing Crosby – Silent Night


As a small child, this is the first carol I ever learned.  Ah… the memories!  HUGS!!

39 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!
