Yesterday, not a lot happened, and what did happen was mostly annoying small stuff. Plus, it was hot – hotter than it’s been for over a week. So let’s just all move on from that.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Medium – Statement from Senator Amy Klobuchar
Quote – Of course this has been scary at times, since cancer is the word all of us fear, but at this point my doctors believe that my chances of developing cancer again are no greater than the average person.
Click through for full statement. Pat already TJI’ed the news, but I think it’s worth a repeat (with a picture and an exhortation.)
White House Press Release: President Biden Names Seventh Round of Judicial Nominees
Quote – The President is announcing eight new candidates for the federal bench, all of whom are extraordinarily qualified, experienced, and devoted to the rule of law and our Constitution. These choices also continue to fulfill the President’s promise to ensure that the nation’s courts reflect the diversity that is one of our greatest assets as a country — both in terms of personal and professional backgrounds.
Click through for a few stats and all 8 names and short bios.
The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Fox News Accuses Biden of Using Federal Government to Improve Country
Quote – “Joe Biden came into office claiming that he wanted to be the President of all the people,” Sean Hannity said. “Now, however, his real agenda has become clear: he wants to increase Americans’ life expectancy. How long one lives should be a personal choice,” Hannity continued. “But not if Joe Stalin-slash-Biden has anything to say about it.”
Click through for what sounds like pretty straight news to me.
Food for Thought –