May 292024

Yesterday, I wasn’t able to get in touch with my plumber, so I’ll be trying again today.

On Sunday, Heather Cox Richardson wrote about Africa – its past, its present, and hopes for its future. Of course, when Trump** comes in the door hope flies out of a window. All of those hopes are dependent on heeping Joe and Kamala in the White House another four years. And frankly, I have fears for what may happen after that.

I realize this is late for Memorial day – but it’s also Robert Reich. And he also looks ahead with it so it’s more than just Memorial Day.

Apr 182024

Yesterday, I arose after a long night with very little sleep (I did rip through a bunch of Sudokus, though.) I’m yawning a little, but otherwise OK – and hoping that staying up will help me sleep better tonight. And also that I get a bunch done.

Andy Borowitz with poll results. I apologize there’s a picture – but it could be worse.

Heather Cox Richardson summarizes a whole bunch of related events here, but I believe that’s a good thing. When one is in the middle of something (and especially if one is in the middle of more than one something), it’s all too easy to forget details which may be critical.

Mar 262024

Yesterday, another uneventful day for me. But not for a number of public figures, one in particular.

Mary Trump would like us non-lawyers all to calm down and take a deep breath. (I’d like that too. Things are bad enough without us interpreting anything we don’t like as a catastrophe. Whych is why I don’t report more on the Trump** trials.)

Now that i’m getting the Borowitz report again, I can share him. And this is a good one. There is only one female character in the Revelation of Saint John. And I can definitely see why he’d think of her.

I was concerned about this – we probably all were – I even included a Beau video (yesterday) discussing the possibility of a veto. Well, we didn’t.

Mar 202024

Yesterday, I learned that The Borowitz Report is now on substack. That email I received notifying me explains why I hadn’t received any newsletters for some time … although my New Yorker subscription is still up to date. This is not earthshaing in itself – I’m only sharing it to remind everyone that to read freecolumns on substack, there’s no paywall, but there is a request to become a paid subscriber, and you need to find that request and click on “Keep reading” or “Let me read it first” or whatever opt-out Substack has assigned to that particular participant. I recommend we all get used to it. Just since I started reading Substack authors, which is less than a year, Wonkette has joined it, and Talking Points Memo, and now Borowitz, and the number and names of people who blog there would suggest that one might not really need anythng else but Substack in order to be well informed. I’m not going there – I have numerous other sources I don’t want to give up – but just sayin’.

Yes, I know, Joe Manchin. But this time he’s exactly right. And if he can be right on this, he can be right on at least some other things. Which may explain why the party has put up with him for so long.

Right wing jurists. “History and tradition.” G.K, Chesterton once wrote that tradition is de,ocracy extended through time. His example was, Democracy says “Don’t ignore a good man’s opinion, even if he is (insert caste designator here.)” Tradition says, “Don’t ignore a good man’s opinion, even if he is dead.” Aside from the obvious facts that only men are included, and that all appear presumed to be “good” (IIRC he was writing in the nineteen-oughts), I have no objection to attending to the opinions of the dead. I’m fine if they vote. I’m not fine with their being dictators from the grave. History (with a little help from archeology) tells us that human sacrifice was a tradition for literally thousands of years. I don’t know, or know of, anyone who wants it back.

Jun 282022

Yesterday, I realized Nameless has posted Sunday evening after I sent the email – I’ll pick it up in next week’s, but for regular readers, here’s the link – I didn’t see it immediately because I was loking for an email response to my visit-Virgil notification, and when I found it, it was a notificaion that he has been moved again. I needed to address that right away because they only have certain hours in which they read and answer emails, so I didn’t get to PP right away. And I realize this OT is pretty lightweught. Sometimes that happens. BTW, there’s another hearing today I’ll be watching it after the fact. And one final note – I’m not big on podcasts myself as a learning method (I find it difficult to sit still and listen), but this one, recommended by the editor of Mother Jones, appears to be seriously content-rich, down to earth, and something you can recommend to anyone whose shock at current events leads them to wnt to learn more. It’s called “How to Citizen.”

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Women Declare Themselves Corporations to Force Supreme Court to Grant Them Rights as People
Quote – Attorneys across the nation indicated that they have been swamped by requests from clients seeking to incorporate as soon as possible. “The Supreme Court decided in 2010 that corporations are people, so all we want is to be treated like corporations, ” Carol Foyler, who now goes by the corporate name FoylerCo L.L.C., said.
Click through for full (short) article. I’ve heard lots of ideas less intelligent than this one.

Robert Reich – When I was Baby Jesus
Quote – What was I to do? I did the only thing my five-year-old brain could come up with: I apologized to God. I did it quietly as I lay on the straw on the stage, under my breath so no one else would hear, and then apologized again during the prayers and Christmas carols. I whispered, “God, I didn’t have a choice. I was cast as Baby Jesus. I don’t celebrate Christmas. It’s against my religion. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
Click through for his thoughts on yet another horrible SCOTUS decision.

Food For Thought

Jan 262022

Yesterday, I looked at the WordPress update and how to install it, and learned that I will need to do a manual backup. While it is going on (and possibly also during the installation), the site will be in “maintenence mode” so I want to make sure to give some notice. Sure, I can do it inthe middle of the night – but I don’t want to be doing it in that part of the middle of the night which is when Lona is able to comment. Today is Wednesday – I won’t do it tonight. Instead, I’ll plan on Thursday night (Friday in Oz). So if anyone is up and looking at some odd hour Thursday night/Friday morning, and you can’t get in, please be patient.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Quote – To appreciate the nature of this new crop of bills, it is helpful to focus on legislation from a single state: Indiana. With eight bills currently under consideration, only Missouri (at 19) has made a greater contribution. Of the eight in Indiana, all target public K-12 schools, two target private K-12 as well, six would regulate speech in public colleges and universities, four affect various state agencies, and two threaten public libraries. All are sweeping, all are draconian, and few make any kind of sense.
Click through for story, with illustrative examples. PEN America’ main focus is free speech, but it also does prison work, encouraging creativity in writing, nd rewarding some of the best.

First look: Biden inaugural to blanket airwaves today [Jan 20]
Quote – The committee, which was nominated for an Emmy, is spending several million dollars in leftover inaugural funds to air the ad on broadcast and cable TV today…. “In recognition of the President’s first year in office, the Biden-Harris Presidential Inaugural Committee believed it was important to celebrate the strength and perseverance of the American people in the face of extraordinary adversity, just as we did a year ago today.”
Click through for article. Yes, this is about a video, and yes, yhat video will show up in the video thread. But it’s more than just a video. There’s a story attached, and that should not be missed.

The Conversation – 5 things to know about why Russia might invade Ukraine – and why the US is involved
Quote – Military support for Ukraine and political and economic sanctions are ways the U.S. can make clear to Moscow that there will be consequences for its encroachment on an independent country. The risk, otherwise, is that the Kremlin might undertake other military and political actions that would further threaten European security and stability.
Click thrugh for article, which you may want to keep for reference.  Heather Cox Richarrdson also has some thoughts – and informtaion.

Bonus Borowitz: Biden Proves Mental Sharpness by Accurately Identifying Peter Doocy

Food For Thought:

Oct 282021

Yesterday, I figured I couldn’t wait any longer, and started looking for cartoons to re-use for November. To be pellucidly clear, I started, randomly, in 2013, and have just stayed with that year, and my plan is to move up thrugh time, re-using when possible, and coming up with something new if the one for a particular day is hopelessly dated (for example, there’s one about Harry Reid’s balls.) It looks like I’ll need to come up with 6 new ones in November, and three of them are in the first teo weeks. So I stated looking at history. I found events for all 6 of them. I made the first one and found pictures for the next two before I ran short on time. But that’s a good start.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker (Borowitz Report) – Trump Tells January 6th Panel He Has Diplomatic Immunity as Russian Official
Quote – While Trump waits to see if his claim of diplomatic immunity succeeds, he is also prepared to argue that, having once hired Rudolph Giuliani as his attorney, he would be justified in pleading insanity.
Click through. Good luck with that. (BTW, unlike many of Andy’s reports, this one is clearly satire. For it to be straight news, Trump** would have to have told the truth, and that’s imposssible.)

Oh Sh*t, Dallas Teacher Did A Critical Race Theory To The Texas Wingnuts!
Quote – There’s not the slightest hint of CRT in having students read and analyze a text; if the lesson was supposed to “indoctrinate” the students, it didn’t work, since if anything I think the kid goes a little too easy on Cato’s methods, and doesn’t seem especially bothered that the email urges district employees to report on each other — then again, that’s a common enough method of enforcing discipline among students, so perhaps the kid doesn’t know just how creepy the tactic is.
Click through for details. It would be great if this teacher could be cloned and placed in every high school in t America. Teaching critical thinking skills “has not been tried and found wanting, but has been found difficult and left untried” (G. K. Chesterton) for a long time. This shows it can be done. I particularly like SPACECATS.

How commercialization over the centuries transformed the Day of the Dead
Quote – In 2019, I talked to a grandmother building a Day of the Dead ofrenda, an altar with offerings for her family’s dearly departed that included candles, food, flowers, and festive decorations. For years she’d tried to get her grandchildren to help her erect the altar for their ancestors, to no avail. It wasn’t until they watched Disney’s “Coco” and saw sugar skulls at Target that they took interest in the holiday. Now they eagerly help their grandmother build the altar. Commercialization is and has been transforming Day of the Dead. But, from what I’ve seen, it’s also giving a new generation a chance to be proud of their culture.
Click through for story. It’s a good point. Also, a pet peeve pf mine is that people criticizing advertising for a holiday too early don’t cut purveyors of craft materials and supplies any slack. If I am going to make a hiliday gift, a week before is not enough time. If I am making several, so much more so. There are 99 (at least) things to criticize Hobby Lobby about, but advertising Christmas too early is not one of them.

Signature-worthy IMO:
Bill Pascrell and Elizabeth Warren are looking for co-sponsors to nail Trump** et al.
I can’t shorten it or it won’t get you there, sorry. After you sign you’ll be asked for a contribution but it isn’t necessary.

Food for Thought –

Oct 212021

Yesterday, It was pretty quiet. I got to do some knitting and even play at some games a little. Nice.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker (Borowitz Report) – El Chapo Refuses to Share a Prison Cell with Steve Bannon
Quote – The ex-kingpin said that, although he had not heard of any plans to house Bannon in his prison cell, he was speaking “out of an abundance of caution.”… El Chapo’s sentiments have been echoed by the nation’s prison population, two million of whom have signed a petition refusing to share their cells with Bannon.
Click through. Oh, Andy, that’s so disappointing!

AL dot com – A murdered Alabama woman’s wedding ring was sold at auction. The Missouri man who bought it won’t sell to her grieving family.
Quote – “This fella was wanting to buy the ring back,’’ Blaker said. “I bought it fair and square. He thinks I should let him have and him send me the money,’’ Blaker said. “I don’t trust anybody anymore. I’ve been screwed around on deals like this.” Blaker said they didn’t initially agree on the price. Stanton called him again. “He was preying on my sympathy I guess and said, ‘Well that was my wife’s wedding ring,’’’ Blaker said. “I said, ‘Well, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to get rid of anything.’’
Click through for tragic story. Speaking pf people with hearts of stone ….

The Daily Beast – Joe Manchin Isn’t Moved by Dem Attacks—He’s Emboldened By Them
Quote – And it’s exactly these big moments—when Sanders and like-minded Democrats express their endless frustration with Manchin—that help him burnish the gadfly credentials needed for a Democrat to survive in a state that went for Donald Trump in 2020 by 38 points. So, despite visits from angry kayakers, millions of dollars spent on ad campaigns pressuring him, thousands of calls to his office, and countless meetings with various constituents, Manchin has so far not budged a dollar on the Democrats’ signature legislation. If anything, he’s doubled down.
Click through for details. And now he may be thinking about turning Republican (he denies this.)

Food for Thought – This ought to be the last word on Mayor Pete and Chasten:
