It’s another tired day here at the CatBox. My heartburn flared up last night, and I slept poorly. Tomorrow a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb. My Broncos visit the Chiefs and I look forward to reading about how they do. It’s not televised here, of course. May the Divine Orb shine it’s blessed light on your team, unless you need a name. 😉 It’s also a WWWendy day, and it’d been so humid that I need extra de-stinking. Also, we have chores to do, so please expect no more than a personal update. Have a fine weekend.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:01 (average 5:26). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Across the United Kingdom on Friday, Britons mourned their long-cherished right to claim that Americans were significantly dumber than they are.
Luxuriating in the superiority of their intellect over Americans’ has long been a favorite pastime in Britain, surpassing in popularity such games as cricket, darts, and snooker.
But, according to Alistair Dorrinson, a pub owner in North London, British voters have done irreparable damage to the “most enjoyable sport this nation has ever known: namely, treating Americans like idiots.”
“When our countrymen cast their votes yesterday, they didn’t realize they were destroying the most precious leisure activity this nation has ever known,” he said. “Wankers.”
Amen, Andy! Are they a bunch of Bridiots, or what? RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Mitch McConnell On Impeachment: We’ll Be In ‘Total Coordination’ With White House
Bought Bitch Barf Bag Alert!!
I don’t think there is anything illegal about this, probably because nobody ever envisioned the total lack of ethics from Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch. Imagine a criminal trial in which the Chairman, of the jury, is “coordinating closely” with the defendant and his lawyers. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Righteous Brothers – Unchained Melody
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!