It’s another crazy day, here in the CatBox. WWWendy was here last night. She was planning to fly to Iowa for a booty call this morning, but the airline shut down her flight. I’m sorry, because she wanted to go. I’m relieved, because I was really concerned for her safety. My Oncologist’s office called and rescheduled my appointment for Monday. They wanted to mail my pain meds, as I had requested, but since I cannot reach my mailbox, I would not get them until Sunday, when WWWendy comes. So, rather than risk a mail SNAFU, I told then to hold it for me to pick up there on Monday. We dug through my desk, found my old Oxycodone emergency reserve. I have enough for a pill at bedtime every night and an extra on both shower day and travel day. On Monday they plan to give me several week’s supply, so this never happens again. Today is a grocery delivery day from Store to Door. Due to Trump* virus, they no longer bring groceries in from the hallway or help me put them away, so I have a lot more work. Thanks to JD for sending me a little hand cart that will make it easier. Thursday is ‘flush a Republican day! 1 – 2 – 3 BA-WOOOOOSH!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:35 (average 6:15). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Trump* Virus Update:

Cases: 68,814
Deaths: 1,037
Recovered: 428

Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: The 9/11 terrorist attacks ushered in a new era of changes that linger to this day—from taking off our shoes at airport security checkpoints, to tolerating an erosion of civil liberties and government intrusion in our lives. We are deeply in debt from the resulting (and unnecessary) wars and hyper militarization of our budget. Republicans reaped electoral benefits, branding themselves as the party that “keeps you safe.”
COVID-19 promises a dramatic reshaping of American society. Here are at least 11 ways our lives will change. Feel free to speculate about others.
1.) Government is here to help. Ronald Reagan famously quipped, “the most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” That ushered in two generations of Republican nihilism, with relentless focus in slashing and cutting government in all areas except for defense. Well, it turns out government is the only thing that can help in a global disaster, and even Republicans have stepped up to pour trillions into the economy and directly in the hands of individuals. Meanwhile, the vaunted free market, supposed solution to all of society’s ills, is sitting helplessly begging for handouts.
2.) Wall Street will face further restrictions. Wall Street faced increased regulation in the aftermath of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. It’ll only get worse, as bans on corporate stock buybacks and other limits will become increasingly popular. Tolerance for corporate tax evasion will erode further, particularly among companies that receive any kind of federal bailout money.
3.) Security is more than just thwarting terrorists. The Trump administration, freshly elected, gleefully disbanded the nation’s pandemic preparedness task force. The last competent administration foresaw the possibility of a pandemic creating havoc in this country, but the incompetent Republican did not, and most people were blissfully unaware of the danger. No longer. This has consequences not just at the federal and state budget levels, but in how corporations plan for a rainy day (like Apple, with its $245 billion cash hoard), and how we individuals interact. We have a lot to learn from Asia—from contact-less greetings (would be so hard for me!), to greater use of face masks and general acceptance of our responsibilities to help keep others from getting sick.
I have included the first three. Please click through to read the other eight. I agree with one caveat. For these much-needed changes to take root, it’s imperative to flush criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich! This includes not only 10 and #11, but all the way down the ticket to dawg catcher. RESIST!!
From Alternet: It might be easy to forget, given the crisis enveloping the world at the moment, that the United States is scheduled to hold a very important election in November. But with projections that the COVID-19 crisis isn’t going away any time soon, what will this mean for voters’ access to the polls, and the very legitimacy of the election? These are important questions, and journalists play a critical role in answering them.
Many have risen admirably to the task. For instance, the Center for Public Integrity, in partnership with Time (3/23/20), spoke with voting rights experts to lay out the possibilities and pitfalls of different responses. The primary action being floated is a bill, introduced by Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., that would require no-excuse vote-by-mail options and 20 days of early in-person voting in every state, as well as offering federal funding for the implementation of those measures.
But as voting rights experts told CPI reporter Carrie Levine, the changes have to be implemented thoughtfully to avoid disenfranchisement. Mail-in ballots from communities of color, for example, have historically been rejected at higher rates, and language, ability and even poor access to reliable mail service (as on Native American reservations, for instance) can be a barrier for many.
Oregon leads the way. Here, a drivers license or Oregon ID card automatically registers people to vote. Oregon mails our ballots to our homes. Homeless people can get a ballot at any post office or library. When you return your ballot, if it lacks the required postage, the post office will deliver it anyway. Ballots may also be taken to collection points. Since every ballot is paper, the paper trail is guaranteed. No system is perfect, but ours is best! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Taking bold action to safeguard the health of millions of Americans, Dr. Anthony Fauci has tricked Donald J. Trump into believing that there is no Easter this year, Fauci has confirmed.
After hearing Trump declare on Tuesday that he hoped to reopen the country on Easter Sunday, an alarmed Fauci decided to spring into action.
“I ran down to my computer and mocked up a phony 2020 calendar with no Easter on it,” Fauci said. “Then I showed it to Trump and said, ‘There’s a problem with your plan, Mr. President. There’s no Easter this year.’”
According to Fauci, Trump was initially baffled by the news. “How could that be?” Trump asked. “There’s Easter every year.”
“This is a leap year,” the quick-thinking virologist replied.
“I guess I didn’t know it worked that way,” Trump said. “I never go to church.”
Dang, Andy! I assume this it straight news, but isn’t outsmarting criminal Fuhrer Trump* a bit like wrestling a quadriplegic? RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): IRON BUTTERFLY – IN A GADDA DA VIDA – 1968 (ORIGINAL FULL VERSION) CD SOUND
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!