I was so wiped out the rest of the day yesterday that, except for a small supper, I went back to bed all yesterday afternoon and evening. Then I overslept two hours this morning and still feel very tired. But I had a better appetite at breakfast. Have a Republican-free day.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:36). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
Cases: 1,388,283
Deaths: 82,018 (over 18,000 in May)
Recovered: 262,328
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: One week after the United States Senate returned to session, Senator Susan Collins, of Maine, said that she would self-quarantine to avoid possible contact with decisions.
Collins said that she had hoped to safely distance herself from any decisions while at the Senate but feared that the risk of accidental exposure to a decision was too great.
“I was troubled and concerned by how many decisions there were,” she said. “It did not feel safe to me.”
Collins said that she would self-quarantine until she is confident that the danger of being in the vicinity of a decision had clearly passed.
Dang, Andy! Was there ever a time that Collins’ did not test negative for integrity, whenever she makes decisions? RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Obama Calls Trump Administration’s Virus Response ‘Chaotic Disaster’
This is a very big deal! For former President Obama to speak out against criminal Fuhrer Trump* is completely out of character for him. He should have done so sooner! RESIST!!
From YouTube ( a blast from the past): Buffy Sainte Marie-Circle Game
Ah the memories! RESIST!!