Mar 092025

Yesterday, the radio opera was Puccini’s “La Boheme” – a very short and very tragic opera which was the first vinyl recorded opera I ever bought – and then within ten years bought again with a different cast afer the lead tenor in the second recording died – because he – Richard Tucker – was such a legend I was afraid if I didn’t buy it right away it would sell out. It’s short – without intermissions it’s under two hours – but it packs a punch. Also, as is only to be expected at my age, during the broadcast I learned of the death of someone else I cared about – bass Paul Plishka, who I mentioned in passing a while ago while talking about the Kennedy Center. At least he didn’t die young -he had a 51 year career, and left a legacy which includes a reputation for kindness to all but particularly to young (nervous) singers. Rest in peace, Paul. Next week I’ll gave more to say about the opera, which will have the theme of courageous opposition to political corruption (and political revenge.) Also yesterday I was (and still am) coping with changing my email address – and preparing to visit Virgil today. But I’ll manage to check in in a comment as always. Also, I put in a substitute for Belle today – Rocky Mountain Mike – to keep it upbeat. I hope he gives you a chuckle.

This from Colorado Public Radio is a bit on the old side, but since it’s still in the early stages I don’t think that matters. I kind of hope to be around to see the finished project. One thing, no one on this project would censor a military history photo of the “Enola Gay,” which the current administration is doing, for heaven’s sake.

This comes from Democratic Underground, and it’s not exactly news – in fact it’s from prehistory – but it is hard evidence (literally hard) that love transcends time. The farther I read into it, the more deeply I was touched. And you can see from the comments that that was a common response.

Mar 302024

Yesterday, I heard from Pat B – you may have noticed she hasn’t posted much recently. I knew her 50th wedding anniversary is this year, so I checked my calendar, and, sure enough, it is April 6 – just a week from today. I sent her a note to check if that was why we hadn’t seen her , and she responded that that is exactly why (and from the tone of her note, she is over the moon about it.) So in case anyone is wondering, Pat is just fine and will be back once she is down to earth again.

Margaret Atwood has not finished with the French Revolution. This link is to Part VII, and she promises at least one more to come. She references an opera at the beginning, but her point is essentially that there is no such thing as a good state religion. Because (my wording) religion under compulsion is null and void. And she has the solid history to convince anyone not a cultist.

Privatization strikes again. My opinion is that the town needs to recall all four councilpeople who voted for this, but particularly the one who works for the company they are looking at. That’s a conflict of interest pure and simple.

Aug 032023

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump INDICTED in federal court in DC for attempt to overthrow American democracy

The Lincoln Project – DJ Woke DeSantis

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow: History’s judgment looms as citizen Trump faces accountability

Farron Balanced – Trump Supporters Admit They Don’t Mind If He’s Conning Them

Neighbor’s Cat Scratches On Couple’s Door Every Day Asking To Come Inside

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas libraries…. (Wow, he’s angry. And rightly so!)

Jul 252023

Today, had she lived , would have been my mother’s 117th birthday (though that would have been extremely unlikely. ) She was a survivor of childhood abuse, widowhood with a newborn child,  and a melanoma on her nose.  She was not a woman who talked a lot, but one could generally take anything she said to the bank.  When I was in high school and college it was never hard for me to get friends to come over, but sometimes it was hard to tell whether it was her or me for whom they were coming.  At her funeral my last surviving sunt (who had always been known to be the most easily offended person in the family) said, that my Mom had been “the most loving person she had ever known.”  And, both prior to that and to this day, Virgil has raised many eyebrows by saying that he never really knew what love was until he met his wife’s mother.  Of course I miss her.  But I would probably miss her more had she not put so much time and effort into preparing me to be strong and independent.  Happy Birthday, Mom.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Democratic Underground (Zorro) – They Checked Out Pride Books in Protest. It Backfired.
Quote – Adrianne Peterson, the manager of the Rancho Peñasquitos branch of the San Diego Public Library, was actually a little embarrassed by the modest size of her Pride Month display in June. Between staff vacations and organizing workshops for graduating high school students, it had fallen through the cracks and fell short of what she had hoped to offer. Yet the kiosk across from the checkout counter, marked by a Progress Pride rainbow flag, was enough to thrust the suburban library onto the front lines of the nation’s culture wars. Ms. Peterson, who has run the library branch since 2012 and highlighted books for Pride Month for the better part of a decade, was taken aback when she read an email last month from two neighborhood residents. They informed her that they had gotten nearly all of the books in the Pride display checked out and would not return them unless the library permanently removed what they considered “inappropriate content.”
Click through for what happened next.This take is so that Colleen can get bragging rights for her city. The original article was in the NY Times, but I don’t have a gift link, and besides, the comments are pretty good.

Good News Network – Stunned Researchers Discover that Metals Can Heal Themselves ‘Without Human Intervention’
Quote – Scientists for the first time have witnessed pieces of metal crack, then fuse back together without any human intervention, overturning fundamental scientific theories in the process. If the newly discovered phenomenon can be harnessed, it could usher in an engineering revolution—one in which self-healing engines, bridges, and airplanes could reverse damage caused by wear and tear, making them safer and longer-lasting. The research team from Sandia National Laboratories and Texas A&M University described their findings today in the journal Nature.
Click through. I found this through CPR. I don’t often do an all good news day, and I didn’t plan this one, but I figured, since it is Mom’s birthday, I’d let it go.

Food For Thought

I made this.  Marthe48 says “Please feel free to share.”

Dec 262022

Yesterday, of course, was Christmas Day. I got to the mailbox to pick up the cards which had come since the recent snowfall. As I was doing that, the “neighborhood cat” came byand I found him some treats. Sadly, he doesn’t like to be touched. But he did like the treats. I did a little knotting – though at the point I was in the project, I did more counting and calculating than actual knitting. Just a nice, peaceful day. Hope all of your days were equally peaceful!

Cartoon – 26 george RTL (and Kwanzaa-RTL)

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Trump-Paid Lawyer Takes Sudden ‘Leave Of Absence’
Quote – Stefan Passantino, the original advisor to key Jan. 6 witness former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, has taken a leave of absence from law firm effective immediately, as documented evidence and related scrutiny grows about his initial guidance for Hutchinson to mislead the Jan. 6 committee during her testimony.
Click through for a few details. It’s the arrogance that gets me. When she fired him, and hired someone unconnected with Trumpworld, why would he think she would not testify, and testify truly, about the “advice” he gave her? He should have quit long before now, and left the country. But I’m glad he didn’t.

Common Dreams – Biden Admin Opens First-of-Its-Kind Civil Rights Probe Into Book Banning in Texas Schools
Quote – The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has opened an investigation into Granbury Independent School District in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, as NBC News, ProPublica, and The Texas Tribune first reported Tuesday. The district was the subject of a complaint by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) earlier this year regarding school superintendent Jeremy Glenn’s order that school librarians remove 130 titles from library shelves–“one of the largest mass book removals in the state,” according to NBC News. Nearly 75% of the books that were flagged for removal had LGBTQ+ characters or plot themes, said the ACLU of Texas.
Click through for story. The “Independent State Legislature Theory” is a pipe dream – but I’m sure there are limits to what the Feds can enforce in a state. And I’, just as confident that Biden and his staff know those limits precisely as I am that Abbott will lie about them.

Food For Thought


Sep 212022

Yesterday, I decided that if I wanted to recognize Banned Books Week, I had better do so before the week was over (hence the FFT).  I also received a grocery order. It came kind of late, and a few things were missing, but no substitutions, thank heaven. Both store that deliver are getting better at this (I probably should knock on wood as I type that.) Both now allow you to go down the entire list and mark each item “no substitutions” (or not) – so they don’r need to do any second guessing. One of them allows you to select a preferred substitute from a list of similar items – or specify no substitutions if none of them works This can be time consuming, but it’s way preferable to fighting after the fact about a bad substitution.

Also – Tish James has a mystery press conference scheduled for this morning at 10:30 Eastern.

Cartoon – 21

Short Takes –

Political Wire – Liz Cheney Introduces Bill to Avoid Repeat of January 6
Quote – [T]he legislation would direct challenges to state elections to courts and limit the vice president’s role in electoral vote-counting as “ministerial.” It also would raise the bar to challenge a state’s electors to one-third of both the House and Senate. Currently, if one member of Congress from each chamber objects to a presidential election during the arcane certification process, the chambers have to debate and hold a vote on the objection, as was done in 2021
Click through for article. It will definitely help (if they can get it through both houses, of course. The co-sponsor is Zoe Lofgren. Both are (says Captain Obvious) on the J6 committee. The more the committee learns, the tighter they could probably make it – but this is insurance against losing one or both houses. No point letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

CPR News – New COVID Boosters: What to know about the bivalent vaccines that offer better protection against omicron
Quote – Q How is this new bivalent booster different from the original booster? A The original vaccines and booster were monovalent, which means they only contained genetic information for the original coronavirus strain. The new bivalent booster contains information for both the original strain we’ve seen since 2020 and the most commonly seen one now — omicron and its subvariant BA.5, which we’re seeing causing the most infections in Colorado.
Click through for details. Colorado may be aabout a week late to the party, so you may already know this. But just in case.

Food For Thought

May 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Atlantic article: Why it’s a smart political calculation for Republicans to say, “Trump’s a Loser”

Lincoln Project – Laughing

Meidas Touch (ICYMI) – Trump REVEALS Fear of Being Killed by Fruit During Sworn Deposition | Tony REACTS!

MSNBC – Lawrence: Ron DeSantis Is $1 Billion Stupider Than We Thought

VoteVets – John McCain Called Out Rand Paul As A Russian Asset Long Ago

Brent Terhune – Praying on Planes (Once again his satire is so brilliant you may be tempted to think he’s for real.)

Beau – Let’s talk about getting banned books for free….

Apr 072022

Yesterday, I heard from Carrie B that her granddaughter-in-law is facing a double mastectomy and is equesting prayers (or however you communicate with the universe) for good results. Also that it is PatB’s wedding anniversary (48 years – Wow!) so we won’t see her comments for a day or two. I’m reminded of a fellow whom Virgil and I met in AA – he used to say, “Life is so daily,” and how right he was. Also, I got an email from Medicare that the second CoViD booster can be taken four months after the first one … which is the information I was waiting for to put it on my calendar.


Short Takes –

Vice (Motherboard) – Police Records Show Women Are Being Stalked With Apple AirTags Across the Country
Quote – Multiple women who filed these reports said they feared physical violence. One woman called the police because a man she had a protective order against was harassing her with phone calls. She’d gotten notifications that an AirTag was tracking her, and could hear it chiming in her car, but couldn’t find it. When the cops arrived, she answered one of his calls in front of the officer, and the man described how he would physically harm her.
Click through for details. Did anyone NOT see this coming?

Smithsonian – Libraries
Quote – Books Online – Most books available here are in the Public Domain unless otherwise noted, and are therefore free to download, use, re-use, and re-mix without regard to copyright. Due to the nature of library collections however, it can be difficult to determine copyright status.
Click through and consider bookmarking. If you have this site and Project Gutenberg you can access just about anything that is in the pubic domain. And if you want to quote from them, you can copy/paste and not worry about typos. I have a bookshelf wall and, between them, these can replace most of it. Sigh.

PolitiZoom – Don’t Knock The US/EU/NATO Sanctions. Here’s Why
Quote – Don’t get me wrong. I get the drift here. The biggest bitch about sanctions since day one is that they are not a quick fix, they take months, if not years to ripen enough to have any real effect on the russian people, which is what you’re after, popular pressure on the regime. But things are different this time, for a couple of reasons.
Click through for full analysis.

Food For Thought (see also today’s Beau video):
