I’m having issues getting my HSA moved to a new provider, and with it I’m having issues keeping my part D on track. I think the Part D is resolved now, but the HSA is going to require a phone call and they say the best times to call are Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. (The Part D required a phone call too, but I was able to make an online appointment with them to call me, which they did.)
I realize this article, with all the comments, is basically an echo chamber of random people who belong to Democratic Underground. But it’s an echo chamber I agree with on almost every point.
This article, on the other hand, is the product of informed analysis and should you happen to be talking to anyone who is rational could be very helpful.
Here is Beau with some reporting from Pro Publica. He says it will get picked up widely, and this is already starting.
God, how I miss real journalism! Yes, ProPublica does it, and they do it well, and I’m grateful to them for it. But I still miss being able to count on it – being able to read a newspaper for facts – or turn on the TV and see Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow and be confident the reporting had been researched and confirmed – and in the rare instance something did slip through, there would be retractions and apologies. Remember those days?