Yesterday, I was surprised by how many of my regular newsletters were not in my inbox. Even for a Sunday, this was striking. Perhaps the internet in general (at leas the sane part) is in the same headspace I am. I want to cover the hearings certainly, but I don’t want the blog to turn into a January 6 blog. There are too many other things happening which are also important – and not being seen. Both this thread and the Videu Thread will be a little short today I will find a way to watch today’s full hearing, probably after the fact, and will post links tomorrow. I”ll continue to do that for wach hearing. And if the posts continue to be short until the hearings are finished it will be what it is.
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Short Takes –
The Hill – March For Our Lives co-founder: Senate gun reform package should be beginning of Congress’s work
Quote – The senators’ framework includes funding for school safety resources, expanded background checks for gun buyers under the age of 21 and incentives for states to implement “red flag’ laws. The proposed legislation comes in response to the recent string of mass shootings in the U.S, which prompted more debate on gun control in the country.
Click throug for story. The March for Our Lives event was Saturday, and it took place in 450 cities all over the country. I want to help prevent it from being overlooked.
The Conversation – Ice world: Antarctica’s riskiest glacier is under assault from below and losing its grip
Quote – Antarctica is a continent comprising several large islands, one of them the size of Australia, all buried under a 10,000-foot-thick layer of ice. The ice holds enough fresh water to raise sea level by nearly 200 feet. Its glaciers have always been in motion, but beneath the ice, changes are taking place that are having profound effects on the future of the ice sheet – and on the future of coastal communities around the world.
Click through to read just how bad it is, with photos and maps.
Food For Thought