Dec 212024

Yesterday, Steve Schmidt had this to say about Elon Musk. It’s short, and it’s painfully humorous, as only dumb-criminal-level stupidity can be. So I’m throwing it in as an extra. Also the Talking Points Memo compared Congress to pro wrestling.  Happy Solstice to all who celebrate!


As Heather Cox Richardson points out, last Monday, actual President Joe Biden designated a new national monument in honor of Frances Perkins, secretary of labor under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She deserves it. Much of what FDR achieved was due to her ideas and her pushing for them. Almost everything which os keeping us alive (certainly what is keeping me alive) was her concept and promoted by her. Every human being in America should rejoice at her getting a National Monument. Sadly, too many white men (no, not all not by a long shot, but still way too many) are doing their best to make themselves inhuman in the name of “masculinity.”

This article from Lawfare was referred to me by Talking Points Memo. I’m sharing it because it addresses my own biggest worries about a second Trump** administration, and that is that we are going to lose some battles, and it’s not predictable which battles they are going to be. And a big part of that is because we are going to have to pick the hills we are willing to die on. And that is at least in part because there are only 100 Senators, and only about half of them are Democrats. Steve Schmidt for one is saying we must fight hard against everything, and he is not alone. And I would love to be able to do that – but it simply is not going to be possible.

Dec 202024

Yesterday, I was having computer issues again. I’m not in the greatest of moods. If this is up in the morning today, you’ll know I managed to get it up – and then essentially quit for the day.

Of course, no single article (probably no single book) can actually go into Every single aspect of patriarchy which makes it both so awful and so unassailable. I don’t even think Wonkette is trying to do that here. But if you are still wondering why Kamala did not win, or why I am saying at every opportunity to say it that Democrats simply cannot afford to sacrifice the best and brightest of our women on the altar of equality, it may give you a glimpse of the answers.

The 19th has some new information about air pollution. I remember a time when one could take the air one breathes for granted. When I say I remember, I mean I just barely remember – and I am 79. I suspect not all of our readers will remember this at all. Humans can be very, very slow learners – a fact which generally only becomes noticed when everyone’s health is threatened – and even then, many don’t notice – or care.

Dec 192024

Yesterday, I saw yet another reference to Mike Johnson as a Christian with no quotation marks or query mark or qualification (for example, MAGA.) In my lifetime I’ve read a lot of literature from a lot of periods, and, at least in the first half of the 20th century, people had no problem using the word “soi-disant” when someone’s claims were questionable. Yes, it’s French, and the basic meaning is “They say they are [whatever], but it’s not provable from their conduct.” The closest English term is “self-styled.” But I haven’t heard or seen either term for decades. And yet, there are just as many imposters, if not more, even percentage-wise, as there were in the early 1900s. When did being tolerant and accepting turn into being mealy-mouthed? Justice, including social justice, still needs truth in order to function properly. [End of rant.]

I have never been a fan of Rahm Emanuel. But I do believe humans are capable of learning (that they choose not to doesn’t mean they couldn’t if they chose to), and if Steve Schmidt says Emanuel has learned a lot, I’m willing to listen (actually, to read, but the principle is the same.) And I have to admit it’s interesting.

From Heather Cox Richardson, another reminder that there used to be Republicans who were not moronic or insane. Who actually cared about public health. Who actually did something about it. It hasn’t always been like this.

Belle foreign policy


Dec 182024

Yesterday, I managed to bake a batch of cookies and also a batch of muffins. I used half and half spelt and potato flour for both. I also used more liquid than I use with spelt flour alone, and it really still wasn’t enough. But I’ll do better next time. At least the cookies taste fine (I haven’t tasted the muffins yet.) I added “Craisins” (dried cranberries) to both, and at least in the cookies, those worked out well. Speaking of food, the star animal in today’s video is a porcupine. Years ago there was a a rescue porcupine which the family named “Teddy Bear” who went viral. There was even – may still be – a short mp3 file available to download as a ringtone of the sound he made enjoying a pumpkin. I would never have expected a porcupine to sound cute, but Teddy Bear did. I use the sound on my desktop 3rd party software for pop-up reminders – I’ve assigned it to grocery delivery reminders, since it’s food-related.

From Steve Schmidt, a new “Schmidt Storm.” This link is from the subscribers’ email, but it also contains its own link to he transcript (one of three buttons just below the audio-only and just above the title.)

This is from the New England Journal of Medicine, translated into lay language by Democratic Underground member “Doctoris Extincti.” Every one of us who went through the CoViD-19 pandemic – and that is every one of us – will immediately recognize the protocol and will remember that viruses can travel with humans into every corner of the world. Don’t panic – but maybe have a plan.

I’m not going to do this all the time, but I just found a new Randy Rainbow and am using it as today’s cartoon. I cut all but a second of the ad off the front for us.

Dec 172024

Yesterday, I set up all the e-Christmas cards for y’all and my personal list. I like them to go out early – not everyone checks their email on special days, so I scheduled them to go out the 23rd. (And that includes a birthday card to Trinette, who was born on Christmas. Is that appropriate, or what! And her children were also born on or very close to holidays. Her older son was born Jan 3 and the younger on Valentine’s Day.)

This kind of goes along with what Robert Reich was saying last week about the story of “The Rot at the Top,” and the need to re-associate it with the actual roe et the top, namely corporation CEOs.

The title of this The F* News article includes the phrase “A Running Tally,” which suggests to me that it may be worth saving the link. Of course, with Trump**, it’s a coin flip whether a broken promise is a good or a bad thing, depending on what the promise was and how it is broken. Obviously, this can’t cover everything – but it is a needed attempt to start bearing witness.

Belle judges


Today’s cartoon is a video for Christmas making fun of MAGA-type Christianity. I hope it gives you a chuckle or two.

Dec 162024

Yesterday, I visited Virgil and we played cribbage. The deck of cars was practically brand new – I suspect it was brand new and just had a small defect, about a quarter inch tear in the side of the 3 of spades. If anyone remembers the “Bicycle” brand of playing cards, you may or may not now that nowadays they are going by “Motorbike.” That gave me a chuckle. Also, besides the yo jokers, they now add a third non-playable card with tips on how to tell if you are playing with someone who fakes cards. Sigh. Virgil continues to get more forgetful, but we still love each other and enjoy each other’s company, including card playing, and neither of us forgets that.

This is from Jezebel, to which Wonkette pointed me. Too bad Luigi Mangione is otherwise engaged. The Idaho government needs a visit from him or someone like him.

Wonkette also subscribes to Campaign Trail which posted this. Karma is only a bitch to you if you are a bitch to her. but if you are a bitch to her, she’s a real bitch.

Dec 152024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Grounded” by Jeanine Tesori, a new (2023) commission from the Met. I’ve linked to the Wikipedia page on it – I won’t even try to summarize it – but I would love to know what Tammy Duckworth would think of it, if she were to watch it or listen to it – though I would not be surprised if she didn’t want to. The music is very listenable, which should not surprise anyone, as it is from the composer of two Tony-winning Broadway musicals plus “Shrek the Musical,” as well as other operas. Alo, I suppose I should say something about the drone sightings over New Jersey, NYC, and Connecticut, but sine I don’t know any facts, I don’t have anything to say. I can say the Cory Booker is concerned and pressing for information. So now I’m off to see Virgil, and will check in when I return.

Straight from The Root, a piece of good news for a Sunday.

This is Part I of Robert Reich‘s analysis of how we need to develop our messaging (Part II follows below). He may be right – I’m a great believer in the power of story – but the proposition bothers me because, although to of the tories lead to care for others and to justice, two lead to hard hearts and injustice.

Robert Reich Part II. A couple of comments are shown in the free version, and one of them points out that some Democrats have no difficulty with properly identifying the “rot at the top.” The commenter cites Sanders and Warren, but my first thoughts upon reading the subtitle were for AOC, Katie Porter, and Jasmine Crockett.

Dec 142024

Yesterday, I learned that Nancy Pelosi had fallen and injured her hip while part of a Congressional delegation to Europe, and is now in a hospital in Luxembourg.  “The 84-year-old former speaker is cancelling the rest of her CODEL engagements but ‘continues to work,’ Pelosi spokesperson Ian Krager said in a statement.”  It as/is a bipartisan delegation, and apparently some Republicans even offered good wishes and said nice things.  The story is on Axios and being updated as new information comes in.  I’m glad it wasn’t a knee, which I understand is the most difficult joint to work on and get good results.  I wish her a full and speedy recovery.

I didn’t want to wait too long on this analysis by Joyce Vance, so I just squeezed it in when I saw it. (If I’ve said this before, I apologize for the duplication. Apparently the American people simply cannot tolerate a person with as much goodness as Biden has in the Presidency. Jimmy Carter also did not get a second term.) Since he’s apparently not done yet, I can still hope for clemency for Leonard Peltier.

Living in fear is no way to live. On the other hand, if it weren’t for fear, we’d all be dead. A clear eyed fear of actual danger is necessary to survive. Although I don’t remember it, when I was maybe 3 or 4, my Mom, her brother, and I went to Yosemite. At one point, we were fairly close to some bears who were minding their own business. I ran up to one and tried to climb onto it. My Mom about lost it. My Uncle ran to me and the bear and grabbed me off of it before I could be hurt. Was I grateful? No. I was yelling “Bad Unca Bill, won’t let me ride nice bear!” Dictators are predictable in some ways and unpredictable in others. Steve Schmidt addresses ways one can decide to live under those conditions. The more we work at understanding the unpredictable, the more likely we are not to get caught in some less predictable mood swing.

This absolutely didn’t need to happen. But it did. The F* News covers some underlying as well as the obvious facts which make it so bad.
