Yesterday, I was schedued to get a maintenance visit from the exterminator. But his wife went into labor, so they postponed it until Tuesday. Well, that will give me time to see whether I can find a pair of baby booties. I almost certainly can. But in case I can’t, I know I can find a sweater.Also, I replaced the pads on the bottom of my mouse, which works just fine but has been driving me nuts with the way it moves over the desk. I knew there was a reason I had been saving those scraps of fuzzy Contact paper. It works so smoothely and quietly now. Oh, and the news was released that 3 prisoners of Russia are being released and returning to the US, and one of them is Paul Whelan! Did you write to him when his brother asked people to do so? I did, and even printed some labels because I don’t expect even American to read my 79 year old writing with ease, let alone Russians. I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy to be recycling something as I am recycling those which are left.
Tina Peters’s trial started this week. CPR posted an article on the back story of how she got here. She’s really creepy (a word I personally prefer to “weird,” because good weird exists – but good creepy does not). Apparently the evidence will remove any lingering suspicion that her actions might have been impulsive. I wonder how many like her there are in how many states.
I don’t often send you to Steve Schmidt these days, but this time he was the first (at least the first I have seen) to tie JD Vance to Himmler, and I find it convincing (and, of course, frightening.) Himmler was almost certainly smarter. But it’s not necessary to be smart to do monumental damage.