Aug 272024

Yesterday, of course, the big news was the NPD data breach, and that a security firm called Pentester (pentester dot com) can tell you whether your Social Security number was compromised or not. I looked at the page they put up to notify people whether or not their SSN has been compromised, and I noted that it asked only for first and last name, state of residence, and year (not the full date) of birth. In other words, you don’t need to provide your SSN, and I can see a legitimate need for those four chunks of data in order for them to be positive, but I don’t see it as enough information to compromise you without also having the number. Before requesting, however, I also read three reviews of Pentester on line. One said it’s a scam. The second gave it a rating of 71.5 out of a possible 100. The third said it is absolutely not a scam. I decided not to send the form. If you are worried, I suggest you look up Pentester reviews yourself and make your own decision. Also yesterday, I got an email from “levi + artie”, subject “WOOF!” which started “we are jawn’s dogs.” It went on to say “will you please chip in 10 dollars (we are told they are a form of human treats but you can’t eat them so we are not sure what exactly the point of that is)” The “jawn” in question is Fetterman. I just had to share the chuckles.

Joyce Vance’s “The Week Ahead” this week starts with today, Tuesday, because today is the day Jack Smith appears in Cannon’s court to appeal her dismissal of the documents case. And there are enough possibilities that it would be a challenge just to make a flowchart. Since Joyce knows what she’s taling about, she makes it as simple as possible. Personally, I would love it if Jack would ask to speak to the judhe in chambers and then give her an earful. But, unless it would be the best thing for the case, he won’t.

Well, dang! There are some sane Republicans left in Colorado! Though you wouldn’t know it by, for instance, Boebert. There are enough to vote to oust the state party chair (a JD Vance lookalike – and apparently the resemblance extends to personality). Apparently he is still refusing to step down, calling the meeting where the vote was taken “illegitimate” and “a fake takeover.” CPR thinks the state party is headed for a schism. I’m for it. The story is still being updated as new events occur, so it’s far from settled.

Aug 262024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil and we played more cribbage. Virgil had the two highest scoring hands of the day, 20 and 21. If you don’t play cribbage, that probably sounds small. But it’s impossible to get more than 29 in one hand (heck, it’s darned near impossible to get 29!  In order to to so, one must be dealt , in two-handed, six cards,three of which are fives, along with the jack which is not the same suit as any of the fives,  And must must not put any of those four cards into the crib.  After that, the card which is “cut” to be everyone’s fifth card must be the fourth five.  I’m not an expert and experienced cribbage player, but i’ve never seen anything even remotely close to that.)

Since this is a federal prosecution in a federal court, and it’s not in Florida, they might get this recommendation. But of course they also may not. It’s clear, at least to me, that the kind of people we need in police work are not getting hired (and if they were they could not survive in the current environment.) Police reform will not happen by improvig the training or changing policies as long as police forces are made up of bullies (who come in all races and all genders, by the way.)

If Doctor Fauci can get the West Nile virus, I would say just about anyone could also get it (it is mosquito borne.) We have it in Colorado, although only one case has been confirmed in my county. Last year was bad for it, but it looks like this year, at least in Colorado, will be less so. (We also have bird flu.) If you have any kind of vulnerability, like allergies, you mught want to check with your state’s health department (which can generally be done on line) about the likelihood. I got my local information from Colorado Public Radio, which is pretty reliable. Does every state have a public radio service, a state one, distinct from NPR?  Standing water is definitely a thing to watch.  One dude at Democratic Underground, who keeps two 20-gallon tanks in his back yard to collect rainwater,says that in mosquito season he buys maybe half a dozen or more goldfish and puts them in the tanks, and they eat any larvae laid by the mosquitoes


Aug 252024

Yesterday, I was very late posting the Open Thread, and I apologize. I had it ready to go and just forgot to load and post it. I was working on writing and printing letters to my 401(k) custodian and to an urgent care facility which just sent me a bill for services in March of 2023. Had I not received a bill from them in July of 2023 and paid it, I would have just paid this one. But I don’t what to pay for aomething twice. I tried to call, but the menu wanted me to enter my employee ID number, which, since I’m not one, I don’t have. I didn’t even try to call the 401(k) custodian because I’ve tried in the past. Because there’s no such thing as one phone call. No matter how detailed you are, they leave some detail out, and you have to keep corresponding until they get it all. Anyway, with all that, i simply forgot to schedule it. I wish I could promise it won’t happen again, but sadly, I can’t.

In any case, yesterday’s radio opera was “Idomeo, Re di Creta” by Mozart. It’s one of those stories – and every culture seems to have one = there’s even one in the Bible – where someone is in potentially fatal danger, and prays to a god, promising to sacrifice the first living thing he meets when he gets home, and then that turns out to be his child. Oops. Not all of the stories end the same way, though – there are several directions it can go. In this opera, it ends up with the voice of Neptune telling him not to kill his son, but to abdicate n his favor, by which his sacrifice becomes his kingdom instead. Everyone is happy, except the princess the son doesn’t marry. But nothing was ever going to make her happy anyway. And now I’m off to visit Virgil visit Virgil

This, from The 19th, is very much peripheral. But there’s not way i could cover the substantal part of the Convention like the big boys and girls, especially since many readers have likely watched it. And its not an unimportnt side issue in view of Project 2025, for sure.

This is Heather Cox Richardson writing after the third day of the Convention. I saved it for Sunday because – because it’s kind of a sermon. An American, Democratic sermon. Don’t skip it because I said that. It is very encouraging.

Joyce Vance has some suggesions for anyone who is not inspired to do something but doesn’t know what. (Steve SChmidt has the same ones – because he quotes then from her. She’s in Scotland just now, but the animals are being taken care of.)

Aug 242024

Apologies for posting late.

Yesterday, I read an email from Rick Steves. For anyone who doesn’t know, he is the dude who (for probably more years than I’ve been married) has been making travel shows which are broadcast on PBS. I’ve never been really into travel, but I am into inclusion and multiculturalism, and his shows are big on those. I don’t normally read his emails, but they are also so few and far between I haven’t bothered to unsubscribe – plus he’s a good human being who suports, among other, Bread for the World. Yesterday, for some reason, I did read it, and I’m glad I did. It tuens out he has prostate cancer. That, of course, is not necesarily a death sentence like pancreatic cancer, but it’s also no fun. It appears not to have spread and he expects to be scheduled for aurgery in late September, before which he plans (with his doctor’s permission) to film two new shows, both in France. Over the years he has become less and less a travel host and more and more a good will ambassador (and oh boy, do we need those right now.) If you’ve never seen one, there are 100 available at this link. I watched “Iceland” because it was at the top, being the featured one for August, but the farther down you scroll, the more options.

And now I need to rant for a bit. Not just here in the United States, but also all around the world. People think of politics as being defined by “Left” and “Right” – concepts which come from the first French post-revolution legislative body, in which the conservative members sat on the right side of the room while the more liberal sat on the left side of the room. It was convenient, so it stuck. But language has not caught up with the reality that “Left” and “Right” refer to economic theories, not to overall political opinions. Certainly still today people probably vote “Left” or “Right” and think about how each side’s policies will affect them financially. But there’s more to politics than economics. That’s why the “Political Compass” was invented – and this election displays why that matters. Because the distinction between “authoritarians” and “egalitarians” (the Political Compass site uses the term “libertarian” but, besides the fact that it has been stolen and no longer means what it used to, I doubt whether it would have been the best word even in its oldest sense.) – that distinction is what this election is all about. Not economics, even though that also matters. And this article IMO is an example of how one’s conclusions may not be reliable if one fails to recognize the dimensins of politics. (In fact, there may well be a third dimension based on whether one does or does not believe in accountability. But I’d have to think long and hard about how to describe it in two adjectives.) Bottom line, politics is not just one thing – and different people can have wildly different opinions even if they agree on economics – and can easily get sucked in supporting politicans who they would hate if they understood the implications of those politicians’ views – provided they and the politicians are equally “left” or equally “right.” OK, end of rant. For now.

Heather Cox Richardson writes about the history of conventions – which is connected to the history of parties – so she writes about that also

Aug 222024

Yesterday, I got an email from Vote Vets regarding Republican members of Congress who, while accusing Tim Walz of stolen valor, are themselves stealing valor as they speak “A full 29 of the 50 signatures come from Republicans who falsely claimed they are retired. Calling yourself Retired means something. It speaks to a length of time in service that many of the people on that list of Republicans never fulfilled.” They singled out Ronny Jackson and Troy NEhs – but that’s just two out of 29. In case anyone here has a veteran in your life who is Republican, Vote Vets is the place to go for the facts = any and all facts regarding MAGA lies about active duty military and/or veterans. Also, this popped up in Colorado – has any other state done this? Or could this be a model? And all this while Andy Borowitz got some giggles about Melania.

Joyce Vance has a subhead under the title of this post: “I’m not about to let up on this, and you shouldn’t either!” And, you know, she’s right. So I’m adding an extra link here, to her home page. By clicking on “No thanks” you will have access to a sort of “front page” of recent posts.And there are already a few newer than this one. It was a hot week for articles and columns (and the Convention hadn’t even started yet.) But this one is a good introduction. Also, here is something that is getting lost in all the other outrages

I have no doubt that the Obama presidency was used as a recruiting tool for the KKK )and other groups), nor that it was successful (I mean, all you have to do is to look at MAGA to see that), nor that the same is true for protests against wypipo murdering black citizens with no accountability. But that is on them, not on the decent and caring people who voted for Obama or those who object to people getting away with murder. In fact, Pro Publica recently completed an investigation on the phenomenon of radical racists getting more radicalized by Obama, and what can come of that.

There is so much crap in Project 2025 (and in Don-OLD Trump* for that matter) that it’s prectically impossible to keep up with it all. Of course, thet’s what sources like Talking Point Memo, and others, are for.

Aug 212024

Yesterday, I read an email from Colorado’s Attorney General which had me in tears – good tears for the accomplishment, mixed with sorrow for the lost time. I lived in the San Luis Valley from the time I got out of the Marine Corps (1976) until 1991 when the jpb situation thre pushed me and Virgil to move to Colorado Springs. That was the time of my life when I was a real cat lady. I don’t recall opiates being a problem there then. Alcohol, yes. But the big medical thing was diabetes and the fact that it hit Hispanics so much harder than non-Hispanics. Unfortunately I can’t link to the email, but I can link to the article in the Valley Courier – still in print thankfully – which tells the story also. He’s a Democrat, so I have always voted for him any time he was on my ballot. I hope he stays in office for a long, long time.

Steve Schmidt – a couple of days old – but unless his prediction has alread come to pass, not too old. And we should be ready for it, and then, even if it turns out to be wrong, we’ll be fine.

Personally I would

but I’m glad someone is saying it out loud. because there are people who do not realize how bad it actually is. And you cannot fight something if you don’t know it even exists. I think we can do this, but we cannot forget for a moment what we are up against.

This is the good news. The bad news. of course, it that it’s today’s courts it will have to go through, not, for example the Warren Court (I’m pretty sure no relation to Elizabeth.) Kroger and Albertson’s being the only two big conglomerates is already a monopoly (technically it’s a duopoly, but these two are like-minded like Charlie and David.)

Aug 202024

Yesterday, the Atlanta Black Star had a story which horrified me – not that that is unusual – but this one is a bit out of the ordinary. Stories of abusive cops assaulting people of color are, sadly, still a dime a dozen. But when the abusive cop is running for Congress – that puts it into a different category. The ABS doesn’t mention the District number, but it is the one currently served by Democrat Pat Ryan, so it’s the 18th, in the Hudson Valley. This is his official site. If you can spare anything for an election other than the Presidential one, this would be one to consider.

I have alluded to this before – and I don’t want anyone to forget it. As Joyce Vance says, “History is full of failed coups that were preludes to successful ones.” So we must take it seriously and use every means at our disposal.

Posted without comment. I’m sorry. But I just can’t.

Seems like absolutely no one except Mary Trump wants to talk about this. I saw somewhere that the statute of limitations had expired, since the incident occurred in 2015.I don’t know what the Federal statute of limitations is on taking a bribe. But I’m pretty sure that there’s no statute of limitations in a Federal RICO case.

Aug 192024

Yesterday, Trinette was by and helped me by bringing the mal in and the trash and recyclables out. I am still “gun-shy” about going out of and back in my front door, having tripped on the threshhold too many times. I can do it, but I really have to concentrate and it isn’t the greatest thing in the world for my blood pressure. So I do so appreciate her help with this. I had found some time this week to work on something i had promised her – to burn some CDs of works by black classical composers. I found enough for 6 CDs, and I have a playlist for the 7th, but I hot my download limit until today (I’, also almost out of blank CDs, but I have more on order). And I have still barely scratched the surface of what’s available. But I am having so much fun doing it – it’s a good thing it’s not illegal.

The article is about the secretly recorded tape made of Russell Vought, a big player on Project 2025. Besides quotes from the undercovers, they also have the video. Watch it if you dare. I doubt I need to say it’s all unconstitutional.

This is regarding fundraisers and volunteering on behalf of Kamala Harris. After that video, I figured we needed some good news badly.
