Sep 062024

Yesterday, I read in HuffPost that, now that Jpe Biden has dropped out, his job approval numbers started to go up and have steadily continued to rise. That is certainly a good thing, but it still made me cry, to think of all the artisis, musicians, ans so many others who were nort appreciated until after their deaths. Yes, Joe is still alive to see some of this. But the full measure of his contributions to America will not be appreciated until later – and may be much later. He deserves better. However, there is some bad news with good news. I guess it’s really not news that the Russians are at it again, but it is news that the DOJ just made some important arrests in connection with it. And here’s the official video version.

My response to this was “More of this. Please.” Not just to the story but to the activism iy chronicles. For those of us for whom voting is second nature and not difficult, it’s challenging to grasp how difficult it is made (especially by Republicans) for some (especially for people of color – any color but “white”) and how widespread that suppression is. There really is a need for more – much more – of this kind of activism – and for recognition and praise for what already exists of it.

We could use more of this also. After yesterday, I decided some respite was needed, amd my sources have been co-operating so far.

Sep 042024

Yesterday, Joyce Vance decided that her (paywalled) post from last Friday was “so timely and so important that I’ve taken it out from behind the paywall” and republished it here. I do realize not everyone knows someone in high school, or a parent with a child in high school, or a grandparent. But lots of people do, and even if one doesn’t – I don’t – it’s still good information to have, and good to know that people are working on it. When more people vote, we win.

Well, this was certainly not on my bingo card. But I like it. A lot. I really hope there is a Democrat somewhere who is just goofy enough to run with it who has, or can get, the funding for it. It might not even need to be a very large run. Just one, with the right publicity, would do teh trick.

Robert Reich takes on mergers – and specifically the proposed Kroger-Albertson’s merger. I expect you all already knew this was a terrible idea. But possibly not all the details of just how terrible an idea it is.

Sep 032024

Yesterday, I was referred to this article by a poster at Democratic Underground. It’s at Salon, which I have long thought is one of the most, maybe the most in depth organ on cultural issues at least, and often beyond. Actually,that’s a reason why I don’t cite it more often than I do – I don’t have the time or energy to go that deep often, and I don’t expect you to either. But I am citing this one.

There are ways to sugarcoat this – and that’s part of the problem. It’s gonna take a whole lot of votes to offset it. I think the votes are there, but we will need every single one of them. GOTV matters as – well, not as never before because it mattered this much in 2016 and we didn’t succeed. But it matters that much again.

I would not call this an unseen problem – anyone who looks at national election results nationall since 1980 (and particularly since 2000) sees it clearly. I would call it an unacknowledged problem, since no one but Democrats (and not all of us) and the National Popular Vote interstate Compact is pointing it put. And why would Republicans point it put? It’s the only way they can win ( almost said without cheating, but, for on thing, it is a forme of built-in cheating, and for another, if it isn’t enough for them, they cheat in other ways, as in 1976.) I do not intend to badmouth decent and honorable Republicans (mostly historical) such as Lincoln, Grant, Garfield, T. Roosevelt, Margaret Chase Smith, Mark Hatfield, Adam Kinziger, and others (mostly historical.) But the few that are left had lost control of the party by 1980. None of this is unseed. It’s merely unmentioned.

Sep 022024

Yesterday, Faithful America declared the week which begins today and runs through the 8th to be Christians Against Trump** Week. Now that’s the kind of CAT person you don’t even have to like cats to be. Sane Christians with any pet, or no pets, are welcome. The idea is to use social media for good to spread the truth that Chrisutanity is not about Trump**, and what it is about. Most of us are probably not on social media of any kind, but if anyone is, this is the week to spread truth on it.

Robert Reich is working on another video series whic, like “DEBUNKED!” will air on Fridays, starting September 6. It’ll be called “Spreading the Truth about the 2024 Election,” which seems a little unwieldy, but accurate. There’s more information at the link. I will, as I did with “DEBUNKED!” link to each installment in Saturday’s Open Thread.

This from Talking Points Memo is by itself, at least for me, more than enough reason to defeat DonOLD at all costs. But it’s scary. If I wanted to illustrate this story, it should likely be witha picture of a projector, because this is all projection. Violence is always from people with an authoritarian stand, It’s neither of the right nor of the left. But here in the west authoritarians have drifted strongly to the right, because a righ wing economy produces de facto oligarchy, which assists establishing authoritarian rule.Personally, I have observed violence at leftist protests, but not from the left. Where it has occurred, it has come from right wing counterprotesters.

Sep 012024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Puccini’s “Todca.” It is so rooted in both locale and history that it must really be a challenge for a company to present it in modern dress and settings, but they do try. One of the photos showed the tenor and soprano with luggage and she was holding what appeared to be a Polaroid print. Aother photo showed a stage split vertically, something I hadn’t seen before but very appropriate, since while the soprano is upstairs with the villain, the tenor is being tortured in the dungeon, and they actually show that. It’s an opera which really hits me (in the most cathartic possible way) whenever I see or even hear it. And even in the original time and place it’s relevant now – there are still bullies with more power than anyone should have. Also yesterday, Steve Schmidt posted a new “Schmidt Storm.”

I am so old that to me a “Swiftie” is something like “Wow, that is one deep ditch!” said Tom gorgeously.But I have no difficulty admiring Tatlor Swift and these fans. This is kind of a fluff piece, but hey, it’s Sunday.

I wanted another story which was at least not a disaster, even if not 100% good news, and I thought of this one, which I had seen in Colorado Public Radio’s newsletter, and started looking for it. I couldn’t find it at CPR and hadn’t saved the newsletter, but I found it with DuckDuckGo at, of all places USA Today. Ironically, the name of the song which was interrupted was “It Matters to Her.” I gather she doesn’t want to file a complaint but there is enough evidence (witnesses) for the state to consider pressing charges

Aug 312024

Yesterday, Mary Trump wrote about the Arlington incident (or, as Robert Reich now calls it, “Cemeterygate”) and her take on it is actually simiar to mine. Of course, as an Amercan, I am angry about the disrespect of both federal law and a place that is practically holy to most Americans (certainly to all patriotic Americans), but the part that made me the angriest is that the assaulted civil servant fears retaliation and is afraid to press charges. Mary Trump addresses this powerfully, not just MAGA’s part in it, but also our national failure to protect our citizens from bullies. Heather Cox Richardson also got in on the issue. The only good to come out of this is that it should make things worse got DonOLD. Also yesterday, my water district (I get gas and electric from the city, but water and sewage from a special district – and fire and ambulance from another special district. It’s not confusing once you’re used to it) came by (by appointment) to install a new water meter to go with their new system. It comes with an online tool (sorry, I just hate the word “app”) through which I can track my water usage on a daily basis. Interesting. I don’t know whether I’m required to sign up, but I will.

I have seen very little about this incident, but knowing how Republicans will go on and on, I decided to cover it. Of the only two places who covered it at any length (in other words, with solid facts), this was the one I chose. The other site was PolitiZoom, in case anyone wants more. Apparently there’s a whole movement of people who believe that the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments are unconstitutional because they were passed without representation from the southern states (because we were at war with them – which is why we made them explicitly swear allegiance to the Constitution when they returned – funny how they forget that part.)

I have to wonder how many CMOH citations Steve Schmidt had to read before he found the one he quotes in full in this article. And after all that Carter lived long enough to be promoted and almost almost another twenty years. I am in awe (and in tears.)

RGB version

Aug 302024

Yesterday, I came across a new Randy Rainbow, and this time I can’t cut the ad for Groun News without losing content. But after his last video, I looked it up, and it really isn’t bad. I can see why he and Trey both like it. Even without a subscription, it a lot franker than the MSM. Anyway, here’s the link to Randy

As you can see by her title, Heather Cox Richardson wrote this late on Tuesday (and I saw it Wednesday.) Very little of it was actually news even then. But it’s a nice potpourri of things that happened and what an eventful week it was, even as early as Tuesday. If you haven’t already fastened your psychological seat belts, this might be a good time to do so.

I’m very much not a fan of puppy mills, and I can’t believe that anyone here would be. But murdering a breeder is a couple of bridges too far. And if someone crossed that bridge, and took those puppies, you can bet any important body part that he or she didn’t do it to rescue them.

Aug 292024

Yesterday, my opinion of Jack Smith rose yet again – not just because of the new indictment, not even just because he has empaneled a new grand jury to authorize the superseding indictment, but because no one outside that tight little circle evenknew that a new grand jury was looking at it until it was published. That’s amazing. Also yesterday, Crooks and Liars had a story about a GOP chair who had been rejected by whatever in-group she was the chair of, but who refused to leave. Law enforcement was needed to remove her from the State Convention (not, obviously, Presidential, but Michigan’s primaried for state legislatures are coming up.) A judge ruled that the use of law enforcement in this case was legitimate. I hope the Colorado GOP is paying attention.

Personally, I don’t need to know something will hurt me directly in order to know that its bad. If it hurts someone else who doesn’t deserve to be hurt, it hurts me too. But I guess that’s just what makes me not a Republican. Still, it can be useful to realize how policies which hurt particular people end up hurting everybody (and the converse.)

Well, this is interesting. (And that’s throwing roses at it.) Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton must have become jealous of all the attention Harris and Walz are getting and decided thay wanted some of that. Sotty, Greg and Ken, attention because people hate you is not the same as attention because people love you. I hope you get sued within an inch of your useless lives.
