May 282023

Yesterday, the radio opera was (finally!) “Champion” by Terence BLanchard. It’s based on the life of Emile Griffith, a closeted black welterweight boxer whose career began in the late 1950s and went off the rails (though it dontinued, and for a while with a stream of victories before becoming a string of losses) after an opponent who had outed him and whom he defeated with series of 17 blows went into a coma and died. The story has all the elements of tragedy except that he didn’t die young but lived into old age and dementia, which may be an even greater tragedy. Dying is easy – living is hard. (Living is also harder to write about, which may explain why so few creators have chosen to deal with it.) Blanchard chose to address it head on by splitting Emile’s role into three parts – in order of appearance, the old man, played by Eric Owens; the young man, played by Ryan Speedo Green; and even Emile as a child (Ethan Joseph.) Anyone who has ever had any regrets for anything (and what decent person hasn’t?) will appreciate the mechanism of the two adult Emiles having duets. It does feel like that. Not really on topic, but having kind of followed Green’s career and backstory, I’m aware he has mommy issues – and so did Emile, having been abandoned (along with six siblings) by her and raised by a fundamentalist cousin. Also interesting that when cast, he went out and studied boxing and did bodybuilding to be “worthy of the role.” And that Blanchard himself revised and added to the opera because he wanted it to be “worthy of the Met.” I wish I could tell them both that it’s sweet that they did that, but that they ARE WORTHY. Period. Except that that is something one really can’t tell anyone else. Everyone has to find it for themself.  And that – is kindof the essential meaning of the opera. Also yesterday, the Texas House of Repuresentatives voted to impeach texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Under Texas law, he must now step down while he is tried in the Texas Senate.  And one more thing – the White House and the GOP have reached a “tentative” deal on the debt ceiling.

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Crooks & Liars – PIGS FLY: SCOTUS Rules In Favor Of The Little Guys In Tax Sale
Quote – The Supreme Court [Thursday] gave a 94-year-old Minneapolis woman a chance to recoup some money after the county kept the entire $40,000 when it sold her condominium over a much smaller unpaid tax bill…. A handful of states in addition to the District of Columbia allow local governments to keep the excess money, according to the Pacific Legal Foundation, a not-for-profit public interest law firm that represented Tyler at the Supreme Court.
Click through for details – Not that $25,000 will go that far, assuming she sees any of it – but the decision id a good one, and those are becoming increasingly rare.

The Nib (Levi Hastings and Dorian Alexander) – Drag Balls of the Civil War
Quote – The Civil War has always been romanticized as a tragic narrative of conflicting American idealism. It doesn’t matter if you’re a yankee or a rebel though, queerness has never been considered an American ideal. Naturally, that doesn’t mean that it didn’t exist…
Click through for graphic article (perfectly SFW). I have a couple more graphic articles which I want to get in – I now need to try a bit harder since The Nib is folding in August, and I don’t know how long they’ll be available.

Food For Thought

May 272023

Glenn Kirschner – Interview with comedy writer Buddy Winston, part 3/final: We discuss Trump flooding the zone w/crime

The Lincoln Project – $100K Chapstick

Farron Balanced – New Subpoena Could Mean Trump Sold Access To Classified Documents

Political Voices Network (John Fugelsang) – Ron DeSantis Has a New Political Ad, It’s Weird. Eat Your Heart Out Trump! #parody

Giant Dog Who Lived In A Crate For 6 Years Freaks Out Over Her First Cheeseburger

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s Colorado River deal….

May 272023

Yesterday, the subject line on the HuffPost newsletter was “Republicans keep forgetting you’re NOT supposed to say the quiet part out loud.” I think they’re wrong about that. I think they have discivered, and that it’s Deoctats who keep forgetting, that today’s Republican voters will not recoli from an elected official or a candidate for same who openly takes hostages (or whatever the “quiet part” is in any given incident.) Instead they will embrace him (or, surprisngly, her) for what they wtongly believe is “alpha male” behavior but is actually just being a jerk.

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Crooks & Liars – Just 11 People Filed Most Book Bans Across The Country
Quote – A small number of people were responsible for most of the book challenges, The Post found. Individuals who filed 10 or more complaints were responsible for two-thirds of all challenges. In some cases, these serial filers relied on a network of volunteers gathered together under the aegis of conservative parents’ groups such as Moms for Liberty…. The majority of the 1,000-plus book challenges analyzed by The Post were filed by just 11 people.
Click through for details – but not the eleven names, unless the Post has them and C&L just didn’t pick them up. I don’t subscribe and I don’t have a gift link so I can’t say.

Democratic Underground (bigtree) – Tina’s husband’s selfless act before her death (hanky alert)
Quote – Two things are missing from the obituaries about #TinaTurner: her commitment to Buddhism, which she credited with saving her life, and this story of true abiding love which, imho, should bump all stories of her first husband…. She Married Husband Edwin Bach, The Love Of Her Life For Over 38 Years, At Her Home Adorned With 70,000 Flowers In Switzerland In 2013.
Click through for a potpourri of anecdotes not in the obits, including of course the incident in the title.

Food For Thought

May 262023

Talking Feds (while Glenn is on vacation) – Former Federal Prosecutor BREAKS DOWN an Underreported MASSIVE Takeaway from Trump’s Town Hall.  (His comments on venue start at approximately 2:40)

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – May 23, 2023

MSNBC – BREAKING: Trump lawyers demand meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland

Florida Representative discusses priorities – h/t Lona

Cat Falls In Love…Or Not

Beau – Let’s talk about Senator Thune’s unexpected endorsement….

May 262023

Yesterday, good news (which you probably already know) – Elmer (Stewart Rhodes) was sentenced to 18 years prison. The sentences are getting longer as DOJ works its way up the chain.
I’ve been watching, bit by bit, a history series about native Americans (North, South, and Meso) and their lives before Columbus. Turns out the land isn’t the only thing we stole from them. This episode covered medicine (from aspirin through clotting agents to brain surgery – approximately 70% of their trepanning patients, for instance, survived, which we know because removed and replaced skull bone knit and healed.) But I was really blown away by the information that the concept of the number zero, which I was taught was invented by Arab mathematicians in the 8th century CE was actually known to the Maya, possibly even to the Olmec before them, in the 3rd century BCE – over a thousand years earlier. We had one hell of a nerve calling them savages.

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Crooks & Liars – Prigozhin Laments: ‘F*ck Knows How, But We’ve Militarized Ukraine!’
Quote – The leader of Russia’s Wagner private mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, says Moscow’s plan to “demilitarize” Ukraine failed and that the invasion of its neighbor “turned Ukraine’s army into one of the most powerful in the world.” In an interview with pro-Kremlin political observer Konstantin Dolgov, the full version of which was published on May 24, Prigozhin said Russia’s aggression made Ukrainians “a nation known to the entire world.”
Click through for more of interview. Let’s not get overconfident. Putin is just as good at rejecting reality as any MAGAt, and who knows what destruction he could cause just for the sake of destruction, But much of what Prigozhin says is objectively true.

Washington Post (no paywall – hanky alert) – A burger chain fed a homeless teen. Years later, she got married there.
Quote – West said she grew up in Arizona and was put into the state’s foster-care system when she was 4 because her parents struggled and could not care for her. “Over eight years, I was in and out of 94 foster homes — some of them were really abusive and neglectful,” she said. “When I was 12-and-a-half, I finally climbed out a bathroom window to run away, and I got good at hiding.”
Click through for full story. This was made possible by thegoodness of many people … and also by Jamie’s gratitude.

Food For Thought

May 252023

For this Glenn video, I pushed a Talking Feds forward a day, so the one on venues will be Friday.

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump’s lawyers send ABSURD letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland

MSNBC – How Biden gave McCarthy a ‘victory’ on the debt limit — while giving away absolutely nothing

Parody Project – Still Jail-Free After All These Years

Marjorie Taylor Greene demands “decorum” — and hilarity ensues

Dalmatian Rescues An Abandoned Puppy In The Middle Of Nowhere

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden warming to the 14th Amendment….

May 252023

Yesterday, I had to laugh out loud at Andy’s headline: “DeSantis Hopes to Seem Like Normal Person by Appearing Next to Elon Musk.” I have to say, if that wouldn’t do it, nothing would. Ordinarily I would not mock someone on the spectrum – but when he has as much money and power as Musk does, it’s kind of in self-defense.  Another email was from Robert Reich – it’s quite short – and is about retiring – and I certainly identified with every word, and I’ll bet many of y’all will too.  (And – RIP Tina Turner)

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Driver Did Nazi White House Barrier, Rammed Repeatedly, Wingnuts Say It Was Staged

PolitiZoom – Driver Did Nazi White House Barrier, Rammed Repeatedly, Wingnuts Say It Was Staged
Quote – Stalwart defenders of Nazi bad-drivers on Twitter contend that the Nazi banner was simply a prop in a staged false flag operation meant to discredit and smear all peace loving swastika fans, because the flag had been folded, and should not have been placed on the ground while the cop finished his search of the truck… or something.
Click through for details. It wasn’t staged. It was definitely an assassination attempt – carried out with all the precision and skill that MAGA can come up with (which is thankfully very little of either. Butlet’s not get over confident.)
Daily Beast – Former Moscow Officials Reveal Why They’re Laughing at Putin Now
Quote – Russian President Vladimir Putin declared last week that beer in Prague, where a summit between Kremlin critics recently took place, contains “female sex hormones” and called the opposition officials who met there “half-wits.” On the same day, his best friend Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian Security Council and former KGB hardliner, warned of a deadly “radioactive cloud that is now moving towards Western Europe” from Ukraine. The bizarre propaganda lines—apparently meant to evoke fear among Russian exiles of cognitive decline by way of drinking beer, or death via the enriched uranium supplied to Ukraine by the West—fell flat. Putin’s remarks were widely mocked on social media, while experts at Russia’s own State Atomic Agency said that “the story with the approaching cloud is somehow exaggerated.”
Click through for article. I can certainly understand laughing at stupidity, and I’ve done a lot of it in my day. But the people getting killed by Russia – that tends to wipe the grin off my face.

Food For Thought

May 242023

Talking Feds (while Glenn is on vacation) – Fani Willis Reveals DETAILS of Plan for Sweeping MAGA Indictments

Farron Balanced – National Archives Has Evidence That Could Guarantee A Trump Conviction

Waldorf Nation – School BANS Parents For Not Being Hateful To LGBTQIA+ People

Puppet Regime – Surprise party for Putin

Cat Falls In Love With Stray Cat Who Shows Up Outside

Beau – Let’s talk about expanding confidence in SCOTUS….
