Jun 102023

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. -Elie Wiesel

You have probably heard about the controversy surrounding the proposed “Cop City” in Atlanta. Residents have been vigorously opposing this facility for a variety of reasons, including the location – in a beloved urban forest – and the training that will take place there is more in line with urban warfare than with protecting and serving.

Numerous protesters have been arrested. That is understandable, in a way. However, recently three people were arrested for collecting funds to bail out the demonstrators. What the Hades? Arresting people for civil disobedience is one thing, but going after those who got them out of the clink is definitely another.

On January 18, Atlanta police shot dead Manuel Paez Terán, aka “Tortuguita.” Police claim he fired on them first, but evidence for this is sketchy. In the autopsy report the chief medical officer wrote that there was no gunpowder residue on his hands. Terán had been shot 57 times, apparently while in a seated position. On top of all that, none of the officers had a body cam on. Apparently this had all been carefully planned. Instead of removing Terán nonviolently, which they could have done, they brutally gunned him down.

What is wrong with police in the US anyway? I could write a very long essay about the racist roots of policing in this country. Over the past decade or so, police departments have become increasingly militarized. Your “friendly neighborhood” officer is less and less Andy Taylor, and more and more Judge Dredd.

The knee-jerk reply to this is “But criminals are better armed than the cops!” OK, granted, some lawbreakers are heavily armed. However, 1) only a few actually are, and 2) we have this country’s lax gun laws and cowardly politicians to thank for that. For dealing with dangerous hoodlums we have SWAT and special-response teams. But we don’t need all cops to be like that. When your neighbor is running down the street drunk and naked, you don’t need an officer who’s armed like Rambo – you need someone who can de-escalate the situation.

Yes, police officers need training – and they need the proper facilities for that training. However, US cops need more training in nonviolent ways to handle situations. Currently it takes more hours of training to become a barber than to become a cop in the US. Police need to regard their guns as a last resort, not the first. We could learn a lot from other countries where officers seldom use their guns, and where police-involved deaths are rare.

Defund the Police” was and is not about getting rid of police, but in spending less on militarizing them and more on programs that will ease the burden on their shoulders. What we need is a profound rethinking and reformation of law enforcement in this country.

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Jun 102023

Yesterday, the first Federal Trump** indictment was unsealed. I posted a “breaking news” update on the Open Thread as soon as i saw it, but in case you missied it, the news was 37 counts. (I presume 7 charges is still correct. It’s 49 pages and I didn’t go through it in full. But “conspiracy” was one, “obstruction of justice” was one, and “willful retention under the Espionage Act” was one. The Espionage Act, combined with the Federal rules for venue, explains why Florida. We now know that for certain.

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Short Takes –

NPR “Shots” – For many, a ‘natural death’ may be preferable to enduring CPR
Quote – So why the controversy? It comes down to a widespread misconception of what CPR can, and can’t, do. CPR can sometimes save lives, but it also has a dark side…. The allure of CPR is that “death, instead of a final and irrevocable passage, becomes a process manipulable by humans,” writes Stefan Timmermans, a sociologist who has studied CPR…. “It seems too good to be true,” he said, and it is.
Click through for details. I won’t try to address every possible complication here – but this highlights the importance of Living Wills/DNR orders – and maybe even more the importance of respecting them.

Robert Reich – Should we be worried about RFK Jr.?
Quote – Were it not for his illustrious name, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be just another crackpot in the growing number of bottom-feeding right-wing fringe politicians seeking high office. But the Robert F. Kennedy brand is political gold. RFK Jr. is now polling in the double digits against Biden. The latest CNN poll, taken less than three weeks ago, has him at 20 percent.
Click through for article. As always, click “keep reading” or whatever on the popup. His father would be APPALLED.

The New Yorker – The Legal Dynamics of Trump’s Second Indictment
Quote – Q – What are the considerations when the government approaches cases involving classified documents? A – There are a slew of them. From the government’s perspective, the crux of the matter is how much classified information they are willing to reveal, because the defendant has a constitutional right to confront the evidence against him. This means that the government cannot split the difference; it can’t convict someone based on evidence they are not allowed to see. So oftentimes how the government charges a case like this and how they try a case like this reflect decisions about what they are and aren’t willing to disclose.
Click through for full interview. The writer is not a lawyer, but the interviewee is, and is an expert on national-security law. I’ve already used the New Yorker once this month, so if you are paywalled out, email me and I’ll send it by return.

Food For Thought

Jun 092023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump federally indicted! Here’s what we can expect in the coming days

The Lincoln Project – Our Flag

MSNBC – Jack Smith’s coup probe hits MAGA convict Steve Bannon

Thom Hartmann – You Won’t Believe The Power Behind The Most Corrupt SCOTUS Justice…?

Cat goes WILD for Trader Joe’s ciabatta!

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, Kuwait, and supplies….

Jun 092023

Yesterday, Pat Robertson died. He was 93. “I was always taught never to say anything about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good.” – Moms Mabley. You can read about it in lots of places (AP is one) but this Wonkette remembrance may be the most – satisfying. Also yesterday, it was dry enough to put the sticker om my car (and of course put a copy of the registration into the glove box). So I did. We’re expecting more rain, so I carped the diem.  And one more thing:  Trump** stated publicly that he has been indicted (in the documents case).

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Crooks & Liars – FL GOPers Panicking As Immigrants Flee Ahead Of New Law
Quote – Florida Republicans concerned about the state’s new anti-immigration law and its potential impacts on Florida’s economy… admit the bill is “100% meant to scare” immigrants and beg the crowd to “urgently” convince “your people” to not leave Florida since folks in the agriculture industry are mad workers are leaving.
Click through for story. Now that the debt ceiling is off the table for a while, the news stream is so fast and furious that I think I’ll have to do three a day for a while to catch up. Just for a while. I won’t be able to keep it up.

HuffPost – DHS Launches Major Effort To Stem Human Trafficking In Indigenous Communities
Quote – One of the “brutal realities” is that Native women command more money from sex traffickers, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has been a leader in combating violence against Indigenous women, previously told HuffPost. “Native women, because of their looks, can be viewed as more exotic, more Asian, and apparently there is a higher market for women that are of Asian descent,” Murkowski said. “When I heard that, it just … It just sickens me.”
Click through for details. It’s no surprise that people who would profit from, or pay into, human trafficking objectify women. But this certainly brings that fact home.

Civil Discourse . Today in Trump
Quote – Venue, as a legal proposition, is the place or location where conduct that prosecutors want to charge took place—the judicial district where the crime was committed. Sometimes that’s obvious, like in a bank robbery. Other times, it can be more difficult to determine, and there may be more than one possible venue. Imagine a drug-dealing network that operates across a region of the country. There can be more than one proper venue for a case. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 18 provides that “Unless a statute or these rules permit otherwise, the government must prosecute an offense in a district where the offense was committed.[“]
Click through for more explanation and the news which prompted it. As usual, click “no” or “continue” on the popup(s). Venue decisions may be the most important ones that DOJ must make in these cases. I don’t want anyone here to be crying “foul!” if Jack Smith ends up trying the documents cse in Florida. If that happens, it will be because it was legally necessary.

Food For Thought

Jun 082023

Glenn Kirschner – Mark Meadows testifies in grand jury about BOTH the insurrection & Trump’s classified docs crimes

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – June 6, 2023

MSNBC – Lawrence: Mark Meadows could be second White House Chief of Staff convicted of crimes

Thom Hartmann – Are You Scared Of Woke?! Fox News Propaganda Exposed

Tiniest Abandoned Puppy Is Found In A Box On The Curb

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, wokeness, and branding….

Jun 082023

Yesterday, my re-registration came – two copies, one for the car and one for my files, and the sticker Whew! Well, it should be easier for the next several years, at least. There was a flash flood warning on the radio, but not for me – for “northern” Colorado Springs and points north. Not that it wasn’t raining here – it was – but definitely not flooding (just a little too wet to put the sticker in place).

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Crooks & Liars – TV Host Loses It Over Kids Learning About Deodorant In School
Quote – Real America’s Voice host Karyn Turk argued that children should not learn about deodorant in elementary school lessons preparing children for puberty…. “Not in school!” Turk gasped. “I don’t think they need to learn that in school. Elementary school. They learn that at home?”
Click through for story. There is a video but I didn’t think I could bear to watch it. “Karyn”? Coincidence?

The Nib (Issy Manley) – Not Working
Quote – Today’s CEOs exalting the four-day-week future echo industrialist Henry Ford. Ford famously reduced autoworkers schedules from six- to five-day weeks in the 1920s to maximize productivity AND spending. “Leisure is an indispensible ingredient in a growing consumer market.”
Click through for graphic article. Henry Ford was no angel – far from it – but he was also no dummy. He got it that any business needs customers to survive, let alone prosper – and got it beyond that that a business’s employees are a great potential customer pool. Why can’t today’s owners and CEOs get it? And then there are the climate effects.

Food For Thought

Jun 072023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s lawyers meet with Jack Smith. Next stop – indictment!

Thom Hartmann – Is This The MOST Terrifying GOP Law For Women YET?

Rebel HQ – Newsom May End DeSantis’s 2024 Run With This

Parody Project – This Fits Him to a T – Parody of I’ll Never Find Another You

Cat Loves Jumping In And Stealing His Mom’s Baths

Beau – Let’s talk about Utah, libraries, and finding out….

Jun 072023

Yesterday, the Southern Poverty Law Center released its 2022 Report on Hate and Extremism. It doesn’t look pretty – not that we all didn’t already know that via gut feelings, but here are the numbers to demonstrate it. Also yesterday, I spent over two hours trying to report a package whuch was supposed to have beenbe delivered Mionday and wasn’t though it showed up in my Informed Delivery as having been delivered, with a delivery time time and everything – only to discover (fortunately before I found an actual person) that it had been delivered last week. The tracking number had not gotten into the system when I actually received it, and they were apparently belatedly trying to account for it. Weird.

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The New Yorker – How a Fringe Legal Theory Became a Threat to Democracy
Quote – “If you’re used to the powers that be either passively ignoring you or actively screwing you over, for generations, it’s natural to hear about some new nefarious thing they’re up to and think, Same shit, different day,” [Sailor Jones, a democracy activist] said. “The challenge for us, messaging-wise, is to find a way to tell folks, You’re not wrong, but, also, this one really is different.” “This one” was Moore v. Harper, a Supreme Court case that was set to be argued in December and resolved by the end of June…. Even if the apparatus of democracy is not dismantled this year, or next year, it’s worth reckoning with how easily it could be.
Click through for details. I wish this were not important … but it is. Statistically, we actually have, or have the potential for, a majority in enough states that are considered solidly red that if we could only get people registered, turn out the vote, and generally turn up the enthusiasm, we could deal with this. But that is something we are as a group too rational to be really good at. If you are paywalled out, shoot me an email and I will send you the article.

HuffPost [Fringe] – Oklahoma School Board Approves 1st Taxpayer-Funded Religious School In U.S.
Quote – The Archdiocese of Oklahoma said in the “vision and purpose of the organization” section of its application that: “The Catholic school participates in the evangelizing mission of the Church and is the privileged environment in which Christian education is carried out.” Brett Farley, the executive director of the Catholic Conference of Oklahoma, said: “We are elated that the board agreed with our argument and application for the nation’s first religious charter school.”
Click through for story. I don’t know how far this would get if it were taken to court – and there are asome groups and people who will be taking it there. For one thng, the state’s AG says it is unconstitutional under Oklahoma;s constitution … and Americans United foor Separation of Church and State also appears to be on it.

Food For Thought
