Dec 032024

Yesterday, I had blood drawn for four tests. The appointment was for 3:00 pm, and I was prompt. The actual draw too well under a minute, and by 6:00 pm I could see the results on line. If I had been worried, that would have been a real blessing. In fact, just about everything was in normal range, and most right in the middle of normal range (I didn’t have to do the math – they gave me colored graphs.) I also had over 100 emails – but it was Cyber Monday and today is Giving Tuesday and Thursday is Colorado Gives Day. So that comes as no surprise. I have a bunch of stuff picked out, and most of it I still think is important, but I’ll try to put newer stuff in as extras this week.  Also, as I came to post this, I realized I hadn’t posted yesterday.  I do apologize.

Hunter Biden Pardon and US v Skremetti in SCOTUS

Robert Reich provides the news sources he relies on for the truth. All are good (I will say the New Yorker has become a little to far right for me, and there are others.) I would add to Reich’s list Wonkette, The F*ing News because I often don’t have the time or energy to do my own sarcasm, and from them I get it ready made. For people who can tolerate videos, there’s “Legal AF” with Harry Litman, which is under the Meidas Touch umbrella, and he doesn’t have the annoying habit the brothers do of repeating things over and over, On Substack you can take your pick – besides Cox Richardson and Reich himself, I trust Joyce Vance, who doesn’t just stick to law and the courts, though that’s her area of expertise. Also, sign up for one unpaid subscription on Substack and whoever you subscribe to will occasionally (not often enough to drive you nuts) recommend other Substackers, and Substack will send you a short email with those recommendations. As Joyce often says, We are in this together.

So Erin Burnett at CNN is “an observant Catholic.” Well, I’m a Catholic. And I’d like to tell Erin Burnett a story. Many years ago – in the late seventies, to be precise, a gentleman named Charles Buswell was the bishop of the Pueblo, CO diocese. And I use the word “gentleman” advisedly. He was such a sweet, real Christian that he was written up by Time magazine. Alamosa was in that diocese then (may still be), and he had come to Sacred Heart parish there for I forget what ceremony – it might have been confirmations – and was relaxing at a barbecue afterward when I got into a conversation with him. In that conversation be mentioned that he has released from his vows a priest who was trans, and had recently completed surgery. “He said, I think that transgender is considered to be when the soul of one sex is born in the body of the other?” and I replied, “That is what I have always understood.” He grinned and replied,  “Our diocese then should get the credit for having ordained the first woman priest.” That is how a real Catholic responds to transgender. You know, Christine Jorgenson was still alive then (she died in 1989). Her glory days were over then, but they lasted long enough into my childhood for her to be discussed in our home and for my mother to have given me the explanation on which I agreed with the bishop. Gender affirming care is not something frivolous. It’s much like needing an abortion when the fetus is already dead. Oh, wait – they oppose that too.

Dec 012024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Capriccio” by Richard Strauss. It addresses the age-old questin of whether the music or the words are more important in an opera. It does this theough the mechanism of featuring a poet and a composer both in love with the same woman expecting her to choose between them, In the end, she can’t. Some people think that Strauss hid the answer in the scoring of the final scene. But those people don’t always agree in which choice they think she made. So I don’t believe that. Operas have succeeded with strong music and weak libretti, and also the other way around. And some have failed in both of those categories. But a strong libretto with strong music is also no guarantee of success – and a weak libretto with weak music may be a hit for a while (though it’s unlikely to be remembered long. But good ones can be forgotten also.  Welp, I’m off to see Virgil. I will check in in a comment when I get home.

This is late for Thanksgiving, I grant. But Andy Borowitz‘s tips may give you a SUnday smile or at least a Sunday snicker. nd Christmas is coming. And there’s always next year. And, speaking of Andy, there’s a video here – it’s about 15 minutes and is very funny, though just at the very end you may want a tissue.

This also appears to be good news, although Republicans seem always to find ways to take the joy out of everything. The F* News is snarky, of course. But it appears to be baseline true.

Nov 302024

Yesterday, I continued some computer chores of moving infornation from one to the other. I also took in a grocery delivery, and though I haven’t checked it all yet against the order, I don’t think anything was missing. I aldo noticed – yes, I’m late to the party – that Elon Musk had posted something quite a while ago calling Kamala Harris “the ultimate diversity hire.” You may remember that my definition of “diversity hire” is “I can’t stand another ignorant white boy, I need someone who comes with actual qualifications.” Now that definition she might fit.

Our states are by no means all the same. I don’t suppose Ruben Gallego’s campaign strategy, as described by Huff Post, would work in every state. In fact, I believe that in many states our candidates should sound more progressive rather than moving center. But it did work for him (which means it also worked for all of us). and would work in many states.

Joyce Vance will sound overly optimistic to many of us, but she has some good points. And no one ever said or suggested that getting the Republic back could be done without a powerful resistance.

Robert Reich on gratitude. Do I need to say more?

Belle Kentucky batteries


Nov 292024

Yesterday, I actually cooked – oven roasted a chicken breast with a sauce I came up with. My oven won’t do any temperature but 350 °F, which is not high enough to get it as crisp as I would have liked, but it still tasted nice. And it wouldn’t be Thanks giving if I didn’t have leftovers – it looked more like a turkey breast than a chicken breast. I managed to eat about a third of it. 🙂 And, also of course, Virgil called. And I managed to make an appointment on line for blood work to be taken Monday. I am liking being able to do things on line.

This is from Colorado Public Radio. I did not know about these geological features – but it certainly makes sense, and makes the most sense to put it out. I hope that we are allowed to complete the project, which requires us ti get already authorized federal fundings. Just now, I wouldn’t bet on it.

Robert Reich writes about the misogyny, not just of Trump**, but of those with whom he surrounds himself, and those with whom he wants to associate in his cabinet. I haven’t heard the expression “testosterone poisoning” in quite a while. But it certainly fits.

Nov 282024

Thanksgiving is almost universally viewed as a joyous, uplifting time for sharing with family and friends.

Take a guess who does NOT share that view?

You can easily tell from the tone of his Thanksgiving “greeting”:

Here’s a link to the above which includes a link to the “Truth Social” posting of it … if you dare.

Trump’s ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ Message Takes A Very Divisive Turn | HuffPost Latest News

Now, compare that to Pres. Biden’s Greetings:

     This Thanksgiving, as families, friends, and loved ones gather in gratitude, may we all celebrate the many blessings of our great Nation.
     Thanksgiving is at the heart of America’s spirit of gratitude — of finding light in times of both joy and strife.  The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving to honor a successful harvest, made possible by the generosity and kindness of the Wampanoag people.  On the way to Valley Forge, as General George Washington and his troops continued the fierce struggle for our Nation’s independence, they found a moment for Thanksgiving.  And amid the fight to preserve our Union during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a national holiday, finding gratitude in the courage of the American people who sacrifice so much for our country.
     We are a good Nation because we are a good people.  The First Lady and I remain inspired by the everyday Americans who lift this country up and push us forward.  Today, so many are among their family and friends, celebrating the love that binds them and creating new traditions that will carry on for generations.  To anyone with an empty seat at the dinner table, grieving the loss of a loved one, the First Lady and I hold you in our hearts and prayers.
     America is a Nation of promise and possibilities — and that is because, every day, ordinary Americans are doing extraordinary things.  Our service members and veterans have given all, risked all, and dared all to keep our Nation free.  Our first responders, firefighters, and police officers risk their lives every day to keep the rest of us safe.  I can see the best of America in them and in our workers and union leaders, public servants and teachers, doctors and scientists, and all who give their heart and soul to ensuring people are treated with dignity and respect.  And I find hope in our Nation’s families, who sacrifice so much to achieve the American Dream and build a future worthy of our highest aspirations.
     This Thanksgiving — the last one I will declare as President — I express my gratitude to the American people.  Serving as President has been the honor of a lifetime.  America is the greatest country on Earth, and there is so much to be grateful for.  May we celebrate all that unites us — because there is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together.
     NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 28, 2024, as a National Day of Thanksgiving.  I encourage the people of the United States of America to join together and give thanks for the friends, neighbors, family members, and communities who have supported each other over the past year in a reflection of goodwill and unity.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-ninth.

A Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2024 | The White House

But I don’t want to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth – especially not on a day when food plays such a pivotal role.

So how about some fun Thanksgiving GIFs including Snoopy and Julia Child doing her annual “Dancing Turkey” rendition?

One to honor the Macy’s Day Parade

And one in honor of our beloved TomCat


Nov 282024

Yesterday, for a change, I caught up on my email. That doesn’t mean I didn’t find anything in my inbox this morning, of course.  I hope the featured image doesn’t squish today.  I tripped over the quote, from a survivor of the Holocaust, but finding the right background and getting the quote into the right place took time.  Just in case:  “I also bear witness to the unexpected extent to which man is capable of defying and braving the worst conditions conceivable

“I wasn’t going to post anything about Matt Gaetz following his dropout, but Amanda Marcotte used him as our poster boy to help us decide exactly what to oppose and exactly how to oppose it. Of course at this point I don’t suppose anyone ia 100% correct on that (though there probably are some who are 100% wrong), but Amanda Marcotte writes well and makes a good case. There isn’t a pay wall, but there is an ad blocker wall. You can keep the trackers blocked.

You may have already heard this from The F* News, but maybe not said so well, and maybe not in quite as much detail. This would not be the only thing where what’s floating around is not 100% accurate. In fact, I used one yesterday.

I wanted to get this up for the holiday because is is something I have been concerned about for a while now off and on, and maybe you have also – conservatives pushing an Article V convention. In fact, I’m going to quote a couple of sentences: “Two bodies can propose constitutional amendments: Congress or a “convention of the states” called under Article V of the Constitution. But regardless of which body proposes a constitutional amendment, an amendment does not become effective until it is ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures (38). Accordingly, any 13 state legislatures can block ratification of a constitutional amendment.

Nov 272024

Yesterday, I checked to see where a small amount of money had gone – I have been a monthly donor to Adam Frisch’s campaign since he first lost to BoBo by 500 and some odd votes. Sadly, he lost again, just not to BoBo this time. I’m aware that campaigns almost always still have bills after the election, so I was going to leave it at least till the end of the yras and then maybe check with the campaign to see if they still needed it. Well, I won’t be doing that. The campaign cancelled it for me and even sent me a refund. I had no idea they would do that. I’m very impressed. And also sad to learn he apparently won’t be running again. We really could have benefitted from having a man of his principles in Congress. Sigh. Also yesterday I managed to get my phone working by switching around eleven cables attached to three boxed until I got the maximum number of green lights showing. However, my 8.1 still has no internet, and I really need it to. Where the 10 is, I have no room for anything else, so all my accessories, including the scanner/printer need to stay there. So I am still troubleshooting.

The F* News has its finger on the Christian Nationalism. I don’t know why the rest of the media cannot or will not see it or print it.

Yes, I know, two from The F* News in one day. But the first one is an important point which should not be missed, and the second is, if not exactly great news, a little better than everyone is saying.

Nov 262024

Yesterday, I learned a lot of things I would prefer not to have happened (as, I’m sure, did you.) For one thing, the National Women’s Health Network is permanently shutting its doors. On the plus side, it looks as though my phone is working again. And one computer has internet access. But I need it on both. So, though I’m up to blogging again, this isn’t over. (and I had almost 300 emails in my inbox yesterday morning. I got it down to under 30, but I didn’t clear it. So today will also be busy.

I think Heather Cox Richardson is writing for reality skeptics in this post, because it sounds as though she didn’t know for absolute fact that Trump** was lying, and I’m sure she’s smarter than that These people who nightmared up (to coin a phrase) Project 2025 claim to be business people. But I have an MBA from George Washington University, and one absolutely basic principle I learned there was that if you were put in charge of a group you had no been directly promoted from, you should never institute any changes for AT LEAST SIX MONTHS. In this case that would be six months from the day you take office, not from the day you were nominated, nor from the day you were confirmed, nor from the inauguration – you need to be actively, physically in that division seeing what is actually happening for six months before changing a thing. Apparently no one ever taught these supposedly educated business people that. Or else they just think that since they are white men they must know better.

Well, this, from The Root, was definitely not on my Bongo card, and I’ll bet it wasn’t on yours either. But it certainly sounds like jolly good fun.
