Jul 082023

Glenn didn’t post Thursday (probably did Friday but I had already put in this non-Trump**-related scary vid.)
Talking Feds – MAGA Judge Issues SHOCKING Political Injunction

MSNBC – Trump nightmare deepens as Jack Smith hits AZ 2020 plot with subpoenas

Robert Reich – Does the Constitution Ban Trump from Running Again?

Parody Project – Republicans with No Plan (tune from “The Mikado”)

Stray Cat Paws At The Window Every Day Until Lady Adopts Him

Beau – Let’s talk about 4th of July trivia….

Jul 082023

Yesterday, I received an e-mail with a little video of Jamie Raskin announcing that his cancer is in total remission. Now that’s something to break out a little bubbly for! I also received a note (email) from Pat advising me she has out-of-town family visiting, so will probably not be around this weekend (so don’t worry.) I also received a grocery order.  Most of it was there, But there was one substitution, and it was a bad one (which common sense should have prevented.  So I had to file a refund claim for that.  I got it all in and the shulder was still better after doing so than it was the previous day, so that’s a win.  It’s still a work in progress, but I;m liking the progress.

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Politico – Biden’s hydrogen bombshell leaves Europe in the dust
Quote – European leaders have devoted tens of billions of dollars toward encouraging production of hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel that advocates say will create jobs and help fight climate change. But now, many of those jobs will be going to the United States instead. The clean energy subsidies that undergird President Joe Biden’s climate agenda have just prompted one Norwegian manufacturer to choose Michigan, not Europe, as the site of a nearly $500 million factory that will produce the equipment needed to extract hydrogen from water. And other European-based companies are being tempted to follow suit, people involved in the continent’s hydrogen efforts say — making the universe’s most abundant substance the latest focus of the transatlantic trade battle on green energy.
Click through for details. I wish no ill to Europe, but I cannot help feeling that this is so cool.

National Public Radio – Researchers found a rare octopus nursery off the coast of Costa Rica
Quote – Scientists working off the coast of Costa Rica say they’ve discovered the world’s third known octopus nursery…. According to a press release, researchers witnessed Muusoctopus eggs hatch. They said it demonstrated that the area, known as the Dorado Outcrop, was hospitable to young octopuses… Scientists said the discovery also indicated that some deep-sea octopus species brood their eggs in low-temperature hydrothermal vents, such as the one where the nursery was discovered, where fluid heated in the Earth’s crust is released on the seafloor — like hot springs.
Click through for story. I cannot bring myself to be surprised that octopuses have discoverd this and made use of it for child care – they are so doggoned smart! But I am charmed by it. The octopuses in this story are neither South Asian nor mimics, but I couldn’t resist the chart below.

Food For Thought

Jul 072023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump posts dangerous rhetoric involving Jack Smith, proving his ONGOING danger to the community (“Every accusation a confession”)

Thom Hartmann – The Hidden Truth Republicans Desperately Keep from the American People! 🤐

Ring of Fire – First Republican Debate To Happen During Trump’s Criminal Trial

Armageddon Update – Where Are We?

Dog Who Was Feral Her Whole Life Finally Goes For Her First Walk

Beau – Let’s talk about legacy admissions and a meme….

Jul 072023

Yesterday, I came across a post about “Moms for Liberty,” specifically about what they should really be called, since they are anything but “for Liberty.”  Nameless found the name “Klanned Kaernhood,” which is one of the terms in this post – but there are several more. Many more – this post only lists the “Top Ten.” (I kind of like “Crackpots with Crockpots” myself, but they are all clever.)  Also, the shoulder continued to feel better

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The 19th Explains: Why child marriage is still legal in 80% of U.S. states
Quote – “For some reason, most Americans do not realize that these abuses are happening,” [Fraidy] Reiss [the founder of Unchained at Last] said. “Most Americans agree that forced marriage and child marriage are terrible and heartbreaking. They imagine this happening on the other side of the world, and I wish there was something we could do to show them it’s happening here, too, largely because we have outdated, archaic and dangerous laws that need to be updated.” Nearly 300,000 minors — the vast majority of them girls — were legally married in the United States between 2000 and 2018, according to a 2021 study. Child marriage is defined as any marriage where at least one of the parties is under the age of 18. It was legal in all 50 states until 2018. Ten states have since passed bans to end the practice.
Click through for details. She’s right – most people don’t know. 300,000 may be a huge number, but compared to 300 milliom, it’s a tenth of a percent, and what’s more, spread out over 18 years, the chances of any given person being aware of one incident are not high. But that doesn’t make it unimportant. It shouldn’t happen to anyone.

Democratic Underground – Today in Gay History: Thank a gay man for your freedom!
Quote – Washington knew of a great general, the Baron von Steuben. Europe knew about this guy too: he’d been run out of every decent country on the Continent for being very gay, and he was about to be executed for it. The colonists cut a deal with them: let him go, give him to us and you’ll never see him again. They were okay with that. Von Steuben came to the United States and freaked out about how bad Washington’s army was. They were even doing stupid shit like putting latrines next to the mess hall. Von Steuben wrote “Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States,” which became known as the Blue Book and was used until 1812. He organized a company of 100 men to serve as trainers for the rest of the Army. And he fixed the latrine situation right away. Under his guidance the Army turned itself around.
Click through for the history. Obviously this essay is 7 years old plus a few days late, but

I feel it should be better known.

Food For Thought

Jul 062023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s danger continues: he posts Obama’s home address; armed Trump supporter heads to the address

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – July 3, 2023

Robert Reich – Republicans Don’t Own Patriotism

Parody Project – Court for Sale

Sister Cats Take Turns Being Moms To Their Eight Kittens (I’m not sure whether they are blood sisters or “frosted” sisters – Dodo tends to “humanize” relationships)

Beau – Let’s talk about Chris Christie’s campaign….

Jul 062023

Yesterday (I’m calling it yesterday because it came in after midnight, but she probably wrote it the day before), Joyce Vance took on the subject of “legacy admissions.” Legacy admissions refers to preference given to children of alumni (and alumnae.) But she also points the three other categories which receive preferential consideration: children of big donors, children of faculty and staff, and athletes. Of course one thinks “football,” but, at least in the “ivy league”, most athletic admissions are for sports not played in minority high schools (e.g., fencing.) This essentially comes down to money. Not only athletes, but also faculty and staff are recruited, and those policies are a recruiting tool. And in the case of big donors and legacies (small donors) the connection is even more obvious. I knew that private schools did these things, but I wasn’t aware it had come to the point where state colleges and universites were so starved for cash that they needed to adopt the practices. Another reason the far right wants to abolish the Department of Education.

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Daily Beast – This Melting Planet May Reveal How Venus Became a Hellscape—and Why Earth Was Spared
Quote – Venus, the second planet from the sun, isn’t just Earth’s neighbor. It’s roughly the same size as Earth—and rocky, like Earth is. But while Earth evolved into the wet, breathable planet we know and enjoy, Venus apparently got so hot that its oceans evaporated. Poisonous carbon dioxide vapor then blanketed the planet, trapping the heat and making everything even hotter: a process of runaway global warming that gives climatologists here on Earth nightmares. Why Venus got hot and toxic while Earth stayed relatively cool and liveable (for now) is one of the big mysteries of the solar system—and one with immediate implications for us as we pump more and more carbon into Earth’s atmosphere and risk our own greenhouse-gas calamity.
Click through for details. I think it’s safe to say that no carbon life form is ever going to survive on Venus any time soon. And it certainly wouldn’t hurt to know how it got to that point.

Crooks & Liars – Buttigieg Drops Truth Bomb On The GOP About Biden’s Economy
Quote – Well, look, we’re seeing extraordinarily low unemployment, some of the most job creation under any president ever,” Buttigieg said. “We’re seeing, by the way, with that also unusually high rates of job satisfaction. We’ve seen inflation falling. We’ve seen manufacturing returning to the U.S. Now, obviously, a lot of effort and a lot of money goes into negativity to try to get people focusing on other things, like some of the things that we’re talking about in the culture wars that certain figures are bringing to the fore again and again, I think because they don’t want to talk about the economic work that they’re doing.”
Click through for story (and short video). Secretary Pete is very good at this. But I think this goes beyond just messaging. See Robert Reich’s take.

Robert Reich – Competence isn’t enough. Biden must also confront America’s economic bullies
Quote – Biden has framed that choice as competence or craziness. His new “Bidenomics” blueprint makes clear that America has done well under his quietly competent leadership — featuring significant public investment, taming of inflation, and rebirth of manufacturing. Trump has framed the choice as strength or weakness. I’d rather have someone in the White House who’s competent (even if weak) than someone who’s crazy (even if strong). But I fear voters may choose strength over competence. Strength is one of the central narratives of America. In the mythic telling, America was borne from grit, guts, and gumption.
Click through for his rationale. Messaging, yes – but more than that. I think Bob is on to something. Unless – do you suppose Joe could claim the mantle of the myth by messaging “Good old American know-how”?

Food For Thought

Jul 052023

Glenn Kirschner – Biden says world leaders ask him why Trump has not been held accountable for Jan. 6 insurrection

The Lincoln Project – Raging Ron

Thom Hartmann – Unmasking the Ring Leader: Is Mark Meadows Pulling the Strings Behind the Scenes?

Parody Project – Happy Happy 4th of July (CC by creators, and full lyrics here )

The Tiniest Puppy Grows Up Wrestling With His Cat Foster Brother

Beau – Let’s talk about Kremlin games and generals….

Jul 052023

Yesterday, It was, of course, a holiday, which was a good thing, since I was still having trouble with my shoulder. (Not that a holiday normally affects my schedule, but the drop-off in emails and news was a serious help.) I hadn’t slept much Monday night on account of my left shoulder – I could probably get to sleep with/sleep through that level of pain if it stayed level, but instead it was intensifying and dropping off at intervals of 1-2 seconds. Knowing the next twinge was coming, over and over, kept me focused on that. Finally I gave up and got up for a couple of hours, dealt with some email, found a short take or two, and after about an hour noticed that the twingeing was gone. So I went back to bed, and got back up in mid-afternoon. I don’t know whether anyone noticed Nameless’s comment telling me I had scooped Daily Kos with a video I posted of a flying squirrel faking his own death and setting up a crime scene? Well, yesterday Ilearned that I had also scooped Crooks and Liars with the story on the hundredth-birthday dog parade. I did end up looking up the “Capitol Fourth” on PBS (same people who organize the Memorial Day Concert, but different cast and different ambiance.)

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PolitiZoom – Neal Katyal Asserts Colorado AG Can Force SCOTUS to Rehear 303 Creative Case
Quote – [F]ormer Obama Solicitor General Neal Katyal appeared on Michael Steele’s MSNBC show today to assert that in light of new evidence that the Colorado web designer who brought the 303 Creative case, and who in fact does not design web-sites, willfully misrepresented the basic facts of her complaint, that the Attorney General of Colorado can force SCOTUS to rehear matter.
Click through for details, why and how. Neal just argued and won Moore v. Harper. I’d listen to him. My AG’s “Contact” website was borked, but if necessary, I’ll send him a snailmail.

John Pavlovitz
Quote – But there are times and there are events that defy this idea. Some things are bad and we cannot and should not minimize their implications on people or the planet. This has been a bad week for diverse humanity. It has been a bad week for vulnerable people. It’s been a bad week for racial equity. It’s been a bad week for people buried in debt. And, it’s been a bad week for those of us who grieve the erasing of so much progress in such a short time, even if we saw it coming, even if it felt like a foregone conclusion. Nothing really prepares you to see your worst fears realized.
Click through for full article. This is John’s email for the Fourth (which actually arrived on the third) and, while this message is always good to remember, I agree there are many decent Americans who really need to be reminded right now.

Food For Thought
