Aug 132023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “La Sonnambula,” by Vincenzo Bellini. Bellini, along with Donizetti was at the top of composers working in the bel canto style, and this is an opera full of beautiful ornaments, and beloved by both Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland – both of whom had ranges which included solid low ranges, which is the kind of singer for whom the star role was written (when it’s sung by those who basically just sing soprano, some of the low notes are adjusted a bit.) I’m not familiar with the soprano in this production, which was recorded in Liège, Belgium; the only name I recognize is that of René Barbera, whom I heard in Santa Fe years ago – maybe as many as ten years ago. The story is easier to wrap your head around if you can get into the frame of mind at the time – sleepwalking? What’s that? The plot turns on the heroine sleepwalking into and collapsing in the hotel room of a man not her fiancé, being found there by her fiancé’s jealous ex-fiamcée, and almost losing him as a result. But it does end happily. A phrase from this opera is the epitaph of Bellini, who died young: “Oh, lovely flower, I did not think that you would fade so fast” (but in Italian.) Off to see Virgil now, will let y’all know when I get back.

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SPLC – Florida sets up formerly incarcerated people to vote, then arrests them
Quote – [John Boyd Rivers] was among 41 formerly incarcerated people, also known as returning citizens, who were arrested in 2022 and 2023 for voter fraud in Florida following the 2020 election. Nearly half took plea deals, fearful of facing the unknown of a jury trial and guilty verdict. To date, only Rivers and one other have been tried in court. He drew a split verdict: not guilty of knowingly registering to vote while ineligible but guilty of willful, fraudulent voting.
Click through for story. Administrative incompetence is one thing. A deliberate set-up is quite another. As always, the cruelty is the point.

Robert Reich – Donald Trump, Samuel Bankman-Fried, and the rule of law
Quote – A prominent billionaire is arrested on criminal charges. At his arraignment, the presiding judge releases him pending trial on condition he not to try to influence potential witnesses and orders him not to speak with the media about the pending trial. He repeatedly violates the order. Eventually, the judge has had enough. He revokes bail and orders him jailed pending trial. I’m not referring to Donald J. Trump…. No, the person I’m referring to is Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX. Bankman-Fried — whose wealth had soared to $28 billion before the collapse — had been under house arrest at his parents’ home in Palo Alto, California since his arrest in December on fraud charges stemming from FTX’s implosion.
Click through for full article. Yes, I realize if Trump** is put into pre-trial detention, there will likely be some violence. And I’m in favor of preparing for that as much as necessary to minimize the damage. I’m not in favor of just letting it go. Letting it go would be neither just nor prudent.

Food For Thought

Aug 122023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith subpoenas Trump’s Twitter account; this will be evidentiary gold for prosecutors

The Lincoln Project – The DeSantis Method

Robert Reich – Is Donald Trump a Fascist?

Farron Balanced – Trump Messes Up His Own Name And Age During Arraignment

Blind Puppy Grows Up And Gets A Blind Puppy Of His Own

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump in the zone….

Aug 122023

Yesterday, Merrick Garland appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Since the Trump**-appointed prosecutor apparently doesn’t know how to handle a plea bargain, this may be a good move.

Has anyone read, and if so, do you remember, the story “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”? Originally a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it was made into a movie in 2008 with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett (so there’s that.) The premise is that Benjamin Button doesn’t get older like the rest of us – he gets younger and younger. Well, I was reading some comments a Democratic Underground about how immature TFG is and how he is getting worse, and someone referenced “The Curious Case of Benjamin Butthurt” and added a picture of a TFG-faced infant screaming in a playpen. Fortunately there wasn’t anything in my mouth – I would have lost it.

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ALERT: If you have Ophidophobia (fear of snakes) just quit right here.

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CNN – First a snake fell from the sky. Then a Texas grandma found herself inside the chaos of a hawk after its prey
Quote – Many times in her life, Peggy had watched this exact same scenario play out in nature: Hawk sets its sights on its prey, swoops in to attack, drops it on a barbed-wire fence, then goes back to claim its prize. But she never imagined she’d play the role of fence. Four times, the hawk dove and bobbed at its prize – and at Peggy – before it finally scooped up the reptile and flew off, she said.
Click through for story. Thi is just wild, in multiple senses.

Colorado Springs Gazette – Cyclist hospitalized after rattlesnake bite in popular Colorado Springs park
Quote – One person was hospitalized Tuesday after being bitten by a rattlesnake while riding a bike in a popular park in Colorado Springs, the Colorado Springs Fire Department reported Wednesday. Just before 4:40 p.m., fire crews were dispatched to Ute Valley Park in the Rockrimmon area for the reported bite. Crews with American Medical Response took the patient to Penrose Hospital by 5 p.m., CSFD said. Officials said the bite victim was “successfully” treated due to personnel’s “rapid response” times. “This is an important reminder that rattlesnakes are very present in Colorado Springs,” the department said.
Click through for more (mostly about precautions). I’ve never seen a rattlesnake in our neighborhood – nor heard one -but I’m about as far from the park this happened in as one can be and still both be in Colorado Springs. It just fascinated me, all the snake news all at once. And I’m still trying to visualize a snake striking a moving bicycle going by.

Food For Thought

Aug 112023

[I agree we have the right. But insisting on one’s rights is not always the smartest thing. In this case, it would play into what Trump** wants. I’d say film it and show it after it’s over.]
Glenn Kirschner – The American voters, victims of Trump’s crimes, have a legal right to have cameras in the courtroom

The Lincoln Project – He Should Probably Stop

MSNBC – Only something a Trump lawyer could make up’: 1/6 coup plot architect fights against disbarment

[Sorry that it’s Mrs Greenspan – but she’s who covered it, and she has an expert guest at least – and it’s short.]
MSNBC – Woman arrested in alleged Russian plot to assassinate Zelenskyy ‘was hiding in plain sight’

Lost Leopard Cub Keeps Crying For Mom

Beau – Let’s talk about a GOP constitutional amendment….

Aug 112023

Yesterday, (OK, actually the day before but I didn’t get the email from Joyce Vance until after midnight) Trump** advised the court that he wanted his very own SCIF built at Mar-a-Lago. He claimed it would be cheaper than his (and his SS) travel expenses to and fro (it wouldn’t.) But the main reason, IMO, is that if there were a SCIF on his property, he would think that gave him the right to keep any and all classified documents tht he touched. (Building it would also delay the proceedings indefinitely.) For a guy who has no balls when it comes to courage, he has balls the size of church bells when it comes to arrogance. Also yesterday (really) I took in a grocery order which contained everythingI had ordered – but cost $25 less than predicted the previous night when I placed it. I’m still a little confused, but I’ll take it. The thing that made me the happiest was – let me backtrack a little – this spring they came out with a new flavor of unsweetened seltzer in their house brand which I really, really like. Apparently so did everyone else, since for about three months I haven’t been able to order it – it’s been labeled “pickup only.” Finally this week it was available for delivery, but with a noet, “low inventory.” I ordered 2 12-packs, hoping to get one anyway, and received both. It’s called “blackberry citrus,” and it really does taste like that, only not sweet. Yum.

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Here’s an “Oregon leads the way” story.
AP News – Post-GOP walkout, Oregon elections chief says lawmakers with 10 or more absences can’t run next term
Quote – Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade made the announcement in a news release to clear up confusion over how reelection rules would affect those senators. Under Measure 113, which was approved by voters in 2022, lawmakers with more than 10 unexcused absences were supposed to be disqualified from being reelected for the following term. But some Republicans raised questions over the measure’s vague wording, sparking confusion over what the consequences of the walkout would be for boycotting senators. “My decision honors the voters’ intent by enforcing the measure the way it was commonly understood when Oregonians added it to our state constitution,” Griffin-Valade said.
Click through for story. Now that’s the kind of Secretary of State I want (and at this point have, though that hasn’t always been so.) There are some very spunky SoSes out there, mostly women.

Colorado Public Radio – ‘Hank the Tank,’ the California bear behind 21 home invasions, has been moved to Colorado
Quote – Tweet from Governor Jared Polis: “Today, wildlife biologists for the @CaliforniaDFW captured a large female black bear, who will be transferred to @animalsanctuary upon a one-time permission from @COParksWildlife and @coagriculture1. We welcome “Hank the Tank” (turned out to be Henrietta the Tank) to Colorado!”
Click through for more details. While in the service, I worked with a Master Sergeant named Henrietta, and she preferred to be called Hank, so I’m very comfortable with “Hank the Tank” being female. (P.S. I also love my governor.)

Food For Thought

Aug 102023

[In lieu of the legal recap]
Talking Feds – Trump makes a RIDICULOUS REQUEST to federal judge

The Lincoln Project – NOW Conspiracy

Thom Hartmann – How Can We Ban Trump & His Cult From Public Office?

MSNBC – Biden designates new national monument near the Grand Canyon

Dog Who Couldn’t Walk Prances Around The Office Now

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump revealing his emotional state….

Aug 102023

Yesterday, Ohio’s victory was all over the news (as it should be!) Steve Schmidt in his Substack quoted the same Garfield speech which Heather Cox Richardson quoted Sunday (and which I quoted from her quote on Tuesday.) Steve quoted slightly different parts of it, and between them, they made me want to look up the whole speech. And I found it quickly in the Library of Congress. Garfield, besides being an anti-racist, was an interesting fellow. He was not just ambidestrous, but “could write a sentence in Latin with one hand while simultaneously writing the same sentence in Greek with the other.” (The History Channel thinks that may be a slight exaggeration, but whatever he did, it definitely impressed people.) When one looks at all the Americans who have been assassinated, and I don’t mean Presidents only, but other leaders, I have to wonder how many of these killings were done for money, and how much of that money came from greedy plutocratss. I’m not a historian, and I’m not a trained researcher, but I can look into history as far as a couple thousand years and see at least some assasinations which were quite convenient for the wealthy of the time. I wish someone who is a historian would take this on.

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HuffPost – Alabama Boaters Charged After Attack On Black Co-Captain Spurred Riverfront Brawl
Quote – [A] massive brawl in Montgomery, Alabama, … began when white boaters attacked the Black co-captain of a riverboat…. The incident began at around 7 p.m. on Saturday after the riverboat, The Harriott II, attempted to dock in its usual spot but was blocked by a pontoon boat. The riverboat, which was carrying more than 200 passengers, waited nearly 40 minutes for the smaller boat to move, Albert said…. Multiple videos show the moment [Damien] Pickett[, the co-captain of The Harriott II] is attacked, which led to an all-out brawl as others, including workers with The Harriott II, came to Pickett’s defense. That included a 16-year-old identified as Aaren, who was seen on video jumping into the water and swimming to Pickett to defend him.
Click through for details – such as they are. I have to say it’s nice to here that the white attackers were arrested and charged (although – misdemeanor?) in Alabama, particularly after other recent news from there. Illegal parking on land is problematic enough – illegla parking on water – well, let me put it this way. Boaters who aren’t aware that harbors and docks have assigned parking for good reason may not be competent to be on a boat at all.  I might just add that earlier reports, including the video showing Aaren, identified Pickett as a “deckhand.”  I mean, either way, he was doing his job – but thats a heck of a thing to call a captain.

The Daily Beast – ‘Green Jim Crow’ Is a Ridiculous Insult to Black Communities
Quote – Black and Brown communities face the brunt of failed climate action and lackluster environmental policy. But there are those who believe it’s actually government efforts to ease the effects of calamitous effects of climate change that are to blame for the hard times of lower income communities. They’re calling it “Green Jim Crow.”… Though there are some compelling arguments in [self-described left-leaning environmental and civil rights lawyer Jennifer] Hernandez’s study—such as the proposed new housing map designed to increase the use of public transit only serves to reinforce segregative housing policies of the past—the premise of the idea is simply wrong.
Click through for article. I hadn’t heard the term, but, since everything with Republicans and racists is projection, I can’t claim to be surprised. This verbiage was bound to be picked up by them, since it solves nothing.

Food For Thought

Aug 092023

Glenn Kirschner – Absurd claim by Trump’s attorney that Trump only “technically” violated the Constitution

The Lincoln Project – Us vs. Trump

Democracy Now – “It’s a Way of Reparations”: Why Henrietta Lacks Settlement Matters for Bioethics & Racial Justice

The Ring of Fire – Trump’s Defense Strategy Could Result In A Very Quick Conviction

Shelter Cat Works At A Museum Now (Let it run all the way to see Indy’s full name)

Beau – Let’s talk about the Wisconsin Supreme Court….
