Everyday Erinyes #385

 Posted by at 5:19 pm  Politics
Aug 272023

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

I feel as though I have been waiting all my life for someone – a scholar – a scientist – to say what this article says. All my life all I have heard from both educated and uneducated people, whether in an artistic or a scientific context, is “anthropomorphism,” as if that were a cuss word. Yes, non-human animals are not human, by definition. But the fact that we have to word it that way itself screams “but humans are animals.” And since we are – and since all living things on this planet are related – why sould we keep denying that so many of them show human traits?

Memes about animal resistance are everywhere — here’s why you shouldn’t laugh off rebellious orcas and sea otters too quickly

It’s tempting to envision orcas attacking yachts as the forward troops in an animal uprising.
Jackson Roberts/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond, University of California, San Diego

Memes galore centered on the “orca revolution” have inundated the online realm. They gleefully depict orcas launching attacks on boats in the Strait of Gibraltar and off the Shetland coast.

One particularly ingenious image showcases an orca posed as a sickle crossed with a hammer. The cheeky caption reads, “Eat the rich,” a nod to the orcas’ penchant for sinking lavish yachts.

A surfboard-snatching sea otter in Santa Cruz, California has also claimed the media spotlight. Headlines dub her an “adorable outlaw” “at large.”

black and white image of otter wearing beret next to text 'Accept our existence or expect resistance ... an otter world is possible – Otter 841'
Memes position the otter as a renegade revolutionary, modeled on Ché Guevara.
thesurfingotter via Instagram

Memes conjure her in a beret like the one donned by socialist revolutionary Ché Guevara. In one caption, she proclaims, “Accept our existence or expect resistance … an otter world is possible.”

My scholarship centers on animal-human relations through the prism of social justice. As I see it, public glee about wrecked surfboards and yachts hints at a certain flavor of schadenfreude. At a time marked by drastic socioeconomic disparities, white supremacy and environmental degradation, casting these marine mammals as revolutionaries seems like a projection of desires for social justice and habitable ecosystems.

A glimpse into the work of some political scientists, philosophers and animal behavior researchers injects weightiness into this jocular public dialogue. The field of critical animal studies analyzes structures of oppression and power and considers pathways to dismantling them. These scholars’ insights challenge the prevailing view of nonhuman animals as passive victims. They also oppose the widespread assumption that nonhuman animals can’t be political actors.

So while meme lovers project emotions and perspectives onto these particular wild animals, scholars of critical animal studies suggest that nonhuman animals do in fact engage in resistance.

Nonhuman animal protest is everywhere

Are nonhuman animals in a constant state of defiance? I’d answer, undoubtedly, that the answer is yes.

The entire architecture of animal agriculture attests to animals’ unyielding resistance against confinement and death. Cages, corrals, pens and tanks would not exist were it not for animals’ tireless revolt.

Even when hung upside down on conveyor hangars, chickens furiously flap their wings and bite, scratch, peck and defecate on line workers at every stage of the process leading to their deaths.

Until the end, hooked tuna resist, gasping and writhing fiercely on ships’ decks. Hooks, nets and snares would not be necessary if fish allowed themselves to be passively harvested.

If they consented to repeated impregnation, female pigs and cows wouldn’t need to be tethered to “rape racks” to prevent them from struggling to get away.

If they didn’t mind having their infants permanently taken from their sides, dairy cows wouldn’t need to be blinded with hoods so they don’t bite and kick as the calves are removed; they wouldn’t bellow for weeks after each instance. I contend that failure to recognize their bellowing as protest reflects “anthropodenial” – what ethologist Frans de Waal calls the rejection of obvious continuities between human and nonhuman animal behavior, cognition and emotion.

The prevalent view of nonhuman animals remains that of René Descartes, the 17th-century philosopher who viewed animals’ actions as purely mechanical, like those of a machine. From this viewpoint, one might dismiss these nonhuman animals’ will to prevail as unintentional or merely instinctual. But political scientist Dinesh Wadiwel argues that “even if their defiance is futile, the will to prefer life over death is a primary act of resistance, perhaps the only act of dissent available to animals who are subject to extreme forms of control.”

Creaturely escape artists

Despite humans’ colossal efforts to repress them, nonhuman animals still manage to escape from slaughterhouses. They also break out of zoos, circuses, aquatic parks, stables and biomedical laboratories. Tilikum, a captive orca at Sea World, famously killed his trainer – an act at least one marine mammal behaviorist characterized as intentional.

Philosopher Fahim Amir suggests that depression among captive animals is likewise a form of emotional rebellion against unbearable conditions, a revolt of the nerves. Dolphins engage in self-harm like thrashing against the tank’s walls or cease to eat and retain their breath until death. Sows whose body-sized cages impede them from turning around to make contact with their piglets repeatedly ram themselves into the metal struts, sometimes succumbing to their injuries.

Critical animal studies scholars contend that all these actions arguably demonstrate nonhuman animals’ yearning for freedom and their aversion to inequity.

As for the marine stars of summer 2023’s memes, fishing gear can entangle and harm orcas. Sea otters were hunted nearly to extinction for their fur. Marine habitats have been degraded by human activities including overfishing, oil spills, plastic, chemical and sonic pollution, and climate change. It’s easy to imagine they might be responding to human actions, including bodily harm and interference with their turf.

What is solidarity with nonhuman animals?

Sharing memes that cheer on wild animals is one thing. But there are more substantive ways to demonstrate solidarity with animals.

Legal scholars support nonhuman animals’ resistance by proposing that their current classification as property should be replaced with that of personhood or beingness.

Nonhuman animals including songbirds, dolphins, elephants, horses, chimpanzees and bears increasingly appear as plaintiffs alleging their subjection to extinction, abuse and other injustices.

Citizenship for nonhuman animals is another pathway to social and political inclusion. It would guarantee the right to appeal arbitrary restrictions of domesticated nonhuman animals’ autonomy. It would also mandate legal duties to protect them from harm.

Everyday deeds can likewise convey solidarity.

Boycotting industries that oppress nonhuman animals by becoming vegan is a powerful action. It is a form of political “counter-conduct,” a term philosopher Michel Foucault uses to describe practices that oppose dominant norms of power and control.

Creating roadside memorials for nonhuman animals killed by motor vehicles encourages people to see them as beings whose lives and deaths matter, rather than mere “roadkill.”

Political scientists recognize that human and nonhuman animals’ struggles against oppression are intertwined. At different moments, the same strategies leveraged against nonhuman animals have cast segments of the human species as “less than human” in order to exploit them.

The category of the human is ever-shifting and ominously exclusive. I argue that no one is safe as long as there is a classification of “animality.” It confers susceptibility to extravagant forms of violence, legally and ethically condoned.

Otter 841 is the wild sea otter off Santa Cruz, California, who some observers suspect has had it with surfers in her turf.

Might an ‘otter world’ be possible?

I believe quips about the marine mammal rebellion reflect awareness that our human interests are entwined with those of nonhuman animals. The desire to achieve sustainable relationships with other species and the natural world feels palpable to me within the memes and media coverage. And it’s happening as human-caused activity makes our shared habitats increasingly unlivable.

Solidarity with nonhuman animals is consistent with democratic principles – for instance, defending the right to well-being and opposing the use of force against innocent subjects. Philosopher Amir recommends extending the idea that there can be no freedom as long as there is still unfreedom beyond the species divide: “While we may not yet fully be able to picture what this may mean, there is no reason we should not begin to imagine it”.The Conversation

Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond, Associate Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature, University of California, San Diego

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, this article is a breath of fresh air. Of course the answer to my question above is that we deny human traits in animals so we won’t have to feel guilty about failing to respect them. And that is not only wrong, but shortsighed and stupid. If every non-human animal were to disappear overnight – so would we. For starters, we would starve. And that goes for vegans as much as for omnivores. Without pollinators, much of our fruit woud disappear, including at least some fruits we consider to be vegetables. We might be able to grow some grains – but there would be a lot less to bake without eggs and milk. And that’s assuming the soil could be maintained. Humans would be the only source of manure+, and there’d be no earthworms. Clothing would also suffer. No wool, mohair, cashmere, alpaca, angora, or silk. If the disapperance were to be retroactive, there’d also be no fossil fuels – which pretty much means no synthetic fabrics and of course no plastics. And then there’s language. No one could be insulted as being beastly or waspish. No one would be free as a bird, or fat as a pig. Some colors would never be seen again – red dye, for instance, comes from an insect. And this is but a tiny fraction of what would be lost. Sure, we wouldn’t have malaria or CoViD – but at what a price!

I’m with Isfahani-Hammond here. A world with true freedom may be unimaginable now, but that’s no reason not to try to imagine it, and try to work toward it.

The Furies and I will be back.

Aug 272023

Glenn Kirschner – Two of Trump’s RICO co-defendants, Chesebro & Powell, want speedy trial. This is bad news for Trump.

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – August 22, 2023

Farron Balanced – Steve Bannon Attacks Fani Willis And Suggests We’re Close To ‘Revolution’

Rocky Mountain Mike – Headloose

Guy Risks Life To Rescue Cats From Trees

Beau – Let’s talk about how McCarthy can fix the House….

Aug 272023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “L’Incoronazione di Poppea” (The coronation of Poppaea) by Claudio Monteverdi, who is considered to have invented what we recognize as opera. His first operas were based on Greek/Roman mythology, but this was the last one he wrote, and was about historical figures (although the characters given to them are nor exactly historical. Not that history, certainly at this period, is all that reliable. Ancient historians were like the Fox News of their day. A lot of it was just flat made up, and sometimes with an ulterior motive. Nero never fiddled while Rome burned {he wasn’t even there} and he didn’t attempt matricide with a collapsing boat, because it’s impossible for a boat of the the type which was supposedly used to be made to collapse the way it supposedly did. Of course none of that means that he had no flaws, or even that he never tried to eliminate his mother – but he didn’t do either of those things as described. Just as Marie Antoinette never said “Let them eat cake.” OK, end of rant.) Nero seems really to have had an affair with Poppaea, to have divorced and exiled his wife at the time in order to marry her, and to have ordered the suicide of Seneca, for whatever reason. The plot is essentially set up to lead into Nero’s and Poppaea’s final rapturous love duet, which is somewhat repetitive, but – as anyone who has ever been in love knows – there are only so many ways to say “I love you” in any language, and lovers’ conversation tends to be repetitive. This production was recorded in Barcelona in July of this year, which informs me that WFMT wanted (and waited) to present up-to-the-minute productions now that there are enough live performances to do so, which is why they have only scheduled through September 9 at this point, when they expect to be going through November. Also, yesterday was National Dog Day. To all who celebrated, I hope the day was happy – and woof. Off to see Virgil, will post when I get back safely.

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Colorado Public Radio – Northwest, West Denver’s House District 4 will soon get a new state rep. Here’s how residents can be part of the process
Quote – How the process of filling the vacancy works: A vacancy is filled by the representative’s party, in this case Democrats. A vacancy committee is formed by Democratic precinct organizers who will go on to elect the new representative. That election will take place on Aug. 26. On Saturday, community members can attend the committee meeting, which includes a forum between the candidates and the actual voting from committee members. Check-in for the event starts at 12 p.m., followed by the forum at 1 p.m. and the voting at 2 p.m. It’ll take place at Peter Claver Hall at Regis University, 3333 Regis Boulevard. The event can also be streamed here. [Yes, it’s over – but should be still up .]
Click through for details. Every state does this differently (and we do it differently if the removal was due to a recall) – this is very different from what happened in Tennessee with Justin and Justin – and both are different fom how we handle a vacancy in the US Congress. But understanding the differences can help us evaluate what’s the most fair – and by fair, I mean fair to the consituents.

Reuters – NLRB paves way for workers to unionize without formal elections
Quote – The U.S. National Labor Relations Board on Friday resurrected key elements of a policy it eliminated more than 50 years ago requiring businesses that commit labor law violations to bargain with unions without holding formal elections…. In Friday’s decision, the Democrat-led board partially revived a doctrine known as Joy Silk, named for a 1949 case in which the NLRB said employers must bargain with unions unless they have a good-faith doubt that majority support exists. The NLRB abandoned the Joy Silk doctrine in the early 1970s after the U.S. Supreme Court imposed a different standard in the 1969 case NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co. In Gissel, the court said the NLRB could force employers to bargain when they engage in misconduct so severe that any election would be tainted. Friday’s decision came one day after the NLRB announced a final rule reviving Obama-era regulations designed to speed up the union election process, which is seen as giving an advantage to unions.
Click through for story. If Reuters paywalls you, yu can go to your preferred search engine (mine is DuckDuckGo), put in NLRB and then select “news” as the filter and you’ll have multiple options. This is a BFD for unions.  Hopefully, we’ll be able to get stuff dne with it before SCROTUS steps in.

Food For Thought

Aug 262023

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia judge sets October 2023 trial date for Trump’s RICO co-defendant, Kenneth Chesebro (groaner alert)

The Lincoln Project – It’s His Party

Robert Reich – Unsung Heroes of Trump’s Georgia Indictment

Brent Terhune – Kid Rock Drank a Bud Light???

Starving Husky Nearly Gives Up Until A Miracle Happens

Beau – Let’s talk about Russia and who they don’t want to face….

Aug 262023

Yesterday, Colorado Public Radio announced that we on the Front Range may get some rain this weekend leftover fron a tropical storm – not from Hilary, but from Harold. The mountains are still a good barrier – the eastern plains, not so much. I did manage to do a bit of laundry and food prep. Also, earlier this week we spoke about clothing being speech. Today’s FFT shows that this can be true even if no one is wearing it. The quote is from a knitting newsletter I receive several times a year (hence the allusion to classes).I made the picture a live link to the exhibit – if you look around that site you can see more details larger. I’m reminded of the AIDS quilt, though the product and the cause are different.

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Robert Hubbell – A MAGA mugshot
Quote – In addition to impeachment, the Georgia legislature enacted a law this year (which will go into effect in October) that creates a commission empowered to hear complaints against district attorneys who allegedly refuse to enforce categories of crimes like low-level drug offenses, juvenile offenses, and abortion laws. Seventeen other states have enacted similar legislation to target progressive prosecutors who—in their view—refuse to enforce the law…. Four Georgia prosecutors have sued to invalidate the law…. If the Georgia Commission orders Fani Willis removed after a hearing, she can appeal to the Fulton County Superior Court and (ultimately) to the Georgia Supreme Court. That will take a while, to say the least. Even if Willis is removed, her assistants will continue to prosecute the case.
Click through (it’s Substack, so be prepared to click to keep reading, and to scroll down to reach that click if the page appears to freeze.) I’ve seen a lot of people (most of them at Democratic Underground, but also other places) expressing worry for Fani Willis concerning the new Georgia law allowing a Commission to remove DAs, which goes into effect in October. I’ve been saying it can’t be done just by thinking about it – there will be process – but IANAL. Robert Hubbell is a lawyer and he not only explains it better thn I , he also knows more twists and turns. There are a lot of contingencies addressed in this article also.

HuffPost – Ohio Republicans Twist Ballot Language For Pro-Choice Provision In Likely Attempt To Confuse Voters
Quote – In November, voters will consider a ballot initiative that seeks to enshrine abortion rights and other reproductive freedoms into Ohio’s Constitution. But the five-member Ohio Ballot Board, led by anti-choice advocate and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, on Thursday approved anti-choice language to be used in the initiative, which may confuse voters. The approved summary language uses “unborn child” instead of “fetus.” It does not include any language about the right to make decisions about miscarriages, fertility treatments or contraception — even though that’s a significant part of the proposed amendment.
Click through for details. Ohio has a bigger problem than abortion – a problem elephant-sized and elephant-shaped. I wish them luck. They’re going to need it.

Food For Thought

Aug 252023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Mar-a-Lago IT director gets out from under a MAGA lawyer, gets a new lawyer & flips on Trump

The Lincoln Project – JV

Farron Balanced – Mental Health Expert Warns That Trump’s Mental State Poses Grave Threat To Country

Rocky Mountain Mike – Midday Jail In Georgia – featuring Mary in Ann Arbor

Kitten Brothers Knock Over Every Water Glass In Their House

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s internet problems…..

Aug 252023

Yesterday, I had not watched the debate, so I read about it some, and was very glad I had not tried to watch it. I can give you a link to Wonkette’s sassy and NSFW liveblog, but seriously, reactions to it are all over the net, and easy to find. Also from Wonkette, its newsletter contained a link to a different site (called “Atlas Obscura”), specifically to an article about Eleanor Roosevelt including some facts which today are certainly little known. Anyone who like me admired the heck out of Mrs. Roosevelt from the first day I heard about her will be interested.  I warn you that it’s a site which is easy to fall into and get lost for days. I mean that as a compliment.  Also yesterday, Trump** fired Drew Findling, a name you may remember from Monday’s Open Thread.  Gee, I wonder why /s.

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New evidence bolsters downwinders’ claims as efforts to expand RECA advance in Congress

New Mexico Political Report – New evidence bolsters downwinders’ claims as efforts to expand RECA advance in Congress
Quote – Radioactive fallout from the Trinity Test site covered virtually all of New Mexico and reached as far away as Canada, according to new evidence. But the people who lived closest to the site, and have suffered the health consequences such as cancer, have not received any compensation from the federal government. The new evidence, along with new efforts to help residents of Missouri impacted by radioactive waste, may help New Mexico downwinders finally receive the compensation.
Click through for article. Almost 80 years and an opera and a few movies later, we are still dealng with the Trinity Project. (Of course, all those Republicans in office didn’t help a bit.)

Steve Schmidt – Tucker and Donald – a Dangerous Duo
Quote – The other travesty that took place last night was the bizarre interview between Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Here, I talk about why their message is so dangerous.
Click through direct to transcript. Steve is mostly posting videos now, and my link is not to his Substack page, but the  transcript site. If you want, you can listen while you read, and the site wll conveniently highlight each word as it’s said. But you don’t have to.  You can just read it.  It’s not long.

Food For Thought

Aug 242023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s lawyers push for April 2026 trial in DC election theft case, & Jack Smith pushes back, hard.

The Ring of Fire – California Woman Murdered By Man Who Was Angry At Her Pride Flag

Thom Hartmann – GOP’s Violent Rhetoric Just Killed Another American! Are You Next?

Randy Rainbow – Don’t Arraign On His Parade

Dog Paralyzed With Fear Learns What Love Is

Beau – Let’s talk about how to predict the future….
