Oct 132023

Yesterday, Jim Jordan threw his support behind Steve Scalise, and a vote of the full House was held. The result was Scalise 113 to Jordan 99 (That adds up to 212, which, coincidentally, was the exact number of votes cast for Jeffries.) I am no fan of Scalise (except maybe = MAYBE – as compared to Gym Jordan) but he is at least predictable. Jordan and other MAGAts, you never know what cockamamie idea they will come up with nect – nor even whether they’re serious about it or just being outrageous. Planning is next to impossible.  And then, after all that, Scalise dropped oout of the race!  Also yesterday, the jury reached a verdict in the case of the two officers charged in the death of Elijah McClain (the forst of three trials for five defendants).  From CPR:  “One Aurora police officer was found guilty on Thursday for his role in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain. Randy Roedema has been convicted on the lesser charges of criminally negligent homicide and assault in the third degree. The other officer on trial, Jason Rosenblatt, was found not guilty.”

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Daily Beast – North Carolina Republicans Are Creating a ‘Secret Police Force’
Quote – This new entity, formally known as the Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations, or “Gov Ops” for short, will be chaired by Senate Leader Phil Berger (R) and House Speaker Tim Moore (R). It grants the state the authority to investigate various matters, including “possible instances of misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, mismanagement, waste, abuse, or illegal conduct.” Gov Ops, a product of North Carolina’s most recent state budget, was established via a comprehensive bill passed in late September. Despite Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s refusal to sign the legislation, the Republican majority in the state legislature pushed it through just 10 days later, thanks to their veto-proof majority and the state’s laws restricting the governor’s ability to make line-item vetoes. Gov Ops is slated to take effect next week.
Click through for more. I have fond memories of North Carolina from when I was stationed there. This kind of thing just sinks them as the iceberg sank the Titanic.

Atlanta Black Star – ‘Want to Go In … Start Flipping Over Desks’: Kamala Harris’ Supporters Race to Her Defense After Anonymous Staffer Criticizes Vice President for the ‘Amount of Time Dedicated to Hair Care’
Quote – According to The New York Times Magazine, Democrats have also insulted Harris and questioned her skill set. A top Democratic consultant reportedly claimed that the vice president “has a little Ron DeSantis in her.” Another Democrat donor said that Harris serving as the vice president “is not ideal, but there’s a hope she can rise to the occasion” as Biden’s running mate. One particularly petty microaggression revealed in the article noted the amount of time that the country’s first Black vice president spends grooming her hair. “Sometimes the arguments against her feel more petty,” said the article. “A member of Harris’ staff remarked on the amount of downtime the vice president schedules on trips, which includes an inordinate amount of time dedicated to hair care.”
Click through for full article. All of this is petty, and IMO clearly more misgynistic than racist. 2016 should have taught us that Democratic misogyny is a force which is powerful, and which needs to be considered if we don’t want to lose our democracy. But no one wants to hear that. I find it terribly painful that some of the finest minds and greatest talents in the nation are not electable. But I find the prospect of living in 1984 Orwell – or 1930’s and 40’s Stalin – or Russia or Iran today even more painful. Another lesson we should have learned even longer ago – this one as long ago as Reconstruction – is that bigotry cannot be eradicated by ignoring it or denying it exists.

Food For Thought

Oct 122023

No doubt you’ve heard about Hamas’ recent savage attack on Israel. Which side do you take? On the one hand, Israel has the right to defend itself; on the other, they have been stomping on Palestinians for going on eight decades now.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, and I have nothing but contempt for terrorists. They are slaughtering civilians and have threatened to kill hostages. But Hamas did not arise in a vacuum. In order to understand why they exist and why they behave as they do, let’s back up and get a quick ’n’ dirty history of modern Israel and Palestine.

Even as far back as the 19th century there was talk of letting Jews have their own country. Jews view Israel as their Promised Land, belonging to them and them alone thanks to Old Testament legend. Yes, the ancient Hebrews lived in that region, where Solomon built his temple – but just because Jews of long ago occupied those lands, does that give them the right to claim them today, especially at the expense of those who had been living there for generations before?

Paging all First Nations and Native Americans!

The Palestinians were never compensated for their seized lands. Not the teeniest bit. They were simply ordered out of their homes. Then they were allowed some space on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but even there they are subjected to persecution and harassment. What land they are allowed to retain is little more than an open-air prison. Israeli settlers regularly bulldoze Palestinians’ homes, sometimes with people still in them. Jewish Israelis illegally settle in Palestinian regions, and though most nations acknowledge that these settlements are illegal, they do nothing to stop this land theft. And they can get away with such atrocities because Israelis and Zionists can always play the Jew Card and howl about how Jews have been picked on and persecuted for millennia.

If you dare to speak out against Israel’s policy of oppression and occupation, angry Zionists wrestle you to the ground and stamp you head to toe with swastikas. Never mind that you can easily be pro-Jewish and even pro-Israel but still oppose Israel’s inhuman treatment of the Palestinians. Hate the sin, but love the sinner.

Time for a thought experiment. Just imagine you are a member of an ethnicity that has been trampled for decades. Your great-grandparents’ land was stolen, their houses demolished after they escaped with just a handful of possessions. The people doing the trampling are a nation that has the world’s sympathy and powerful lobbies to guarantee it will receive plenty of foreign aid, while your people get only a trickle – if even that much. Your voices go unheard while you scratch out a living, dwelling in a shack and being subject to random searches and other forms of harassment wherever you go. You live in constant fear of being beaten or shot. Those who speak out on your behalf are quickly squelched and labeled bigots and hate-mongers. You hear numerous stories from your neighbors and friends about how your people are oppressed so hard they cannot stand, how they suffer violent discrimination. You often go hungry, not because your family cannot afford food, but because you cannot always get to a grocery store to buy comestibles thanks to frequent blockades and road closures. And at any time what little you have could be taken from you.

Imagine all of this has gone on and on and on, year after year, decade after decade. Imagine you have seen unarmed children, some of whom are related to you, killed by soldiers with military rifles. Imagine your entire village suffers collective punishment every time an angry teenager throws a rock at occupying soldiers or their vehicles. Now tell me you wouldn’t become a terrorist.

I am not trying to justify Hamas’ actions, now or at any time. All I am doing is asking that you imagine you were born and raised in what little territory Palestinians can still claim, subjected to what Israel regularly inflicts on them while the rest of the world pays barely any attention to their plight.

Already Israel has cut off all food, fuel and electricity from entering the Gaza Strip. They claim it is to stop Hamas, but this will harm innocent civilians who are living there. Israel could allow humanitarian aid to get through – when was the last time an Israeli soldier was killed by a loaf of bread? It is one thing to strike back at bloodthirsty terrorists, but allowing civilians to starve and freeze is another. Netanyahu could easily use the Hamas assault as an excuse for extirpating all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and possibly those in the West Bank region as well.

Not all Israelis and not all Jews approve of Israel’s cruel occupation of Palestinian lands. More and more, Jews and Gentiles alike are demanding justice in the Middle East, calling for Israel to acknowledge Palestine’s right to exist and accept a two-state solution. Hamas’ terrorist actions are unacceptable; however, Israel has been sowing dragon’s teeth for decades.

Whatever your reaction to the current Middle Eastern war, and to this essay, remember this: Never underestimate the will of an oppressed people to be free.

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Oct 122023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith seeks to protect jurors from Trump; informs Judge Chutkan of Judge Engoron’s NY gag order

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – October 10, 2023

Farron Balanced – Visibly Drunk Donald Trump Goes On Bizarre Rant About Sharks

Armageddon Update – SEE, It’s BOTH SIDES!!!!

Pittie Does The Sweetest Thing When His Baby Sister Cries

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, subs, and secrets….

Oct 122023

Yesterday, a little-known conversation from many years ago (which was recently quoted by Steve Schmidt) popped up in my mind to haunt me. I can’t say it any better then Steve did, so I’ll quote him: “There is an extraordinary account of a late night meeting that took place between FDR and Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King in the White House from Nigel Hamilton’s “FDR at War“ trilogy. The two leaders talked late into the night. King returned to his room and wrote down the details of the conversation. FDR outlined to King his vision for what would come after victory in World War II. He said something chilling from the perspective of 2023. He said that nothing lasts forever, and that included his vision for the future. He told King that he hoped it would endure for as long as everyone who was alive on the day the war was won was still alive. The youngest of those people are 77 years old today.” Well, I am 78, and I’m still here. So is Mitch, whio is a bit older. The rest of us who think here are younger (as was TC). I wish all of us long lives free of world war. Also yesterday, Steve Scalise defeated Jim Jordan to be the nominee for speaker. We shall see whether Republicans can come together on this or any nominee. Oh, and The New Yorker had an article on dizziness/vertigo in their daily newsletter. I haven’t had any symptoms for months, but I “printed” it anyway (to my C drive for now – I’ll copy to a portable hard drive eventually.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – ‘Violence-Ready’ Militia Group Says Jan. 6’ers are Idiots
Quote – A male-only movement in the U.S. dressed up as a sports club catering to white men is taking over the right-wing social scene—and promising some dangerous results…. The clubs advertise as sporting groups designated for white-only men, but their real objective, Ritzmann tells The New Abnormal, “is to essentially train a white supremacist militia.”… [Ritzmann] says “Day X” could look similar to the events at the Capitol on Jan. 6, but adds of the rioters, “they have [been] discussed as being a bunch of idiots who don’t know how to storm a building properly. And they discuss this in a, let’s say, indirect way, because they don’t want law enforcement to focus on them.”
Click through for details. The podcast the article references is also on the page,. and I listened to the whole thing so you wouldn’t have to. The part which expands on the artile starts at approximately 18:40 and ends at 36:35. I also encourage anyone who has not seen Rachel Maddow’s podcast “Ultra” to look it up (and everyone who has seen it to refresh their memory.) It was not easy then to bring America together to oppose fascism, and it won’t be easy now. When I said we needed Joe Biden to be another FDR this was not what I had in mind. But apparently, it comes with the territory.

Jeff Tiedrich – holy shit, Donald Trump gave classified Israeli intel to Putin — probably more than once
Quote – let’s take a closer look at a thing I mentioned at the end of yesterday’s post. Donald Trump fucking loves to collude with Russia. Trump desperately wants to be Vladimir’s bestie. he does everything he can to stay in Putin’s good graces. why? is it because Donny dreams of opening a Trump Tower in Moscow? is it something more insidious, like kompromat? in the end, it doesn’t matter. what matters is that Donald Trump is a Russian asset.
Click through for article. Yes, Jeff has a pottymouth, but he tends to be accurate in both facts and interpretation.

Food For Thought

Oct 112023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith pushes back on Trump’s attempt to move his documents trial until AFTER the 2024 election

Thom Hartmann – A War Against America is Already Underway

Ring of Fire – Trump Tries To Pin The Blame On Banks For Him Committing Fraud

Puppet Regime – World High: Biden won’t let Zelensky rush

When Your Baby Falls In Love With Your Eight Rescue Cats

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, Russia, and the Black Sea Fleet….

Oct 112023

Yesterday, I had calmed down some and thought maybe I was cool enough to address the Middle East war – though still not in my own words. I’m going to give you three articles without comment. One of them appears to be on Substack – it doesn’t exactly say so, but the quote function it uses looks like Substack’s. At least the clicking to continue is not too onerous – certainly less so than YouTube has become. While I was putting it together, my keyboard – um -started pining for the fjords -I tried new batteries, but no luck. So I’ll be getting a new one. I may be able to find a corded one I can use as a temp. The on-screen one is not that much slower, but it obscures part of the screen.   Update – I found it.  It’s laid out a bit funny but it works.  And as a postscript – George Santos was hit with 23 new charges, including identity theft.

Cartoon –  Number 2 of 4.

Short Takes –

The Guardian – We feel fear, anger and helplessness: all of Israel is in a state of war. But revenge is not the answer
Quote – Here in Jerusalem, we are trying to hold on to the hope that Hamas won’t launch missiles towards the city due to its proximity to al-Aqsa mosque, but the general anxiety still lingers. Schools have been closed, as have all businesses, and very few people are on the streets. Those who don’t have to, do not leave their homes. On Saturday night, after hours of anxious staring at the television and social media, my daughter was panicked by the fear that Hamas militants, armed and still inside Israeli territory, might make their way to Jerusalem and attack us in our home. Only after a thorough tour of the public shelters in the neighbourhood did she calm down slightly and manage to fall asleep.

Dog Shirt Daily – How Not to Respond to a Terrorist Attack
Quote – The reason I don’t write about Israeli-Palestinian matters much is that the more time I have spent with them, the less I think I have anything useful to say on the subject. The process of spending time with the actual conflict has humbled me to the point that I am these days much more interested in asking questions than I am in making pronouncements. I am much more interested in conveying information than I am in telling people what I think—when I even know what I think, which is increasingly infrequent.

Reuters – How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack
Quote – A careful campaign of deception ensured Israel was caught off guard when the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas launched its devastating attack, enabling a force using bulldozers, hang gliders and motorbikes to take on the Middle East’s most powerful army. Saturday’s assault, the worst breach in Israel’s defences since Arab armies waged war in 1973, followed two years of subterfuge by Hamas that involved keeping its military plans under wraps and convincing Israel it did not want a fight. While Israel was led to believe it was containing a war-weary Hamas by providing economic incentives to Gazan workers, the group’s fighters were being trained and drilled, often in plain sight, a source close to Hamas said.

Food For Thought

Oct 102023

All of the legal vloggers (the usual suspects?) are off ba;lance just now. This is from last Friday, but it’s all I could find that was short enough to share, and it’s not without interest.
Department of Justice – This Week at Justice – October 6, 2023

The Lincoln Project – In Memory McCarthy

MSNBC – Hayes: ‘I can’t believe this needs to be said,’ but the GOP is to blame for the GOP chaos

John Fugelsang – “The Way of the Sidekick” with Ed McMahon

Guy Sees Puppies Dumped On Busy Highway

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden, walls, and laws…. (There is also a follow up to this here – I don’t have space for both, but the full picture really needs both)

Oct 102023

Yesterday being a holiday, the courts and everything else were closed, and in any case all eyes were on the Middle East. In that connection, I would say only that, just because a person belongs to a group which has actually, historically, been victimized (as opposed to, say, MAGAts, who who do a lot of whining but are no more victims than, oh, say American police union members) does not mean a person cannot be a jerk. Well, also, that pointing out that something a person is doing is morally questionable at best is not the same thing as calling that person an unmitigated moral degenerate. Screaming insults and accusations does not a conversation make. If I knew how to say that so that a substantial majority of humans would actually hear it, I definitely would. But I don’t. I do want to mention that Pat B.’s family has sustained a loss, and I don’t know, nor does she, how long she will be MIA, but it will be a while.

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Short Takes –

Wonkette (Substack) – NYTimes Compares Conservatives Annoyed By Unhoused People To Parents Of Trans Kids Being Denied Healthcare
Quote – It’s lovely that they are happy, that they feel safer, and that they are not annoying the good people of Portland with their bullshit. Couldn’t be happier for them! But they’re also entirely ridiculous. Troy is a rural town with a population of 15,000, while Portland is a bustling metropolis with a population of about 641,000. Obviously there would be more crime there. There would also be less crime in any town in Oregon with a population of 15,000, owing to the fact that there are just fewer people to do any crime. That’s just math. In fact, it would likely be a lot more safe, as Missouri has the ninth highest violent crime rate in the nation, while Oregon ranks 36th. Troy is an exurb of St. Louis, the city with the highest crime rate in the United States. Portland? Portland has the 62nd highest crime rate of any city in the United States, even with all them liberal policies what so frightened the Huckinses. Oh, and St. Louis only has about a third of the population of Portland.
Click through for article. Today’s FFT is from this article, and IMO summarizes it well.

Thomas Zimmer (also Substack – sorry) – Why America’s Elites Love to Decry “Polarization”
Quote – In the final third of the book, Klein himself emphasizes that we are not looking at a radicalization on both sides of the political spectrum. He emphasizes the difference between the Right, entirely focused on the interests and sensibilities of white conservatives, and a Democratic coalition that is much more diverse – ideologically, racially and ethnically, and in terms of cultural sensibilities: “Sorting has made Democrats more diverse and Republicans more homogeneous. As a result, appealing to Democrats requires appealing to a lot of different kinds of people with different interests.” (p. 230) As a matter of fact, Klein sees Democrats as extremely resistant to political extremism due to this heterogeneity of their supporters: “Democrats,” the author argues, “have an immune system of diversity and democracy.” (Why We’re Polarized, p. 229)
Click through for full argument. While I certainly feel polarized, in that I feel that MAGA lunacy is the polar opposite of my beliefs, he’s right. True polarization requires both sides to be “the same” but in opposite directions. And both sides are not the same.  Not in any way.

Food For Thought
