Nov 122023

There is hope for the United States of America.

Over the last few years, things didn’t look good. SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade. TFG gained popularity while President Biden sank in the polls. The environment continued to degrade. Disasters and wars dominated the news. Nut jobs tried to pull off a putsch to prevent the results of a legitimate election from being made official. And just recently Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel, which retaliated by bombing innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip and frustrating efforts to get humanitarian aid through to them.

Now the news is sounding a lot better. Voters in Ohio ensconced reproductive rights in their state’s constitution, while those in Kentucky re-elected a Democrat as governor. Virginia voters prevented a Republican trifecta, foiling Governor Youngkin’s efforts to outlaw abortion in that state. Candidates who campaigned on protecting abortion rights clobbered their Republican opponents. The Blue Wave in Virginia guarantees that their legislature will protect reproductive rights, at least in the foreseeable future. The anti-choice “victory” in overturning Roe v Wade is looking more and more Pyrrhic.

On top of that, efforts by the infamous pro-censorship group Moms for Liberty to take over school boards across the country were stymied. Evidently, enough voters saw through the parental-rights sheep’s clothing and beheld the hatemongering wolf underneath.

And why did these come about? Because millions of people refused to give up. Because millions of people in those three states got their butts to the polls and voted. This election cycle may indicate that We The People are not just slowing this country’s tumble into fascism, but reversing it and starting to restore genuine democracy.

This is no time for complacency, though – this is time for momentum. Our recent victories should inspire us to work harder in the next election cycle. 2024 is an important election since US voters will be selecting not just our Representatives and a third of our Senators, but who will occupy the Oval Office for the next four years. Biden may run for re-election, and though he has not been an outstanding leader he definitely has been better than his predecessor. We need to make sure the Tangerine Troglodyte is disqualified from running – democracy in the USA will not survive if he gains a second term. And if you think he can’t carry out his insane plans, guess again. Have you forgotten the coup on the 6th of January? He has a large enough base of fanatical followers that he could become a dictator.

While writing this essay, I learned that Rep. Brandon Prichard of North Dakota wants authorities in Ohio to overturn the recent election results. He claims that “[d]irect democracy should not exist.” This cannot be an isolated case. You can be certain that GQP candidates and office holders will want elections that give results they don’t like ignored.

Once again we need to Vote Blue No Matter Who. I hope that, by 2026, we can be more choosy and elect Democrats who truly believe in and support what that party is supposed to represent.

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Nov 102023

Nameless asked me in an email whether I had an idea of goals toward discharge, and whether I was being unexpectedly moved around and returned to my room (as his Mom was after hip surgery and found annoying.) Well, his Mom (and others who felt the same) must have impacted the standards of care.

Yesterday, here is the printout schedule I received (abbreviated):
OT 7:15-8:15 patient room
OT 8:15-8:45 patient room
PT 10:00-11:00 Gym (This was a sitdown lecture/roundtable on avoiding future falls)
PT 11:30-12:00 Gym
It all adds up to 3 hours, so I know it’s the full schedule – they have promised me three hours a day and no more (it may even be only 5 days a week.)

As far as goals toward getting out, that iis largely what they are working on shaping for me. The first PT workout Tuesday was exhausting, but it gave me a very clear idea of what they want me to be able to do. Some of it I can do now but need repetition to build strength and stamina – like walking with a walker around the gym. Tuesday I did it and it didn’t affect my oxygen but it skyrocketed my pulse. Yesterday I did it much more easily. (Interestingly, Tuesday also made it clear that my pulse going up presents as shortness of breath. But I digress.) Other tasks I can do but not in the target time frame. Still others – mostly those involving balance – not in this universe at this time (It’s not the fall – I have had balance issues my whole life. Of course the upside of that is that I have a pretty good idea of my limitations.) So specific goals are being formed, and I haven’t looked, but it would not surprise me if they are being slipped into the binder they gave me. And if not, I can probably request a copy. Also, at my leisure, the center’s TV system has about a dozen treatment-related videos, including one about what to expect on the discharge day.

I hope no one else here will ever need to go to rehab. But if you do, I hope this will help you have an idea what to expect, and mitigate any fear or nervousness. And the staff have been great (sure, some are better than others,and sure, some of them, being demanding is their job, so they are not going to seem as warm as others. But they are good at what they do.)

This is all for today, other than reading and rating comments (and responding to a few.) Today But rest assured I’m feeling good for the circumstances and getting better.

Today is the Marine Corps Birthday. Trinette has the day free after a long hard week of training and will be able to visit in daylight even in standard time. I shan’t be idle.

Click the picture for a guided tour

p. s. They also have an in-house psychologist!  We just met, and I don’t think I’ll need her, but then I didn’t have surgery, so no mind numbing  anesthesia, and besides I have Trinette and you all.

Nov 082023

Just a short rant today based on what I have been watching on PBS (having nothing better to do).

Cultural genocide is something of which we and Canada are both guilty. We largely used boarding schools and techniques like washing kids’ mouths out with soap should one, God forbid, breathe a Native American word. Canada mostly used breaking up families by adoption into different cultures, doing all they could to avoid siblings ever meeting again. (If you want your heart broken, a dramatization called “Little Bird” addresses just one of these stories – PBS aired it but it was not made for them and may well be available to stream for free if you search.)

You probably know some of this. You may know all of it. You may even know what I didn’t but learned from an elderly Di’neh on one of the shows whose mouth survived the soap – That as we were doing this to them, we told them we were doing it because “Tradition is the enemy of progress.” Yes, you read that right. One of the most unprogressive populations in history, patriarchal white Americans, justified themselves to their victims by citing “progress.”

And now, pleading before the Supreme Court of the US, y are arguing in a 2A case that a DV abuser should be allowed to have guns because “tradition.”

Someone needs to tell them that



JD update by JD:

Yes, I moved to rehab yesterday, just before sunset. Until an hour before it happened, I had excected just to move up one floor, but the plan changed so fast I had to move in a gown. Trinette (my Wendy) was in work training And I did NOT want to interrupt, but after the long day I reached her and she brought me two complete outfits and other comforts.
I am now in the care of Encompass Health (719) 630-8000) in Room 227. It is a double but I know not whether there is an A/B. I had initial PT/OT eval today which was mostly exhausting physical tests, some downright scary, and I’m very tired, but I have found on line (and have a date with) the opera local PBS cheated me out of because God forbid some innocent child might hear a gay word. But I’ll leave you with a picture of Trinette in one of the first sweaters I have made for her – and pick up my knitting (one of the other comforts she brought last night) and keep my opera date.

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JD Update – Tuesday

 Posted by at 8:11 pm  Politics
Nov 072023

Just a quick note:

I asked Trinette WRT any updates and she said JD moved to the Rehab unit today.
I asked her if she knew the name of the facility and an address – but haven’t heard anything back as of this posting.

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Nov 052023

I yield the floor to Colleen – who spoke to her.  She posted it in an earlier Comment – but it deserves its own posting:

I did call Joanne this Sunday afternoon at 3:00. She has had a couple of MRI’s but didn’t go into detail about them. She mentioned that both elbows were really torn up. Her thigh was in major pain too.

I asked her about her shoulder and she said that it wasn’t doing too bad, but the areas were. She’s thinking that she’ll only be in there another day. I asked her what they’ll do and she’s not quite sure, but mentioned some type of rehab location, since she’s not able to stand up on her own.

She mentions that she’s qualifies for VA medical health assistance, so maybe there’s a rehab place for her to stay and get her Physical & Occupational Therapy. Me not being military, I’m not familiar with VA programs.

She did ask me if I called earlier, and I told her I didn’t. Was that you Lona? She said she dropped the phone and wasn’t able to reach it.

Actually, I’ve called a couple of times.  I have a special phone for the profoundly hearing impaired – but I didn’t get an answer.  Not unexpected in a hospital where tests and x-rays are always going on.

JD’s friend this evening added that she begins her PT treatments – so sounds like “in house” before her transfer to Rehab.

A heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to Colleen!  I’m sure it did JD’s spirit a world of good!

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Nov 042023

JD’s friend said JD will begin rehab w/ both Physical & Occupational Therapy (PT & OT).
But she doesn’t know where or when.

She didn’t share any more news WRT lab tests or x-rays/scans.

I wonder, has anyone tried calling her?

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JD Update: Thursday

 Posted by at 2:57 pm  Politics
Nov 022023

I had a nice text chat with JD’s friend who said she’s feeling better.

Her x-rays and/or scans didn’t reveal any fractures, but she didn’t elaborate further.  Her friend didn’t share anything WRT lab tests & I’m a bit uncomfortable pushing too hard because of HIPAA regulations.

She did say it was her opinion that JD probably won’t be released until she can show that she’s ambulatory.

I know JD has said that she has a cane and a walker, but is not fond of taking the walker w/ her on her visits w/ Virgil because of the hassle.

Given the friends assessment, it wouldn’t surprise me if JD was getting PT of some type.  And it’s rare for PT to be of a short duration – meaning I wouldn’t be surprised if HJD were there a few more days.

But that’s pure speculation on my part.  Well, speculation tempered w/ the experience of my 101 y/o mom’s time w/ PT after she broke her hip in a fall.
