I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Thanks to new circumstances I hope that I can contribute more Sound Offs, and more often now.
There is a good chance you have heard about Project 2025, the sinister plan to remake the US Government from top to bottom. I have not read the entire document, but one does not have to drink the entire beer to know it has gone skunky. This Project is nothing less – or more – than a blueprint to destroy the United States and what this country is supposed to represent and defend. It would undermine the rule of law and erase the separation of powers. It caters to the darkest and ugliest desires of Christian Nationalists.
Project 2025 is the brainchild of The Heritage Foundation, an infamous right-wing think tank, and has the blessing of dozens of extreme right-wing organizations, including – but, of course, not limited to – the American Family Association, Center for Renewing America, Moms for Liberty, Tea Party Patriots, ALEC, Eagle Forum, the NRA, and Liberty University. It calls for eliminating the Department of Education, NOAA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (funny, I thought right-wingers love that one), and the Department of Commerce, among others. The FCC and FTC would no longer be independent of the Oval Office, but will have to answer directly to it. Environmental protections, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ gains will be rolled back, if not eliminated completely.
Tens of thousands of government workers would become political appointees, meaning that competent people who have worked under multiple administrations could be replaced with cronies and stooges who demonstrate party loyalty rather than the ability to carry out the duties of their positions. History shows that this kind of spoils system very rarely works for the better, and usually for the worse.
The plan will effectively make the POTUS a dictator and the country subject to his whims. Even if tRump keels over of a heart attack between now and the election, a GOP victory still means Project 2025 will be carried out because it is a guidebook for the next right-wing President. One need but look at past dictators to see what devastating affects they had on their countries. There is no question that Donald tRump is a control freak, as well as quite unhinged. Lessee – what other unhinged control freak once ruled a powerful country? What makes it worse is the fact that the USA is, albeit somewhat arguably, the most powerful country on this planet. We definitely have the mightiest military when one takes into account the sum total of ground, naval and air power. Now imagine such power in the hands of a madman.
Yep – yikes.
We need to prevent Project 2025 from ever being launched. Plan A is we prevent tRump from being re-elected. Plan B is to resist it. Right now we need to assemble a coalition of organizations and individuals who will work together to resist the extreme right-wing machinations that aim to destroy democracy, freedom and justice. Fortunately, many institutions and politicians are already making plans to oppose Project 2025.
Even if we re-elect Biden, even if we have a Blue Wave in November of 2024, we will not be out of the woods. After they lick their wounds, the right-wing bugnuts will regroup and try again. Two words: January 6th. We must remember that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. We need to be vigilant against those forces that seek to destroy democracy and freedom, as they will never give up. If Biden wins in 2024, the Hate-ritage Foundation and its allies will come up with Project 2029, 2033, 2037…
And We The People, those of us who know what the US of A is supposed to be and represent and protect, will oppose them.