Dec 172018

I’m very busy and very tired, so please pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Serena Williams, and the women who changed 2018


I grew up in the sugar and spice era, but I like these new feminists. RESIST!!

From NY Times: Just days before a deadline to avert a partial government shutdown, President Trump, Democratic leaders and the Republican-controlled Congress are at a stalemate over the president’s treasured border wall. But House Republican leaders are also confronting a more mundane and awkward problem: Their vanquished and retiring members are sick and tired of Washington and don’t want to show up anymore to vote.

Call it the revenge of the lame ducks. Many lawmakers, relegated to cubicles as incoming members take their offices, have been skipping votes in the weeks since House Republicans were swept from power in the midterm elections, and Republican leaders are unsure whether they will ever return.

It is perhaps a fitting end to a Congress that has showcased the untidy politics of the Trump era: Even if the president ultimately embraces a solution that avoids a shutdown, House Republican leaders do not know whether they will have the votes to pass it.

The uncertainty does not end there. With funding for parts of the government like the Department of Homeland Security set to lapse at midnight on Friday, Mr. Trump and top Republicans appear to have no definite plan to keep the doors open. It is clear that as Democrats uniformly oppose the president’s demand for $5 billion for his border wall, any bill that includes that funding cannot pass the Senate, and might face defeat in the House, too.

How typical. Republicans are just too lazy to finish doing their jobs! RESIST!!

From John Pavlovitz: Christian Friend,

I’ve been meaning to talk to you.

I’m trying to reconcile the things I see right now.

I see your house, carefully strewn with glowing lights, fragrant boughs of holly decking your photo-covered hallways.

I see your ceiling-scraping tree, limbs weighed down with the carefully curated collection of fragile keepsakes and handcrafted mementos acquired over decades.

I see you donning your gay apparel, while making your list and checking it twice, and declaring yourself exceedingly nice.

I see your overflowing shopping cart, packed to bursting with goodness that you plan to soon indulge in, nestled in an abundance that cascades in every direction.

I see the outward displays of reverent religion in needlepoints you make and in cards you’ve sent me and in filtered Instagram posts that arrive from you on my timeline every day.

But I’ve also seen something else.

I’ve also seen your Twitter feed.

I’ve read your Facebook rants.

I’ve watched you watching the news.

I’ve witnessed you tossing-off cruel comments at the dinner table.

I’ve seen your cruelty, your selfishness, your anger.

I’ve heard you declare your contempt for those trying to find refuge here.

And all the while I’ve heard you singing Christmas songs,

With all due respect, I’m not sure you should be singing right now.

Amen John! Please click through. There is so much more to read there. RESIST!!


Nov 132018

Here is the one hundred forty-second article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith [R-MS]. She is so honored for supporting the proud KKK heritage of lynching.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) demanded a public apology — for all Mississippians — from Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), who drew harsh criticism for a line made while campaigning in early November.

1113Cindy-Hyde-SmithIf he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be on the front row,” Hyde-Smith is heard saying in a video posted to Twitter by journalist and blogger Lamar White Jr. on Sunday morning.

Thompson released a statement Monday, calling the senator’s comments on public hanging “beyond disrespectful and offensive,” adding that Mississippi’s history includes “one of the highest numbers of public lynching, that we know of, than any other state in this country.”

Hyde-Smith, who in a Sunday statement called the remark an “exaggerated expression of regard,” refused to elaborate Monday when reporters asked for more context. She appeared in Jackson, the state’s capital, with Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) — who appointed Hyde-Smith to Congress earlier this year — after accepting an endorsement from the National Right to Life Committee… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

This racist went even further by refusing to apologize.

They don’t get much more Republican than this.


Oct 122018

Here is the one hundred thirty-ninth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is the pseudo-Christian former AFA Director Bryan Fischer. He is so honored for his rabid gloating over the installation of Pervert Kava-Nazi on SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD.)  This is Fischer’s second parade.  He earned his first in August 2013.

1012FischerIt’s been awhile since we paid a visit to the American Family Association’s right wing rhetoric, but this one should not pass by unnoticed. Bryan Fischer, that scion of male supremacy and testosterone intoxication, took a victory lap after *Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation on Saturday.

Well, you say, of course he took a victory lap. It was everything he wanted, wrapped up in a rapey bow!

To which I reply, yep, except even for Fischer and his band of haters, they went way over the top.

“Saturday was the best day in American politics since World War II,” Fischer crowed. “I believe the demons of hell, under Satan’s direction, threw every single piece of weaponry, every single piece of firepower that they had, threw it into the battle to take out Brett Kavanaugh. They wanted him not just defeated, they wanted him destroyed.”… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the included video:

Barf Bag Alert!!

Please understand, the level of hatred that earned Fischer this parade never comes from authentic Christians.  It comes only from Republican pseudo-Christians, who are not Christians.

Authentic Christians accept and coexist with any denomination, religion, non religious belief system, race, ethnic group, consensual sexual state of being or lifestyle, nationality, etc., that are willing to coexist with us.

If you believe that your vote for Donald Trump and your support for Kavanaugh, are good faithful Christian positions, I would never dream of telling you that you are going to hell.  You are already there.  I can just hope and pray that you find your way out to decency.



25 DAYS!!

Aug 052018

I find myself indignant several times a week over the hypocrisy of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, the exact opposite of REAL authentic Christians, spew the hatred that starts with Trump, descends through the politicians and pundits who defend Trump, and escalates through the Republican bubble machine.  Consider the Republican pseudo-Christian "love" of "MAGA".


Here’s Katy Tur, talking about Trump inciting rage (and ultimately violence) against the media.

"Yeah, we get it. You don’t like us. Fine," she said.

"But do you have to put our lives in danger? The president continues to call the press the enemy of the people. Even after four journalists and one sales assistant were shot dead in a Maryland newsroom by a man who was angry with what they factually reported about him. Even after the publisher of the New York Times stressed to him in a private conversation that his words were putting journalists in mortal danger. Even after CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta was taunted in a rally the other night in Florida. And even after the president’s own daughter, at least publicly, disagreed with her dad…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

"I hope you get raped and killed" MAGA

What kind of monster says something like that?  I know: a Republican.



93 DAYS!!

Aug 032018

Today is my last relatively cool day, until the sun hits the wall, so I’m enjoying the fresh air, which I love, while I can.  I was so exhausted that I overslept and awakened two hours later than my norm, so I’m just working through, despite my frequent yawns.  On the test, I am cancer free, my lungs are no more damaged from COPD that they were last year and are clear.  Everything else is healthy.  It was the best result I could have had, and they even apologized for not allowing me to play with the cat that did the CAT-scan.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:37 (average 5:52).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Lawrence On Ivanka Trump’s Absence On Border Children

More than one Republican has said that it’s ok for Republicans who disagree with Trump, like Ivanka, to justify supporting Trump too. Thank you, Lawrence, for deflating such a vile argument. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Vox Channel): What a new Supreme Court means for abortion

That explains it in terms that even a Republican could understand, unless they willfully misunderstand, as they so often do. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NY Times: Pope Francis has declared the death penalty wrong in all cases, a definitive change in church teaching that is likely to challenge Catholic politicians, judges and officials who have argued that their church was not entirely opposed to capital punishment.

Before, church doctrine accepted the death penalty if it was “the only practicable way” to defend lives, an opening that some Catholics took as license to support capital punishment in many cases.

But Francis said executions were unacceptable in all cases because they are “an attack” on human dignity, the Vatican announced on Thursday, adding that the church would work “with determination” to abolish capital punishment worldwide.

Kudos to Pope Francis, an authentic Christian. Nominally Catholic politicians, who are really Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, have lost their excuse to demand that we execute another non-white jay-walker for Republican Supply-side Jeebus!


WTG Cousin Pole Cat face!


Two Turds in the Bowl!

 Posted by at 12:32 pm  Politics, Religion
Jul 162018

This article is based on research I did early this morning.  Subsequent events are as extreme as they are horrid, but except for a brief segment at the end, I will let that pass for now and cover them in depth tomorrow, after I have time to research them.  So please understand this article covers only what happened right after the two turds were dropped into the bowl.


President Donald Trump met and shook hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday to kick off their long-anticipated meeting in Finland, but made no mention of thorny issues like election meddling, Syria or Crimea in his opening remarks.

The two leaders began the summit by walking quietly into a room in the Presidential Palace in Helsinki. Against the backdrop of six U.S. and Russian flags, Putin broke the silence with brief remarks.

But when Trump spoke, he didn’t address some of the issues vexing politicians back home, in Europe and the Middle East, such as the federal indictments last week of Russian military intelligence officers, Russia’s defense of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or the annexation of Crimea.

Instead, he started his remarks by congratulating his counterpart on hosting the World Cup… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <ABC News>

Here’s a clip of their opening remarks from BBC.

Even then, their body language made it clear that Putin was in control.

It went from bad to worse.

The joint press conference with Donald Trump and Vladmir Putin after their one-on-one meeting, a meeting in which Donald Trump insisted there be no note-takers to record their conversation, has been nothing short of a disaster for America and democracy. Before the pair even got started, a reporter was forcibly hauled out by security. Trump and Putin eventually took their respective podiums to begin taking questions and Donald Trump’s responses were shocking, chilling, unpatriotic and downright dangerous. Former CIA Director John Brennan called the performance “nothing short of treasonous.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Until tomorrow, stay tuned please.



Jun 292018

I slept pretty well last night, but it left me feeling groggy, because I was overtired.  It’s not overly hot, but the sun hit the wall early.  It  just passed 71° outside, but it was 85° inside when I buttoned up the CatBox and powered up the AC.  WWWendy is on her way to Texas. Crying face  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:58 (average 4:55).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country


I look forward to seeing Fahrenheit 11/9. Moore’s take on civility is spot-on! I also like his push for mass demonstrations of unprecedented size. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (NY Times Channel): How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Change Politics


Amen!!  I love her expression the moment she learned she won. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: ‘Get Out of My Vagina’: The View Explodes As Meghan McCain Cheers Kennedy’s Retirement And Declares ‘Abortion is Murder’



Kudos to Whoopie! Freedom of religion demands that Megan McConJob does not get to force her pseudo-Christian piety codes on you. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jun 242018

The heat has returned.  I’m trying to finish writing before WWWendy arrives in about an hour.  We have a very busy day.

We finished all the work and it’s hot as hell.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:15 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Leigh Valentine Says Undocumented Immigrants Are Treacherous Murderous God-Haters

Barf Bag Alert!!


These are NOT Christians. They are Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, the opposite of authentic Christians. You can tell by their gospel of cruelty, hatred and racism. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: This is the price of voter apathy. This is what happens when good people sit on their hands and think they have no voice — that their vote just doesn’t matter:

Kids are snatched away from their parents and thrown in cages.

If we don’t get out in droves upon droves this November to kneecap this shart-slurping, retrograde prick who minces about like King Fuckwit in the West Wing, listening to nauseating encomiums from his fawning shit brigade while kids languish in concentration camps, we deserve to lose our democracy.

How much quasi-Nazi B.S. do we have to bear witness to in order to make the upcoming midterms a historic repudiation of our dictator-in-waiting?

My fear is that when November comes around, too many of us will forget what’s happening now.

But we can’t. We just can’t. Whatever happens, we need to be just as angry on November 6 as we are today. It’s the most important day of the year, by far. Fuck you, Christmas. Our holiday comes early this year.

We have to remember every outrage of the past two years. Every. One

I fully agree. Click through for a partial list of outrages. However, for every outrage, we also need to explain exactly how we would do it differently. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Crooks and Liars: Journalist Masha Gessen joined Joy Reid this morning to help us figure out what stage of fascism the United States has achieved. There’s a sentence I still cannot believe I had to write in seriousness.

On the scale from Democracy to Fascism:

Fascist Ruler? Check.

Fascist attitude towards Immigrants? Check.

Fascist Rule? Not yet. Not completely.


Whether or not we become a Fascist nation is up to you. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

