It’s a very cold day here in the CatBox, and it will likely stay that way, at least through the weekend. It’s almost 20° below average. I want to crawl under my covers and hunker down.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:45 (average 5:25). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: A Bold New Idea to Boost Wages
The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, but one more provision is needed to benefit the disabled/retired poor: an Unearned Income Tax Credit. No American should have to live in poverty, when billionaires get welfare. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Elizabeth Warren Talks 2020 Campaign With Chris Hayes
I touched on this yesterday, but she explains it far better than I could have. Anti-corruption would be a great place to start. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: …J. Beauregard Sessions was a legitimate threat to America’s secular government as Trump’s attorney general, but his theocratic aspirations paled in comparison to Trump’s latest theocratic cabinet member – a conservative Catholic malcontent who is unlikely to ever defend the U.S. Constitution because it is a secular document. It is noteworthy that Sessions only stated that, according to his mind, the separation of church and state in the Constitution is a concept that is unconstitutional. However, his replacement ardently believes that America’s government is duty-bound to enforce god’s laws because there is no place for secularism.
In a 1995 essay, Barr expressed the extremist Christian view that “American government should not be secular;” secularism is an abomination in Barr’s theocratic mind despite the law of the land is unmistakably secular. Furthermore, Barr contends America’s government is supposed to be imposing “a transcendent moral order with objective standards of right and wrong that flows from God’s eternal law;” eternal law best dictated by the Vatican and taught in public schools at taxpayer’s expense.
It is true that as attorney general William Barr will defend Trump’s criminality and corruption; it is one of the only reasons Trump nominated him. However, the real danger to the nation is Barr’s belief that the government’s primary function should be defending and enforcing his god’s moral edicts while ardently opposing any legislative branch effort to make secular laws according to the secular Constitution…
Beware the evil of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, like Barr and Pence. They are the exact opposite of real Christians. RESIST!!