May 222019

It’s a very busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door is delivering groceries later.  WWWendy is coming this evening.  In addition to de-stinking and normal chores, we need to set up and activate my new phone.  I’ll probably be moving late next week or early the week after.  I’ll be offline for a few days then.  Yesterday, I published our 9000th article at PP.  I’m still improving slowly.  Hump day hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Mark Taylor Predicts Trump Will Impose Martial Law to Round Up His Political Enemies


These pseudo-Christian monsters are NOT Christians. Can you even imagine the real Jesus putting his political opponents in concentration camps? They are even more evil than Nazis. They are Republicans. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Jesse Dollemore Channel): EMBARRASSING!!! Ben Carson is EXPOSED by Rep. Katie Porter as a Know-Nothing About His Job.


Who could ever forget Nine! Nine! Nine!? When Carson wears his Republican Swastika it’s Nein! Nein! Nein! RESIST!!

From Think Progress: Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) is tired of Republicans ignoring election security.

“[W]hat happened in 2016 could be really small potatoes compared to 2020,” said Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who sits on the Intelligence Committee.

Wyden is especially concerned that, as he said, “all of the political muscle is on the other side trying to protect the status quo.” Now he’s hoping to take his message straight to voters.

Fourteen other Democrats joined Wyden earlier this month to sponsor legislation that would force states to use hand-marked paper ballots and audit their election results. The bill, called the Protecting American Votes and Elections Act, would also set cybersecurity standards for voting systems and provide funding for states to implement the changes.

The Republican Reich have no interest in tightening election security. They depend on the lack of security to enable Russian help in 2020. Oregon leads the way. RESIST!!


A day for Republicans to commemorate.

May 152019

I’m still feeling quite ill.  It’s a busy day.  Store to Door is delivering my groceries and WWWendy comes this evening.  Otherwise, I need to rest as much as I can.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): IN DC – A Parody

Brilliant, Don! When you caricature Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten, we need a Barf Bag Alert!! RESIST!!

From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): The Familiar Drumbeat of War

Barf Bag Alert!!

America’s worst Resident has a lot in common with America’s 2nd worst Resident. That’s a Republican trait. Don’t begin the war! RESIST!!

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Pat Robertson Says Passage of the Equality Act Will Cause God to Destroy America

Barf Bag Alert!!

People, this man is NOT a Christian. He’s a Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian. That’s the opposite of a real Christian. If his “god” exists, it had horns, cloven hooves and a pitch fork. RESIST!!


Patty is Patricia Lasek.  Her fantasy football team here at PP was the Monster Mashers.

May 052019

Still sick.  Going back to bed until WWWendy arrives.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Daily Kos: As D.C. doctors finish suturing Lindsey Graham’s lips to Donald Trump’s regal buttocks, you might take a moment to recall that he was once one of Trump’s biggest detractors, as the following tweets prove …

After Trump insulted John McCain’s service by saying he likes people who weren’t captured (by the way, Graham was one of McCain’s best friends, so his recent embrace of Trump seems even more grotesque):

Click through to see the tweets. Lindsey Poo has his head so far up Trump’s ass, that he and Barrf head butted each other. RESIST!!

Happy Ramadan:


Feliz Cinco de Meow:


Apr 292019

Here is the one hundred fifty-ninth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican Nazi John Earnest. He is so honored for committing an act of Republican terrorism. He murdered a Jew and tried to kill more.

Here is an article about the his manifesto.

0429synagogueThe manifesto contained common far-right catchphrases, including descriptions of an “international Jewry” which is responsible for countless age-old blood libels, including the murder of Christ and alleged control over the media and the economy. This is similar to a trope in the antisemitic book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Earnest wrote that: “Every Jew young and old has contributed to these. For these crimes they deserve nothing but hell. I will send them there.”

He also stated that he hoped to inspire others to commit similar crimes and that he expected to be freed from prison and would “continue the fight.”

The manifesto is full of religious imagery. He repeated throughout that he was carrying out the attack to be a good Christian, saying “My God understands why I did what I did.” He proceeded to quote several verses from the New Testament as “proof.”

He also claimed in the post that the popular YouTuber known as Pewdiepie funded and planned the attack. He also stated that he carried out an arson attack in Escondido, where a fire broke out at Dar-ul-Arqam mosque, also known as the Islamic Center of Escondido, a week after the New Zealand mosque attacks. A note referencing the New Zealand attacks was left at the mosque. Police are currently investigating his involvement in that incident.

Throughout the manifesto, he also referred to other minorities with racist terms, blaming them for a wide variety of personal complaints as well…

Inserted from <The Jerusalem Post>

Here are the people he attached in this video.


Rabbi Goldstein and Lori Kaye, the woman who died saving him, are American heroes. May God protect their people and all of us from the holocaust Republican Nazi terrorists want to unleash.


Apr 292019

It’s a chilly morning, here in the CatBox with a warm evening forecast.  I slept well, but still feel   tired.  OGIM!

Puzzle Master:

Today’s took me 3:41 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Huffington Post: Attorney General William Barr threatened to bail on a scheduled Thursday hearing of the House Judiciary Committee to review special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report if the panel moves forward with its proposed questioning format, two senior Democratic committee aides confirmed to HuffPost.

The Justice Department allegedly took issue with the panel’s plan to allow committee counsels for each political party to ask Barr follow-up questions for 30 minutes each following the traditional round of questioning by its members.

Barrf has it bass ackwards. Congress, not Barrf, determines the rules for Congressional committees. RESIST!!

From Alternet: With the release of the Mueller report, it is quite clear that Donald Trump has obstructed justice and lied to the American people, and, while there are no definitive links between Russia and his campaign, it is pretty clear that Russia helped him and his campaign, and that the Republican Party does not care.

The pursuit of power at any cost has consumed the Republican Party. It seems as if power is all it cares about. It does not care if you receive medical care, it does not care if you receive an education (it would prefer you don’t). What it does care about is making sure that taxes on the rich and on large corporations stay low, not because it believes the wealth will trickle down, but because it will allow its benefactors to increase the wealth they already have. Which is why Donald Trump will likely not face justice until he is out of office. Mitch McConnell would never let a Republican President be convicted by the Senate, even if there was no doubt about his guilt.

Mitch McConnell is the real cancer on our country. He has done more than anyone to make the U.S. Senate the most nonfunctioning governmental body we have seen in our history. This has been evident since 2010, when he uttered the words, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” He then went on to obstruct everything that President Obama tried to do, including judicial appointments—capped off with preventing Merrick Garland from receiving even so much as a hearing toward his confirmation to a seat on the Supreme Court.

Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten is just a figurehead. When he’s gone the Republicans, who are even more evil will smile sweetly and say, “Who, us? Oh No! It was all Trump!” RESIST!!

From Vox: 1) What is Ramadan actually about?

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims — the Prophet Mohammed reportedly said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained.”

Muslims believe it was during this month that God revealed the first verses of the Quran, Islam’s sacred text, to Mohammed, on a night known as “The Night of Power” (or Laylat al-Qadr in Arabic).

During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims fast every day from dawn to sunset. It is meant to be a time of spiritual discipline — of deep contemplation of one’s relationship with God, extra prayer, increased charity and generosity, and intense study of the Quran.

But if that makes it sound super serious and boring, it’s really not. It’s a time of celebration and joy, to be spent with loved ones. At the end of Ramadan there’s a big three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr, or the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast. It’s kind of like the Muslim version of Christmas, in the sense that it’s a religious holiday where everyone comes together for big meals with family and friends, exchanges presents, and generally has a lovely time.

Despite the hardship of fasting for a whole month, most Muslims (myself included) actually look forward to Ramadan and are a little sad when it’s over. There’s just something really special about knowing that tens of millions of your fellow Muslims around the world are experiencing the same hunger pangs, dry mouth, and dizzy spells that you are, and that we’re all in it together.

This is the first of nine questions about Ramadan. Click through for the other eight. I particularly liked #9. RESIST!!


Apr 092019

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  The remains of the tumor in my retina are still shrinking and still quite dead, so I am a cancer-free puddy tat.  My eyes are still irritated, but not enough to keep me from working.  I don’t like being out of the loop for two days.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Tofay’s took me 3:22 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Pete Buttigieg Breaks Through The Political Noise

That has to be one of the best slams of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian (the opposite of authentic Christian) hatred I have ever heard, I am very impressed. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Socialism of the Rich, Capitalism for the Rest

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, but I’ve been writing the same thing about the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, since 2009, that I can document. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: The redaction of the Mueller report stalled on Monday after the Attorney General, William Barr, passed out from inhaling fumes from multiple Sharpie markers.

Barr, who had been working around the clock to redact the report before its release, reportedly lost consciousness while trying to black out a seventy-four-page section detailing Donald Trump, Jr.,’s contacts with more than three dozen Russian individuals.

“You cannot use that many Sharpies, for hours on end, without proper ventilation,” a Justice Department staffer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said. “This was a disaster waiting to happen.”

The insentient Barr was rushed to Walter Reed medical center, where a grim-faced hospital spokesperson described his condition as “Ben Carson–like.”

Thanks for the scoop Andy. I’m sure it’s accurate.  RESIST!!


Note to Republican insurgency: wars have consequences.

Mar 292019

I had a busy day yesterday, and after a long week, I’m feeling quite tired.  My only medical issue is a yeast infection in the diaper area.  No wonder the antibiotic ointment didn’t work.  My next trip put isn’t until a week from Monday for my semi-annual eye torture.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:05 (average 4:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Rep. Adam Schiff’s Controlled Anger At GOP’s Indifference On Russia


Have truer words than Schiff’s ever been spoken? I think not. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): See DeVos’ reaction to CNN’s questions after testimony


Every penny Democrats can’t spend on disabled kids is a penny Republicans can give to a billionaire. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: One inherent danger of allowing a religious minority to install a puppet controlled by religious fanatics in the White House is the now unfolding threat of government officially establishing religion – the Christian religion. Any American’s confidence that the U.S. Constitution is a protection against government establishing religion is grossly misplaced and, that belief is about to be disabused by the current religious conservatives responsible for adjudicating the law of the land.

Because a nearly half-century-old Supreme Court ruling prevented the government from advancing religion, the wall of separation between church and state is almost certainly going to be eviscerated by the Christian conservatives on the current Supreme Court. The crusade to demolish the wall of separation is being advanced by one of the Heritage Foundation SCOTUS nominees confirmed shortly afterTrump corrupted every aspect of  the government his tiny little hands touched. However, it is noteworthy that Neil Gorsuch’s theocratic crusade is wholly supported by Trump’s other SCOTUS appointee, religious serial liar and sexual abuser Brett Kavanaugh. 

The reason the “Establishment Clause” is going to be found unconstitutional by the current Court’s Christian conservatives is crystal clear; they believe a 1970’s-era ruling prohibiting government establishment of religion adhered to the U.S. Constitution and is patently wrong. The prohibition on government establishing religion is appalling to evangelicals and the theocrats on the High Court are not going to tolerate it any longer. 

I agree with this author with one highly notable exception. Republicans are not establishing the Christian Religion. There is nothing remotely Christian about the Republican anti-Christian dogma of hate, lies, and oppression. Their religion is the polar opposite of authentic Christianity. It’s Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity. RESIST!!


Mar 242019

Here is the one hundred fifty-fourth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian, Secretary of Reich, Mike Pompeo. He is so honored for holding a press conference, in which he banned reporters from media he did not consider sufficiently “faith based”.

0324PompeoThe State Department not only barred reporters from nonreligious outlets from covering a briefing call about international religious freedom with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday but also refused to release a list of people who participated in the event or even a transcript of what Pompeo said, according to CNN.

CNN reported that only “faith-based media” were allowed to take part in the event and that the State Department wouldn’t answer questions “about whether a range of faiths was included.” Pompeo adheres to a fervent brand of evangelical Christianity and once characterized politics as “a never-ending struggle … until the rapture.”…

…In a statement to CNN, a State Department spokesperson justified barring reporters from Monday’s event by characterizing it as “designed” for “audience-specific media,” as opposed to “[d]epartment press briefings, teleconferences on a myriad of policy issues, briefings and sprays by the Secretary of State and other officials” that are open to all media outlets…

Inserted from <Vox>

Because of Pompeo considers the world as a jihad between good (people who share hid pseudo-Christian heresy) and evil (everyone else), I doubt that anyone with other than pseudo-believers were invited.

Watch how he squirmed when Corey Booker grilled him during the confirmation process.


Any Republican that briefs select media only deserves a parade.

