If you know anything about Project 2025, you should be worried. This vile plan that right-wingers would put into motion if the GOP regains the Oval Office is horror piled upon horror. The more I read about this madness, the more I realize it slithered out of the most sordid depths of the pit of pure evil. This coalition of some 75 partner organizations, led by the ultra-conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, is preparing for the next conservative administration with plans that will totally shred the Constitution, the very heart and soul of this country. They will undo nearly a quarter of a millennium of progress.
The Project involves invoking the Insurrection Act, which would put the Orange Ogre in charge of the military and the police. Since many police departments in this country are already militarized, and since racism and other forms of bigotry run rampant in U.S. constabularies, this will make life a lot worse for many marginalized segments of the population. What’s even worse, the Project doesn’t depend entirely on the Mango Menace – any ol’ Republicanazi will do.
T-Rump claims that he’ll be dictator for only one day. One day my ass. Give him a millimeter, he’ll take an entire kilometer. The Project calls for an executive branch with essentially unlimited power and zero accountability to Congress, or the public. It seeks to ban pornography – and its definition of porn is extremely broad, encompassing ANY discussion of gender, abortion, or sexual identity that is not straight. They want the Executive Branch to dominate without any checks or balances. If that isn’t fascism, what is?
Project 2025 has four goals: 1) Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect children, 2) Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people, 3) Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders and bounty against global threats, and 4) Secure our god-given individual right to enjoy the “blessings of liberty.” I can here the snickering from here. The only family they acknowledge is the jejune Leave It to Beaver nuclear family in which Dad works and Mom stays home as a “domestic goddess.” Dismantling the “administrative state” means getting rid of numerous necessary regulations and departments that keep our air and water clean, protect consumers from fraud, and ensure the reasonable purity of our food and medicine.
The noted supporters include Donald Devine, best known as Ronald Reagan’s “terrible swift sword” because he was always eager to slash spending (except on defense, of course); Stephen Moore, Heritage Foundation distinguished fellow and Faux News contributor; and Peter Navarro, one of the few people in tRump’s inner circle who didn’t get fired.
It involves dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security. Funny, seems to me that these reich-wing bugnuts ought to LOVE Homeland Security. It calls for eliminating the Department of Education (Make America Ignorant Again) and the Department of Commerce (put the corporate Fat Cats in charge). It would also put POTUS in direct charge of the Department of Justice, among other departments. How could that NOT be a dick(tator) move? There is a reason why the U.S. Constitution has built-in checks and balances to prevent any one person from gaining too much power.
Women will lose all of the rights they have fought for so fiercely over more than a century. Not only will abortion be totally illegal, womb-bearers will have to report their pregnancies. What happens if a pregnancy ends in a miscarriage or stillbirth? Will the mother be charged with murder? Imagine how swiftly prisons will fill with women who were innocent victims of rotten luck. Imagine what their partners and their children will suffer.
LGBTQ people will have to hide in the closet once more. POCs will have little recourse to fight the inevitable tsunami of racism that the Project will set into motion. Remember what I wrote earlier about the police? When cops and soldiers are practically identical, just imagine what police will do to non-whites whom they arrest, and to non-white neighborhoods. (On the other hand, don’t – it would be serious nightmare fuel.) Hate crimes will be not just legal, but the law.
Hitler is dancing in Hell.
You can read the entirety of Project 2025 here – that is, if you want to. It runs for approximately 950 pages, so unless you are into marathon reading you probably want to read only a segment here and a segment there.
If this doesn’t scare the pants off you, either you’re not paying attention, or you support this insanity.