Well, today’s the day. But I thought I’d put in a little map to somee other news ….
Axios reports the at SCOTUS will hear oral arguments February 8 on Colorado’s disqualification clause case (which is going to be referred to as DQ in this case and every case of its kind. Don’t mistake it for Dairy Queen.)
Huff Post has a scoop – with receipts. Videos of interviews with DEmocrcratic legislators who were traumatized by Jan 6,Made soon after it, but until now unseen
“Of course, not every single person named in the [Epstein-Maxwell] documents was necessarily involved in or aware of any sex trafficking — in fact, it appears that the majority were not. Part of the way Epstein provided cover for himself was specifically by associating with people who had no idea about his activities, so that they could say, ‘Well, I’ve been on that plane and I didn’t see anything weird, so this must all be nonsense!’” And, yes, that’s exactly how they think. And sadly, it’s been working for a long time. Especially on domestic abuse by “respectable pillars of the community.” But it does mean that if someone you care about is in these lists, they may not be guilty, only “beard”s (ignorant ones at that.). The article contains much more – probably more than you want to know. The cat photo is part of a New Year’s gift to readers – no pictures of ugly people for a week, just cats – and of course Wonkette is part of Substack.
If you want a more compact summary, with fewer details, Mary Trump is the place to go.
And over at Dem Underground, someone – I assume a Seinfeld fan – came up with the nuckname for Trump** “poop Nazi.”
There are other cartoons out there which reference the Wise Men and/or epiphany – but this one is just so beautifully tailored in its allusions, I couldn’t resist. Let’s hope many Americans receive the same epiphany.