Apr 152024

Yesterday, I came across a new Parody Project video at Democratic Underground, and I’m providing the link to that site (you can easily get to YouTube from it if you prefer.) The poster,, “DFW,” is “The freedom Toast” just as Don Caron is “The Parody Project.” DFW is an ex-pat living in Europe after a lifetime of foreign service. In the one photo I’ve seen of him, he looks a bit like Santa Claus in a dress suit – and that’s probably more than you wanted to know. I recommend the YouTube CC because the white type washes out on some of the light backgrounds – the CC isn’t perfect, but it’s something.

This has taken a long, long time to accomplish, and it’s really only starting, but I for one am glad it has at last gotten this far.

On the eve of a major trial, Richardson takes a look at the other (neglected by the MSM) story of how the economy works, and when it works best, and why. While attending to the Trump** story, we also need to be telling this one.

Apr 142024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strauss Jr (“The Waltz King”). This and “The Merry Widow” bY Lehar are the only two operettas I can think of which are sometimes done by regular opera companies. Both can be described as “zany.” Of course so can Gilbert and Sullivan’s operettas – and, really, most operettas of the period. People have always enjoyed far-fetched humor. “Fledermaus” means “Bat,” and the premise is that, a year before the operetta, the lead tenor and the baritone went to a an event together, something between a party, a costume ball, and an orgy, and both got drunk. The baritone, who dressed as a bat, passed out, and the tenor (dressed as a butterfly) left him in a public park to sober up, and he woke to crowds pointing and laughing. This year, he wants revenge – and he gets it. And everyone except the tenor gets amusement and laughs at the tenors expense. When I was working as a volunteer costumer for my local college’s music department (before I got hired and paid by the theatre department), this was one of the shows I dressed. That was even longer ago than when the recording was made which they used yesterday to celebrate the operetta’s 150th anniversary (it premiered in April, 1876.) Also, I heard from Pat, who said her doctor’s apointment went well, and she is greatly relieved.

This is neither political, medical, financial, or helpful in any other way. It’s just interesting in that it reveals issues in the way we think about time (and probably other things as well.)

Many sources are discussing the decision by the Arizona Supreme Court that an abortion law from 1864 can stand. Much of the coverage includes lurid detail about the life and actions of the author of the law, which may be interesting, but really isn’t germane to the merits (and demerits, which outnumber the merits) of the law itself. This (gift-linked) article from the Washington Post doesn’t go there, instead concentrating on the effect of the ruling on the 2024 general election, both statewide and nationwide, and the reactions of Arizonans both in and out of politics.

Apr 132024

It may be that the best part of the 2024 Solar Eclipse wasn’t the eclipse at all, but the feeling of sharing a unifying connecting event as a community – especially since we’re being buffeted daily by our current polarization.

It was a treat to scour the Internet in search of some of the best photos shared online celebrating such an epic event.

But given how incessantly a certain politician spews falsehoods, maybe it shouldn’t be that surprising that the much-anticipated eclipse was somewhat eclipsed by a misconception.

An X-Tweet that went viral falsely claimed that the most stunning photo of the 2024 eclipse was taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).


This, despite the fact that in the week prior to the April 8th eclipse NASA took pains to explain that the JSWT would NOT being taking any photos of the eclipse because it could not withstand the heat and light generated.  Heads Up: There would be NO JWST photos of the big event!

Even more outlandish is the fact that the viral tweet celebrating the “JSWT photo“ is NOT actually a photo, but a hand-drawn homage to an actual photo of the eclipse – AND it was of the 2017 total eclipse!

The inspiration for the drawing was a composite of 35 HDR images of the 2017 eclipse taken by Dr. Sebastian Voltmer who has a PhD in the field of Scientific Photography.

And the artist who was inspired by his photograph was Cathrin Machin who posted an Instagram time-lapse video of her 10-day project to hand-draw a reproduction.

Have you ever seen an eclipse in person? Hand drawn image of the Moon Obscuring the Sun, took 10 days to draw based Here’s the thing -… | Instagram

So, let’s begin our journey with a few close-ups of the eclipse – from both 2017 and 2024.

Another favorite way of commemorating the 2024 eclipse was by taking a series of pictures – essentially a time-lapse memorializing the event.

Lots of folks felt the urge to put their own unique brand to the event in fun ways.

And Americans from across the country shared their take on the epic event by posting how they marked this special occasion – whether by projecting telescopic images for all to enjoy, daredevil aerobatics or memorializing its singular natural beauty.

I can’t help but feel that we’d all be well-served to remember the feeling of such a unifying event by taking a step back to enjoy the “Big Picture” that swept across our Big Blue Marble …





Apr 132024

Yesterday, Robert Reich’s column was about the Manhattan criminal charges against Donald Trump**. He explains in detail exactly why it is wrong to call it a “hush money” case. I umderstand, and I’m sure he also does, the temptation to find a way to distinguish it from all his other legal woes, so that people know instantly which case one is talking about. But it also plays into his hands. “New York election interference case” or “Manhattan election interference case” are two ways we can call a spade a spade and still make it clear what case is being alluded to.

This is a “Colorado leads the Way” story. I’m sad that it took this long. But I’m bursting with pride that it’s being done now.

Not to suggest there is such a thing as a good Republican today – but, you know, the House could have done a lot worse than Mike Johnson.

Apr 122024

Yesterday, I heard from Trinette that she has a cold, and might not make it Sunday. I said let’s skip a week – I want you to be well. (Thoughts and prayers welcome.) Also, yes, I’m aware that O.J.Simpson died Wednesday. It’s not something I really want to discuss. But the New Yorker, the Atlanta Black Star, and The Root, are packed with discussion, so if anyone wants to, the resources exist.

I realize that conservative groups consistently mis-name themselves to suggest the opposite of whatever bug is in their brains when they form the group – but this is extreme even for them.

This is something Joe can do without Congress. and I think – but am not sure – that the Food for Thought might be another thing. If so, I’m all for it.

Apr 112024

Yesterday, I finally took a few duck eggs out of the freezer ((I’m allergic to chicken eggs, n=but not to duck eggs or goose eggs) to use as toppers to corned beef hash (yes, I’m old – that used to be a popular meal, particularly for breakfast). I froze some when my source retired. Freezing eggs is an awkward business – you have to take them out of the shell, because if you don’t, they will break in the freezer, and you also have to at least pierce the yolk. And if you don’t want to use them all together, you need to put each one into a separate plastic bag. So hardboiled eggs are not an option. Traditionally, with hash, they were poached, but that’s not an option either, since the yolk is pierced. I just made a “valley” in the “mountain” of hash and put an egg (out of the plastic bag) into it, then microwaved it. It wasn’t as good as the meals I remember, but it wasn’t bad either. However, the best use of frozen (and then thawed) eggs is in baking. Maybe I’ll feel up to that eventually.

I always enjoy reading Amanda Marcotte. She sees things that otber people, including me, don’t. I don’t claim she’s always right, but what she has to say always bears consideration. I should point out that Salon, where she is a senior writer, is also now on substack (as is I presume her personal newsletter which they mention.)

As Nameless often says, good news is always welcome. And I find this news particularly good coming from Texas. I suppose the whiny Texas GOP will be taking it to the Supremes, but at least there are injunctions for the interim. And the Supremes might turn it down. If they’re smart enough (I know some are.)

Hanky Alert

Apr 102024

Yesterday, Democratic Underground had this short eclipse video from Xitter. I’m not going to send you to Xitter, but the embed is worth watching. (If you read the comments, you’ll know it was first posted by Eric Swalwell.)

Because this is not exactly current events, I held it for a few days. Heather Cox Richardson reviews the history of Yellowstone and of the Antiquities Act. It made me realize how close we came to not having something I have always taken for granted – our National Park system. I’ll try not to take it for granted any more.

Well, this doesn’t look good for my Congressinal District (Not that anything ever looks good for my Congressinal District.) On the other hand,perhaps, with enough publicity about this creep (of course I mean Williams, not Fish)a Dem might be able to win – or at the very least to make a good showing, which might be able to carry forward to 2026.)

Apr 092024

Yesterday, a member of Democratic Underground posted a new Biden-Harris campaign ad there. Wow. I’m going to provide the DU link (embedded YouTube videos don’t have the advertising) but also the regular YouTube link in case you need full screen, CC, and 75% speed, which I did, to fully appreciate it (or you can navigate to YouTube from the embed.) Hanky alert.

After addressing the Key Bridge tragedy and the tragedy for our nation that is Trump**, Robert Hubbell turned this weekend to immigration. If you want to skip the first part, it’s fairly east – it has its own headline, large and bold – “How foreign immigrants support the US economy.” In addition to his own words, he links to an interactive map where you can, if you wish, find ypour own county, possibly even city, and see how may live there, how much they pay in taxes, what their spendinh power is, and how many are eligible voters (naturalized and 18 or over. Just under half of my county’s are in this category.) And some other data as well. You probably already knew that immigrants are good for the country, but this will really open your eyes to just how much and in what ways that is so.

RFK Jr is best known for being Anti-Vax (Off Topic – but another article at the Daily Beast reveals that Anti-Vaxxers are now trying to take over a hospital.) But it appears he is not averse to accepting support from other shady types.
