Apr 232024

Yesterday, going through my inbox, I was seeing message subjects like “I underestimated House Speaker Mike Johnson” (Steve Schmidt) and “Mike Johnson Grows Spine And Passes Ukrainian Aid Package” (Wonkette) and “Mike Johnson Measured UP” (also Steve Schmidt) and “Ukrainian Army Celebrates Major Victory Over M – oh, wait, that was Borowitz. Y’all may be seeing some similar ones, since we don’t all get the same emails. Hey, I like the result, but I don’t like the tendency to make Mike Johnson a hero. Yes, Johnson put some foreign aid through and got it passed – four bills – and he did it by making a deal with Hakeem Jeffries. There are multiple theories on the details of the deal – because they are not confirmed I won’t cite any – but I have only seen one comment to the effect that “This was very clever. It looks like something Mitch McConnell might do.” I agree. Yes, he got it done, but don’t go tinking he did it out of the goodness of his heart. We – by which I mean not only us here, but Democrats in Congress – need to watch him very carefully, and to look very carefully at the details of any future proposed deals, and negotiate firmly.

Robert Hubbell looks at the Ukraine vote with particular attention to the margin by which it passed, and extrapolates that in a way which, while not as positive as it might be, yet is more positive than many of us have been thinking. I hope he’s right – or that, if he’s wrong, the reality is even better.

Heather Cox Richardson memoralizes the history of Earth Day, among other things pointing out that environmentalism used to be bipartisan – or, better, to transcend partisan politics.

Apr 222024

Yesterday, I looked up the latest “Parody Project” – a parody of “Cat’s in the Cradle” called “Rats who enable.” And I realized how long it’s been since I checked the site. Here’s a link to all the videos, in date order, newest first. Something else may well appeal to you as much or more. I admit I’m influenced by loving the original so much. Akso, Trinette was by, and we made some more space. She says hi to all. I couldn’t find aother artice (and ran out of time to look harder), so I’m putting in 2 videos of Beau. He’s been hot lately (and one of them scared the daylights out of me).

It wasn’t pretty – but I have to suspect she took him by surprise and he didn’t know what to do. It was just so different for a Republican to be minimally polite.

Apr 212024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Puccini’s “La Rondine” (The Swallow), his only comic opera (which still has a suffering heroine, but she doesn’t die.) It was written on commission from a Viennese theater. and was intended to be an Italian version of a Viennese operetta. Certainly some of them do not end with the lovers living happily ever after – off the yop of my head, thre’s “Juditta” and “The Land of Smiles”. Viennese operettas do, if I’m not mistaken, all have spoken dialogue, but Puccini only accepted the commission woth a stipulation of no spoken dialogue. The theme is true love v. riches and comfort. Basically, in the first act a poet’s newest work starts a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of both. in the second act she “flies like a swallow” from her sugar daddy to true love, and in the third, she “flies” back. Of course the music is luscious. Also yesterday, the House passed the foreign aid package after months of Republican anal retention (the reference is not to the content of the package necessarily, but to the conduct of Republicans.)

After the package was passed in the House, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) – toold them the truth and they thought it was hell.

This is heartbreaking – but it needs to be widely known. It explains a whole lot. And the article he links to should also be widely spread.

Apr 202024

Yesterday, a man set himself on fire in the “designated protest area” outside the courthouse where Trump** is being tried. He has allegedly been identified as Maxwell Azzarello of St. Augustine, FL. Since we already know MAGAts are clinically insane, what struck me about the atory is the fact that a “protest area” has been designated. That seriously makes me worry that we will never see sanity in government again – at least not nationally. I do have confidence in some states. Also yesterday, Robert Reich posted a new video on RFKj, and is inviting everyone to share it with everyone. Sure, he can’t win. And logically, his platform should take away voters from Trump**, not from Biden. But politics is not all that logical. Too many people don’t really pay attention.

I am hoping this small victory – the kind of victory which so often Democrats don’t get involved with because it’s local – not thinking it through that it’s those victories from which our bench for the “bigger” contests needs to grow -I hope iit helps inspire others to run also.

Now this is what I have been waiting for ever since Joe appointed Deb Haaland to the Department of the interior. Based just on all the Republican whining it may well have been worth waiting for. Here’s a second link to a different article, same subject.

P.S. Yes, I realize today is 4/20.  But since THC doesn’t really do anything for me, so that I just stick with CBD, I’m afraid I don’t really know how to celebrate

Apr 192024

We probably all believed the first-ever criminal trial of a former president would be bit quite riveting.  But according to The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman (one of the very few reporters allowed in the actual courtroom) and a handful of sketch artists, not so with Donnie.

As Jon Stewart succinctly framed it:

Given Trump’s now well-documented snooze, you’ve got to hope we’ll be hearing a good deal less about “Sleepy Joe” from viral-trending Sleepy Don.

In truth, that was just the spicy tidbit the Internet was hoping for – and boy, did they run with it!

But before we get to enjoy some of the highlights, we’ll give Donnie some fair time to whine, noting that he took to Truth Social to strongly deny he was napping by including an “unaltered” photo to prove it.

But that only led to some helpful suggestions on how to better disguise his catnaps.

Almost immediately Trump earned a couple of new monikers that I’m sure would have made Mario Puzo proud:

Both George Takei and MeidasTouch noted that Trump has imitated the persona of at least three of the Snow White Dwarves: Dopey, Grumpy and now Sleepy.

No doubt a good many Americans wondered what Trump dreams about when he drifts off.  Can’t help but believe this one comes pretty close …

It’s been noted that this isn’t the first time Trump has been caught “resting his eyes”.

So, like with yawning in a group, there’s some concern that Sleepy Don snoozing in court might be contagious:

And while I suspect more than a few good folks would enjoy playing Shakespeare’s Horatio to Trump’s Hamlet with “Good night … and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest” – right now we’ll just have to make do with “Keep counting those sheep, Don”.

As for me:

I prefer Presidents who DON’T fall asleep before the lunch break in their Hush-Money-Paid-To-A-Porn-Star-Election-Interference trial.



Apr 192024

Yesterday, I had had a pretty good night’s sleep. Of course I had done some stuff the day before – packed and tied four boxes for pickup, unpacked my new (to me and already obsolete) computer and broke up the box it came in, fighting staples and glue, and a couple of other little things. But I felt good enough to take in a small grocery order, and assemble ingredients for a recipe which I can now make. (Don’t get too excited about the computer. I am not going to plug it in until I can also plug in a USB multi-hub, since the place I am putting it makes it very difficult to reach the back.  And I don’t want to move my present 8-port one from where it is.  So I ordered a new one – probably nect week sometime it should arrive.)

Someone has made what I can only call a “mockyoumentary” out of Trump’s** anecdote of the Battle of Gettysburg. Yes, it’s awful, but it’s also short – and very funny in a schadenfreude kind of way.

Mary Trump, as you know, is following Trump**’s cases from a personal perspective. She put together a group of topics from Tuesday’s jury selection, including a list of characteristics on selected jurors which are allowed to be made public.

Apr 182024

Yesterday, I arose after a long night with very little sleep (I did rip through a bunch of Sudokus, though.) I’m yawning a little, but otherwise OK – and hoping that staying up will help me sleep better tonight. And also that I get a bunch done.

Andy Borowitz with poll results. I apologize there’s a picture – but it could be worse.

Heather Cox Richardson summarizes a whole bunch of related events here, but I believe that’s a good thing. When one is in the middle of something (and especially if one is in the middle of more than one something), it’s all too easy to forget details which may be critical.

Apr 172024

Well, I did do a post for yesterday, but the computer ate it.  And I didn’t discover that early enough to try to reconstruct it.  Sorry.

Yesterday, the court in Manhattan managed to select and swear in 6 jurors, includinng the foreperson (which surprises me – I thought the foreperson was chosen from [and by] the full jury. But whatever.)

None of us is completely immune to the belief that “Everyone thinks exactly the way I do.” In people who value the truth and facts, it sometimes presents as “Everyone knows exactly what I know.” None of this is accurate. This article may give you an idea just how inaccurate it is. It really cannot be repeated too often.

This may be just me … but this article starts with the statistic “Internet scammers targeted more than 10,000 Coloradans last year, stealing a total of $187,621,731.” I immediately thought, that averages out to almost $19,000 per victim. Who are these people (who can come up with that kind of money to lose)? I do realize a lot of victims are businesses – but still.

Pat B is having fun with family and company probably the rest of the week. I don’t expect to have a TJI every day, but I thought I should share this one – “The media has wrongly adopted a narrative that views the trial as a proxy for the election. It is not. If we let go of that false narrative, we can observe the trial for what it is—a clunky, imperfect way to arrive at a procedural determination about whether the state has met its burden of proof.” – Robert Hubbell
