Mar 142024

Like the old Mortan Salt slogan goes: “When It Rains, It Pours”.

I think I whined a bit WRT the steeper-than-anticipated learning curve for using my new Logitech Ergonomic Split Keyboard to help avoiding another carpal tunnel surgery.

(And if I didn’t whine, I MEANT to.)

Then yesterday I was reminded it was time to check for updates, and both MS & Dell had a passel of critical ones.  So I downloaded and installed them.

But they both required a reboot to complete the installation.  No big deal … or so I thought.

But three-and-half HOURS later the little “Restarting” with the swirling dots were STILL swirling around!

After several attempts at a hard reboot and disconnecting everything and waiting a minute and re-plugging everything back and rebooting again … all I get is the swirling “Restarting” dots.

Since yesterday was a total loss, today I had to drag out the laptop and am getting by.

Thank heavens for my OneDrive cloud!

I worked this morning on trying some fixes for the stuck “Restarting” – but to no avail.  This afternoon I decided to switch to finishing my taxes before anything else goes wrong.

Like I said, fortunately I was able to continue w/ all my work since the OneDrive cloud had everything!

It may be a day late for posting, but I didn’t forget TC’s B-Day.  So enjoy some birthday cake …



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Mar 142024

Yesterday, I really did not want to get up. It might be the fault of the weather. Today and tomorrow, snow is heavily predicted, starting at 2 am today and going steadily through about 10 Friday morning.  We do need the water so I can’t really complain -though the watersheds are where we need it most, and they are at much higher elevations than Iam.

I may be one of the last remaining Americans who actually like Merrick Garland. When I see articles all over Democratic sites blaming him, for example, for Jan 6 rioters getting short sentences (judges do that – not even the same branch of government) or dragging his feet (I do admit to someone not involed in criminal law that it looks like that, primarily because he committed so many of his criomes in broad daylight and plain sight), I find it refreshing to see a different opinion. Especially from someone such as Marcy Wheeler, who has credentials and a solid reputation. The first link takes you to the her main argument, and the second, at her own blog, supplements the first somewhat.

Kerry Eleveld, who is on the staff at Daily Kos, analyzes the shifts in polling produced by the quality of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. It’s good news.

I’m slipping this in today because I don’t want people to be needlesslay alarmed. (Alarmed is fine if it’s needed.) Wonkette’s style is frivolous butI think handles the story well.

Mar 132024

Yesterday, I got a new email from the Theater of War and immediately thought of SpyCat, because they will be doing two readings of “An Enemy of the People” live in Ohio in April, in Mount Vernon and Gambier on the 6th and 7th respectively (and of course also on Zoom.) These productions are not just theater – there’s no stage, no sets, no costumes or makeup, just readings, and voice acting. And the whole play is never presented – selections are read pertinent to the public health topic addressed. And after the reading, audience members react, both on site and now, since the pandemic, through Zoom, and share through their experience what has touched them and what applies to today. Their website is, and it’s headed up with a four minute video describing what they do and why, with three examples (obviously very short.) But there’s also a lot of information there with more detail. “An Enemy of the People,” written in 1882, could almost be the story of CoViD and Dr. Fauci.

Robert Reich makes the case for what he calls “Nauseous Optimism,” by which he means being optimistic even when one’s stomach is churning. but he explains it better than I can.

One of the Mar-a-Lago documents case who has been known as “Employee Number 5” is speaking out on the case and his part in it. I think he’s hoping it will make a bigger difference than I think it will – but any difference in the right direction is a good thing.

Mar 122024

Yesterday, President Biden sent his budget to Congress – a trifling $7.3 trillion. I wouldn’t count on Congres, particularly the House, to act constructively. Also, I learned VP Harris will visit Colorado today. No, I won’t be there, but I expect to get a report from CPR today or tomorrow. And I found a link to the one-woman show about Ann Coulter. It was made in 2020, and will be available through 2026. It runs abou an hour and 53 minutes. If you have never seen it, you may want to – and if you have seen it, you may want to see it again.

Off topic, but, if you havent, please check out the open thread for March 9 – there’s news about Carrie (not, sadly good).

I don’t doubt this would make a lot of people angry – if they would see it – which they probably won’t. “Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente est un crime oublié, parce qu’il a été proprement fait” – Balzac – usually quoted in English as “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.”

If you ever read “The 19th Magazine”, or if you saw this article in their newsletter, you instantly knew I would use it. Women’s History, Black History, even music history, all in one piece – of course I would.

Mar 112024

Yesterday, Trinette was by again and we got stuff done. She says hi back to all. You all know how it is with weekends and news – I selected articles which are less time-sensitive and more long-term. I did find Beau’s T-shirt – I know people wonder about them, and I do myself, so when I can find them, I’ll start sharing.

The SOTU led to some endorsements from groups representing minorities (you and I know that the Democratic Party is the only party which consistently respects minorities, but I realize what we are actually doing doesn’t always get seriously public, so it’s understandable that some need to be told/convinced). Also, someone managed to flip a union member from Trump** to Biden, and there’s a video showing how (and also a brief summary). I don’t know any Union members, and Colorado is still a “Right to Work” state although it’s now blue. But this could help someone.

Heather Cox Richardson also starts with the SOTU, but quickly pivots to SCOTUS, Roe, and misogyny in general. She wrote it on International Women’s Day, which is also three days old now, but the historical knowledge is timeless.

Mar 102024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “La Forza del Destino.” If you ever hear someone claim that opera has far-fetched, hard to believe, plots, this may be the one they are thinking of. It starts with the heroine planning to elope, since her father disapproves of her suitor. The suitor is a bit late, and, unfortunately, the father bursts into her room before they have left. He threatens the suitor, who responds by attempting to prove he is not an enemy by disarming. But the gun goes off (in the script he drops or throws it to the floor, which sets it off; this production is less clear about what happens.) And the unintended bullet kills her father, who, as he dies, curses his daughter. I used to say “And from there it just gets more unlikely.” Today I wouldn’t claim it gets less likely – however, it certainly doesn’t get any more likely either. The opera is not performed all that often, not because it isn’t popular (it is), but because the soprano part is at least as difficult as anything in opera, even Wagner’s operas, and Leontyne Prices just don’t turn up every day. There are excerpts from it which are frequently recorded separately – arias for the soprano and the tenor, a male chorus with soprano obligato, a duet with the tenor and the baritone – all of which are in different ways heartbreakingly beautiful.

Just a little exercise in “compare and conatrast” here:
“Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today…. History is watching. If the United States walks away, it will put Ukraine at risk. Europe is at risk. The free world will be at risk, emboldening others to what they wish to do us harm.” [President Joseph Biden, State of the Union Address, March 7, 2024]
“Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this congress and this administration will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance or insignificance can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor to the latest generation We, even we here, hold the power and bear the responsibility.” [president Abraham Lincoln – Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862]

I did not watch or listen to the Republican response (can you blame me?), and, although some of this article has been “translated,” shall we say, it’s probably all we need to know about it.

Well, this is bad news for anyone with allergies who has ambitions of traveling into space! But I’m sure glad they found it out this way and not in use.

But this is good news for just about everyone except TSF.

Mar 092024

Yesterday, after looking into and at the State of the Union address, it was impressed upon me that someone – some journalist – some newspaper or website – should each year find out and make public all the guests invited by the legislators (and anyone else who is allowed an invite.) Legislators speak through their guests, sometimes well and sometimes not so well. But I’d like the opportunity to hear what they are all saying. Just two examples – one legislator invited the first person born through IVF in the US. My Senator Bennet invited the head of Ukrainians of Colorado. CPR News has learned and published the identities of the guests (if any) of all members of the Colorado delegation except two who had not decided. And that’s helpful. But I’d like to see more. Also yesterday, I heard from Barry Burton that Carrie has broken her leg and is in the hospital – there’s a steel bar on her femor now and a cast and a full leg brace over it. And she is not getting anywhere near the care I was getting. If anyone would like to call her, shoot me an email and I’ll send you her cell number. It’s not terribly new, but it has changed since she moved to Alabama.  And in any case, thoughts and prayers will be appreciated

If you remember the Biblical story of the widow’s mite – you will have no trouble recognizing the similarity. I hope, wherever he is, that TC can see it or otherwise learn about it. (Hanky alert)

This is a referral from Wonkette. It does explain why I was going to be grieving over the Cakifornia Senate primary no matter what. I did know – because an email from Katie informed me – that losers of the primary would not be able to return to Congress. So, yes, we have lost Katie and we have lost Barbara Lee also. Of course it’s not impossible for her to run again in two years. But as a single mom who never took a penny of rich people’s money, it might be prohibitively difficult for her.

Yes, this is a BFD. And just think where it might be able to go from here. I’m thinking college football, since those players are in just as much danger from concussion as the pros – if not more, since they are younger and more fragile.

Mar 082024

Yesterday, I learned that Ruby Johnson, a Denver granmother of color, just my age, was awarded $3.76 million, by a jury, in damages after a SWAT team invaded her home in error while she was in the shower. Now if only we can get some compensation for the woman of color in Houston who was evicted from the home she has owned and lived in for fifty years. But I’ll take whatever good news I can get.  Also yesterday, at the SOTU, Joe took a page from Harry Truman’s book – He didn’t give ’em hell. He just told the truth and they thought it was hell.

I know we are all frustrated with the mainstream media. And particularly with the New York Times, which has been around for so long, and has declined so badly in such a comparatively short time, that it’s depressing. And it’s scary. Even if we are not ourselves deceived by the slants, others are and many of those who are have guns and short tempers. The Times was on the mind of two writers this week – Lucian Truscott at Salon, and Robert Hubbell on Substack.

Joyce Vance may also be a chicken farmer and a knitter in her spare time, but above all, she is a fine and experienced trial lawyer and a legal analyst. Here are her thoughts on motions and such which are happening prior to the criminal trial in Manhattan.
