Jun 042024

Yesterday, the Election Department advised me that my primary ballot is in the mail, and CPR advised me who the Deocratic candidates are for the 5th District. i’m not familiar with either name, so I’ll have to look both up. My district is the only one in the state which has never sent a Democrat to Congress, and we may well not get DNC support. However, two things are different this year. First, the District has gotten much smaller because of people moing in – which makes us more urban – and second, there is no incumbent. So it’s not impossible for us to have a chance. I’ll be voting this one with my head rather than my heart.

You may have seen this story – I’ve seen a couple of things on PFAs – but this is not just the story but the investigation details, straight from Pro Publica. When Pro Publica is shocked, the rest of us need to pay attention.

Robert Reich shows how the hard realities of income equality can (and do, and that’s no accident) get lost in statistics. I think of the old adage “Figures don’t lie. But liars do figure.”

Beau France


Jun 032024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil. We both enjoyed the visit. He returns all greetings, and I didn’t get lost coming home this time. Also, the featured image today is different for a reason. See the first short take. (I may do this again, but if so, it will be very seldom and only for a strong reason.)

I often say I’m old enough to remember when honosable Republicans were a thing. Margaret Chase Smith is one of those I remember. To be honest, I don’t remember June 1, 1950 – I was two month short of five years old. But I do remember her, her name, and her excellent reputation always, bipartisanly. She was the first Senator to rebuke Joe McCarthy. Heather Cox Richardson describes the incident and the implications well. We need more Margaret Chase Smiths today (and alot fewer Marjorie Taylor Greenes).

Lots of people are making or sharing memes of what “not guilty” actually looks like. This post, regarding an exonerated member of the Central Park Five, demonstrates not only what it looks like, but also what it sounds like. (He is also now a New York City Councilman, so it’s also what a winner looks like.)

Jun 022024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Cinderella (not the Italian “Cenerentola” by Rossini, but the French “Cendrillon” by Massenet, which is much more like the story as we know it, while the Italian one is funnier and played more for laughs.) Massenet is the composer who wrote “Thaïs”, and you have almost certainly heard the “Meditation” from that opera – it’s a solo violin over the orchestra, and so often played it’s almost elevator music now. “Cendrillon” has arias, but none that has been overplayed as a standalone, and is also very listenable, even full length and in French, and this was neither – it was one of the abridged versions the Met does especially for children, usually around New Year’s Day (which this performance was taped on in 2022.)

Just for fun. One for every two counts.

A glimpse of the MAGA universe. But they haven’t thought of everything. No one seems to wonder why, if this were all a setup by Biden, what on earth took him so long? Even if he were in cognitive decline (which I hardly need to say he isn’t), surely (in their world) he would have Machiavellian advisers (which he doesn’t – and apologies, Niccolo) who would have finished the job a couple of years ago.

Several people have put together memes or articles to make the point “This is what ‘Not guilty’ looks like.” Wonkette doesn’t even make that point, being so in awe of the gentleman’s classiness, but I make it, and it’s my favorite in that category.

Jun 012024

Yesterday, as promised, Robert Reich posted Episode 1 in his new DEBUNK series. This kink is to his Substack addres; it includes a transcript of his video (just under 3 minutes) and a link to it (and it has good CC.) Also, I got my new water heater inspected by the regional authority (I forget what they call it. The inspector wants a bit more support on a couple of tubes at the top, but he won’t have to come back – he can email my plumber and the plumber can email him back a photo. It’s good to ba able to go through the mud room again without special leak-proof footwear (which is also uncomfortable.)

This from Talking Points Memo is thoughtful, scary, and I believe motivating to keep up the fight for justice, which sadly will never end,

This is more a curiosity than breaking news – certainly I was curios after reading the headline, and also curious to see whether the method shared by someone at Democratic Underground to make a paywalled article accessible to anyone would work. (Spoiler: It does. Yippee!)

May 312024
Yesterday, the plumber did come and quickly determined that the problem was the water heater, Sadly, water heaters have become quite pricey. Coincidentally, though, my credit union, which issued the card I use the most, just made me an offer to get a large purchase charged in installments, with no interest on the balance, only on the installments as they are charged, That sounds like something I could do and leave my emergency stash intact, and also not touch my one remaining 401(k). And then, of course – I expect like all of you, I did my best impression of a Happy Dance. GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS!
This one s new – but he also did one earlier on the same subject to the tune of “Evergreen.”  I’ve copied thw link which should start right after the ad (which is where the song starts,  Before the ad, there’s only talking.)
I actually do try to be mindful of others. It’s not so difficult wen they are struggling with something I have struggled with, even when it was long ago. But it’s terribly easy to be absolutely gobsmacked when they are struggling with something I have never experienced and never expect to. Such as this. And the articles earlier this week on trans men.


Jamie Raskin writes about possible disqualification of two justices in a New York Tmes op-ed. No paywall, Kind of surprising they printed it.

May 302024

Yesterday, Wonkette referred me to this clip from The Daily Show. I;ve set it to start where he starts on Alito. It is a hoot. Also, I reached my plumber, who will becoming today (and will likelty have come by the time anyone reads this.)  Sorry to be so late!

This is noteworthy, particularly in Mississippi. I wish the Supreme Court would take notice.

I knew about this – you may also have read about it – but then I don’t pay attention to what Ursula calls the “Legacy media.”

May 292024

Yesterday, I wasn’t able to get in touch with my plumber, so I’ll be trying again today.

On Sunday, Heather Cox Richardson wrote about Africa – its past, its present, and hopes for its future. Of course, when Trump** comes in the door hope flies out of a window. All of those hopes are dependent on heeping Joe and Kamala in the White House another four years. And frankly, I have fears for what may happen after that.

I realize this is late for Memorial day – but it’s also Robert Reich. And he also looks ahead with it so it’s more than just Memorial Day.

May 282024

Yesterday was pretty quiet.  Today I will be getting in touch with my plumber, because over the weekend, my mud room developed a pond.  It’s right between my water heater and my washing machine, so I don’t know which is at faultBut whatever it is, it needs to be gone.

I’m not going to embed this, nor count is as an article, because it is not political. What it is about is how, when you post a comment on the internet (especically when it isn’t answered on the site, you have no idea how much it may impact someone. And you may never know. Humility is a good thing, but it’s possible to be too humble about what we do here, and easy to get discouraged. Please don’t get discouraged. (Oh, BTW, hanky alert)

Hanky alert here too. I can actually see why MAGAts would hate people like Steve and Skyler – because they are nearly impossible to live up to, their existence lays bare all the failings of the right.

I’m not ceazy about predictions, especially ones that depend on people I don’t know. But this is amusing. On that jury, I would have fit in well.
