You can also read this on today’s video thread – I moved it to its own thread in holes that would make it easier to follow.
From WWWendy:
Of course COVID-19 has consumed the news cycle for some time. Of late, we have seen protestors against lockdowns in Lansing, Michigan brandishing assault rifles. We have seen various marches against various aspects of what I will call ‘common sense’ proceedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. One of my university professors challenged me on the use of the term because there is no such thing as ‘common sense’. If sense were common, we would not have the troubles we have now.
Below is a clip from Trevor Noah talking about wearing masks. And he is funny as usual. I have to confess that for years, pre-pandemic times, I have questioned the need to wear a mask during the flu season. I thought people looked strange wearing a mask. Now, I wonder why it took me so long to realise that wearing a mask out in public (as well as when I clean the cat box) is a good policy. Now you won’t see me in public without my mask and gloves. Enjoy Trevor Noah, the masked avenger!
It’s a barfy day here in the CatBox. I’ve been throwing up most of last night and this morning. I think something got caught in my tumor. I feel VERY tired. TGIF!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:46). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
Cases: 245,442
Deaths: 6,098
Recovered: 10,411
Short Takes:
From Crooks and Liars: Welcome to the COVID-19 Games, where the tributes are governors fighting for the scraps of critical protective gear still available, and where success still depends on kissing Trump’s ass.
Last week Trump was playing quid pro quo with Americans lives, telling governors “it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well.” The result of not doing so is not getting help. Take New York, which requested 30,000 ventilators and got 4,400. And is being outbid by FEMA on the private market, where the state has been trying to procure more. “What sense does this make?” Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters Tuesday. “The federal government, FEMA, should have been the purchasing agent. Buy everything, and then allocate it by need to the states.” Wisconsin’s Democratic Gov. Tony Evers asked for 190,000 nonsurgical masks from FEMA last week, and has struggled to find ventilators. He has no idea where the masks are.
On the other hand, Oklahoma asked for 16,000 face shields and got 120,000. It had received about 84,000 N95 masks by the end of last week, “more than twice its original request.” Then there’s Florida, which is expecting its third shipment from the feds. It got 100% of what Trump’s good buddy Gov. Ron DeSantis asked for in the first two shipments. Kentucky has gotten more than it requested. Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maine have only gotten part of what they’ve requested. (There you go, Sen. Susan Collins, more lessons learned for you.)
For governors to save their people, being just sycophants isn’t enough. They have to become suckophants too! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Sen. Harris On Trump’s Virus Response: ‘This Guy Doesn’t Understand His Job’
Unfortunately, I must disagree. Criminal Fuhrer Trump* does understand his job , and it has two foci: 1. Take the wealth of lower and middle class Americans and use it to provide welfare for billionaires and corporate criminals. 2. Establish a permanent, National Socialist, plutocratic Republican Reich in which elections have predetermined outcomes and exist for show only. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Neil Young – Heart of Gold/Lyrics (Full HD)
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Yesterday’s trip to the hospital was gruesome. TriMet Lift got me there an hour early, so I had to wait there for an hour. The tests, as I had told the doctors all along, was fine. Unlike my fart, my heart is completely healthy. They got done with me two hours early, so I called TriMet to see if I could get an earlier ride. No. In fact, they screwed up and did not pick me up for my 3:34 – 4:04 PM window until 6:10. That Lift Bus was crowded, so I did not get home until 7:25 PM, 25 minutes after my winter bedtime. Needless to say, I’m so pooped, I’m bleary eyed.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:49 (average 5:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
I’m on O2 too. I’m not a Republican, so I’m not a moron.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): In What Amounts To GOP ‘Bluff-Calling,’ Joe Manchin Proposes Senate Censure Trump
I must be hallucinating from being over tired. I actually agree with DINO Joe! After the conviction vote fails, a foregone conclusion, I would support a censure vote, as a way to further embarrass Republicans, most of whom would goose-step with criminal Fuhrer Trump*. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Late Show Channel): GOP Senators Give Lame Excuses For Voting Against Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial
Lame excuses? Since when has the Fascist Republican Reich given any other kind? RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Mamas & The Papas – Monday Monday
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
In November 2010, I joined a site called Care2 and, largely because of the fine people there, I started supporting Care2 News Network by cross posting all my articles there. That was thousands of articles ago. It’s a sad day, because this is the last day that C2NN will be online. Tomorrow Care2 will be petitions only. I thank the site administrators there for years of service, and I respect their decision, despite my disappointment over it.
I’d like my many friends there who used C2NN to stay politically active here at Politics Plus. Our URL is http://www.politicsplus.org/blog Here’s some info to help you participate here.
To read and comment on Politics Plus, you don’t have to join. Just go and do. When you want to read comments or comment on an article, just click the title of the article. Read the comments. There is a comment box at the bottom. To comment fill in your name and email address (always use the same name and email address each time you visit). If you have a website, you may fill in your URL. Otherwise, leave it blank. Make your comment. Click the Submit button. The first comment you ever make will be held for moderation as a defense against SPAM. We will approve it as soon as possible. After that, as long as the name/email address you enter remain exactly the same, and as long as your comment contains three links or less, it will not be held for moderation. There is a bug in our comment editor that complicates making nested replies to individual replies to articles. To do so, scroll to the comment box at the bottom, and fill it out as though you were commenting to the article, but don’t click the Submit button. Instead, scroll up to the comment to which you want to reply. Click the Reply link under that comment. When a non-functioning comment box opens under that reply, click the Submit button below that box, and your reply will appear nested under that reply. If you need help with anything, just holler. Our staff (Lynn, SoINeedAName, Joanne, Lona, and I) are damn good at it.
Whether or not you follow us home. Thanks for all your support and thanks for the memories.
I had a night’s sleep, but I still feel extremely tired. Why won’t the litter from tiny old CatBox fit in the bigger new CatBox? Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update. It’s a WWWendy day, and we still have a shitload of work to do.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:07 (average 5:52). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Madrona pics
This is my first sunset, taken while the movers were on the way here.
This is the breakfast I cooked on my stove and ate this morning.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Do What Now with Trae Crowder – Episode 1
Spot on, Trae! This looks like your version of my Republicans on Parade series. I look forward to future episodes. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Third Texas Congressman Announces Retirement
Every Republican in office is one Republican too many. RESIST!!
From YouTube: Heatwave melts Greenland ice sheet into 10 billion tonnes of water
There is no global climate change, the Pope is not Catholic, bears never ever shit in the woods, and Republicans do not have their heads up their asses! RESIST!!
Where was I fifty years ago today? I was sitting on the ground in a farm in upstate NY, snuggling with an assortment of lovely ladies, partaking of an assortment of …um… herbs, and listening to the finest music that ever was. After Woodstock, I never attended another rock concert. Having seen the best, anything else would suffer by comparison. Here is a video Diary of Day Two to give you a taste of what it was like for an hour.
Ah… the memories!
Hi Everyone,
WWWendy here! Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. Whew! it has been a whirlwind of non- stop stuff! I made it back from Tampa and then basically worked for 7 days straight and slept on the 8th day. Finally getting my groove back! Had a lot to handle still in regards to Tom’s passing and finally feel like I made some headway.
My time in Florida was great and I survived tropical storm Elsa (didn’t really amount to anything).
I am back working non-stop until my trip to Spain in September. Going back with my son to see his way of life over there – really looking forward to it.
I hope everyone is doing well. I am having some laptop issues so that made it virtually impossible to touch base with everyone before now. Still dealing with it, but hoping to have that corrected soon. I used to take my laptop with me everywhere and it made it easy to do what I needed to no matter where I was at – without I have been lost. I hate using my phone for everything because it it so much smaller and my it is hard on my eyes!
Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am still around just super busy. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Tom – it has definitely leftt a whole in my heart and my life.
I hope this finds everyone healthy and safe. My thoughts are with all and I promise to check in sooner rather than later.