Dec 012023

Thanks to everyone who is helping to lift me up through your comments.  Just now I am trying to push myself, not too hard, but just to do one or two small things each day which make a visible change in the house.  Just something i can look at and tell myself I made that happen.  So far it seems tp be hrelping.  Rome wasn’t built in a day either.

One of the Substack columns I read is that written by Robert Hubbell, a Democratic lawyer in (I believe) the Los Angeles area who was recommended by my cousin. Yesterday, his newsletter was all over “life isn’t fair” – which of course is true,, and which is why Democrats had to be invented –  and why being a Democrat can be a thankless job indeed.

Hubbell writes:

“Still, it is unfair that Democrats must win in a disinformation environment where the media has lost its collective mind—despite the flashing red lights. Jonathan V. Last of The Bulwark addresses this phenomenon in a tongue-in-cheek article (that will leave you feeling good), Dear Democrats: Here Are the Facts of Life. Last writes,

I regret to inform you that America is relying on you to win a presidential election less than 12 months from now. In order for you to accomplish this objective, you will have to do many things. Some of these things may seem unfair. Many of them will be hard. A few of them are probably impossible.

Hubbell quotes quite a bit from the Bulwark, but I have linked tp it anyway.  I hope it leaves you feeling a bit better.

-Here’s an old cartoon (even more up to date now than when originally published by TC) just to help keep us on track.



My cousin – my second cousin, Nancy, who recommended Hubbell to me – is four or five years older than I, which makes her two or three years older than Joe.  She wrote recently that she is considering, when Joe’s age comes up, saying, “I’m older than he is, and I still pack a punch” – and then proving it. With a demonstration.  (I think she was joking.)

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Nov 262023

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Mine was pleasant and quiet.  And there was an opera yesterday – Pelleas and Melisande, by Claude Debussy (an imprressionist), based on a play by Maurice Maeterlinck (a symbolist), and by the time those two got through with it – well, there are events – at least things do happen – but it’s all so dreamlike I wouldn’t call it a plot.  The music is pretty and the cast was amazing.  There’s only one more left in the summer series – it’s a 21st century opera by Rhiannon Giddens (not a person one would expect to be writing an opers, but it won this year’s Pulitzer.)  After that the Met takes over, also with a new opera.

I’m still not up to writing (or researching, which is the real time-eater) yet, but I did want to share this – it’s a resource for keeping up with all the cases, and only the cases, where someone or some group or some state is attempting to use Section 3 of the 14th Amentment to keep Trump** off of the ballot – any and all ballots.  Trump** himself is such an attention grabber that he tends to suck the oxygen out of everything else, so it’s good that someone is paying attention to this.

And here’s something from Trae Crowder –

Nov 222023

Yes, it’s that day again – 60 years ago now.  I was thinking about that recently in connection with an article on whether we shoould require the release of medical records by all candidates for President (along with tax records.)  Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it?  But I have very mixed feelings about it.

In any case, before it’s too late, I want to share this cautionary article for anyone who might be honored by being invited to a Black Thanksgiving dinner but not know much about Black food culture in particular.  It gave me some chuckles, a couple of gag reflexes, and a few surprises.

The Root – 17 Dishes You BET NOT Bring to a Black Thanksgiving

#4 – Green Bean Casseerole.  Amongst the several polls I sent out requesting ideas for this list, this abomination was at the top. The only acceptable form of green beans is with smoked turkey neck and potatoes. Why is it a trend to make this a casserole?

#6  – Potato Salad with Raisins

Matter fact, keep anything you got with raisins in it. Keep ya potato salad, ya pasta salad, macaroni salad and the criminal attempt at a pan of macaroni and cheese if it has raisins. You must do time over this.

15 – Gelatin-Based Oddities

We’re wayyy past that odd 1980s moment when everything edible was put in gelatin. Leave it alone, babes..unless it’s Jell-O shots. Those are always welcome.

Yes, there are more.  And pictures.  I hope you get some laughs too.

Personal Update:  I have had one contractor here and have a contract for that service – which kind of has to be, maybe not done, but at least under weigh before I can do much else.  At least I am getting more confident getting around the house, and that’s a good thing.


Nov 202023

11/20 Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. It is also World Children’s Day. I find that appropriate, and also ironic. I cannot begin to imagine what transgender children have to go through (heck, I can’t even imagine what some left-handed children still have to go through, and I can simulate that.)

I have a contractor coming today, so this will be all today.


Nov 192023

Dearest Rosalynn, rest in peace eternal.  Few deserve that rest as much as you do. You will be deely mourned and greatly missed. And that mourning will not be for your fate, but for our own loss. Don’t begrudge it to us.


I am not up to a real tribute yet, although I am slowly but steadily improving.  But I suspect by the time everyone has seen this, the comments will be filled wwith tributes, including some to Jimmy, whi is now, at least for a while, alone.


I woke up this morning without my usual back pain – oddly, the same thing happened when I was in the hospital – after I moved to rehab, I continued to wake up pin free untill the final 3 or 4 days I was there.  It appears my body craves a change of bed every couple of weeks or so.  Well, sorry, body, that’s not going to happen.   But thanks for the respite.

From now, I’ll try to keep posting at least every other day, though it’s likely to be short  It isn’t just me – I need to get things done around the house to make it safer, some of which I should have already done, and that takes time.  So the house has to heal was well as me.  I do have one contractor coming tomorrow.  But Rome, as they say, wasn’t built in a day, and neither will this be.  Stay tuned for updates.




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Nov 172023

So, first full day home amd I am grumpy as a grinch. No one’s fault (unless there are some kind of gremllins that are in charge of these things.) And it’s a story going back to 1976, when , newly out of the Marine Corps, I sprained my ankle. Of course I used “RICE” and eventually it stopped hurting – until the late 1990s, when it started to notify me that I had osteoarthritis there. That was when I started using a cane. I would not call that a flare-up – just a more or less constant annoyance which gradually eased off. I didn’t forget about the sprain, because it had affected the angle of the left foot a little, as well as the configuration of the arch area (which is a story in itself, but not for now), which were always reminders, but I had forgotten about the pain – until today, when I woke up with a full-blown flare-up – along with my usual back pain, which is on the right side. Suddenly, when neither leg is weightbearing, using a walker wasn’t so easy any more. Normally I ise the TENS in the den (at the opposite end of the house from the bedroom) but I wasn’t going to get there without something giving. Fortunately I remembered I had taken a spare TENS to the bedroom ages ago – the pads were smaller than I use on my back (they were intended for my shoulder) and the TENS had gottn unplugged from the charger somehow (fortunately there was enough charge to get me vertical) so I made it to the den, getting ice for the ankle along the way, so I’m much more comfortable now. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the flareup won’t be back tomorrow morning, and the next morning, and the morning after that, for up to four weeks. I did get a new wheelchair ordered, the samre make and model I have been using to visit Virgil, but one size smaller because doors (and just enough weight loss to fit comfortably),but that was about it.  I did note that, one day after SCOTUS adopted a “Code of Ethics, ” pundits are saying it is about as efficacious as a paper parasol in a hurricane – which was what I had guessed, and y’all had probably also guessed.

I shall now leave the “den” (and therefore the good computer) for the living room for a while, and attempt to find some things that I know I packed to come home with me – so they must be somewhere – but I haven’t figured out where yet.  Wish me luck!

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Nov 162023

The call went swimmingly … it did end up requiring help from one of the hospital staff who was most gracious also.  We could hear eaxh other clearly (lix\ke most of our convwersations, it was fairly monotonous – a lot of “I love you,” “I love you too,” :I miss you,” I miss you too”s  But it lifted both our spirits

If I can find a way to express my gratitude to Governor Polis without getting intercepted by some Karen just waiting to jump on someone for being compassionate, I shall.  But Karens can be sneaky.

I am packing up the lapto now, to save time later, and to force me to watch and read the instructions for discharge  So probably no more till tomorrow. – even responding to comments.




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Nov 152023

I wish this meant that I’m fully recovered.  It doesn’t.  It does mean that I am recovered enough to manage my own recovery from here.  And that means work.  And that means less time and energy for PP during the process.

It does, of course, also mean a good shot at a better future.  But that will require patience… and we all know cats and patience.

On the bright side, I just got a call from Virgil’s facility and they will arrange a call from him today between my therapies.  Woo hoo!

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