Jan 102024

Yesterday I got a bunch of stuff done – mostly on the computer rather than with physical objects, but it still tired me. I guess whie I was busy, the Appeals Court looked at TFG’s “immunity” claim and apparantly those looks were all askance.

I thought this was kind of nice. I well remember Andy Kim starting on cleanup on that day.

The Theater of War has a new project called “An Enemy of the People,” using the play by Ibsen. “The play tells the story of a doctor who discovers the water supply in his small, rural town has been poisoned by a tannery. Despite his efforts to convey the truth to the public, the doctor fails to save his community from environmental disaster and is ultimately scapegoated for his whistleblowing.” Ibsen didn’t pussyfoot around the truth, as long ago as 1882. This sounds a lot like how Fauci was treated – and in fact Dr. Fauci will be one of the actors (the actors will change from one event to another so if you want to hear what he has to say you will need to checking cast lists.) The first two events are 2/22 and 2/24, and Fauci is scheduled in the 2/24 event but not the 2/22 event. This is the link for 2/24 (it looks like you might be able to scroll from it.)

Here’s my response to the “poop Nazi” telling everyone to get over stuff – stuff like their kids being shot in school:

Jan 092024

I didn’t expect to have a post for today because I spent so much of yesterday waiting for my car to get towed.  But then a letter from Tokata Iron Eyes showed up in my email and convinved me that I had to share it – pretty much in full, because there’s no way to link to it.  I am not a big awards watcher, although I have a pretty good idea how important they can be, especially to those in  the profession.  And I was watching the awards the night Halle Berry won the first Best Actress Oscar given to a woman of color, and I lost it.  I’m glad I saw it, although “Oscars” are still “So White” overall.  I wish I could have seen the Golden Globes, if only for Lily’s speech.  Instead, I’ll just lose it quetly at home.

The letter:

Today, I share with you some happy news! Last night, in case you missed it, Blackfeet and Nez Perce actor Lily Gladstone made history as the Golden Globes’ first Indigenous winner in the category of Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama. Gladstone, who uses she/they pronouns, brought an understated power to their portrayal of Mollie Burkhardt, an Osage woman struggling amid the murders of her family and community by greedy settlers, in Martin Scorcese’s “Killers of the Flower Moon.”

After beginning their acceptance speech with a traditional Blackfeet introduction and a round of thank-yous, Gladstone said something important and inspiring: “This is for every little rez kid, every little urban kid, every little Native kid out there who has a dream, who is seeing themselves represented in our stories — told by ourselves in our own words — with tremendous allies and tremendous trust, with and from each other.”

That’s a statement filled with both truth and nuance. It’s a beautiful sentiment, but Gladstone may also be acknowledging that Hollywood remains a space with rich and powerful gatekeepers. Even in 2024, non-Native filmmakers (allies or not) like James Cameron (the “Avatar” franchise) and Scorcese are most often still the ones helming stories featuring Indigenous People and perspectives.

As my father, Chase, wrote to you last year, this needs to change. Allies are important, and representation is wonderful. Still, even the most positive representation onscreen is not the same thing as agency — the ability to tell our own stories, centering our own narratives. And agency, particularly for the Native women without whom this story does not exist and the movie could not function, is largely missing for much of “Killers of the Flower Moon.” When Native actors occupy the screen, the movie seems to vibrate at a different frequency. I’m left wondering what could have been had their characters’ arcs been less peripheral.

Much has been written about the movie by Indigenous People across Turtle Island. From a glowing review by our friend, Vince Schilling, to a scathing indictment from “Reservation Dogs” star Devery Jacobs, opinions on the movie vary widely — and understandably so. The three-hour-plus epic, based on true events, is ambitious, messy, and devastating. One thing everyone seems to agree upon, though, is the powerful performances given by Gladstone and other Native People in supporting roles. I, for one, look forward to seeing more from all of them, especially in movies and shows written and directed by Indigenous storytellers.

In case it slipped anyone’s mind, Tokata’s fathere, Chase Iron Eyes, is the head of Lakota Law and a pillar in indeigenous struggles, particularlt those of Standing Rock.

Jan 082024

Trinette was over today and helped me get a bunch of trach and recyclables out for pickup – more recyclaeles athan trash really, and they pick up trash twice as often as they do recyclables.  Always wonderful to see her.

Jeff Tiedrich, writing for his blog “everyone is entitled to my opinion,” compares the speeches of Biden and Trump**, making his points with far less profanity than usual, and hilarity ensues.  I definitely chuckled over “how do you put on pants?”

By Request –

Also by request –

Jan 072024

Yesterday’s radio opera was Verdi’s “Nabucco,” his first big hit, loosely based on the Biblical figure of Nebuchadnezzar. Much of the plot is dramatic malarkey which makes for ear-catching arias and ensembles. But the “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves” (“Va, pensiero”) – based on Psalm 137 – something like it apparently did happen, and had resonated through centuries, and still resonates. Whether you have been taken away from your country, or your country has been taken away from you, it will resonate with you too. It is the one number in all of opera which is never not encored in performance, even during periods when encores in performance are out of fashion. My recollection is that in the latter half of the 20th century “Nabuco” was seldom performed, but that as the 21st century progresses, it is performed more often, at least in the United States, as we see our rights slipping away from us. And of course “Va pensiero” outside of the opera has never fallen out of favor (and it’s often encored in the concert hall, also.) Not a bad choice to broadcast on this anniversary, I’d say.

Speaking of the anniversary, remember Harry Dunn? Well, he’s now running for Congress in Maryland.

The news from Ukraine inspires me to reprise this video (which I first used in an article on Saint Javelina).

Jan 062024

Well, today’s the day. But I thought I’d put in a little map to somee other news ….

Axios reports the at SCOTUS will hear oral arguments February 8 on Colorado’s disqualification clause case (which is going to be referred to as DQ in this case and every case of its kind.  Don’t mistake it for Dairy Queen.)

Huff Post has a scoop – with receipts.  Videos of interviews with DEmocrcratic legislators who were traumatized by Jan 6,Made soon after it, but until now unseen

“Of course, not every single person named in the [Epstein-Maxwell] documents was necessarily involved in or aware of any sex trafficking — in fact, it appears that the majority were not. Part of the way Epstein provided cover for himself was specifically by associating with people who had no idea about his activities, so that they could say, ‘Well, I’ve been on that plane and I didn’t see anything weird, so this must all be nonsense!’” And, yes, that’s exactly how they think. And sadly, it’s been working for a long time. Especially on domestic abuse by “respectable pillars of the community.” But it does mean that if someone you care about is in these lists, they may not be guilty, only “beard”s (ignorant ones at that.).  The article contains much more – probably more than you want to know. The cat photo is part of a New Year’s gift to readers – no pictures of ugly people for a week, just cats – and of course Wonkette is part of Substack.

If you want a more compact summary, with fewer details, Mary Trump is the place to go.

And over at Dem Underground, someone – I assume a Seinfeld fan – came up with the nuckname for Trump** “poop Nazi.”

There are other cartoons out there which reference the Wise Men and/or epiphany – but this one is just so beautifully tailored in its allusions, I couldn’t resist.  Let’s hope many Americans receive the same epiphany.

 Comments Off on Personal Update January 6, 2024
Jan 052024

Yesterday, I noted that we can stop saying “Trump** is still ahead of Joe in the polls.” The latest from 538 gives Joe a 2-point lead. That’s not much, but it’s something – not enough for compacency. Not that anything would be good enough for complacency when it comes to Trump**.

But the day before, the 3rd, Joyce Vance wrote a post about one court battle in particular which is also kind of a pep talk. I recommend it. It never hurts to pick up a little spine-stiffener when thee are issues ahead.
“[Obama in his presidential farewell address] said ‘All of us, regardless of party, should throw ourselves into the task of rebuilding our democratic institutions.” He said that strengthening our democracy “depends on our participation; on each of us accepting the responsibility of citizenship, regardless of which way the pendulum of power swings.’ It’s likely that in that moment he didn’t fully envision how critical the role each of us plays as a private citizen was about to become. But we see it now. We have risen to that challenge once and we can do it again.”

Then yesterday, Steve Schmidt’s column was titled “Be Not Afraid.” Personally I would have said “Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. But Be Not Paralyzed.” But he has a long and inspiring quote from FDR in it which is worth some time. It starts about halfway down the page.

Yes, both are Substack.

Oh, and ICYMI, Kim Davis has been court ordered to pay $200 grand in attorneys’ fees and expenses to [just] one of the couples to whom she refused a marriage license.

I also got a phone call from my one cousin who does not and will not own a computer – so I need to either phone or write to her (and I think you all know how I feel about phones.) She was responding to my very late Christmas card which she just received. We had quite a chat. She is the cousin who is the same age as I (there are two older and one younger.)

And in antici[ation of tomorrow…

Jan 032024

Well, yesterday I got a lot done. I got my checking account on record for direct deposit with my new HRA custodian, and put in a recurring claim for my Part D premium which is paid automatically on my main credit card.  Then I verified that my new HRA credit card is on file with my new pharmacy so that can get automatically paid as I refill   I brought in packages, two with variius forms of ginger (lozenges, tea, and crystallized), which I’ll be using some at least, alththough i am keeping food down for now – and one with some personal hygiene items.  The exterminator came for the third time, was able to give me something of an update (progress in some areas, inside and out, and in others, not so much) and set the nest appointment for the 15th.  I cleaned and re-bandaged an injury to my left foot which I needed a hand-held mirror to even partially see – don’t ask how it happened because I have no clue.  It is getting better too, but taking its sweet time about it.

I’m not yet ready to commit to a blog every day, but II do want to share this from Robert Reich (Substack of course) :because, though it doesn’t mince words, is nevertheless constructive:

Welcome to (gulp) 2024

What can the rest of us do between now and the election to help save American democracy?

Ten suggestions:

1. Become even more politically active. For some of us, this will mean taking more time out of our normal lives — up to and including getting out the vote in critical swing states. For others, it will mean phone banking, making political contributions, writing letters to editors, and calling friends and relations in key states.

Aside from that – remember Godwn’s Law?  I forget the eaxct wording, but it was something like “In a political argument, the first one to bring up Hitler loses.”  Well, Godwin himself – the Godwin who wrote the law – is now saying we must compare Trump** to Hitler – that failure to do so would be irresponsibe.  Yup.  Thank Crooks and Liars for that bit of truth..

And I’m afraid this cartoon is all too true –


Jan 012024

Yesterday, as promised, Robert Reich posted Episode 1 in his new DEBUNK series. This kink is to his Substack addres; it includes a transcript of his vdeo (just under 3 minutes) and a link to it (and it has good CC.) Also, I got my new water heater inspected by the regional authority (I forget what they call it. The inspector wants a bit more support on a couple of tubes at the top, but he won’t have to come back – he can email my plumbere and the plumber can email him back a photo. It’s good to ba ale to go through the mud room again without special leak-proof footwear (which is also uncomfortable.)

This from Talking Points Memo is thoughtful, scary, and I believe motivating to keep up the fight for justice, which sadly will never end,

This is more a curiosity than breaking news – certainly I was curios after reading the headline, and also curious to see whether the method shared by someone at Democratic Underground to make a paywalled article accessible to anyone would work. (Spoiler: It does. Yippee!)
