Feb 172024

Yesterday, a news alert from Axios alleged that Alex Navalny has died. Their source is the Russian Prison System, which I would not trust to be truuthful, but it’s also hard to believe it didn’t happen earlier. R.I.P. Alexei. Avaaz is collecting signatures for a tribute to him.  Also we had a “mass shooting” here of our own – a little different in that it appears to have happened inside a dorm, during the might, and so far not much evidence – except two dead people with gunshot wounds.

Mary watched Fani Willis’s entire testimony (I only had time for a few clips) and this summary-through-categorized-excerpts is brilliant.

This is not nearly as much fun … but it’s likely to have a more direct effect on all of us. Sigh.

Feb 162024

Yesterday, I got a grocery delivery, and the driver was very helpful. I adjusted her tip accordingly.

Even if you know most of these, you will probably still learn something – I did. And your jaw may drop at the ignorance of people who believe some of the myths. Mine did at one in particular.

HuffPost Headline: The Biden Administration Is Investigating Israel’s Possible War Crimes — Despite Public Claims To The Contrary
If this surprises you, I won’t say you haven’t been paying attention, because you probably have. But maybe not to foreign policy in general and the Middle East in particular. If you are a country you simply cannot afford to break ties with a longtims ally, as an individual person might if their SO tried to kill them, or attacked one of their children. Because other allies would – not might – lose confidence in yo as an ally, and that could endanger the whole country – possibly the whole world. You have to publicly express support while privately trying to talk them down. If that doesn’t work, the smart thing is to go into detective mode, so that if you have to cut ties, the reason will be seen to be compelling, and your other allies can feel safe, while also being aware what they should not be doing if they value your support. This can be a painful process because it pretty much comes with bad things happenings. But at least you haven’t started a World War.

Feb 152024

Yesterday, the exterminator came by. He said progress is being made, and if 2 weeks from now there is more, we need to dicuss longer intervals between visits. So that’s good.

Well, I was wrong. I apologize to anyone who may have thought I was right and watched the show. Mary Trump does a far better job of breaking down why than I could.

They have arrested a dude (and believe he was not alone) for “stealing” (no mention of vandalism) the Jackie Robinson statue. Sometimes it’s hardest to see things that are right under yor nose for the last 2 weeks he’s been locked up for something else. Try not to hit yourself in the head over what cops will believe or claim to believe in order to announce “No evidence of a hate crime.”

Feb 142024

Yesterday, my ballot for the Presidential primary arrived. The election is March 5th. I’ve been avoiding going out the front door since my hospital stay, and even more so, avoiding the porch steps (the last time I ventured on them wasthe day I came home, and that was one way only.) But with that much time, and Trinette coming Sunday, I’m sure I can wait tll then. I know for whom I am voting, and it’s only one block to fill in, and if she takes it out the same day it comes in, it should get there in time easily.

I’m sharing this as a Black Histoy story because IMO there’s no doubt that it is one. You can make up your own mind,of course.

This is a crash course in foreign affairs. If that makes it sound difficult – it isn’t. And it explains a lot about how we got to this point. And it’s available for free to anyne, so you can share (you might want to mention scrolling a little for “continue reading.”)

Feb 132024

Yesterday, it was quiet enough.  I had sent Nameless a quick email the night before congratulating KC in the SuperBowl win, and he responded with a video of fans celebrating at the Electric Company, with plumes of steam (I guess it was) blowing.  And when that video ended is showed so many links t animal videos I didn’t have that I wasted an hour or two looking them all  up and keeping a record of most of them. OK, that wasnt really a waste.

UNC, which is in Greeley, I presume has a fine medical school, but it’s the veterinary school which has a national reputation. I’m glad it’s being included. I also hope a bunch of the MDs will be OBGs – Republicans have greatly multiplied the patient base for that specialty.

I liked the lead article in this newsletter (the first three titled paragraphs) because it makes no excuses for the stupid – stupid, after all, is stupid. And it reveals the game and gives us alittle something to throw back.

Feb 122024

Yesterday, Trinette came over again, to run the car, bring in mail, and take out recyclables (I didn’t have enough trash to make that worth while.) She says “Hi back, especially to Nameless.

This is late news, but as Susie Madrak points out, you wouldn’t know it, from the coverage it didn’t get. And it’s game-changing – if only it can gain traction.

This article from Democratic Underground is exactly what ALL the media SHOULD be saying about Joe Biden.

Dr. Biden Has much to say, and she also references Heather Cox Richardson, so I don’t have to.

Feb 112024

Yesterday, I posted Steve Schmidt’s opinion on Robert Hur before I had seen Robert Reich’s, or, for that matter, VP Harris’s. Both pointed and worth seeing.

Because today is what it is, I am using a Superb Owl pic in lieu of the usual logo.

The SPLC’s report on the attitudes of young Americans toward guns and gun safety, compiled with assistance from the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund and the Polarization & Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL) is complete, and can be found here. The study examined “young people’s access to guns, experiences with gun violence, feelings of safety and mental wellbeing, as well as their views on male supremacy, racial resentment and the Second Amendment.”

Feb 102024

Yesterday, I didn’t have to read up on the opera – in fact I may sleep theough it – because it’s not a full opera but a selection of love duets for Valentine’s Day. I am so much intp opera as a vehicle for storytelling and plot that I can’t get excited about selections. But if anyone is interested in a sampler, it bradcasts at 1:00 pm EST, 12 noon CST, 11:00 am Mountain, and 10:am Pacific. All of those are the same time. KCME.org will broadcast, as aell as WFMT.com in Chicago, WQXR.org in New York. I wasn’t able to confirm KUSC.org in Los Angeles (though as active as LA OPera is I’d be surprised if it doesn’t), but if you are listening on the internet, the sound isn’t any better from somewhere close than is is from the other side of the country.

I expect everyone’s heard of Trump**’s plan to alter the hiring criteria for Federal civil service so that he can fire anyone he doesn’t think is “loyal” enough and replace them with someone he thinks is. The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) takes a hard look at the implications of this here.

I know crap when I see it, and I presume y’all do also. But, sadly, Steve is still right.

This sounds glorious, but it’s not something I know enough about to address.
