I am not thankful for Trump.
I am thankful for the indigenous peoples of North America!
I am not thankful for Christopher Columbus.
I am exceptionally thankful for Wendy!!!
I am not thankful for Bought Bitch Mitch or Lyin’ Ryan.
I am thankful for TomCat.
I am not thankful for Trump supporters.
I am thankful for all of you.
I am not thankful for pseudo-Christians.
I am thankful for the strength to
This is, for the most part, a repeat of Tomcat’s greeting last year. The “I am” on lines 2, 3, 6 and 7 however is me, Squatch, while the rest are from TomCat. Hey, why try to reinvent the wheel.
I am a Canadian and we celebrated Thanksgiving in October. As I wrote last year,
In Canada, Thanksgiving dates back to 1578 and the exploration of the Northwest Passage by Martin Frobisher. Canada was untouched by Columbus but many non Canadian people associate Thanksgiving with the US Columbus Day. Rather our first contact with Europeans came in the 12th century with the arrival of the Norse explorer Leif Erikson of Iceland, and later Greenland. From Wikipedia Thanksgiving in Canada
“Years later, French settlers, having crossed the ocean and arrived in Canada with explorer Samuel de Champlain, in 1604 onwards also held huge feasts of thanks. They even formed the Order of Good Cheer and gladly shared their food with their First Nations neighbours.”
The Canadian Thanksgiving “… corresponds to the English and continental European Harvest festival, with churches decorated with cornucopias, pumpkins, corn, wheat sheaves, and other harvest bounty, … drawn from biblical stories relating to the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot.”
Whatever country you live in, there are many things for which to be thankful!
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