Jan 182020

It’s another crappy day, here in the CatBox, and I ALMOST went back to bed.  Oh well, I get the camera in my gut in less than a month now.  Tomorrow is a High Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, the Festival of Conference Finality.  May the Orb shine it’s blessed light on your team, if it has survived.  I’ll be out of the saddle on Sunday and Monday.  Sunday is a WWWendy Day and we have a very stinky TomCat and lots of chores to manage.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update or Open Thread.  On Monday I have an appt. with my cardiologist.  If you remember, a few weeks back, I was telling my PCP about my heartburn, when an acid bubble came up my esophagus.  I put up my hand to my chest, winced, and lowered my head in pain.  Megan freaked out.  She slapped on the EKG stickers, and once she realized I wasn’t having a heart attack, she insisted I make an appointment with Lisa.  That was set back a few weeks ago, because TriMet Lift was two hours plus late and could not pick me up until well after my appointment time.  So Monday I hope to publish a Personal Update, and an MLK Day article, prepared a day in advance.  I hope to be back in the saddle Tuesday.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:24 (average 4:27).  I’m amazed I beat the average.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Alternet: In the past, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was among the most popular Republicans in New England — a region of the United States that has become increasingly Democratic in recent years. Collins, first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996, was reelected by 17% in 2002, 23% in 2008 and 38% in 2014. But that was before Donald Trump became president, and according to polling by Morning Consult, Collins now enjoys 42% approval and 52% disapproval — making her the most unpopular politician in the U.S. Senate.

During the first quarter of 2017, according to Morning Consult, Collins enjoyed 67% approval in Maine. But the last quarter of 2019 found her overtaking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in terms of unpopularity.

It could not have happened to a more deserving bitch (apologies to female dawgs)!  Maine… Vote Blue!!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Picks Jeffrey Epstein Lawyers For Impeachment


How much do you want to bet that Barrf and the Republican Reich had Epstein killed to cover up their own crimes? Of course Fuhrer Trump* would pick pervert-friendly lawyers. Birds of a feather…  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past):


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Dec 262019


I’m out of new things to say about this treasure. Pat followed Politics Plus and commented for quite some time on the now defunct Care2 News Network, where she had been active for years, before she started commenting here at the site. A few months later, she won her first Big Mouth Award for the 78,000th comment in May 2016. She became a daily regular and won her second award for the 85,000th comment in December 2016 and her third for the 93,000th comment in October 2017. She won her fourth for 97,000 in March, 2018. She won her fifth for 101,000 in August 2018, her sixth for 102,000th in October 2018, and her seventh in August 2019. This is her eighth award. She is a progressive activist, an authentic Christian, a proud veteran, and a Michael Moore Fan. If you tell her to go to hell, she’s likely to answer, “I already live there.” The poor girl is still a Texan. On the other hand, she loves her Houston Texans. Her comments are still bright, witty and above all, compassionate. She always greets WWWendy on shower day! I don’t know what else I can say, but please add your kudos with more compliments. She more than deserves it.


Nov 072019


Colleen is a relative newcomer here, but she increased her total from under 300 to over 700, since she won her first Big Mouth Award in March for the 106.000th comment here.  A Care2 refugee, Coleen is interested in animal welfare, human rights, environmental protection women’s rights, health, and more.  She is also  active on Mewe.

The thing that stands out most about her is the kindness and compassion with which she treats others.  Her comments reflect the love she feels.  Whenever someone here needs a friend with an ear or a shoulder, she makes herself available.  I hope she stays with us for a long, ling time.  She’s a rare find.

Please join me in parsing Colleen with the kudos and thanks she deserves.  It will help her to…


Oct 072019

Here is the one hundred sixty-seventh article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Trump sycophant and Republican Senator Ron Johnson. He is so honored for one of the biggest episodes of simultaneous goose-stepping or side-stepping I have ever seen!

1007JohnsonSen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) gave a wild performance on “Meet the Press” Sunday, refusing to answer questions posed by host Chuck Todd, instead peddling unfounded conspiracy theories about the 2016 election. The bizarre interview is a demonstration of how President Donald Trump’s allies have responded to the impeachment inquiry by rallying around debunked theories about Democratic plots and deep state set-ups during the 2016 election, while dismissing the findings of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference. 

Johnson’s refusal to answer questions, paired with Todd’s dismay that Johnson was embracing conspiracy theories, may also explain why other Trump allies refused to go on the Sunday news shows. In the midst of a tumultuous impeachment inquiry, no administration official or GOP leader from the House or Senate accepted an invitation to appear on any of the weekends news programs.

The interview went south at the very beginning. Rather than answer Todd’s first question about Ukraine, Johnson began his appearance with a jumble of old, debunked theories in which Johnson, reading from a paper on which he had prepared his comments, seemed to claim that former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI director James Comey had framed Trump. “Senator, I have no idea why Fox News propaganda stuff is popping up on here,” Todd said in response… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Mother Jones>

I strongly recommend that you click through and read the rest of the article.  Then watcj the video.

Full Johnson: GOP Attacks Press Over Trump’s Ukraine Actions


When Chuck Todd can’t get a word in, he must be up against a PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper) in Republican Bullshitology.  Can there be any doubt that this Republican deserves a parade?


Oct 012019

Here are the results of our “Preferred Democrat” Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect the thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 17 of 7.

Posted by Colleen L  16 hours ago.  From:  CA (US)  


My choice is Elizabeth Warren.She seems to me to be the strongest for many of the current issues our country is facing. We need someone like her NOW.


Posted by JL Angell  September 7, 2019 at 3:16 pm. From:  CA (US)  


Warren doesn’t yet show an understanding of human rights and related foreign policy concerns


Posted by Lona Goudswaard  September 3, 2019 at 2:23 pm. From:  (AU)    


My choice of Elizabeth Warren really doesn’t matter, because I can’t vote for her. My only concern would be – but that’s a general concern for all candidates mentioned here – that I have no idea what her ideas on foreign politics are. Hillary was a known hawk, but I’ve no idea how Liz would do on an international stage. One thing is for sure, she couldn’t possibly do as much damage as Trump. However, I’ve yet to be convinced she could undo Trump’s harm.


Posted by SoINeedAName  September 3, 2019 at 10:54 am. From:  MO (US)    


Up to 5, and still 100% for Liz.

Really looking forward to the upcoming debate with only 10 total.

I think the only “fireworks” in that one will come from “second tier” candidates who fear the winnowing process – especially from Beto! He’s turned into a firebrand!


Posted by Mitch D.  September 3, 2019 at 7:28 am. From:  FL (US)    


Well, it’s only 3 of us, so far, but 100% for Liz!

She seems to have a solid grasp of what ails, and how to deal with what ails.


Posted by Joanne D  September 3, 2019 at 6:47 am. From:  CO (US)   


I, like Pat B, picked Elizabeth Warren. I find her plans to cover more issues than those of other candidates. (I find it scary that we are in a place where, to survive, we need to change EVERYTHING about the Federal Government, but, allowing for natural exaggeration, that’s where we are.)


Posted by Pat B  September 3, 2019 at 6:33 am. From:  TX (US)    


She’s focused, and experienced in speaking, with the important issues that are on people’s minds. Imho, she’s got the goods, the talent, and the drive to make this happen! Go, Ms. Warren!


I voted for Liz.  She’s the overwhelming favorite here.

The new poll is up and is mostly based on we learned in the past 24 hours.  Please vote and…


Sep 222019


Angel is a newcomer here at Politics Plus.  She followed us for a while at Care2, and when that site shut down, she popped in to ask me to share my articles at Care2Share, a group of Care2 refugees at Mewe.  She been a regular ever since.  Nevertheless, this was only her 43rd comment here, so I know very little about her.  I have learned that she cares deeply for people, animals and the earth.  She is a dedicated advocate for all.  Based in her IP address, I think she lives in the UK.

Because, her comment was an even  multiple of 10,000, she gets a prize to go with her award: her choice of a Politics Plus mug or a Politics Plus T-shirt.  I’ll contact her shortly to find out which she wants and make arrangements to have it made and shipped to her.

Please join me in thanking her for her participation, encouraging her to keep coming, and praising her for her care and concern.


Sep 032019

Here are the results of our “White Nationalists” Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect the thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 114 of 14.

Posted by SoINeedAName  August 28, 2019 at 3:31 pm. From: MO (US)  


One of the times I want to vote: “ALL OF THE ABOVE” …

And you don’t offer it.



Posted by Evelyn  August 18, 2019 at 11:15 am. From:  (FR)    




Posted by JL  August 17, 2019 at 8:06 am. From:  CA (US)    


Other is requiring the military and all law enforcement agencies to enter their requisite data on domestic violence, etc. into the database used for background checks


Posted by Nita Lowrey  August 9, 2019 at 12:37 am. From:  TX (US)   


I checked all of them except other.


Posted by Lona Goudswaard  August 8, 2019 at 3:37 pm. From:  (AU)    


All of the above, except “other”, as I have no answers to this American, and mainly cultural, problem. Americans in general want gun control, but after every mass shooting the number of new guns sold soars. Everyone thinks they’re a responsible gun owner, much like everyone thinks they’re a better driver then others. As soon as any of the above are going to be controlled through legislation and enforced, people will feel like their rights are taken away, because it’s others, not them, who are the bad guys.


Posted by Katie and Bill Dresbach  August 5, 2019 at 6:40 pm. From:  OH (US)   


Yes I voted for all also, the repubs should be embarrassed for holding this up so long!

Something does need to be done and done NO more killings! Let’s make sure Mitch is out of a Job!Little Lindsey too! Everyone be sure to go Vote


Posted by Katie and Bill Dresbach  August 5, 2019 at 6:39 pm. From:  OH (US)   


Yes I voted for all also, the repubs should be embarrassed for holding this up so long!

Something does need to be done and done NO more killings! Let’s make sure Mitch is out of a Job!Little Lindsey too! Everyone be sure to go Vote


Posted by Animae  August 5, 2019 at 1:14 pm. From:  (AU)   


i voted OTHER, i would like to see everything in the list implemented…..

but i’m not holding my breath!


Posted by TomCat in reply to Animae  August 7, 2019 at 4:51 am. From:  OR (US)   


Then check every box.


Posted by Colleen L  August 5, 2019 at 12:00 pm. From:  CA (US)   


I clicked all the them. They are all critical to stopping these massive senseless killings.


Posted by gene  August 5, 2019 at 8:18 am. From:  MN (US)    


Okay, all of the above. The top two are critical because none of the others happen without them. I guess an “other” would be rein in the NRA which comprises about 2% of the American population. No single lobby should ever have that much influence.


All of the others are important but the one I think most needs doing is banning civilian ownership of assault rifles. Those are military grade weapons designed for killing human beings. They are not used in hunting anything but people. There is absolutely NO reason to allow them in civilian hands. Just none. If people want to shoot them, I admit while in the service, I actually enjoyed learning how to use the M14 (at that time) properly on a range, and later the M16. I wasn’t thinking about why, only the activity. So, the only way anyone should be able to use one is to rent one at a licensed range. No private ownership.


I was a hunter growing up. I haven’t hunted since before the army. I don’t consider it a “sport” in any way. I’d ban that too because no one in this nation actually needs hunt to feed their families any more and that bloodlust which drives this activity is something we need evolve away from. Even so, assault weapons are not used in hunting. Not allowed because those rounds can travel miles. So ban them. There’s more, but I’ll not turn this into more of a diatribe than it is. :^)


Posted by Pat B  August 5, 2019 at 7:47 am. From:  TX (US)    


Yes, making guns/bullets/explosives more expensive to purchase should be a priority. If one is to take classes in all areas of arsenal, with training, it should show a record of competence and mental acuity too. I have great concerns for the safety and welfare of schools, churches, community centers, to name a few, where people rally together in friendship and in learning. We must find ways to do better for our communities, and the Nation as [expletive deleted bt Pollcode]


Posted by Diane  August 5, 2019 at 7:22 am. From:  DE (US)    


I am now a believer that bullets should be so expensive, most people can’t afford them.


I voted all of the above too.


Posted by Joanne D  August 5, 2019 at 6:10 am. From:  CO (US)    


All of the above, plus improve our handle on access to explosives. The fact that their terrorism has been expressing itself in gun violence for the most part has obscured that there are other means of destruction, a la Timothy McVeigh. If we take their guns but do nothing about other weapons, we are just setting ourselves up.


Also, to get to the root of the problem, we need to invest deeply in public education. Perhaps Germany could help us here – I really have no idea how to educate for deprogramming. I do know civics needs to be more and better taught. And to the extent that we allow charter schools and home schooling, we need to legislate requirements for them that will address this issue.


I voted for all but other.

The new poll is up, so please don’t forget to vote.


Aug 122019


Pat followed Politics Plus and commented for quite some time on Care2, where she has been active for years, before she started commenting here at the site.  A few months later, she won her first Big Mouth Award for the 78,000th comment in May 2016. She became a daily regular and won her second award for the 85,000th comment in December 2016 and her third for the 93,000th comment in October 2017.  She won her fourth for 97,000 in March, 2018.  She won her fifth for 101,000 in August 2018 and her sixth in October This is her seventh award. She is a progressive activist, an authentic Christian, a proud veteran, and a Michael Moore Fan.  If you tell her to go to hell, she’s likely to answer, “I already live there.”  The poor girl is still a Texan. On the other hand, she loves her Houston Texans.  Her comments are still bright, witty and above all, compassionate.  She always greets WWWendy on shower day!  I don’t know what else I can say, but please add praise with more compliments.  She deserves it.

