Aug 152020


Colleen has become a daily regular here, and this is her third award.  Her first two were in March and November of 2019. A Care2 refugee, Coleen is interested in animal welfare, human rights, environmental protection, women’s rights, health, and more.  She is a bulwark of protest against criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich. She is also  active on Mewe.

The thing that stands out most about Colleen is the kindness and compassion with which she treats others.  Her comments reflect the love she feels.  Whenever someone here needs a caring friend with an ear or a shoulder, she makes herself available.  I hope she stays with us long after I’m gone.  She’s a rare find.  Her qualities are especially praiseworthy, considering that she is fighting severe cancer and extremely painful dental issues.

Please join me in applauding Colleen and giving her the praise, kudos and thanks she so richly deserves.



Poll Results – 8/2/2020

 Posted by at 11:18 am  Blog News, Politics
Aug 022020

Here are the results of our “Trump Let Russia Murder Our Troops” Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect the thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments.

Showing comments 18 of 8.

Posted by Lynn Squance  July 30, 2020 at 7:55 am. From:  (CA)    


This morning (30/07/20), Trump “floated” the idea of delaying the November election which he has no authority to do according to Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution, such authority belonging to the Congress. If he actually tries this, I would hope that even his supporters (I won’t hold my breath!) would see this as a desperate attempt to subvert the rule of law (the Constitution) and the will of the people. This is clearly a move for his own interests since other credible options for the election have been floated but met with resistance by Trump and some Republicans. In my non legal opinion, if Trump carried out his “suggestion”, the word treason comes to mind. After all, does not his oath of office include the words “all enemies, foreign and domestic” (or words to that effect)! Trump needs to go and the sooner, the better!


Posted by jl  July 3, 2020 at 3:20 am. From: (US)    


The assumption that the G7 effort was directly tied to the bounties effort probably has too little evidence–could well be continued effort for 2016 and/or 2020 election, for example…might need to include multiple instances of actions helping Russia vs. protecting/helping U.S. to support a charge of treason.


Posted by JL in reply to jl  20 hours ago.  From:  (US)    


I think now that the postponing election idea has been floated, with condemnation by so many GOP voices, including co-founder of The Federalist Society, that this one is now the impeachable issue that will garner sufficient GOP support to actually convict.


Posted by P Bowen  July 2, 2020 at 3:56 am. From: (US)    


As the President of the United States, this man has done everything and acts for the good of Russia. As President he has lied, deflected, and acted as a foreign agent (for Putin), and has hobnobbed with the dictators. He needs to be impeached.


Posted by Lynn Squance  July 1, 2020 at 4:39 pm. From:  (CA)    


I voted “treason and impeach” however I doubt that this meets the legal definition of treason. Having said that, his actions are completely against the US common good and I would think against his oath of office. I believe he should be impeached by the House but the Republican Senate will never convict, just like the last time. But WOW — a president impeached twice during his first and hopefully only term. That is another high point, or low point if you like, to Trump’s BS residency! I hope that the law can come after him once he is out of office in 01/2021. Benedict Arnold will come up a bit only to be replaced by Donald J Trump at the bottom of the American ash heap.


Posted by Lona Goudswaard  July 1, 2020 at 4:03 pm. From:  (AU)    


I understand that strictly legally speaking this isn’t treason. Hardly anything is. But as a President, he should be impeached for it. But then he should have been impeached for so many other things too but never was, right?


Posted by Colleen L  July 1, 2020 at 11:34 am. From:  (US)    


It has come down to where tRump has gotten away with so many criminal acts, that it surprises me that he’s still capable of sitting in the Oval Office.

Again he’s using his usual saying, that he wasn’t told, or knew anything about it. When we have others saying that it was brought up to his at a certain date meeting.

He has shown more respect for Russia than he has for the U.S. We’ve seen it when he was belittling the CIA when there checking the Russia involvement with his election.

I hope they actually something about this and that it’s not just something that gets ignored or forgotten.


Posted by Joanne D  July 1, 2020 at 7:50 am. From:  (US)    


I have to draw a distinction between what is actually in the Constitution and what our principles and beliefs, as well as the use of a word in the language, overwhelmingly tell us. With that distinction, it is not treason. I could put it differently and say, sure it’s treason – butit doesn’t fit the legal definition of treason, which is so narrow that no one could ever be convicted on it. But that doesn’t mean he cannot be impeached on it. While it is not as cut and dried legally as extortion, it carries a heck of a lot more emotion, and more people in both parties are more disturbed by it than they were by extortion – especially by extortion of foreign nation – “are those even people?”

I voted with the vast majority that it is treason, and Congress should impeach Trump*.  I called it treason, because, although undeclared, Afghanistan is a shooting war, and for Russia to finance killing our troops is an act of war against the US.  Trump* is aiding and abetting Russia in that act of war, and that’s treason.  Although the Republican bastards in the Senate will not do their job and convict Trump*, he should be impeached because we have a duty to do so, and because it’s the right thing to do.  Trump* should be Trump**. or even Trump********************.

The new poll is up.  Please vote.



JL Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)

 Posted by at 11:26 am  Blog News, Politics
Jul 062020


Judi’s last Big Mouth Award was way back in January, 2016.  This is her third. She was a denizen of Care2, where she went by JL A.

She’s a resident of California, a place where only the Republican politicians are more Californicated than the climate change fouled weather and Trump* Virus plagued populace.  She is a proponent of Animal Welfare, Climate Change Prevention, Green Energy, Human Rights, Minority Rights, Women’s Rights, and more.

She was gone for a time, but I’m certainly glad she’s back.  Her comments are on point. Please join  me in lavishing the thanks and kudos that she deserves so well.  She knows how to…



Poll Results–7/1/2020

 Posted by at 9:05 am  Blog News, Politics
Jul 012020

Here are the results of our “Second Trump* Virus” Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect the thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 1-6 of 6.

Posted by JL June 26, 2020 at 2:55 am. From:  (US)

Health experts say it is still the first surge that was never adequately stopped…so we are not yet at the peak, which a resurgence will create an even higher peak they tell us–be careful

Posted by SoINeedAName June 10, 2020 at 9:47 am. From: (US)

I went with “Somewhat Worse” because I don’t think (at least I hope) we’ll have another outbreak in as crowded and dense a population as NYC.

It will continue to spread – particularly in those states (mostly red) which opened before recommended guidelines were met.

Posted by Lona Goudswaard June 1, 2020 at 2:52 pm. From: (AU)

It is still pretty bad as it is, so I don’t think it can get much worse and I voted for somewhat worse.

Posted by Mitch D. June 1, 2020 at 12:25 pm. From: (US)

A second wave is becoming evident elsewhere, I believe, and it will hit here, just as it did after certain Mother’s Day partying.

Posted by Joanne D June 1, 2020 at 7:04 am. From:  (US)

Just to clarify – by “make the disease worse” I mean, and I assume you mean, “increase the number of people infected.” I am not ruling out that their actions might also lead to mutations which would make the actual symptoms and/or per capita death rate; I just think that will be hard to prove.

That said, “opening up the country” can only lead to massive numbers of new cases, the only mitigating factor being governors (and some mayors) with the sense God gave lettuce.

Posted by Pat B June 1, 2020 at 7:04 am. From:  (US)

I have no confidence nor faith in this administration. Sadly, I feel that those who do not abide, read/listen, by the facts and data drawn out by CDC, and those respected medical officials and authorities who alert the communities about this, it will continue. With a vengeance, I might add. I pray that I’m wrong though.

I voted “much worse”.  One just has to look at our daily Trump* Virus Update to know how true that is.  The states that have followed criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* instructions most closely are the ones where the disease is worst.  The lone exception is California.  There, individuals have followed criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* instructions, in violation of state regulations.

The new poll is up, and it’s a good one.  Please vote.



Poll Results–6/1/2020

 Posted by at 10:28 am  Blog News, Politics
Jun 012020

Here are the results of our “Trump* Virus” Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect the thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 112 of 12.

  May 13, 2020 at 1:47
. From:  (US)  


voted the highest because tRump is going to steer away from keeping our country
safe and get too many states to open too quickly and people are going to be the
ones to suffer.


  May 10, 2020 at 2:16
. From:  (US)  


voted the highest because Trump is a sociopath and his minions will do whatever
he wants; many of them are sociopaths and certainly I’d call them No


  May 9, 2020 at 10:41
. From:  (US)  


will never know a true # since counting deaths is now political and not medical,
but will be many more than the administration states……and that doesn’t count
the collateral mortality and morbidity due to being

cannot blame Drumpf for the virus and or pandemic, but
his self-centered, nationalistic, cheap budget and ignorance have caused much
unnecessary effects….and deaths


  May 3, 2020 at 2:45
. From:  (US)  


voted over 100,00 because too many states are opening up too soon. Their greed
will kill too many. The imbeciles are storming State Capitols and crowding
together like the herd beasts they are.


  May 2, 2020 at 10:14
. From:  (US)  


Unfortunately, I too, feel that this is going to
escalate with more folks passing on.


Diane  May 2,
2020 at 9:33
. From:  (US)  


voted over 100K. Too many unknowns about this virus and too many idiots in
America not caring about spreading the virus.

what I’ve read it’s mutated at least three times. Too many people are going to
depend on herd immunity. I don’t think this is the virus to think that will
happen. I think we’ll live with it like HIV/AIDS or Ebolla. I don’t see a


  May 2, 2020 at 7:19
. From:  (US)  


already added a few thousand yesterday in the states that opened too

Posted by JL
reply to
9, 2020 at 8:36 am
. From:  (US)  


the estimates with effective social distancing
implementation nationwide always were for more than


  May 1, 2020 at 8:45
. From:  (CA)  


voted 20,001-50,000 and think that it will be at the top end. 1) The
administration has shown no leadership except incompetent leadership. 2) Some
Americans are not taking the pandemic seriously and see some measures as denying
their civil rights. The fiasco in Michigan comes to mind. 3) Republicans hold
too much power in state houses and in the Congress where greed is their
“virtue”. 4) Republicans don’t give a rat’s behind about the lives they snuff
out, and that was going on before the pandemic. The Affordable Care Act and
dumping people their medical comes to mind. It will be interesting to see just
what the numbers are and the effect on November.


  May 1, 2020 at 4:57
. From: (AU)  


virus is still spreading like wildfire and loosening restrictions will only
make it worse. As it has now reached rural America, the death toll will go up
rapidly as there are fewer medical resources there. Whole aged-care centres
will be wiped out. But, then again, the numbers of people who died at home or
in care centres may never be reported.


  May 1, 2020 at 3:09
. From:  (US)  


voted for the maximum, having lost all confidence in the capacity of so many
Americans to not be pawns, and spread this thing far and wide.


JD  May 1,
2020 at 9:40
. From:  (US)  


is a rough one. It took them 3 months to get to the first 60,000, but, on the
other hand, we now have more people taking it seriously. I settled on 20,001 to
50,000 – but if not that, then the next step up.

I voted for 50,000 t0 100,000 murders by criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich.  The official Republican death toll was 42,269.  Although I overshot somewhat, may I suggest that the actual number is much higher, because the Republican Reich grossly underreports their victims.  Thanks to all who voted.  The new poll is up.  Please Vote!


May 252020


A few years back, I met a woman, who was active in the now defunct Care2 News Network.  In November 2015, she joined the conversation here.  Between then and now, she has commented here over 950 times.  So, when I saw that she had posted the 115,000th comment in our proud history, I looked for the last time she had won a BIG Mouth Award and was shocked to discover that this is her first.  Damn!

Freya is a petition maven.  She’s also an animal rights and animal welfare activist, but she’s partial to cats.  From my perspective, that’s purrrrfect!  She also a political activist, an activist’s activist.  Freya is in the trenches, the way I used to be, when I had two legs and wasn’t dying.  When there’s a cause that needs and deserves a fight, she’s there.  And to top it off, she does it all in bloody red Georgia!

Please join me in praising and giving kudos to Freya for her award, but even more, for her life.  This could not be more deserved or more overdue.


Apr 232020

It’s a pleasure to be back in the CatBox, after an absence of over two weeks.  Our HSP shut us down for a TOS compliance violation for using a © image several years ago.  One of our Administrators had purchased a membership from a photo sharing site that misrepresented that its members could use the images there for all noncommercial purposes.  They did not tell members that the original photographers retained ownership of the images.  This particular photographer has a long history of scamming site owners with bogus lawsuits.  For our protection from such scams, I keep our domain anonymously held.  He couldn’t find out who we are to sue us.  All he could do is complain to our HSP, Bluehost.  They apparently emailed me in late March, warning me to correct the problem by removing the image.  I never noticed it.  They send me SPAM every day, trying to sell me business services that we will never want or need.  I suspect I trashed the warning with those.  They shut us down on 4/6, when I did not comply with their warning.  Normally, their CS is excellent, but an inadequate response to Trump* Virus has put their CS in the toilet.  I deleted the image from the Bluehost site.  Then, over the next two weeks, I spent over 48 hours in chat and wrote a dozen emails, while fighting with incompetent underlings.  Finally one got the info to a competent tech.  He reviewed it yesterday and restored our access to the site.  It has been a Republican cluster f*ck!  I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.  Catching up will take a few days!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 4:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Damn!  Talk about sticker shock!  The last time I did a TVU Trump’s* Republican murder total was only 8,454 dead.

My New Sweater:


JD made me this beautiful sweater!  Thank, you, JD!  This may also be my last pic with hair, as I have chemo again Monday.

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Well we knew it was just a matter of time, per The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Officials have identified seven people who appear to have contracted COVID-19 through activities related to the April 7 election, Milwaukee Health Commissioner Jeanette Kowalik said Monday.

Six of the cases are in voters and one is a poll worker, Kowalik said.

By the end of this week, officials hope to have additional information on the cases that were reported between April 7 and Monday, she said.

The Wisconsin GOP, the five SCOTUS Conservatives, Trump and all his enablers are responsible for this…

And all those Republican murderers, who voted, voted by mail.  RESIST!!

From A Yale psychiatrist has warned that pro-Trump lockdown protesters, who exhibit similar psychology as “child soldiers,” could quickly turn into “armed troops in the streets” if the president loses his re-election bid.

Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine who has mostly taught at Yale Law School, said the armed protests were a natural evolution of the loyalty President Trump demands from his supporters. Many of these protests have evidently been organized by deep-pocketed groups allied with the president.Lee, the author of the textbook “Violence,” has been sounding the alarm about the danger posed by the president for years. She edited “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” after his election, with a group of fellow mental health professionals. The book’s authors recently started a chat series entitled “Is America in an Abusive Relationship With Its President?”

Lee has also served as a project group leader for the World Health Organization Violence Prevention Alliance. She told Salon that Trump’s recent call to “liberate” Democratic-led states was a dog whistle to his core supporters.

I fully agree. Bill Maher and I have both suggested that criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich will resort to violence to stay in power after they lose the election, unless they are able to steal it again!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bob Dylan – Lay, Lady, Lay (Audio)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Mar 252020


I’m still out of new things to say about this treasure. Pat followed Politics Plus and commented for quite some time on the now defunct Care2 News Network, where she had been active for years, before she started commenting here at the site. A few months later, she won her first Big Mouth Award for the 78,000th comment in May 2016. She became a daily regular and won her second award for the 85,000th comment in December 2016 and her third for the 93,000th comment in October 2017. She won her fourth for 97,000 in March, 2018. She won her fifth for 101,000 in August 2018, her sixth for 102,000th in October 2018, her seventh in August 2019, and her eighth in December 2019. This is her ninth award. She is a progressive activist, an authentic Christian, a proud veteran, and a Michael Moore Fan. If you tell her to go to hell, she’s likely to answer, “I already live there.” The poor girl is still a Texan. On the other hand, she loves her Houston Texans. Her comments are still bright, witty and above all, compassionate. She always greets WWWendy on shower day! I don’t know what else I can say, but please add your kudos with more compliments. She more than deserves it.

