Apr 192017

Here are the results of our “Justice for Traitors” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

I voted two to five, but there has been a lot of scandal since then.  Time will tell.

There is a new poll posted.  After you vote…


Apr 142017


This is Vivian’s second award.  She earned her first on 4/23/2015 for the 63,000th comment.  Vivian is a denizen of Care2.  A resident of Oklahoma, she must face horrible frustration politically, but she has great humor in spite of it.  She has a huge heart.  She supports Native American rights, the environment, animal causes, peace, LBGT marriage rights, prison reform, and much more.  She describes herself as a “hillbilly hippie”.  She’s also a hard charger in our fantasy football league. She an almost daily regular, and this site is far better due to her presence here.

Please join me in piling on the kudos and hugs.  She’s still a keeper.

Feb 192017


Lynn has now won her eleventh Big Mouth Award.  Ironically,her last Big Mouth award was for the 61,000th comment exactly two years earlier on 2/18/2015.  For many years she has been one of our top commentators, and is also one of only two people, other than myself, that I have authorized as a co-equal administrator of this site..  Lynn is a denizen of Care2, and is still a Canadian, unfortunately for the US.  I’ve said this before, but it still bears repeating.  If 10% of US citizens had half, or if half of US citizens had 10% of the knowledge of and insight into US politics that this Canadian gal regularly displays, our country would be far better off.  Congrats Lynn!  She is a treasure, whose contribution to this site cannot be overstated, but I am stating it again.  Please join me in piling on the kudos and praise, because our Sasquatch still knows how to


Feb 172017

Here are the results of our “Block Whoresuch” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

Of course, I voted yes.  I'm guessing that the no votes were left by Republicans who stopped by and left nasty comments.  I did not release the comments, because like most Republicans who comment here, all of them commented under a fake email address.

Since Democrats can filibuster, I think enough will to block the nomination.

The new poll is up.  Please vote.  Then…


Feb 012017

Here are the results of our “New Year Resolution” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

As my first and only resolution in 20 years, I resolved to RESIST!!

The new poll is on Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten’s stolen Supreme Court pick.  Please vote.  Then…


Jan 162017


Pat has been a regular commenter here for over two years and followed us on Care2 for over a year before that.  She has won twice before. She posted the 59,000th comment in December 2014.  She developed some health issues, and we hadn’t seen her for much too long, when she suddenly popped in and almost immediately posted the 84,000th comment in November, just two months ago,.  She has become a force to ne reckoned with, because here she is again! She hails from across the pond, and is still exactly whom I think of when I see British programing featuring the slightly eccentric Lady of the Manor in a castle where the pets rule.  Her heart is huge.  She is dedicated to food safety, human rights, animal rights, and the environment.  Her sense of humor is magnificent, and her comments make her well loved by all here.

Please join me in reminding Her Ladyship just how special she is.  Thanks Pat!

Jan 032017

Last month, Uniques, Visits, and  Pages were up from November.  Hits and Bandwidth were slightly down.  We might have done better were people not suffering from outrage exhaustion, and were the Care2 Glitch Monster not rampaging.

Here is our latest summary:


Reported period

Month Dec 2016





First visit

01 Dec 2016 – 00:00





Last visit

31 Dec 2016 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(2.84 visits/visitor)


(2.96 Pages/Visit)


(9 Hits/Visit)

6.74 GB

(248.66 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






8.67 GB


Reported period

Month Dec 2015





First visit

01 Dec 2015 – 00:00





Last visit

31 Dec 2015 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(2.98 visits/visitor)


(3.67 Pages/Visit)


(10.06 Hits/Visit)

5.72 GB

(187.76 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






8.78 GB


Year over year, 2016 is considerably lower in every category.  Here is our latest demographic data from Quantcast:


They miss a ton of raw data, but among those they can identify they are a valuable source of information.  We are still mostly older, well educated, Democrats, and politically active, and poor to middle class.  We are  about 40% male and 60% female. 

Here is our ClustrMap for 2016.


ClustrMap misses a lot of visits, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.  They have changed their format.  When you click the map in the left column, it shows the current month only, but they changed their interface to allow me to pull up the YTD map, and they have made several different  formats available, including one in Russian for Republicans.

Here are our top five articles:

Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs 1/17/2010 979
Is Mad Dog Such a Bad Dog? 12/7/2016 434
Unquestioning Support for Cops 7/28/2016 353
My Christmas Greeting 12/25/2016 250
Everyday Erinyes #53 12/3/2016 242 (Posted by JD)

The count represents only the people who followed an external link to that specific article.  Three were from December.  Congrats to JD, who wrote one of them.

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers (100 referral minimum):

Google 2,649
Care2 2,429
Stumbleupon 246

Care2 is way down by over 400,  Google is up by almost 400, Stumbleupon is down 10, Google (Images) did not make the list.

Here are our top  blog/news referrers:


We had 12 sites  with 2 or more referrals, down 2 from November.  Putting blogs’ links here increases the ratings of their sites, so this “linkey love” is our thank you for their support.  I’m most pleased with the stat and that some of the sites that linked to us are household names. 

We have 240,827 links on other websites, up 3,000 from November.  I expect that to decrease, because thousands of our links are over five years old, dating back to a time, when we consistently averaged over a million hits a month.  I used to have the time and energy for 7-8 articles per day. Major sites (like Care2), where I used to post links are no longer available, I’ve stopped posting links at other major sites, and I no longer visit 20 – 30 blogs per day, because I just can’t do everything I used to do.  However, as quantity has gone down, I hope quality has gone up.

As of Midnight on January 1, we have 7,084 articles and 85,580 comments.

Congrats to Pat B.  She won a Big Mouth Award in November, for the 85,000th comment.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.

Your Administrators are Lynn Squance, aka Sasquatch or Squatch, SoINeedAName, aka Nameless, and I, aka TomCat, the Founder.  Your Editors are Joanne Dixon, aka JD the Erynator and Lona Goudswaard, aka Lona the Napster.  I  promoted them from Author in August to give them the ability to add graphics to comments and the ability to correct my innumerable typos.

This is our policy on links.  We do not embed links to extreme Republican websites, like Faux Noise, Breitfart or World Nut Daily.  However I leave notes in square brackets when I delete such links, (example: [faux noise delinked]) so readers, who wish to follow them can click through to the source article.  I also remove topical links.  Finally, I blank the target on all links, so they open in a new tab or window. 

Given our expanded talent, I expect to resume our overall upward trend, although my medical problems are still interfering with my writing.  Please help by sharing our articles, not only with your family and friends, but also, on other sites, linking back to the article here.  The more exposure we get, the better we shall do at fulfilling our stated purpose, “Overcoming Right Wing Insanity One Day at a Time!”, although surviving might be mjore operative, temporarily.

Thank you for all that you do, here and elsewhere.  You are why we succeed!  You and other activists are America’s only hope.

Remember, before the election I kept warning you that every state was a swing state.  You passed it on, but far too few heeded our warning.  As more votes have come in, we now know that, if voters for Jill Stein, the Green who colluded with Putin,  in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania had only voted responsibly, Hillary Clinton would be President elect today.  America's best hope is to transform the Democratic Party into the party it should have been.  That is done best at the local level, but at the same time we need to fight back nationally.



Jan 012017

Here are the results of our “Naughty or Nice” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

I voted naughty, because TomCats are naughty by definition. I would have preferred very naughty, but sadly, I’ve forgotten how.

The first poll of the new year is up.
