
Sep 282015

The four of us who have been working both in front of and behind the scenes (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) are now glad to add a fifth person who has been very helpful in providing us first-hand information.  It’s someone TC has worked with related to his prison program, and she has had the opportunity to actually visit him in the hospital!

We know we still all share your desire for as much information on TC as possible.  But we will continue to respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation by HIPAA to also protect his privacy. 

I had the good fortune to have a 15 minute discussion with TC’s nurse last night.  (I know I’m a tad late sharing the good news – but I  have out-of-town guests, so it’s a bit difficult to break free.)

Folks, the good news just keeps coming!  TC no longer requires any mechanical assistance with his breathing!  He still remains on supplemental oxygen – but he was on O2 for his COPD even prior to his hospitalization.  And they have been able to gradually titrate his O2 requirements down!  So there has been some very definite and encouraging improvement from his respiratory status.

Additionally, TC is now able to communicate with the medical staff, although not as fully as they or he would like.  But they’ll be working on that this week according to the nurse.

In addition to the chaplain being a regular visitor, he’s also had several friends stop by to visit – which is always good for the psyche.  In fact Lynn has called hoping to be able to speak to him, but the nurse has said he’s too sedated at the times she’s called.  But they are working at weaning him off his pain meds, so down the road maybe …

While I don’t want to be a “Debbie Downer” – I will repeat my caveat from Update #4 that for all of you in the medical profession, as well as anyone who has been critically ill themselves or had a family member who needed ICU care, know – there will always be bumps on the road to recovery.  Some of them may be anticipated, and some unanticipated.  It’s just the nature of the beast.

But for now, we're able to share some very good news on several fronts!

Lynn has graciously offered to serve as a point source to relay cards you would like to send to him.  This is from her earlier post:

A reminder for those wishing to send cards to TC, please address them as follows:

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates

For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):

Sep 262015

We Democrats have just saved a ton of money earmarked for Ex-Lax and enemas.  The party can celebrate the YUUUGGE dump it just took by finally passing this:


Yep – Kim Davis, who has steadfastly refused to do the job she was elected AND took an oath to do, has decided to switch parties and become a republican!

Can I get a “HALLELUJAH!”?

Some are speculating that she’ll resign and hop on the welfare wagon train of the GOP party – while others are saying she’s way past her “Best By …” date, and will simply fade away.

But what I want to know is if anyone has ever seen Kim Davis and Dick Cheney in the SAME room at the SAME time.  I mean, come on – it's spooky …


Sep 252015

We’re definitely enjoying how the GOP is worried sick about dealing with all the Frankenstein monster candidates they have created – but none more so than the Koch brothers.

The Kochs are beside themselves with anxiety, having their own Frankenstein, Scott Walker, drop out of the race.  But fear not – for they have a “Plan B”

They want to create a NEW IMPROVED Frankenstein by deviously stitching together the parts of Marco Rubio that they like with the parts of Jebya! Bush that they like.  They’re ecstatic with the political results! 

BUT they got a YUUUGGE problem with the name they’re going to end up with …


Sep 242015

Luke 18:16 (KJV)

But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.



Please meet 5 y/o Sophia Cruz from La Señora Reina de Los Angeles Church in Los Angeles.  Sophie was blessed to have a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with Pope Francis yesterday – and carried a letter to him that will resonate with all of us.

[NOTE: Keep Kleenex Handy Alert …]

Although she says she doesn’t remember exactly what she wrote, she does know it made her feel “Happy”.

And no matter who wrote the message, it is assuredly worth sharing:


"Quiero contarte que mi corazon esta triste por el odio y la discriminacion haicia los immigrantes de este pais."

"I want to tell you that my heart is sad about the discrimination of the immigrants in this country."

"[Immigrants] are good people, they work hard in the fields…like my dad, who I barely get to see.  I ask that they stop deporting our parents because we need them to grow and be happy."

"I have hope that this pain will come to peace."

She also drew a picture for Pope Francis with the caption, "My friends and I love each other and the color of our skin is not important."


What a moment for Sophie … and what a pope!


Sep 232015

Today is not only the first full day of Pope Francis – a pope who has taken a stand on so many issues that drives the republicans crazy, so God Bless this pope – on American soil, but there are other significant moments.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur – or Day of Atonement – is the highest holy day of the Jewish year.  It began at sundown yesterday and is marked by fasting for 25 hours.

Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) is the day of repentance, the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. Described as a Shabbat shabbaton (Shabbat of solemn rest) in the Torah, Yom Kippur is a day of fasting, prayer, and reflection. Yom Kippur is the culmination of a period of time during the month of Elul in which Jews are required to take stock of their lives, to ask forgiveness from friends and family, and to take steps toward self-improvement for the year to come.

Since it’s a day of reflection and repentance, it is not appropriate to wish someone a “Happy Yom Kippur”.  The most common greeting is "G'mar Chatima Tovah" – which literally means “A good final sealing”, or idiomatically, “May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good”

You may also wish them a “Tzom kal” – an “easy fast” which began last night at sundown.

To learn more, here’s a pretty comprehensive reference:

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha, the [Islam] Festival of Sacrifice, is observed on from the evening of Sept. 23 to Sept. 24, 2015 in North America. One of two feast festivals celebrated by Muslims, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of the Islamic calendar’s last month, Dhu al-Hijjah.

Eid al-Adha falls within the annual pilgrimage to Mecca known as the hajj. Determining the exact date of Eid al-Adha is a point of contention and some wait for an official announcement from the authorities in Mecca.

The actual date varies depending on your location around the world, because it’s based on the sighting of the moon.  To learn more:

Autumnal Equinox

And today is a day that we can ALL celebrate – the First Day of Fall!  It began at 4:21 AM (ET) – so start warming up your rakes.


(It’s also my neighbor’s Birthday – but you don’t have to do anything special for that one.  But I’m planning on popping a few balloons to celebrate.)



Sep 232015

The four of us who have been working both in front of and behind the scenes (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) share your desire for as much information on TC as possible.  But we respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation by HIPAA to also protect his privacy.  So our information flow will be much more limited than I’m sure we all might like – but also recognize the paramount importance of TC’s privacy.

Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to speak to TC’s nurse – a different one from last week.  I again identified myself as a physician in order to help with communication, but was hampered by my profound hearing deficit (although this time we didn’t have to resort to the “Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.” alphabet to spell out words.)  She was very bubbly and quite chatty.

There is some very good news that she was able to share!  Last time I told you that TC’s renal function, that had been so severely compromised it required medical intervention, was improving as evidenced by lab parameters.

But today I'm glad to tell you that not only have his renal functions continued to improve – but they have gotten so much better that it's no longer needed.  YIPPEE!!

He’s now urinating on his own and the Renal Service that was caring for him is so confident that he has turned the corner that they have actually signed off from seeing him – and it's always great news when fewer doctors need to come to see you!

He’s also being weaned off his sedation to the point that he’s now able to communicate to some degree with the medical staff to questions and commands.

So there’s some very good news, indeed.

However, for all of you in the health care professions, as well as anyone who has been critically ill themselves or had a family member who needed ICU care, know – there will always be bumps on the road to recovery.  Some of them may be anticipated, and some unanticipated.  It’s just the nature of the beast.

But for today, we can all celebrate a very good and encouraging update on TC!

It goes without saying that TC is still in need of our thoughts, prayers or whatever spiritual mode you use to send good vibes to him.

Lynn has graciously offered to serve as the point person to relay cards you would like to send to him.  This is from her earlier post:

A reminder for those wishing to send cards to TC, please address them as follows:

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates

For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):


Sep 222015

I’m channeling my best Rep. Joe Wilson (R-Dumbfukistan) to borrow his “YOU LIE!” scream – only this time it’s True.

We all recall the grisly rant of Carly Fiorina’s (R – Failed CEOs) last Wednesday during the GOP debate.  She, along with the rest of the misogynist republicans, are clearly out to destroy Planned Parenthood – even if it takes outright lies.  So just for a reference record, I want to archive a few Links to document that what Fiorina claims she saw and heard on a video does NOT exist:

“No video has surfaced showing the scene Fiorina describes taking place inside a Planned Parenthood facility.”

“… the scene Fiorina “dares” others to watch is not present in any of the Planned Parenthood videos.”

There is nothing in the videos made by CMP, either in the edited or full-length versions, that has anything approaching images of legs kicking or hearts beating.*

“That video relies solely on the interview and does not include footage to support her claims.”

“But the things Fiorina describes — the legs kicking, the intact "fully formed fetus," the heart beating, the remarks about having to "harvest its brain" — are pure fiction.”

“What she says happens in the Planned Parenthood video simply does not exist and she’s pandering to the extremist element of the Republican Party.”

“… that what she chose to say in that moment is false.”

Take home message to Fiorina:

Given your history, if you REALLY want to destroy Planned Parenthood, you should become its CEO.

Sep 212015

From all the lies packed into last Wednesday’s GOP debate, this mendacity caused my jaw to hit the floor:

JEBYA: “As it relates to my brother, there's one thing I know for sure: He kept us safe.  I don't know if you remember, Donald — you remember the rubble?  You remember the firefighter with his arms around him?  He sent a clear signal that the United States would be strong and fight Islamic terrorism, and he did keep us safe."

And sadly, that whopper got a huge round of applause from the partisan rabble-rousers.

Why, Jebya was so sure of himself he even sent out this Tweet:

I don’t know about you, but I think if you’re standing on a pile of rubble where 3,000 people had just been killed, it would be a YUUUGGE leap of faith to call that “Safe”.  Maybe this Tweet will jog Jebya’s – and all the other mouth-breathers who thinks Dubya's  calendar began on 9/12/01 – memory:

But there’s a great rebuttal ad that will begin airing next week on cable – well worth the 30 seconds it takes to watch …

From the YouTube intro:

Jeb Bush thinks his brother "kept us safe"… but we won't let Jeb rewrite history. Ignoring warnings of terrorists plots by Osama bin Laden, a tragically inept response to Hurricane Katrina, plunging our economy into recession and leading us into a unnecessary war that took the lives of over 4,000 US men and women – just a few examples of how "safe" Jeb's brother kept us.

