The four of us who have been working both in front of and behind the scenes (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) are now glad to add a fifth person who has been very helpful in providing us first-hand information. It’s someone TC has worked with related to his prison program, and she has had the opportunity to actually visit him in the hospital!
We know we still all share your desire for as much information on TC as possible. But we will continue to respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation by HIPAA to also protect his privacy.
I had the good fortune to have a 15 minute discussion with TC’s nurse last night. (I know I’m a tad late sharing the good news – but I have out-of-town guests, so it’s a bit difficult to break free.)
Folks, the good news just keeps coming! TC no longer requires any mechanical assistance with his breathing! He still remains on supplemental oxygen – but he was on O2 for his COPD even prior to his hospitalization. And they have been able to gradually titrate his O2 requirements down! So there has been some very definite and encouraging improvement from his respiratory status.
Additionally, TC is now able to communicate with the medical staff, although not as fully as they or he would like. But they’ll be working on that this week according to the nurse.
In addition to the chaplain being a regular visitor, he’s also had several friends stop by to visit – which is always good for the psyche. In fact Lynn has called hoping to be able to speak to him, but the nurse has said he’s too sedated at the times she’s called. But they are working at weaning him off his pain meds, so down the road maybe …
While I don’t want to be a “Debbie Downer” – I will repeat my caveat from Update #4 that for all of you in the medical profession, as well as anyone who has been critically ill themselves or had a family member who needed ICU care, know – there will always be bumps on the road to recovery. Some of them may be anticipated, and some unanticipated. It’s just the nature of the beast.
But for now, we're able to share some very good news on several fronts!
Lynn has graciously offered to serve as a point source to relay cards you would like to send to him. This is from her earlier post:
A reminder for those wishing to send cards to TC, please address them as follows:
c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place,
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6
For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!
For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates
For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):