
Oct 052015

Okay, so maybe it’s not Bullwinkle himself, but all the moose in Alaska (and unlike goose/geese, the plural of moose is … moose) are in the crosshairs of hunters on hovercrafts.  But more on that later.

As most of us recall, the new term for the Supreme Court begins on the first Monday in October – today!

The docket for this term will most likely not produce the fireworks of last term with rulings we liberals liked, including the 5-4 decision to recognize a constitutional right to marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples, the 6-3 ruling to uphold health insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act and the 5-4 decision to ratify a broad definition of discrimination under the Fair Housing Act.

This year’s docket, marking the start of Chief Justice Roberts’ second decade, is heavily tilted to favor the Roberts-Scalia-Thomas-Alito wing of the Court, with Kennedy casting his customary tie-breaking vote.

And there are no real breath-holding cases … so far.  But there are currently only about 50 petitions, out of about 10,000 submitted, that have been granted cert.  Usually the Court will hear about 80 cases in all, with the final docket not set until January. 

So we’ll begin with the ones that are set.  The case with the largest monetary impact – and one that is based on a ruling from the Civil War era – has been filed by Iran’s central bank (Bank Markazi v. Peterson).

More than 1,300 Americans have already been awarded almost $2 Billion by the courts, in frozen assets held by Iran’s central bank, Markazi, based on claims that the Iranian government sponsored the terrorists’ attacks involved in the 1983 bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut that killed 241 service members and the 1996 Khobar tower bombing in Saudi Arabia.

The legal aspect deals with the Separation of Powers Doctrine. The Court in the 1872 case of United States v. Klein, ruled that under Article III of the Constitution, Congress cannot direct a federal court on how a pending case should be decided.  Bank Markazi contends that Congress did just this with a law passed in 2012 that declared the victims were entitled to the bank’s assets.

A case from Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico v. Valle) deals with the limits of sovereignty with regard to the prohibition on double jeopardy provided for in the Fifth Amendment. 

The Double Jeopardy Clause guarantees that a citizen will not be retried for the same crime. However, this does not protect a citizen from prosecution in both the State and Federal systems for the same action.  And the claim is that Puerto Rico’s sovereignty granted in 1950 allows it to pass its own laws, and thereby precludes it from being subject to the Double Jeopardy Clause of someone already prosecuted under the US federal justice system.

The First Amendment is the focus of Heffernan v. Paterson, N.J.  Hefferman was a police Detective who was seen by a superior picking up a yard sign for his bedridden mother supporting a candidate running against the incumbent mayor.  He neither supported nor campaigned for that candidate, but the supervisor who saw him with the sign demoted him to patrol and assigned him to walk a beat.  He maintains his First Amendment rights were violated by the demotion, but the courts ruled that since he was not supporting that candidate in any manner, he wasn’t exercising any First Amendment rights.

There are two cases that greatly excite conservatives because they deal with public unions and affirmative action in higher education. 

Conservative hope to overturn the 1979 “Fair Share” decision allowing a public employee union (Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association) to collect from non-union members the part of union dues used to represent them in collective bargaining.  It would allow non-union members to become freeloaders to enjoy the gains of winning union benefits while not contributing anything to unions’ pocketbooks.

And in the affirmative action case (Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin), conservatives hope to further limit utilizing race as a factor in admissions.  The U. of Texas has created a hybrid program combining race-neutral and race-conscious factors to achieve diversity. 

An appeals court has actually sustained the hybrid, but a small conservative advocacy group, the Project on Fair Representation, has brought this case forward.

The same right-wing group is mounting a challenge to the Voting Rights Act with Evenwel v. Abbott, which asks the court to address the meaning of “one person, one vote.”

It deals with whether state voting districts should have the same number of people, including undocumented immigrants, children and others not eligible to vote, or the same number of voters.  Allowing states to count only voters would in many parts of the country shift political power from cities to rural areas, to the delight of Republicans.

The court will actually begin where it ended the last term – dealing with the Eighth Amendment and the death penalty.

In the ruling of the last case of the last term Justice Breyer was joined by Justice Bader Ginsburg in a surprising and comprehensive opinion in Glossip v. Gross, which announced that both Justices now “believe it highly likely that the death penalty violates the Eighth Amendment.” 

There are currently FIVE cases involving the Eighth Amendment as pertains to the death penalty on the docket, so we'll see if Justice Alito is correct when he said there’s a “guerilla war against the death penalty,” which prompted Justice Sonia Sotomayor to fire back that supporters of the death penalty would be content to allow condemned inmates to be burned alive.

To further heat things up, the court, which hasn’t heard an abortion case since upholding the Partial Birth Abortion Act in 2007, will likely hear a challenge to a Texas law (Whole Woman’s Health Center v. Cole) which would reduce the number of clinics providing abortion services from more than 40 to less than 10. 

The state law requires all clinics to meet the criteria for “ambulatory surgical centers” and all its physicians having admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.  Standards few clinics currently have – or are deemed necessary by the medical community.

So this court, which “The New York Times” has called “the first in history split along partisan lines” and as a consequence “has generated more marquee decisions divided by party alignment than all other courts combined” will likely hand down that decision in June, 2016. 

Such a divisive and volatile ruling will thus land in the middle of the presidential race.  Emphasizing, yet again, the need to GOTV – “Get Out the VOTE!” – because the next president will likely have the responsibility to fill several anticipated vacancies, given the ages of several justices.

Oh, yeah … Bullwinkle.  Let’s end on a lighter note.  Well, the moose and his brethren are following Sturgeon v. Masica very closely.

Plaintiff John Sturgeon has been going on his annual moose hunting (and beer swilling) trips with his hovercraft on the Yukon River and its tributaries for years.  But in 2007 he was stopped by National Park Service agents who told him the vehicle was banned in waters inside the national preserve.  So he did what any proud gun-toting, moose-killing, hovercraft-hunter would do – he immediately pulled out his satellite phone to call his lawyer.

The question is whether the federal government is allowed to enforce federal rules pertaining to federal navigable waters in federally operated National Parks.  Now you would think this is pretty clear cut, but apparently you would be wrong.

So far Sturgeon has lost at every stage.  But he now gets to plead his case before SCOTUS, armed with amicus briefs from Sarah Palin’s state of Alaska as well as a hunting rights group, Safari Club International. 

We can all recall how Cecil the Lion fared against the Minnesota dentist.  So heads up, Bullwinkle – or maybe heads down – because you’re in the hovercraft hunters’ crosshairs!


Multiple Sources:


Oct 022015

The four of us who have been working both in front of and behind the scenes (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) are now glad to provide some good news out of Oregon, rather than the disheartening news of yet another mass shooting massacre.

I’ll begin with our routine Disclaimer: We share your desire for as much information on TC as possible.  But we will continue to respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation as directed by HIPAA guidelines to also protect his privacy. 

I had the good fortune to speak with the Nurse Case Manager overseeing his care at the hospital TC is currently staying.  Last time I spoke with the nurse taking care of TC it was their feeling then that he most likely would be able to be transferred to a less intense facility in about two weeks.

But TC has made such progress that they now hope to transfer him in the next 2-5 days!

The next step-up facility is specifically designed to provide multiple therapy modalities that he will require on a longer term basis, but still relatively close to home.

This is most assuredly the direction we were all hoping for – so some good news to brighten an otherwise depressing news day.

We still need to gird ourselves for the bumps in the road that are typical in complicated medical cases.  And keep those cards and letters coming, addressed as follows …

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates

For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):


Oct 012015

Rep. Jud McMillin, a rising star in the Indiana Repubican Party, abruptly resigned on Tuesday because of a sex video “starring” him was sent from his cellphone, which he says was stolen in Canada.

The Indianapolis Star has learned that the surprise resignation came after a sexually explicit video was sent via text message from McMillin's cellphone.

McMillin said in a text message last week, “My phone was stolen in Canada and out of my control for about 24 hours.  I have just been able to reactivate it under my control. Please disregard any messages you received recently. I am truly sorry for anything offensive you may have received.

And the schaden doesn’t get much more freude than with this bit of irony:

Unfortunately for McMillin, it’s perfectly legal for someone to distribute a pornographic video of him without his consent. That’s because, as a member of the House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code, McMillin helped block a bill that would criminalize revenge porn in Indiana.

The exact acts depicted in the video remain unclear, although the Indianapolis Business Journal reports that McMillin is definitely the tape’s feature player. But according to McMillin’s apologetic mass-text to his phone contacts, he didn’t hit the send button.

And it’s not the first time his sexual proclivity has led to his resignation:

In 2005, his career as an assistant county prosecutor in Ohio came to an end amid questions about his sexual conduct. He admitted to a relationship with the complainant in a domestic violence case he was prosecuting, but he insisted the relationship began after he stepped off the case, according to the Dayton Daily News. He resigned a week after he stopped working on the case.

So as a Rethuglican, who do you blame if you have an affair?  Blame Canada!

So as a Rethuglican, who do you blame if you decide to videotape having sex with her on your cellphone?  Blame Canada!

So as a Rethuglican, who do you blame if that sex tape is sent out en masse from your own cellphone?  Blame Canada!

Oh, and you may need a bit of help translating his “resignation apology”.

"I have decided the time is right for me to pass the torch," said McMillin, a married father of four. "Now I want to focus all of my attention on making my family's world a better place."

Forget his wanting to spend more time with his family.  He really wants to spend more time with his cellphone!


Sep 282015

The four of us who have been working both in front of and behind the scenes (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) are now glad to add a fifth person who has been very helpful in providing us first-hand information.  It’s someone TC has worked with related to his prison program, and she has had the opportunity to actually visit him in the hospital!

We know we still all share your desire for as much information on TC as possible.  But we will continue to respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation by HIPAA to also protect his privacy. 

I had the good fortune to have a 15 minute discussion with TC’s nurse last night.  (I know I’m a tad late sharing the good news – but I  have out-of-town guests, so it’s a bit difficult to break free.)

Folks, the good news just keeps coming!  TC no longer requires any mechanical assistance with his breathing!  He still remains on supplemental oxygen – but he was on O2 for his COPD even prior to his hospitalization.  And they have been able to gradually titrate his O2 requirements down!  So there has been some very definite and encouraging improvement from his respiratory status.

Additionally, TC is now able to communicate with the medical staff, although not as fully as they or he would like.  But they’ll be working on that this week according to the nurse.

In addition to the chaplain being a regular visitor, he’s also had several friends stop by to visit – which is always good for the psyche.  In fact Lynn has called hoping to be able to speak to him, but the nurse has said he’s too sedated at the times she’s called.  But they are working at weaning him off his pain meds, so down the road maybe …

While I don’t want to be a “Debbie Downer” – I will repeat my caveat from Update #4 that for all of you in the medical profession, as well as anyone who has been critically ill themselves or had a family member who needed ICU care, know – there will always be bumps on the road to recovery.  Some of them may be anticipated, and some unanticipated.  It’s just the nature of the beast.

But for now, we're able to share some very good news on several fronts!

Lynn has graciously offered to serve as a point source to relay cards you would like to send to him.  This is from her earlier post:

A reminder for those wishing to send cards to TC, please address them as follows:

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates

For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):

Sep 262015

We Democrats have just saved a ton of money earmarked for Ex-Lax and enemas.  The party can celebrate the YUUUGGE dump it just took by finally passing this:


Yep – Kim Davis, who has steadfastly refused to do the job she was elected AND took an oath to do, has decided to switch parties and become a republican!

Can I get a “HALLELUJAH!”?

Some are speculating that she’ll resign and hop on the welfare wagon train of the GOP party – while others are saying she’s way past her “Best By …” date, and will simply fade away.

But what I want to know is if anyone has ever seen Kim Davis and Dick Cheney in the SAME room at the SAME time.  I mean, come on – it's spooky …


Sep 252015

We’re definitely enjoying how the GOP is worried sick about dealing with all the Frankenstein monster candidates they have created – but none more so than the Koch brothers.

The Kochs are beside themselves with anxiety, having their own Frankenstein, Scott Walker, drop out of the race.  But fear not – for they have a “Plan B”

They want to create a NEW IMPROVED Frankenstein by deviously stitching together the parts of Marco Rubio that they like with the parts of Jebya! Bush that they like.  They’re ecstatic with the political results! 

BUT they got a YUUUGGE problem with the name they’re going to end up with …


Sep 242015

Luke 18:16 (KJV)

But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.



Please meet 5 y/o Sophia Cruz from La Señora Reina de Los Angeles Church in Los Angeles.  Sophie was blessed to have a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with Pope Francis yesterday – and carried a letter to him that will resonate with all of us.

[NOTE: Keep Kleenex Handy Alert …]

Although she says she doesn’t remember exactly what she wrote, she does know it made her feel “Happy”.

And no matter who wrote the message, it is assuredly worth sharing:


"Quiero contarte que mi corazon esta triste por el odio y la discriminacion haicia los immigrantes de este pais."

"I want to tell you that my heart is sad about the discrimination of the immigrants in this country."

"[Immigrants] are good people, they work hard in the fields…like my dad, who I barely get to see.  I ask that they stop deporting our parents because we need them to grow and be happy."

"I have hope that this pain will come to peace."

She also drew a picture for Pope Francis with the caption, "My friends and I love each other and the color of our skin is not important."


What a moment for Sophie … and what a pope!


Sep 232015

Today is not only the first full day of Pope Francis – a pope who has taken a stand on so many issues that drives the republicans crazy, so God Bless this pope – on American soil, but there are other significant moments.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur – or Day of Atonement – is the highest holy day of the Jewish year.  It began at sundown yesterday and is marked by fasting for 25 hours.

Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) is the day of repentance, the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. Described as a Shabbat shabbaton (Shabbat of solemn rest) in the Torah, Yom Kippur is a day of fasting, prayer, and reflection. Yom Kippur is the culmination of a period of time during the month of Elul in which Jews are required to take stock of their lives, to ask forgiveness from friends and family, and to take steps toward self-improvement for the year to come.

Since it’s a day of reflection and repentance, it is not appropriate to wish someone a “Happy Yom Kippur”.  The most common greeting is "G'mar Chatima Tovah" – which literally means “A good final sealing”, or idiomatically, “May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good”

You may also wish them a “Tzom kal” – an “easy fast” which began last night at sundown.

To learn more, here’s a pretty comprehensive reference:

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha, the [Islam] Festival of Sacrifice, is observed on from the evening of Sept. 23 to Sept. 24, 2015 in North America. One of two feast festivals celebrated by Muslims, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of the Islamic calendar’s last month, Dhu al-Hijjah.

Eid al-Adha falls within the annual pilgrimage to Mecca known as the hajj. Determining the exact date of Eid al-Adha is a point of contention and some wait for an official announcement from the authorities in Mecca.

The actual date varies depending on your location around the world, because it’s based on the sighting of the moon.  To learn more:

Autumnal Equinox

And today is a day that we can ALL celebrate – the First Day of Fall!  It began at 4:21 AM (ET) – so start warming up your rakes.


(It’s also my neighbor’s Birthday – but you don’t have to do anything special for that one.  But I’m planning on popping a few balloons to celebrate.)


