
Oct 162015


What better way to begin an overview of the splendors of autumn than with … well, an overview of the vast now no-longer verdant vegetation of the vales and vistas of Vermont?

NOTE: The Drone Video Is Best Viewed FULL SCREEN

Remind Me Again Why the Leaves Change Color

Most of us have a vague recollection of learning why leaves change color in the fall from our school days.  But let’s do a quick recap.

To begin with, Jack Frost can stop taking all his bows, because it’s not his handiwork. 

Trees, like the rest of, like to eat.  But unlike you or me, they are able to manufacture their own food.  This process takes place in the leaves in cells filled with chlorophyll via photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment that we all associate with leaf color.  It plays a crucial role in using the energy from the sun to convert the water from the tree’s roots and carbon dioxide [CO2] from the air into sugars and starches that feed the tree, and as a by-product gives off oxygen [O2].


But sitting right along with chlorophyll in the leaves’ cells are several other chemicals, including carotene and xanthophyll which you see in the orange color in carrots and yellow in corn.  They’ve been there all summer working just as hard as the green chlorophyll.

But in autumn when the days get shorter and the temperatures cool off, the production of chlorophyll begins to slow down, then breaks down and disappears.  So now it’s the time for the oranges and yellows of carotene and xanthophyll to be noticed and take center stage.  They were there the whole time – just masked by the green chlorophyll.

But some colors – viz., the reds and purples particularly associated with maples and sumacs – have NOT been hidden all summer long.  They’re being made de novo.  The sugars made late in summer or early fall, particularly with warm, sunny days, are chemically converted at that time of year to anthocyanins.

And the fact that the reds and purples of anthocyanins require bright sunshine is the reason that some trees are two-toned, with leaves at the top and outside a gorgeous red or purple, while inner and lower leaves deprived of all that sunshine display the more common yellows and oranges.

At the very end, I’ll post some solid Links with information used in putting this together that have more details, along with maps showing locations near you to enjoy Autumn’s Kaleidoscopic Color Show.

But let’s enjoy some of my favorite photos of the fantasia of fall …














Falling-Leaves_Autumn_Dog- Nose




Oct 142015


The two big winners in general were “We, the People” and specifically, the Democratic Party.

While it seems the pundits have pretty much declared Hillary Clinton the winner, the bigger take-home is the stark difference in comparing the GOP Clown Car Carnivals to last night’s debate among serious adults discussing serious matters in an adult and civil way.  It was like a breath of fresh air!

I think Sec. Clinton, Sen. Sanders and Gov. O’Malley all acquitted themselves admirably.  But even with Chafee and Webb up on the stage, the average IQ was a good 30 to 40 points higher than with the GOP debates … at least!

And although there was no moment like Lloyd Bentsen telling little Danny Quayle,

“Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.”

… Or Pres. Obama to Romney,

Please proceed, governor.”

We were treated to the most memorable quote of the night when Sen. Sanders came to Hillary’s defense over BENGHAZI with

“Let me say something that may not be great politics, but I think the secretary is right — and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails,” Mr. Sanders said to cheers and a standing ovation from the Democratic audience.


[NOTE to Hillary: You owe him one!]

And Hillary gave the best one-word answer of the evening with a simple and gracious, “No.”

After Clinton and Sanders both agreed that the email scandal had become a sideshow, Chafee challenged Clinton on the email issue, saying the highest ethical standards should be a prerequisite for the next president. Next, Cooper turned to Clinton.

"Secretary do you want to respond?" Cooper asked.

"No," Clinton responded.

The audience cheered loudly.


Last night’s performance has most likely closed any doors of entry for Joe Biden tossing his hat into the ring – but you never know.

So without getting into the weeds, what were your take-home thoughts from last night?

Oct 132015

Let me preface this by saying that, despite all appearances, this is not – NOT – snark!

Just in case it slipped under your radar, no doubt you’ll want to learn about Jennifer Connell.  She’s an HR manager who lives in Manhattan who sued her now 12 y/o nephew for $127,000 for an “exuberant hug” he gave her at his Birthday party when he turned 8 y/o.


The defendant, Sean Tarala, had just gotten his first two-wheeler as a Birthday present, and was excitedly riding around when Aunt Jen arrived to share in the festivities.  From testimony at trial, when Sean spotted Connell, the excited boy dropped the brand new bicycle to the ground, exclaiming, “Auntie Jen, Auntie Jen.”


“All of a sudden he was there in the air, I had to catch him and we tumbled onto the ground,”

“I remember him shouting, ‘Auntie Jen I love you,’ and there he was flying at me.”

She did suffer a broken wrist in the fall, but she told the jury she didn’t say anything at the time because “It was his birthday party and I didn’t want to upset him.” 

But later, she apparently had some serious second thoughts – at least according to the pleadings of her lawsuit:

“The injuries, losses and harms to the plaintiff were caused by the negligence and carelessness of the minor defendant in that a reasonable eight years old under those circumstances would know or should have known that a forceful greeting such as the one delivered by the defendant to the plaintiff could cause the harms and losses suffered by the plaintiff.”

And to buttress her request for $127,000 in damages, according to her testimony, it has severely hampered her social life:

“I was at a party recently, and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvre plate.”

Fortunately the six-member Superior Court jury found that Sean was not liable.  AND it took them only 20 minutes to reach a verdict!

Auntie Jen gets ZERO!


To add another layer of sorrow, Sean’s Mother passed away last year – but she was aware of the lawsuit which had already been filed.  He was in court with his father, Michael Tarala, for the trial, and “appeared confused,” according to the Connecticut Post.

Perhaps wisely, Jen Connell “pleaded with judicial marshals to escort her to her car through a throng of media waiting outside the Main Street courthouse.”

… “I remember him shouting, ‘Auntie Jen I love you!’

It’s probably a safe bet that Auntie Jen will never hear those words again from Sean.

Oct 122015

If you forgot and tried to go to most banks today, you were quickly reminded it’s Columbus Day.  No doubt it brought back grade school memories of singing:


In fourteen hundred ninety-two,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He had three ships and left from Spain.

He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.

On those lyrics all Americans can agree.  After that, the story in song – and in deed – quickly diverges from facts to some pretty amazing myth.

Congress set aside the second Monday of October as a federal holiday honoring Columbus since 1934.  But Native Americans are slowly winning more recognition to transform it to Indigenous Peoples Day.

Back in 1990, South Dakota voted to rename Columbus Day to Native American Day.  And a number of cities, let by Berkeley, California since 1992, have succeeded in renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day.  That list now also includes Seattle, Minneapolis, Albuquerque, Lawrence KS, Portland OR, Olympia WA, St. Paul and a few others.



Clearly this is a controversial issue with those wanting to honor Columbus and those wanting to recognize the history of Native Americans having valid points.  I would hope that there’s enough Solomon-like wisdom among us that we can reach a fair compromise recognizing both cultures’ contributions.

So what are your thoughts?

This one has an even-handed look at the historical background of Columbus Day:

And for more background reading and resources used for this short post: [MAP GRAPHIC – for a larger view]


Oct 112015

Okay, so it’ll be a tad more than 2,000 words – I just renewed my “Poetic License”.

The graphics are from the weekend edition of a well-researched article in “The New York Times” titled “The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election”.

They are overwhelmingly white, rich, older and male, in a nation that is being remade by the young, by women, and by black and brown voters. Across a sprawling country, they reside in an archipelago of wealth….

Now they are deploying their vast wealth in the political arena, providing almost half of all the seed money raised to support Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Just 158 families, along with companies they own or control, contributed $176 million in the first phase of the campaign….

But regardless of [the] industry, the families investing the most in presidential politics overwhelmingly lean right, contributing tens of millions of dollars to support Republican candidates who have pledged to pare regulations; cut taxes on income, capital gains and inheritances; and shrink entitlement programs.

The online article opens with a compelling, dramatic graphic that as you scroll down automatically zooms into the tippy top of the pile.  Not sure how they did it, because it’s not a GIF or flash, but I was immediately impressed!

And to enjoy the full impact, you really should view it online from the link above.  The entire article is well-worth the read, but here is their "Cliffs Notes" version as a 2,000 word essay.

Oh, and … Thanks, Citizens United!




Some Fun for Friday!

 Posted by at 2:08 pm  Politics
Oct 092015

Just a quicky one of "Cat Attacks!"

I've read from several sources that the notorious "Cat Butt Wiggle" prior to the pounce is to warm up their muscles, and make sure they have good footing for the pounce.  Kind of like a track star setting his/her feet in the blocks.

Anyone have any other ideas?

Oct 082015

The up-and-coming GOP star, Ben Carson, got embroiled in a heap of self-inflicted umbrage when he heartlessly berated the dead victims of the recent Oregon killings for not defending themselves like HE would.  His words:

CARSON: “I would not just stand there and let him shoot me”

He even felt obliged to gratuitously add his “staunch defense” of the NRA:

CARSON: “I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away”

[Well, of course!  I mean who among us wouldn't prefer that the US look more like Afghanistan or Iraq than like Sweden, Norway or Denmark?]

Well, as the adage goes – talk is cheap. 

Carson today tells the story how he was personally accosted by a gun-toting burglar.  And his admitted response is priceless – and led to some great Twitter rejoinders.

CARSON: "I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeyes in Baltimore.

"[A] guy comes in, puts the gun in my ribs.  And I just said,

'I believe you want the guy behind the counter.'"

Well, now there's a model of heroic bravery … NOT!

Like the Twitter universe, I’m going with “The Cowardly Lion!”


Oct 072015

And the good news from the four of us (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) just keeps rolling along.

I’ll begin with our routine Disclaimer: We share your desire for as much information on TC as possible.  But we will continue to respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation as directed by HIPAA guidelines to also protect his privacy. 

Today I had the chance to speak with his nurse at his NEW LOCATION!

Yep, TC had a successful transfer over the weekend and is now in the process of settling in at his new (hopefully fairly short-term) abode!  He’s continuing multiple therapy regimens – ones that anyone would anticipate after facing several very major medical problems.

The new nurse was very pleasant, but more circumspect than the ones at the previous hospitals, with whom I had the chance to speak with on multiple occasions.  She was clearly intent on protecting his privacy – which is only appropriate (just frustrating for someone snoopy like myself).  But she did a good job in the regard, so I really don’t have much more to share, other than he’s settling in and working on getting better.

None of us are “designated contacts” which allows medical personnel to provide a fuller update – so we’ll have to wait and see what we can learn from some friends in the Portland area who are and have had the chance to visit him at his previous institutions.  They have been kind enough to share updates with us in the past; but so far, according to the nurse today, they’ve not had the chance to get to the new location yet.

So we’re all glad to see that he’s continuing to make progress, and ask you to keep him in your thoughts and prayers – AND keep those cards and letters coming, addressed as follows …

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates

For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):

