
Oct 302015

OK, so we’re jumping the gun by a day – but I want to give a YUUUGGGEEE H/T to Joanne, Judi and Lynn who came up with the idea of a Halloween themed “Friday Fun”.  They shared tons of pictures to inspire me, some of which you’ll enjoy below.  Thanks!

To set the proper Halloween mood, you’d naturally expect to start out with something like a spooky old house, and throw in some lightning …


But how’s this for something truly scary?


(Didn't really even need the skeletal animation to be scary, did it?)

Now that we got you in the proper frightened frame of focus, we’ll begin with some Halloween puns – because what better way to get the GROANS going than a pun? 

What’s a haunted chicken?

 A poultry-geist

How did the Great Pumpkin fix the hole in his pants?

 With a pumpkin patch

What does a ghost eat for lunch?

 A BOO-logna sandwich

What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?


Why wasn’t there any food left after the monster party?

 Because everyone was a goblin!

What kind of monster is safe to put in the washing machine?

 A wash-and-wear wolf

What kind of protozoa likes Halloween?

 An amoeboo

And my favorite …

What do you get when you divide the diameter of a jack-o-lantern by its circumference?

 Pumpkin Pi

Get it?  Pie … pi …

*sigh*  Geez … Do I have to draw a picture for you guys?


Now let’s enjoy some costumed cats …





Well, of course dogs can be cute in Halloween costumes, too.  (Just not AS cute as cats)

(These dogs must be from Minnesota or Wisconsin – given that it’s apparently snowing.)

If you want to see how the super-rich “One Percenters” of New York decorate their manses for the holiday …


“The New York Times” put together a slideshow of some of the better ones – from the most expensive zip codes in the city.  (Don't know if slideshows embed – so just click the URL)

To put a smile on your face, I think you’ll be “sucked up” by this “dirty” parody of “The Exorcist”.  (It’s a minute and a half long, but I certainly didn’t see the punchline coming – and well worth it!  Give it a click …)

So when you get ready for some Trick or Treaters


And whether you dress your kids up cute …


(Ahhhhh ….)

Or dress your critters up scary …


Take extra care of yourselves, be safe and do NOT party too much or you might just not be able to navigate properly …




Oct 292015

This will be an easy-peasy – and very SHORT – post.  (So if one of you other guys did an in-depth one, my apologies.)

Borrowing from the bigger story going on of World Series baseball, with my Kansas City Royals being in the processing of winning the World Series, let’s start with “You can’t know the players without a scorecard …”


So, Who WERE the Winners and Losers?


You … if you missed watching the thing and tuned into the World Series game instead!


America – if this is the best the GOP can muster

One of the few important things coming out of the debate is the fact that Donald Trump has decided to get even edgier than he has been, and changed his logo …


As for me?  I was a WINNER!  I spent my time watching the KC Royals notch another win!


Oct 272015

My hat is definitely off to all the work TomCat (and recently, Lynn) do in putting together the “Open Thread” post.  It definitely has a learning curve to it – and unfortunately mine is not a steep line up.  In fact mine barely rises above the x-axis.

Lynn and I decided we should post a Poll for Halloween (more on that below) – and TC gave us the powers to do it … sort of.

“It’s easy,” he says.  “It’ll be fun,” he says.  “A piece of cake,” he says.  All you do is go to the separate plugin website to create the Poll – and don’t forget to copy the HTML Code.  (Not too bad)  Then head over to WordPress and simply plop that old HTML Code in the Widget in the right Sidebar.  

Yeah, well GOOD LUCK trying to find where the damn Widgets are hidden so they can even be accessed.  And even better luck in finding which Widget is the one you’re supposed to use – because NONE of them are labeled “Poll”.  And after you do finally find it, then try re-positioning the thing so it actually appears somewhere visible … and without accidentally deleting any of the ones that are already there.  ARRRGGGHHH!!!

[Note to Lynn: If you think I’m going to deprive you of the joy of mastering THAT learning curve, you got another think coming!  ;-)]

At any rate, that’s why the “Open Thread” is up later and lighter than I had planned.




Since I don’t do the puzzles, Lynn is kindly sending me her times with the Link.

Today’s Puzzle took Lynn 3:28 (average 5:36). To do it, click here. How did you do? Looks like someone lost their balls!

[NOTE: She actually emailed me that phrase: “Looks like someone lost their balls!” 

I wantI think I deserve … I DEMAND some extra credit for heroic discretion by NOT adding any double entendre comments to a setup line like THAT.  I mean my tongue is practically bitten off from passing up that teaser!]






Now that I have your attention, please gaze to the right to find a new Poll.  (At least I hope I finally got it positioned to the right.)

To help get us in the mood for Halloween, we want you to select the best “Horror Movie” of all time.

Please note that this is a broad category – and not just limited to “slasher movies”.  Two additional notes:

[1] You can vote for MORE than one movie (I think, assuming I got the HTML coded correctly)

[2] And of course you can vote for “You Name It …” – and please voice your opinion in the comments.


Trump Whines about His “Hard Life” & Dad’s Measly MILLION DOLLAR LOAN


You just can’t learn this kind of ability to bond with the common man that The Donald displayed during an interview on the Today Show with Matt Lauer yesterday:


“My whole life really has been a ‘no’ and I fought through it. It has not been easy for me … it has not been easy for me.  I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.”


Well, one does have to admire his fortitude.  After all, to start out in life as a humble millionaire with all the other silver spoon disadvantages he had to face, courtesy of his Poppy … I mean it’s a miracle he’s still alive today.

Oh, BTW – that $1,000,000.00 he got back in 1970 or so … it’d be worth over SIX MILLION in today’s dollars.

And since it was Daddy’s money, it was probably the last (and only) loan Trump ever repaid.


Amtrak Renews Chris Christie “Loud-Mouth Credentials” When Booted Off the Quiet Car

Well, it’s not the first time Christie’s mouth has gotten him to trouble – and probably won’t be the last.

While slurping down a strawberry smoothie, Christie boarded the Acela train from Washington to New York while loudly berating his henchmen when he landed in the notorious (and “we-ain’t-kidding”) Quiet Car.  He continued in his boisterous manner while also making phone calls – a big no-no.

Finally the conductor told him he was violently the Quiet Car’s cardinal rule, and he’d either have to cut it out or move to another car.  And to his credit, he realized his error and headed to (where else?) … the Café Car!

In his defense, it’s clear that Christie didn’t realize he was climbing into the Quiet Car – pretty sure he thought it was the Clown Car.


Jon Stewart and Wife Open an Animal Farm Rescue Sanctuary

Jon and his wife, Tracey, who is a veterinarian, have decided to convert their New Jersey farm, Bufflehead, into a sanctuary for neglected and abused animals.  They’ll work with Farm Sanctuary, an organization devoted to ending inhumane farming practices.

And according to the New York Times, their farm already is home to four pigs – two of which were rescued from the side of the road in Georgia.

(There apparently is NO truth to the rumor circulating that at least one of the other pigs was recently rescued from an New York bound Amtrak train with remnants of a strawberry smoothie on his snout.)


Sorry about it being later than I wanted to get it out – but I had such a “delightful time” trying to learn how to put a Poll together … on my own … for hours … and hours.

I’m now going to take a little catnap, so “Please Do Not Disturb”


Oct 242015

Today I’m filling in for a fellow filler-inner, as Lynn is unfortunately felled with the flu.  Me?  I’m feeling fit as a fiddle … for now.


I don’t do the puzzles, but Lynn was kind enough to send me the Link to today’s jigsaw.  It took her 3:16, and the average is 5:19.  (If I did them, my times would be measured in hours … or maybe even DAYS!)  But you nimble-fingered folks can do it here …




The lead story on all the news channels this morning has been the monster storm, Hurricane Patricia.  And on that front (no pun intended), there’s some good news from the Weather Channel site:

Former Hurricane Patricia was downgraded to a tropical storm Saturday morning just 13 hours after becoming the strongest hurricane ever known to make landfall on the Pacific coast of Mexico.

But still there will be people in dire need of help, so here are a few reputable donation sites – and feel free to add any more you’re familiar with:


Fresh off her 11-hour grueling marathon grilling by Trey Gowdy and his band of ___________ (since this is a family-friendly site, I’ll let YOU fill-in the blank), Hillary Clinton sat down with Rachel Maddow for a wide-ranging and informative interview last night.  And it wasn’t just about the Benghazi hearing – it covered issues from the Middle East to veterans to her husband’s (“Big Dog”) record.  Since WordPress doesn't permit MSNBC embeds, you can read about it AND watch it here …

And for those of us with hearing impairment, the transcript is here …


We learned that Jeb!’s campaign is not doing well – in either poll numbers or raising money – so he is cutting way back … on EVERYTHING!

Bush's advisers, under pressure from their donors and from falling and stagnant poll numbers, came to the conclusion that a course correction was essential.  Jeb! … cut payroll by 40 percent and … also cutting back 45 percent of its budget.

Word is out that in order to save some advertising dollars, Jeb has revamped his logo:

Jeb! becomes Jeb

And for our Spanish-speaking friends:

¡Jeb! beomces Jeb

Personally, I would have gone with one of these:


OR maybe even more apropos …



Man, I am SOOO going miss having Pres. Obama around.  Especially now that it’s clear that he just does NOT have any more “gucks to five”.

“Why is it that Republican politicians are so down on America? Have you noticed that? I mean they are, they are gloomy. They’re like Grumpy Cat,” Pres. Obama said Friday as he made a Grumpy Cat face. “Everything’s terrible according to them. ‘We’re doomed!’

“It’s like the twilight zone and according to their story, their narrative, everything was terrific back in 2008 when unemployment was skyrocketing and uninsured rates were rising and folks were losing their homes and their jobs and we were engaged in two wars and Bin Laden was still at large,” he said. “If you were listening to them, those were like the good old days, the golden years and then I came in and the Democrats came in — but according to them, that’s when everything all went to heck.”



And if you didn’t believe that the GOP is obsessed with Hillary and BENGHAZI, I think these charts will quickly disabuse you of that notion.  And you can read the details at ThinkProgress.

(Sorry – forgot where I got the third one)





Since I’m just filling in for a fellow filler-inner, I have found a fitting Tag for the final fling …

So I’ll just thank Trey Gowdy et al for allowing me to close with a snapshot of Hillary sending a text to Trey following that old Proverb, “She who laughs last, laughs longest”


Oct 232015

Let’s begin by stipulating that the words “Benghazi” and “fun” should probably not appear in the same sentence.  We lost four citizens who were devoted to public service, and they will be missed.  And there’s no doubt that sitting through the grueling 11 hours of GOP reps asking hard questions attempting to destroy her was no fun for Hillary.  But she did a stellar job!

So let’s begin our pictorial odyssey with a quiz:

Based on the picture below of Chair Trey Gowdy (Chief Investi-Hater), do you think he was covered in …


[1] Baby Oil

[2] Pam Spray

[3] Flop Sweat

Shot of the Rethuglicans on the committee Witch Hunt warming up to do battle


And when Rep. Roskam (R-IL) repeatedly and rudely commented that “I'm just giving you the courtesy of reading your notes” – Hillary, realizing she had nothing to hide, decided to return the favor and share her notes with him …


Hillary’s cool command of the facts – even when, as she noted, they didn’t fit the narrative the Repubes wanted, made me think she was channeling Pres. Obama.




It wasn’t very long before this split-screen became a good summary of the difference on how it was going for the Rethuglicans and Hillary


It was such an abysmal performance by Gowdy and his henchmen that, as the saying goes, every contest has a winner and a loser.  Take a guess who’s who from this post-hearing candid photo …


The following headlines raise the only REAL lQUESTION eft …


Will Hillary have to declare the $4.7 MILLION the republicans have wasted on this Witch Hunt as a Campaign Contribution?

Let's enjoy a few more headlines …






For posterity, we’d be remiss without visiting what a few of the MSM pundits had to say about the day:

The pointless grilling of Mrs. Clinton, who fielded a barrage of questions that have long been answered and settled, served only to embarrass the Republican lawmakers who have spent millions of dollars on a political crusade. In recent days, some prominent Republicans have even admitted as much.

With Gowdy’s committee under fire for its motives, he and the Republican majority appeared chastened during the hearing, mostly refraining from slamming Clinton. But after 11 hours, they appeared unable to point to specific gains from the day.

The “get Hillary” committee did not get Hillary.

The House Benghazi committee — dubbed a “get Hillary” effort by Democrats who opposed its creation — brought out precious little new information and no major political missteps by the former secretary of state, who happens to be running for president.

The newslessness of the hearing was a triumph for Clinton. There was no negative sound bite from her. No acknowledgement of error. No moment of real weakness or confusion about the events that unfolded on Sept. 11-12, 2012.  The hearing was, in a word, boring. And that's exactly what Clinton wanted.

When this began, conventional wisdom was that Hillary had to survive the scrutiny. That at best, this would be a wash. Toward the end, however, that wisdom changed. “Unless something happens,” wrote conservative columnist Matt Lewis on Twitter, “it’s starting to look like Hillary Clinton won’t merely survive this hearing—she will have come out on top.”

Republicans will kick themselves for dragging Hillary Clinton before the House Benghazi committee Thursday.

So while Trey et al may still be screaming, “Benghazi!  BENGHAZI!!  BENGHAZI!!!” I think Hillary is saying …




Oct 222015

Before the serious stuff starts today, I thought we should have a little fun at Trey Gowdy’s expense.  Lord knows he’s caused enough trouble investi-hating Hillary ["investi-hating" is NOT mine – stolen, but will repeatedly use!] with his “Benghazi Inquisition”.

Since neither Lynn nor I can create a Poll, we’ll just have to do it as an “In-Comment Vote” for you to decide from whom Trey Gowdy was separated at birth:


Draco Malfoy

… The cowardly bully in the "Harry Potter" series




The Banjo-playing Boy

… The talented savant in “Deliverance”



We can rest assured that the Rethuglicans sole intent today will be to ferret out answers to the tragedy at Benghazi.

After all, as Monty Python so aptly noted, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”.

Oct 202015

Congrats to Canada!  (Sorry to steal your thunder, Lynn – but I could NOT resist the picture!)



OTTAWA — The nine-year reign of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party came to a sudden and stunning end on Monday night at the hands of Justin Trudeau, the young leader of the Liberal Party.

Starting with a sweep of the Atlantic provinces, the Liberals capitalized on what many Canadians saw as Mr. Harper’s heavy-handed style, and the party went on to capture 184 of the 338 seats in the next House of Commons. The unexpected rout occurred 47 years after Mr. Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, first swept to power.


Canada’s general elections have concluded with a landslide win for the Liberal Party and their leader, Justin Trudeau, ending the almost 10-year-rule of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Oct 192015

And the good news from the four of us (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) continues to roll along.

We’re able to post another very good update combining input from phone calls and a visit by a close friend of his, who has been very kind in keeping the info flowing to us.

Paradoxically, one of the most encouraging signs in recovery is when the patient actually starts to complain.  So we can conclude that TC is definitely on the road to recovery!  It may not be full-throated, but he is voicing his druthers to the staff.

He’s also now taking solid sustenance PO (per os – by mouth), as he’s lost his NG (naso-gastric) tube.  While the food may not be as solid as he would like, it is a solid step in the right direction. 

(Word has gotten out, and apparently the nursing staff has BANNED anyone from sneaking in any of TC’s infamous bean concoctions from his freezer.  They’re worried that the “end” results might set off all the smoke alarms!  And who can blame them?)

Good News / Bad News: He does have his laptop back now.  But apparently while being stored away it developed some type of glitch, so it’s not up and running … yet.  Hopefully he’ll get a geek-head to fix the bugs.

Some just straight good news – the visitor was able to snap a candid shot of TC on Sunday while enjoying watching his beloved Broncos.  (She said the beer in the picture is hers, because TC doesn’t drink, I don’t think).


So we’re all glad to see that he’s continuing to make progress, and ask you to keep him in your thoughts and prayers – AND keep those cards and letters coming, addressed as follows …

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

